She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



675 21 0
By True_Legend_

Hazel's POV

"Well Eric please don't stop there. Explain." My best chance was getting him to talk for as long as possible to stall them. I was really starting to show and I know he isn't that stupid which is why he wanted the scan.

"Well Hazel take a walk down memory lane with me quickly. Your father, my ex bestfriend as a child of course ran the gang. My father was his father's right hand so it only seemed fitting I'd take my father's place like yours took your grandfather's place. On Scorpion's eighteenth birthday however he chose another to be his right hand. I was furious. My father was furious as well, my family was always the right hand to yours and he wanted the problem fixed. Your grandfather refused to force Scorpion to fix the mistake. So my father threatened Scorpion's name which resulted in his death, me beat, and my mother and sister killed." His voice dropped lower in tone after each word. Because of the past I am in this position now? I don't understand.

"What does your issue with him come to do with me? You could of challenged him like your father did?" Now I was just curious. He is a well built enough man, he must of had some chance.

"Yes I thought of that. To charge back in and challenge his leadership. But I knew that wouldn't cause the same pain he caused me. I needed to hit home and I knew he and his highschool sweetheart Diamond was pregnant. So naturally I waited patiently, the one thing I'm better at then your father. I waited and made him move on without the love of his life and his only daughter. I forced him to pick the gang or his daughter, unfortunately he picked you." Hearing the story come from his mouth not only caused me sadness but caused me heartbreak. Scorpion chose my safety over the gang.

"And when you lost track of Diamond you lost track of me. You didnt plan for her to give me up did you?" He nodded his head as I watched some men creep forward. I grabbed at the gun now holding it to the man's head who was still in my hold.

"Woah. Back up we are just talking right Hazel? Anyway, yes you're right I didn't expect that but all good leaders make a plan b. That is when I made her fall in love with me. Our hate for your father strengthened our bond but she meant little to me. I just needed her long enough that whenever I got you it would not only throw you off but your father as well. And now Hazel here we are. You, me, a gun, and my men. So now that I've told you something, you tell me something. How do you think you'll little baby will survive this? I had my suspensions you were pregnant but you being so protective and wanting to fight sealed my suspensions." Fuck. I mean it isn't hard to tell but your could just assume I'm over weight.

"My child will not die here. They won't be born in this disgusting place either. My father broke you, your strength, your humanity by simply taking your power. He didn't kill you. He gave you your filthy life. If you touch me or my child I will kill you." My words were cold as I seen some of his men shiver.

"You think you can beat twenty men? While pregnant? And live long enough to see your rescue? You definitely are Scorpions daughter, just as delusional." I don't know why but him disrespecting Scorpion angered me out of this world. I shot one of this men in the corner.

"You're right, I am my father's daughter. *bam* And I plan to uphold to my last name. *bam* So tell me Eric, *bam* do I scare you just yet? You had twenty men, I had eight bullets and a man with a pocket of a few more. Now you have sixteen men, I have about twelve more bullets." Some of his man looked at him for a response as he looked at the 4 men on the ground.

"Haz-" Screaming. Shots being fired. Footsteps being heard.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!! SHOOT BACK!!" I heard a man yell though the vents.

"Hurry! Go help defend! You two watch her! No one gets through this door while you're breathing!! She shoots, you shoot." Eric ran out the door as I finally let the man go in my arms. He crawled to his gang members as I just let him. It was 3 on 1 and I had 4 bullets in the gun.

"You have one chance to go. You leave I make sure you stay alive. If you want more then that, you want to join a gang with power and respect. Protect me and I will allow you into the Blue Roses." I lowered my gun as they looked at each other.

There ages ranged from about 15- 20 something. The youngest looking one, the one that I had ahold of was helped up by the oldest looking one. As they kept looking at each other the gun shoots and screaming contained. I couldn't let my people be alone up there. They needed me pregnant or not.

"Make your choice now. With or without you guys I needed to leave and make sure my men aren't dying!" I screamed the last sentence at them. I needed to leave and find Ace and help.

"We join you, we live?" The oldest asked. I nodded at them as they all looked at each other one more time then lower their guns. I nodded at them as one opened the door.

What was behind that cold metal door though was an image unthinkable. The sight just caused shivers from anyone no matter how much death they have seen. It was just so, so cruel even for gang life.

I'm sorry for your deaths, for all of your deaths.

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