๐ฎ๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ค๐ž๐ง, daryl dixon

By shalabiz

810K 30.4K 14.6K

โ in the sound of silence, we found sanctuary. in every word unspoken, love. โž da... More

part i
part ii
part iii


12.3K 563 346
By shalabiz


BY THE TIME MURPHY HAD WOKEN THE NEXT MORNING, Rick, Carol, and Daryl had already left the walls. She assumed it was for another of their secret meetings, but she couldn't be sure. She could only wait and see what happened... when it happened. For now, Murphy decided to make herself a cup of coffee. As she walked to the kitchen, she spotted Michonne standing before a mirror of the guest bedroom on the way to the kitchen. Murphy stopped in her tracks and took a step into the doorway, lightly knocking on the open door to catch Michonne's attention. She turned and gave Murphy a view of her new uniform.

"What do you think?" Michonne asked, stepping around in a circle, letting Murphy catch a glimpse of every side.

"You look amazing," Murphy smiled, stepping closer. "But, I don't know what the hell these strings are here for."

Michonne turned so that her back faced the mirror, looking over her shoulder to get a better view at the dangling strings, "I don't know either. It's a pain in the ass though."

"Yeah..." Murphy trailed, crossing her arms.

"I know," Michonne realized, reaching for her sheathed katana that leaned against the nearby table. She slid it out of its case, pulling the strings down and slicing them short. They cut cleanly. Once it was done, she smiled at Murphy with the cut remains in one hand and the sword in the other. "How was that?"

Murphy chuckled while playfully shrugging, "It works."

Before either of them could continue, Rick appeared from the hall. He had returned from his journey to the outside and leaned against the door frame. His eyes traced Michonne's outfit, but they traveled between her and Murphy as he spoke, "I don't know if this is some kind of play, handing authority to strangers."

"The authority to break up fistfights," Michonne responded monotonously while setting her hands on her hips.

Rick shrugged, "If it was just that, she should have given one of these to Daryl."

Murphy studied him, still unsure of his thoughts on the community. But as he mentioned Daryl's name, she shifted in her spot, "Where is he?"

"He went out. Should be back by tonight," Rick replied, sending her a comforting look.

Murphy nodded, but deep down, she was nervous. She knew that Daryl didn't feel comfortable there in the community... with the place and with the people. Because of that, she didn't know what he would do out there. She wished she could've gone with him.

Michonne continued the previous conversation, "I don't know if it's for us or for them. Or maybe Deanna's trying to get rid of 'us' and 'them'. You put these jackets on me and you, have the people see it. If that's the play, that'd be smart. And she seems smart."

Rick shook his head, his eyes lingering on Murphy as he remembered last night's argument, "Smart for then or smart for now?"

Murphy didn't respond.

"This is now," Michonne affirmed.

A knock suddenly sounded from the front door, and Murphy volunteered to answer it. She left the two and padded over to the foyer. As the door opened, she caught sight of Deanna and Maggie on the front porch.

"Good morning, Murphy," Deanna smiled. "May we come in?"

Murphy stepped back, opening the door wider, "Of course."

Maggie sent her a small smile as she passed through, "How're you doin'?"

"Pretty good," Murphy responded, setting a hand on her arm while closing the door with the other.

Deanna turned to Murphy, "We came to speak with you about your job in the infirmary, and with Michonne and Rick about their duties. Are they here?"

"Yeah, they should be right inside," Murphy replied softly. Maggie made her way into the kicthen while Deanna stayed behind and Murphy continued."I-uh, went to the infirmary and Pete was there."

"Yes, he came to speak with me... about you," Deanna responded carefully. "He advised me not to let you join as a doctor. I will admit, he was-"

"Drunk?" Murphy asked, crossing her arms. She sighed, "Listen, I don't know if you understand how dangerous that is for his patients. If he's not in the right mindset... who knows what he can do - intentionally or not."

Deanna raised a hand while keeping her eyes trained on Murphy, "And I understand that. But until you arrived, he was the only person in this community with medical experience. I couldn't just fire him, I still can't."

"You need to take care of him, Deanna," Murphy reasoned, nodding slightly. "I'm not telling you how because that's not my place. Just explain what's going on... But do you agree with him? About me?"

"No," Deanna replied quickly. "Of course not. I may not have seen you in action yet, but I can tell that you're a very competent and talented woman. I see that."

Murphy couldn't help the smile that grew on her face at the kind words. The faith that Deanna had in each of them was unbelievable. She didn't know them. Not well, at least. But she could see right through their facades. She could see who they really were. Murphy found that incredible. Before she could respond, Deanna turned to walk into the kitchen, where Maggie, Michonne, and Rick sat at the table. Murphy followed behind and stood beside the chair that Maggie sat in as Deanna began.

"You protect and serve," she started, her hands splayed on the table where she stood. "You patrol, walk the wall, watch out for the kids. If there's a conflict, you solve it. And people will listen to you."

"Because we're wearing windbreakers?" Michonne asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Because they believe in this. Because I'm telling them to," Deanna responded before sitting down and pointing out the nearby window. "A police officer used to live here. We had these jackets and I wanted to make it official. So it's official. There's gonna be a government here one day. That's why I want Maggie working with me. There's gonna be a police force. That's why I want you two to start it. I see a vibrant community here with... industry, commerce, civilization. Real lives. It might be horses and mills, but- what? Does it sound like pie in the sky?"

She stared at Rick expectantly, but Maggie replied first, "No."

Murphy noticed the determination in her voice and realized that Deanna was now looking to her. She did think it was possible, everything that Deanna was saying. She spoke, and hoped that her tone had some resemblance of confidence, "No."

Michonne was next, "No."

And finally, Rick, who answered with slight hesitation, "No."

Deanna smiled and leaned back in her chair, "That's what I thought. This place is a new beginning. I'm hosting a welcome party tonight for all of you. I hope you'll come and meet the community. I hope you'll try."

Murphy's eyes moved away from her and traveled across Maggie, Michonne, and Rick's faces. They all had unreadable expressions. They were nervous, excited, and exhausted all at the same time. They wanted to believe, but they had experienced so much evil in this new world to make them more than weary. But they would try. That's all they could do.


Murphy decided that she would go to the dinner party. It was the last thing her introverted self wanted to do, but she felt obligated. As a newcomer, she had to make an effort to integrate. After racking her brain for her grandmother's old cookie recipe, she baked a couple batches of chocolate chip to take over to Deanna's - a small thank you, even though she didn't know what she was thanking her for. A chance for a new life? A home? She didn't know yet, but she would find out soon enough.

Michonne, Maggie, and Rosita insisted that Murphy wear a dress. She objected to no end, but they reasoned that if they wore one, she would have to suffer as well. There was no way out of it, so she gave in. It was a sleeveless dress with thin straps over her shoulders and a straight-across neckline. It ended mid-shin, and had a light, delicate, floral printing. Rosita picked out a pair of heels to go along. The outfit suited her. They said she looked beautiful, and she blushed. Having a group of women who supported her was something incredibly new to Murphy. It made her scoff to think about how an apocalypse was the only reason she found it.

Once she was dressed and ready to go, she made her way into the kitchen to put her freshly baked goods on a plate. As she arranged them, footsteps in the living room distracted her. Abraham and Rosita had walked down the stairs, ready to leave for the gathering.

"Hey," Murphy voiced, looking up from her work. "You guys ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," Rosita sighed.

Murphy nodded, partly listening, while breaking one cookie in half. She walked over to the pair and handed them each a part, "Here, tell me how it is."

Murphy watched nervously as they each took a small bite, tasting the pastry. She looked at Abraham expectantly. He swallowed and spoke slowly, "This is the best damn cookie I've ever tasted."

Murphy relaxed, her shoulders falling as she smiled, "Really?"

"Hell yeah," Abraham continued, stuffing the rest in his mouth. "Shit. Where did you learn to bake somethin' as scrumptious as that divine piece of sustenance?"

"My gran," Murphy explained as she walked back to pick up the large plate. "She had her own bakery in Roanoke. Rose, what do you think?"

"I agree, it's pretty damn good," she replied with a wide smile.

"Let's see what the others think, shall we?" Murphy ended optimistically, holding the front door open for her two friends. They walked through and made their way to Deanna's.

Murphy had been thinking a lot about her relationship with the trio she traveled with before they met Rick's group, especially since arriving in Alexandria. She had been thinking about their falling out and her distance. It felt good to be comfortable and relaxed with them again. She needed some time away, and it had done her well to do so. It was better now.

They soon reached the house. Abraham knocked on the door with his burley fist, and it was not a moment before the door swung open to reveal Deanna, "Oh! I'm so glad you came, welcome. And Murphy, these cookies look delicious."

Murphy smiled as she handed them over, "They're a thank you. From me and everyone else."

"It's me who should be doing the thanking," Deanna quickly replied, but gestured inside. "Come in, come in. I'll put these in the kitchen."

As she walked away, it was revealed just how many people were there. Murphy felt herself tense as she caught the first glance of the crowded rooms, filled with mingling people and petty discussions. She looked around nervously, feeling her hands brush against her silky dress in worry.

"I don't know about this," Abraham began.

Murphy nodded in agreement, but Rosita shrugged and spoke coolly, "They have beer."

Abraham froze and continued steadily, "I'm gonna try."

Murphy and Rosita shared a look as he walked toward the kegs and solo cups in the kitchen, rolling their eyes. Rosita walked after him, getting lost in the crowd. Murphy opted to stay behind to look around the room for someone else to talk to. She quickly found herself overwhelmed. She was unable to catch any recognizable faces in the sea of community members. As she began to back toward the wall to feel a little less suffocated, she caught sight of a familiar face. It was Noah, who seemed to be in the same position as her. Murphy quickly stepped through the crowd toward him.

"Noah," she called out, and his eyes shot to her in relief. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," Noah nodded softly. "Just isn't really my thing."

"Murph, Noah," A voice called out from their left. It was Glenn, with Maggie following close behind. "Everything okay?"

Murphy nodded, but Noah replied, "I was just tellin' Murphy that I'm gonna head out."

Murphy set a hand on his arm quickly while Glenn and Maggie protested vocally. Glenn spoke up, "No, no. You're not bailing. We're in this together, man."

"You're here with us now," Murphy explained, a soft smile on her lips. She and Noah weren't extremely close, but they'd been through so much together since they met. That meant a lot.

"You're here with family," Maggie concluded, glancing at Murphy for a moment.

Noah looked at the ground, thankful for his friends but not able to express it in words. They gave him encouraging looks but could do little else. As Murphy patted his shoulder in support, movement caught her attention from the corner of her eye. It was Rick, carrying Judith on his hip, gesturing for Murphy to come over. She nodded to him.

"Sorry, guys," she apologized, walking away from the three and over to Rick.

Her eyes fell to Judith in his arms, who wore a pink, frilly dress and gurgled cutely, "Oh, she looks adorable."

Murphy brushed one of her fingers over the baby's soft, round cheek, a sad smile forming on her face. Her heart clenched as memories rushed back.

Rick responded, "Yeah, Michonne picked the outfit."

Murphy pulled away from Judith and looked to Rick, "You needed me?"

"I was wondering if you'd seen Daryl. I don't think he's come back yet," Rick answered, tightening his hold on his daughter.

"What?" Murphy asked, leaning closer. Her heart began to quicken. "It's dark out. Where is he?"

Rick opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, a woman's voice interrupted, "Rick! I'd like you to meet my husband, Pete."

Murphy froze, turning slowly to see a blonde woman with a kind smile, gesturing to the man who had been less than kind to her the day before.

She faked a grin, holding her hand to the woman out of courtesy, "Hi, I'm Murphy."

"Jessie," the woman responded sweetly as Rick and Pete greeted each other. "It's great to meet you. You've met Pete, right?"

Murphy's eyes traveled to Pete, who seemed to be completely sober and acting normal. The glint in his eyes was gone, and it appeared as if all maliciousness had been rid of in his body. It was unsettling. Murphy picked her words carefully.

"Yeah... we've met."

"Yep," Pete continued, smiling at his wife. "She stopped by the infirmary, and I gave her a tour of the place. It's nice to see you again, Murphy."

Murphy couldn't respond, so take aback by his blatant lying. She shared a look with Rick, who knew what was going on, before turning back to Pete, "I, uh- likewise."

Pete turned away from her and to Rick, speaking about something that Murphy couldn't understand. The blood in her ears began to rush, and the mess of conversations and the clinking of cutlery overwhelmed her senses. She thought about where Daryl might be and why he hadn't returned yet. She felt her breathing quicken, coming out in short pants rather than breaths. She stepped away from Rick, Jessie, and Pete, and Rick noticed her change in demeanor quickly.

"Hey, Murph. What's wrong? Murphy," Rick spoke, trying to get her attention.

Murphy's eyes snapped to him at his last call of her name, but she backed toward the front door, "I... I have to go. I'm sorry, I have to."

"Murphy!" Rick called over the crowd of people, but she was already gone.

She pushed through the crowd, feeling as though she couldn't breathe. The anxiety was too much. She hadn't had in attack since... well, since everything happened. Men and women sent strange looks her way as she stumbled to the door, opening it and quickly exiting. She shut the door behind her, leaning against the wood as she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. The back of her head hit the door, and the cool breeze whipped across her face. The outdoors were silent, but the sounds of the party could still be heard from inside.

Murphy pushed herself off of the door and walked over to the railing. She set her elbows on the wood and placed her head in her hands, feeling herself finally relax. But, the anxiety was still there. Her fingers ran through her hair as her thoughts ran rampant. Where was Daryl? It was late - very late. He hadn't come back, and there were only a handful of reasons why that might be. None of them were good. So many thoughts crossed her mind. Should she leave and look for him herself? Should she wait until morning and then see what to do? Should she pull Rick out of the party and talk with him first? Should she-


Murphy's head shot up as she heard the voice she'd been waiting for. Daryl emerged from the darkness of the street, concern flooding his features as he saw her distress, "Wha's wrong?"

Murphy exhaled in utter relief, quickly making her way down the steps and to where he stood. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her fingers slightly brushed the tips of his hair as her hands splayed across his winged back. Her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of him close to her. Daryl froze for a moment before he set his hands on her waist tenderly. He didn't know the reason for her sudden affection, but he reciprocated anyway. They swayed slightly, Murphy being on her toes to hug him properly even with her heels. After a moment, she pulled away, leaving her hands on his shoulders and looking deep into his blue eyes.

"Where were you?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of gladness and pain.

"I was out. With Aaron," he responded softly. "Why're you-"

"I was worried," she responded shortly, her hands falling from his shoulders.

In truth, she didn't know why she was. Daryl was more capable of taking care of himself than anyone. He knew the outside world. He know what was out there, and how to deal with it. But to Murphy, the mere thought of him being alone out there while they were inside... it terrified her. It was the feeling of powerlessness. If something happened to him, she couldn't do anything about it.

Daryl's eyes traced her face, observing every feature, "That ain't why you're cryin'."

Murphy scoffed, looking at the ground, "I wasn't crying, I was having a panic attack."

Daryl stared at her as she raised her gaze once more. Their eyes locked and they stood in silence. He knew that she was hiding a side of her from him- from everyone. She didn't want to burden others so she kept her past hidden deep within her. As much as he wanted to help her, talk to her, he knew that she would tell him when she was ready. That was all that mattered to him. He also knew that the party had made her feel this was as well, and he knew exactly why. She wasn't ready for this yet. He wasn't either and that was why he was waiting outside. But she would be. He knew she would.

As these thoughts ran through his mind, Murphy was thinking similarly about him. She saw a man who felt alone and isolated. He felt as if he had to shut himself out from others to spare them from something. What that was, she didn't know. But she promised herself that she would find out. She knew he stood outside instead of coming in because he was scared. He didn't want this life. No, he didn't think he did, or could. But Murphy knew him better than that, and she would help him find what he wanted. It would take time, but she was willing to wait for him.

As they read each other in that moment, however, they both reached an epiphany - a profound realization that would change them forever. In that moment, they realized that the other was the person that would help them. They would open up... whenever that was. They would release all of these pent up emotions and thoughts because they needed to. It might be that night, the next, or the next, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that they stood there, seeing the other just as broken as they were, and thought to themselves, you're the one. It didn't take words to say that.

Daryl couldn't help the small smile that crossed his face as he thought about it, and he placed his right arm around her shoulders affectionately, "C'mon, let's take a walk."

Murphy nodded, setting her left arm on his back. They walked down the street, unsure of where they were walking to, but content nonetheless. Daryl looked at Murphy, whose eyes were trained to the ground.

"You look real nice," he mumbled, so quiet that Murphy could barely hear him.

She felt her face warm, and she looked around the neighborhood shyly. Her eyes finally landed on him once more, "You cleaned up nice, too. Is that a dress shirt? Did you take a shower?"

"Hey, I ain't proud of it," Daryl grumbled, staring straight ahead with a small smirk.

"You did," Murphy gasped, chuckling softly. "I never thought I'd see the day. Carol's gonna be so proud."

"Yeah, well you ladies shouldn' get used to it. It ain't happenin' again."

"Shut up."


Murphy took her other hand and lightly tapped his leather clad chest playfully. As they continued their walk down the sidewalk, the sound of an opening door caught their attention. They stopped suddenly, their arms falling away from each as they saw Aaron exit his house.

"Daryl. Murphy," he called, closing the door behind him as he walked toward the edge of the porch. "Hey."

Daryl pointed to the direction he and Murphy had come from- the party, "Thought you were goin' to that party over there."

Aaron looked to where he pointed, but quickly turned back to the pair, "Oh, I was never going to go cause of Eric's ankle, thank god. But, thanks to Murphy, it's healing quickly."

Murphy sent him a small smile, but Daryl continued, "Why the hell did you tell me to go, then?"

"I said try. You did. It's a thought that counts thing," Aaron replied. "Hey, you two should come in. Have some dinner."

Murphy could see the conflict on Daryl's face as he stared at Aaron, unsure what to do. She felt an overwhelming sense of kindness from Aaron. They fact that he saw Daryl's struggle in Alexandria and was working to help him... that meant so much. Her heart warmed as she began to know Aaron better and better.

"Come on, it's some pretty serious spaghetti," Aaron finalized, turning to walk back into the house.

Daryl turned to Murphy, nervousness hidden beneath his gruff exterior, "We doin' this?"

Murphy smiled, walking toward the open front door of Aaron and Eric's house wordlessly. That was her answer. Daryl watched as she entered the doorway, already striking up conversation with the two men inside. His hair fell before his eyes as he smiled at the ground, making his way into the home right after her.

AUTHOR'S NOTE — whew, this chapter was a doozy, huh? sorry it's so long, i just couldn't stop hahaha. what did you guys think? how were the interactions? how were murphy and daryl? the next chapter is (of course) the dinner with aaron and eric ahhhh. i'm SO EXCITED TO WRITE IT. but lately these chapters have been so hard to come up with. like this chapter took me forever and i'm still not completely happy with it. it felt allll over the place. but whatever! I JUST NEED TO GET THEM TOGETHER, AM I RIGHT? anyway, don't forget to vote and comment your feedback. thank you for your undying support. love you all! xx

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