The Unsinkable Ship (Jerrie F...

Da Rebelix_Rose

4.5K 147 21

A story of two-class-crossed lovers who meet aboard the disaster-bound ship, fall in love, and then struggle... Altro

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Author's Note
Author's Note II
Author's Note III


138 5 0
Da Rebelix_Rose



The darkness already surrounds the sky. But I don't want to sleep yet, so that's why I'm still here, standby in the edge of the deck where Perrie was earlier. But of course not on the other side. I don't wanna do that. So right now, I'm staring at the ocean. I can hear the water splashing while our ship is moving. Cold breeze hitting my face, it's bloody cold. I'm just staring off-space when I heard some voices. They seemed near yet so far. But then I overheard them and familiarized their voices. It's Jesy and Leigh-Anne.

"Jes look! There she is! We found her finally," Leigh-Anne stated, but I didn't take a glance on their way. I am just pretending that I cannot hear them.

"Jade Amelia Thirlwall. You're just here, we've been looking for you for almost an hour already. Aren't you going to sleep yet?" Jesy stated, while walking towards me. Now she's holding my waist, turning me around.

"I don't want to sleep yet," I replied simply.

"By the way, have you seen the the first-class passengers earlier? We saw them and I think they went here," Leigh-Anne stated, obviously referring to Perrie and her fiancé.

"Oh yes. They went here. That's why I'm here also," I said, and Jesy makes a weird face. I can feel she's going to tease me.

"Ooh, that's why you're here also? Hmm...what do you mean, Jade?" Jesy stated, winking at me playfully. My gosh. I knew it.

"Wait..because earlier I saw-" I got cut off by Jesy's scream. What the hell!

"Oh my are having a crush on the man, hmm?" What the heck Jesy?! Gosh.

"What?! Do you really think that? Oh my gosh Jesy!" I stated, laughing but slightly annoyed.

"Well, maybe she's right?" Leigh-Anne asked, laughing with Jesy. I wanna smack you both so hard. My goodness.

"Hell to the fucking no!" I stated and laughed. Then I continued "You both knew that I am not into boys right? Gosh I am not even freaking straight! So insane," I said while scratching my head and we all laughed together.

"If not towards the man....hmm," Jesy said smirking at me. Stop it Jesy!

"Aha! What about the girl huh?" She asked, teasing me. Here we go...

"Okay, listen to me first. Just please," I stated hoping to convince them to listen.

"Oh my gosh. Are you going to confess now?" Leigh-Anne said while clapping her hands happily. Really Leigh-Anne?

"Argh, just listen to me, alright?" I replied sternly, they both nodded their heads, making me continue. Thank God.

"Okay. So earlier, I'm just peacefully laid on the bench. Like, I'm just staring at the sky, admiring the stars. But I suddenly heard running footsteps and I immediately stood up. I saw that girl running to the back of the ship. So I didn't hesitate to follow. That's why I went here," I stated, matter-of-factly.

"Then I got surprised when I saw her holding onto the railings, like, when she let go, surely she will fall onto the ocean. I thought why did she reckoned to do that? I think she's having some problems. That's why I tried to persuade her. She forced me to stop and kept on pushing me away until she finally changed her mind. She held my hand and I pulled her back aboard," I added, shock evident in their faces.

" saved her?" Leigh-Anne asked, still shocked.

I nodded. "Well I can say yeah. But I'm thanking the heavens that she changed her mind and got back up here," I stated while smiling.

"She nearly fell because she slipped while climbing back up. And fortunately, I didn't let go. I tightened my grip on her hand and I pulled her. It's so funny really, she fell on her back while her arms were wrapped around me for support, then I fell on top of her. Then all of a sudden, some crew appeared. My gosh, so awkward. I immediately let go of her," I added, laughing.

"Oh my goodness!" They both said in unison, and I laughed at their reaction.

"Yeah yeah, it's really awkward I can tell. Her fiancé was there too," I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Fiancé? So she's freaking engaged to the man?!" Leigh-Anne asked disappointed. Goodness, Leigh-Anne.

"Aww, what a shame," Jesy stated, laughing. What a shameless bitch, Jesy.

"Shush! He even thought that...I'm putting my hands on Perrie. He's so furious, but yeah, Perrie calmed him down. He almost punch me," I stated, giggling because I remember how mad that man is. He's jealous of me. Nice.

"WHAT?!" Jesy stated with widened eyes.

"I also got shocked. But whatever, he doesn't know what happened," I said then I chuckled.

Our chitchat continues until Leigh-Anne asked something that made my mind race.

"Do you have a crush on the girl? On Perrie?" She asked, staring at me intensely. Right, here she is.

I face palmed myself and Leigh spoke, "What's wrong? I'm just asking. Well, silence means yes so-" Leigh-Anne was cut off by Jesy saying "Leigh! Let's just sleep. For sure Jade won't admit anything, you know her well," Phew, thank God and she knows that.

"Well, right. We're gonna sleep now. What about you?" Jesy asked, looking concerned.

"Oh. I don't even know if I'll be able to sleep tonight," I stated truthfully.

"And why not?" Leigh-Anne asked.

"Because Perrie's fiancé invited me to join their dinner tomorrow evening. That's in first-class and I had no idea how to act like one of them," I answered, and they furrowed their eyebrows.

"You got invited to the dinner of first-class?" Jesy repeated.

I nodded my head yes. And Jesy spoke "Well, goodluck then. You can do it, don't worry much, if they're going to judge you, fight for yourself, fight to win," Jesy stated, and I'm shocked at her words.

"Thank you Jesy, that means a lot," I said, smiling. She then tapped my shoulder and leave with Leigh-Anne.

I am so lucky with my bestfriends. They seemed to be my siblings. Although sometimes, they're so great at teasing, they're still there by my side. And thank God I met them, if it wasn't because of them, then I am not here.



Now, we're already here in our room, from the back of the ship. Where I was about to jump. We just left Ms. Thirlwall standing there, I wanna thank her for saving me but I don't want my fiancé to find out that I was there to commit suicide. Well, that's what I really intended to do, but I changed my mind. Thanks to Ms. Thirlwall.

I am now wearing my night dress. For comfortable sleeping. I am sitting in front of my dresser facing the mirror. When Zayn came over to me holding something.

"I know you've been melancholy. I don't pretend to know why. I intended to save this until the engagement gala next week, but I thought tonight," He stated, sitting at the dresser as he opened a box that shows a very gorgeous Blue heart-shaped diamond necklace.

"Good gracious," I stated as I gasped.

"Perhaps, as a..reminder of my feelings for you," He stated.

"Is it a..."

"A diamond? Yes"

"It was worn by Louis XVI and they called it "Le CoeurDeLa Mer"," He stated.

"The heart of the ocean," We stated in unison.


"It's overwhelming," I stated as I admire the gorgeous diamond necklace around my neck.

"Well, it's for one thing," He stated.

"We are royalty, Perrie. You know, there's nothing I couldn't give you. There's nothing I'd deny you.. if you don't deny me. Now open your heart to me, Perrie," He stated, looking straight in my eyes.

I am so overwhelmed not just in this necklace but also in what he said. What is he trying to say? I sighed. Now I took a glance in the mirror, looking at myself and the necklace. The Heart of the Ocean.

We talked a bit and started to call it a night. It's pretty late now, so I think I should rest.



Perrie woke up in the morning, and got informed by her mother that she needs to prepare herself for the breakfast. Perrie groaned but she had no choice. She wore this lovely yellow belted dress with chic white sleeves. On the tops of her sleeves is a fine gold embroidery that truly elevates the outfit. She looks effortlessly chic in the day dress, with her hair pulled back in a loose and relaxed bun and little wisps framing her face. Paired with delicate earrings and jewelry, her pale skin looked absolutely amazing with the ensemble.

Their breakfast started. Perrie is sharing her table with her mother, her fiancé, and some of the high profile crews of the ship. They were talking about the construction of Titanic, like about how great and big it was, how they come up with the name "Titanic" and many more. After their breakfast, Perrie decided to look for Jade to thank her for saving her last night.

Perrie went to the steerage. All of the people she walked past by were looking at her and she's just flashing a smile. Until she was seen by Jade's bestfriend and pointed her.

"Jade, Jade, there she is, look," Leigh-Anne said while tapping Jade and pointing at Perrie. Then Jade immediately turned her head and stood up.

"Hello Ms. Thirlwall," Perrie greeted, smiling at her.

"Hello again," Jade greeted back, returning a smile.

"May I speak with you?" Perrie asked, looking at Jade.

"Sure, of course," Jade said, waiting for Perrie to start.

" private?" She offered, not wanting for Jade's friends to listen.

"Oh yeah yeah, alright. After you," Jade said then carries her sketchbook along with her.

They went to the B deck and Jade started to talk about her life.

"Well, I've been on my own since I was 15 since my folks died. And I had no brothers or sisters or close kin in that part of the country. So I lit on out of there and I haven't been back since. You could just call me a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. Well, Perrie... we've walked about a mile around this boat deck and chewed over how great the weather's been and how I grew up but I reckon that's not why you came to talk to me, is it?" Jade stated.

"Ms. Thirlwall I-"

"Jade," Jade said, cutting Perrie off, wanting her to stop calling her "Ms.Thirlwall"

"Jade, I want to thank you for what you did. Not just for...for pulling me back, but for your discretion," Perrie stated.

"You're welcome," Jade said, smiling.

"Look, I know what you must be thinking..'Poor little rich girl, what does she know about misery?'" Perrie said, and sighed.

"No, no. That's not what I was thinking. What I was thinking was, what could have happened to this girl to make her think she had no way out," Jade said truthfully.

"Well I-" she sighed and continued "It was everything, it was my whole world and all the people in it, and the inertia of my life, plunging a head and me, powerless to stop it," Perrie said, then she shows her engagement ring.

"God! look at that thing, You have gotten straight to the bottom," Jade giggled.

"500 invitations have gone out, all the Philadelphia society will be there, and all the while I feel I'm...standing in a middle of a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs and no one even looks up," Perrie said, feeling enraged and lonely.

"Do you love him?" Jade asked without hesitation.

"Pardon me?" Perrie asked back making sure that she heard it right.

"Do you love him?" Jade repeated, making Perrie shocked.

"You're being very rude, you shouldn't be asking me this," Perrie stated, annoyed at Jade's question.

"It's just a simple question, do you love the guy or not?" Jade asked, forcing Perrie to answer.

Perrie laughed and says, "This is not a suitable conversation."

"Why can't you just answer the question?" Jade asked while smiling.

Perrie laughed again, face palming herself and walked a few steps, Jade followed immediately.

"This is absurd. You don't know me and I don't know you, and we're not having this conversation at all," Perrie stated, looking straight at Jade's eyes.

"You are rude, and uncouth, and presumptuous and I am leaving now," Perrie stated, offering her hand, Jade gladly accepted it and shakes hand with her and Perrie added "Jade, Ms. Thirlwall, it's been a pleasure. I sought you out to thank you and now I have thanked you-" she was cutted off by Jade saying, "and you've insulted me"

"Well, you deserved it," Perrie said full of confidence.

"Right," Jade said.

"Right," Perrie repeated. Still shaking Jade's hand with hers.

"I thought you were leaving," Jade stated, smiling.

"I am" She lets go of Jade's hand and started to walk away. She laughed and then turned around to meet Jade's gaze again.

"You are so annoying!" Perrie stated, smiling, but clearly annoyed, she started to walk away again and Jade just laughed, but she walks back to Jade.

"Wait, I don't have to leave. This is my part of the ship. You leave," She stated pointing at her way, making Jade leave.

"Oh...well well well, now who's being rude?" Jade asked laughing. Perrie just laughed and harshly stole Jade's sketchbook.

"What is this stupid thing you're carrying around?" She said while opening it. And she added, "What are you? Are you an artist or something?"

"These are rather good," Perrie stated while sitting at the bench, and Jade sat beside her.

"They're uh...they are very good actually," Perrie stated, amazed at Jade's works of art.

"Jade, this is an exquisite work," She added referring to Jade's drawings and sketches.

"They didn't think too much of them in old Paree," Jade replied.

"Paris?" Perrie repeated, and Jade nodded.

"You do get around. For poor- Well, uh..for person with..limitated means-" She was cutted off by Jade.

"I'm poor girl, it's okay you can say it," Jade said, smiling.

"Well well well," Perrie said while looking at Jade's drawing of nude girls.

"And these were drawn for life?" She asked.

"Well, that's one of the good things about Paris, lots of girls willing to take their clothes off," Jade said truthfully. Perrie looked at her and giggled.

"You like this woman," Perrie stated, referring to the drawing of a woman. "You used her several times," She added.

"Well, she have beautiful hands, you see?" Jade showed the drawing of the woman's hands.

"I think you must have a love affair with her," Perrie stated, smiling.

"No, no, no, no...Just with her hands. She was legged...prostitute," Jade said, laughing.

"See?" Jade asked, and Perrie was shocked then laughed.

"Oh," was all Perrie can say.

"Well, you have a gift Jade. You do. You see people," She added, looking at Jade.

"I see you," Jade replied.


"You wouldn't have jumped," Jade answered and Perrie looked at her and frowned.

Jade and Perrie continued to talk about some other things.

"Well, after that I worked on a squid boat in Monterey. Then I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica and started doing portraits there for ten cents a piece," Jade stated.

"Why can't I be like you, Jade...just head out for the horizon whenever I feel like it?...Say we'll go there sometime to that pier even if we only ever just talk about it."

"No, we'll do it. We'll drink cheap beer. We'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw up. Then we'll ride horses on the beach right in the surf. But you'll have to do it like a real cowboy. None of that sidesaddle stuff," Jade replied.

"You mean, one leg on each side?"


"Can you show me?" Perrie asked.

"Sure..if you like," Jade accepted.

"Teach me to ride like a man," Perrie stated.

"And chew tobacco like a man," Jade stated. Perrie giggled.

"And spit like a man," Perrie stated.

"They didn't teach you that in finishing school?" Jade asked.


"Well, come on I'll show you. Let's do it"

"Jade, no! Jade, no! Wait, Jade. No, Jade- I couldn't possibly, Jade," Perrie stated as Jade continues on pulling her on the side of the promenade deck.

"Watch closely" Jade stated as she started to spit on the water like a man.

"Ah, that's disgusting!" Perrie stated, Jade giggled.

"Alright, your turn," Jade stated. Perrie looked at both of her side and started to spit. Jade laughed at her.

"That was pitiful!" Jade stated.

They continued to do that until Perrie's mother came and Perrie introduced Jade to her mother. As the seconds passes by, Perrie bid her goodbye to Jade and started to walk away.

"See you at the dinner, Jade," Perrie stated as she walked away with her mother.



Perrie just seen my works of art. Well, I didn't really planned to show her but she got it quickly and I had no choice. And I am just so glad that she appreciated and praised my drawings. Like what I've said, I am looking forward to draw her anytime soon. And of course, if she only give me the permission to do so.

She is one definitely a work of art.


A/N: Jade's friends, The Heart of the Ocean, Jade and Perrie's first argument, and their cute talking. And also, Jade's works of art. What can you say readers? Hope you like it.❤️


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