Mafias Girl

By SophieVeraWrites

353K 4.8K 1.2K

Elle Rose is as pure as they come, despite her harsh childhood, she chooses to see the good in the world. Raf... More

Not An Update


11.6K 183 104
By SophieVeraWrites

6OK reads! You guys are the best❤️ So here's an update:) Enjoy reading! (Stay Safe during Covid-19, wash your hands, stay home if you can, and spread love)

Elles POV
"Elle would you please put some pants on!" Rafael all but growls out at me. It's currently 1 in the afternoon and I started my period this morning. I had forgotten about aunt flows visit this month and bled all over Rafael's fancy silk sheets.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the stain but Rafael quickly assured me it was fine and gave me lots of kisses. Since I'm on my period my mood is not a good one and me and Rafael are currently arguing about how he wants me to put on pants.

"Shut the frick up Rafael! I'll wear whatever the hell I want, I'm bleeding out of my hue-hah!" I yell as I finally snap, the period hormones talking.

"Excuse me little girl?" He questions with a hard look but I just flop onto my side on the bed and mumble a "You heard me"

"If you weren't bleeding right now I'd spank your ass cherry red my little brat" he says and I smugly look at him and say "Well good thing I am bleeding then" and stick my tongue out.

He just shakes his head and walks over to his laptop. I let out a cry and his head snaps to me "Whats wrong princess" he asks, concern lacing with his voice. "I'm sorry I was mean to you Raffy!" I say well tears fill my eyes.

My period mood swings were really out of control today so this is what we're working with. Rafael sighs and kisses my forehead before wiping my tears. "It's okay baby, I know it's just the hormones talking. I love you" he says.

"I love you too!" I say back and then Realize I'm pretty close to soaking through the pad I have on right now. "Uh Rafael I'm almost through with the pad I have on and I don't have any others" I say a light blush coating my cheeks.

He nods signalling he understands my words and then replies "You stay here and rest, I'll go to the grocery store and get you your lady products"

I say my gratitude and then grab my rose gold MacBook and start watching YouTube.

Rafael's POV
I get into one of my many fancy sports cars and drive off to the store. I arrive and walk to the feminine aisle. Grabbing Elles pads quickly. As a good boyfriend, I know my girls flow. Medium. I then grab a box of tampons as well and a heating pad.

I head over to the food section and pick up some chocolate, candy, chips, and ice tea. After that I grab a pint of Elles favourite Ice cream, cotton candy. And a pint of my favourite, Cookies and cream which I'm sure Elle will eat all of as well before I can even get a spoonful.

I then get her a new stuffy, and some roses. I know, I'm the best boyfriend ever. I quickly make a pit stop at the cosmetic section since I remember Elle recently ran out of her favourite mascara and chapstick. After grabbing all this I check out and receive a few 'aws' from the females in line.

I grab my two bags full of stuff and make my way back to my car. On my way home I also stop at the pet store to get some new toys and dog food for Tootsie Elles and I puppy.

Once I finally arrive home I put the ice cream in the freezer and bring the rest of the stuff up and to Elle and I's room. Elles laying in basically the same position I left her in, now with Tootsie curled up at her feet. She looks up at me and sends me a quick smile.

I place the bags on our bed and show her what I got. She's very grateful and hugs me. She requests I rub her tummy, and who am I to deny my queen? She eventually drifts off to sleep and I leave our room to go do some office work as I took most of today off to take care of my kitten.

I work for a couple hours before my whipped self decides I want Elle in my arms so I head back to our room and strip down to my boxers. I move Elles laptop onto her nightstand and wrap my arms around her waist as I get under the covers.

She stirs a little at the movement but when she notices it's just me she relaxes and allows herself to go back to sleep. I smile lightly at the fact she feels safe with me before I go to sleep as well.
Elles POV
I got off my period a few days ago. Thank goodness, those seven days were hell.

Rafael is in his office doing work. I feel bad, I know him spending so much time with me is the reason he's behind.

I'm sitting in the living room by myself on the couch. The house is very quite as all Mafia members are on some sort of mission. I didn't ask because I'm sure it involves lots of violence.

I peer out the window and smile lightly at the thick pure white snow that coats the ground and trees. As Christmas approaches the weather becomes more and more cold.

We live in New York so of course temperatures drop very low in December. It's gorgeous here, absolutely nobody around on our land for miles.

I'm astatic for Christmas. Only 10 more days. Rafael said we would decorate the house today after he finishes his work. He told me he'd never decorated the estate before for any holiday but he was happy to oblige this year, knowing it would please me.

I've already orders Rafael's presents. Not with his money of course. I did some cleaning and chores for the gang members, like teaching Xander how to braid hair so he could do it for his little sister when he saw her this Christmas.

Or organizing Noah's closet, and they were happy to pay me. So I took the money and purchased Rafael's presents.

I know Rafael has enough money to buy whatever he wants, but I picked something that I think he will love and that's what matters.

Eventually Rafael walks into the living room. "Hey Babydoll" He says as he sits down next to me on the couch.  "Hi" I respond smiling, I hated being away from him as clingy as that sounds.

"I need to tell you something but don't freak out, Ok princess?" He asks and I nod. "My sister just called, she's coming to stay for a bit and visit us, she wants to meet you."

My mind goes into over drive and I have a lot of questions. "You have a sister?" I ask in surprise, my first question. "Yes, she's younger then me, only 17, I love her a lot. Shes very different then me though" He says and I give him a look, telling him to go on.

"I was raised by my father to be a man who could take over the Italian Mafia at 18, there were no night time stories or hugs. He was tough on me, I knew he loved me but he had to raise me to be strong." And I nod in understanding, I wish my father loved me, that he could show any empathy. I try not to think about him as it will only cause heartache.

"My younger sister, Isabella, was raised with love. My parents sheltered her, she's a very happy bubbly, outgoing person. Where as I'm very closed off. She still lives with my parents, and goes to High school. Besides coming from a Mafia family, she is in no way involved in it"

"So does she know about it, know that you're the leader of the Mafia?" I question and Rafael nods. "Yes, she's very aware." "So is she uh delicate?" I ask referring to the part about her being very sheltered from the world.

"Not exactly, she doesn't know pain like I do, but she's not sensitive. She's quite sassy and opinionated. But baby, stop worrying, she's going to love you" and I sigh.

"She's the first person from your family I'm meeting! I want to make a good impression!" I say. "Elle, You're perfect and anybody who says differently is wrong." He says in a stern voice, but his eyes are full off love and adoration.

"So is she coming with your mom?" I ask and Rafael shakes his head. "No, by herself she's flying in from Italy." He explains. "So where are you from then, Italy?" I ask, sure he has the accent but I always assumes he was born here. Why would the man who runs the Italian mafia move to New York?

"Yes, when I was 18 and took over the Mafia I moved here as it just seemed like a better place to run it" and I nod in understanding. "So when will your sister be arriving" I ask and Rafael looks nervous to answer the question. "Uh well she should be arriving later tonight" he says.

"Tonight?! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" I shout. "She only just called now and told me. She likes to do this, likes to surprise me." And I sigh, this isn't Raf's fault.

"Now stop worrying, we still have hours till she arrives so let's decorate" he says and I perk up at the sound of the Christmas festivities.
Rafael and I finally finished decorating. There were a few minor set backs, like when I put on Christmas music and started swaying my hips and Rafael said I was 'distracting him' but we managed.

There's a huge Christmas tree in the living room that is decorated with ornaments, lights, tassel, and a star on top. The hallways are decorated with silver tassel on the banisters and our stockings are hanging up on the fireplace.

When you enter the house a big bowl of candy canes sits on a table. There's Christmas lights all outside and inside.

Red and white blankets line the furniture and I made sure we were stocked on hot chocolate mix as well as whipped cream and marshmallows.

It's pretty late and Rafael's sister Isabella should be arriving any moment. I head upstairs to change into a cute outfit, got to make a good first impression!

I pick out an outfit and put it on. It's a long sleeved white shirt with a turtleneck that fits snuggly and a Burberry coloured plaid skirt that I tuck my shirt into.

I go back downstairs to wear Rafael sits and smile. "You look gorgeous babygirl" he says after he admires my outfit. My cheeks flush "Thank you" I mutter, still embarrassed by the flattery.

Rafael's phone rings and sure enough it's one of the security Guards at our gate asking to allow entry to 'Isabella Mallory Knight' - talk about a nice name.

After going to the security camera on his phone and making sure it's her he approves the entry and a few minutes later the doorbell rings.

Rafael opens it as I stand slightly behind him. Standing there is a 17 year old girl, Rafael's sister.

She looks at me to Rafael before launching herself into Rafael's arms. She nearly knocks him over with her force. As they reunite I smile at the adorable scene.

Isabella really is beautiful, she has brown chestnut hair that reaches just past her shoulders, big green eyes and is pretty tall, maybe 5'7. She looks like she could be a model. I look at her outfit and wish I'd put more work into mine, not that I want to one up her or look better, but she looks like she just walked out of Vogue magazine and I look like a silly school girl.

I want her to think I have good style. I know she'll be reporting back to her parents so I need to make a good impression.

(Isabellas outfit^)

Once Isabella pulls away from her embrace with Rafael she says "I missed you Laughy" "I missed you to Bell" Rafael responds well I have a confused expression.

Rafael turns to me "Elle this is my little sister Isabella, Isabella this is my girlfriend Elle" he says introducing us.

"Hi It's really nice to meet you Isabella" I say smiling well putting my hand out for her to shake. She glances at it before pulling me into a bone breaking hug. What does this girl eat?

"Oh my god! It's so great to finally meet you! You're way to pretty for Rafael I mean what the heck! I love your hair! It has like no heat damage, unlike mine! Also just call me Bella, or Izzy, or Ella, although that might be a little weird since your name is Elle! Cute name by the way! Reminds me of the movie legally blond! Have you seen it? The second one is also really good, have you seen that one? Are you and Rafael staying together or Just a fling? Cause he's never had a serious relationship but he talks about you like he wants to wife you up. How are you at cooking, I mean I know Laughy has a Chef but it's always good to be able to cook. You are aware what he does for a living, right? How is it living with a bunch of guys in this house? Has Laughy done anything to you? Like Pressured you to sleep with him? Cause you look so innocent and Raf bangs every girl, I'll beat his ass for you if you need me to! I feel like we're going to be best friends! How did you and Rafael even meet? And how long ago was that? Because I mean you're already living together! I can see why'd you want to, this house I really nice. Almost as nice as the family house back in Italy. You'll have to visit some time! My mommy makes an awesome pasta and I know her and daddy want to meet you. Technically they shouldn't know about you but I spilled the beans right when Raf told me, haha but he should've known cause I never was able to keep a secret, so-"

Rafael cuts off Isabellas rant and pulls me out of her grasp. "You just got here Bell, let my girlfriend breath!"

Isabella snaps out of her rant and smiles sheepishly at me "Sorry I tend to do that when I um get excited."

After I take a few deep breaths I smile at her "I-it's ok, I'd be happy to talk and answer questions.. one at a time" I say and she nods.

Although she's a bit much she's very nice and I definitely like her. She's nothing like Rafael though.

We make our way to the living room and all sit down, Rafael drapes his arm around me. "So why do you Call Rafael 'Laughy'" I question and she smiles. "Oh well when I was younger I couldn't pronounce my 'R's' Instead I said them with 'L's' So Raffy turned into Laughy. And it just kind of stuck, I mean it's also quite funny because Rafael doesn't laugh or smile usually, unless he's with family or You"

And I nod in understanding. "So uh, I guess you can ask away" I say referring to all the questions she had earlier.

"Ok ok well do you know what Rafael does for a living?" "Yes I'm um, aware" I say nodding. She nods and continues "So have you guys done the dirty?" Wow she's very bold and straight forward.

When I hesitate she says "I'm just asking cause I can already tell I like you and as much as I love my brother I just want to know if you're a fling"

I flinch slightly at the thought of Rafael and I just being  a fling. "No we haven't done anything um s-sexual" I say and Bella looks quite surprised but doesn't say anything.

"And no were not a fling" Rafael Answers gruffly as if the idea disgusts him. "Oh that's great! Love the Christmas decorations by the way but it doesn't seem very 'Rafael like'" She says and I laugh. "Yeah he did it for me" I explain and she smiles "Aw that's cute"

Rafael frowns "I am not cute" and I giggle, he really is cute to me. I know he scares everyone else but to me he's a big teddy bear, my protector.

We sit in the living room at just talk about stuff. "So Bell, no Boy's I should be concerned about at your high school?" Rafael questions and I can hear the over protective older brother in the question.

Isabella is gorgeous and has the personality I only wish I had, she never stutters, she's sweet, and she's most definitely an extrovert. I know she'd never let anyone walk over her.

"Lots of boys flirt and ask me out" Bella says and Rafael looks very displeased. "But I say no to all of them" she continues and this makes Rafael relax for the most part.

"Because I have a boyfriend." She concludes and I smile a little at the draw out she had with her admission but I know Raffy won't be happy. "What fucking tiny dick high school boy thinks he's even close to worthy of dating you" Rafael asks in pure anger.

The only person I've seen him act this protective over is me. "His name is Dimitri and he's amazing. Oh and I can assure you there's nothing tiny about his dick" she says grinning  and I know the last part was just to set Rafael off, and it works.

"What the fuck! You've never seen a dick, and I can't believe father let you date a boy!" He shouts "I've seen many dicks Rafael, you just can't accept I'm not a child! And daddy tried to keep me from seeing him but mommy made him sleep on the couch until he got over his man pride"

Rafael grumbles "You are a child, last time I checked you don't turn 18 till next year" "Do you want me to call mommy and tell her you're acting like you can control my life?" She questions as I watch the sibling bickering scene unfold. "No! No, ahem don't call mom"

Isabella turns to me smirking "He's always been a Mommy's boy, never wants to disappoint her" and I laugh, I can tell. "Whatever, how long are you staying Bell" Rafael asks. "I didn't even pack a suitcase so I'm only planing on staying today" she says.

"What? You can stay for at least a few days" but Bella shakes her head. "No, no, I don't want to intrude plus I'd miss Dimitri to much" she says. I think that's insane, I mean she flew all the way from Italy to America just to stay for a couple hours?

I guess with her family's  money and most likely private jet it's not a big deal. "Seriously?" Rafael questions annoyed but Bella seems very stubborn, I doubt she'll change her mind on this.

"Yes-" just as she's about to respond her phone starts ringing. She fishes it out of her back jean pocket and quickly hits accept. "Hello?" She questions smiling and I have a good idea who's on the line, Dimitri.

You can hear the other voice on the line and of course Rafael is full on eaves dropping on the conversation. I figure I will too, if she wants privacy she could always go to another room.

"Hi baby, how was your flight"
"It was good! Watched some criminal minds, drank orange juice." Bella replies happily.
"Mm that's nice angel, you know when you'll be back?" The deep voice on the line asks.
"Yeah by tomorrow evening, I miss you"
"I miss you more Iz, you can spend the night whenever you get back" he says.

Rafael is not pleased with the pet names or the spend the night part.

"Of course! I love cuddling" Isabella replies smiling now.
"Hm baby well I was hoping we do more then cuddle" he says in a suggestive tone and Isabella giggles. I know she's enjoying that Rafael can hear all of this and he looks ready to smash her phone.
"I mean yes, that as well" she replies.
"Ok dim I have to go but I'll see you soon, love you"
"Bye babe, love you too" he says and Bella hangs up the call.

"What a fucking pig" Rafael says after she looks up from her phone. Isabella just rolls her eyes, I'm sure she's used to Rafael's antics.

Isabella is peering around at more of the Christmas decorations and that's when I notice the gun she has strapped to her waist. "Um w-why do you have that" I say pointing at her gun.

Her face turns confused for a second before she follows where my finger is pointing and laughs a little. "It's for protection, just because I'm not part of the Mafia stuff doesn't mean I'm not a mafia princess. I knew how to shoot a gun by age 7." She says and my eyes widen a bit at the statement.

She turns to me and with a small smirks says "and I never miss" what a badass I think to myself.

"Speaking of which I should teach you how to shoot a gun Elle, for protection" Rafael says to me and I frown at the thought.

I hate violence and I hate guns, I don't want to hold one. But Rafael runs the mafia and I know he has enemies, I guess it would benefit me to know how to defend myself if I ever need to. I shouldn't just rely on my man.

So I reluctantly agree. Eventually Isabella says goodbye and makes her departure. Not before giving me her phone number and insisting I call sometime. I promise her I will and she seems satisfied.

Then it's just Rafael and I. Rafael makes us dinner, steaks. I walk over to the dinning table and just as I'm about to sit down Rafael pulls me onto his lap.

I guess we had kept the PDA in front of his sister to a minimum so he's needy now. He pulls my plate over and starts cutting up my steak well feeding me. I don't complain, it makes him happy and really it makes me happy.

Guys! This chapter is very long and took SO long to write so please vote and comment🥰
I hope everyone's staying safe with Covid-19!
Please leave feedback, what did you think of the chapter??
How do you feel about Isabella?
Do you mind when I put outfit pictures in the chapters?
Next chapter will probably be Christmas!
I normally wait till the last chapter I posted gets 1K reads before updating but I decided to do it at 800 reads today:)
Thanks for reading! 
Ily my roses- XOXO Tiffany🌹🥀❤️

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