Spencer Reid Imagines

By NiallJHoran22

15K 86 13

These will be Imagines of our lovable Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, if they suck I'm sorry these are... More

Authors Note
The New Girl
Jail Visit & Release
Scratch's Demise
Taken 2
Big Brother
Confronting Her
The Baby


1.1K 13 2
By NiallJHoran22

The weather outside was beginning to change, winter was definitely on its way. (Y/N) was on her way to work, they had a really bad case today, and she just walked through the double glass doors. (Y/N) shivered as the warmth of the room hit her cold body, she walks to work every day because she only lives a mile from the building, it's crazy, especially in the wintertime. (Y/N) walks to her desk at the Bullpen to the left of her is the desk of Luke Alvez, to her right is Stephen Walker, and directly in front of her is the desk of Dr. Spencer Reid, who is still in prison. (Y/N) puts her bag on her desk and her jacket and purple scarf on the back of her chair, her eyes slowly move to the empty chair that is pushed in at Spencer's desk she misses him so much, they started dating a year after Maeve died. (Y/N) was the one he'd opened up to first because her determination was very strong-willed. "We miss him too (Y/N)," Garcia says to (Y/N) as she walks from Emily's office with a Poster Board in her hand. (Y/N) turns around to see the Poster Board Penelope is holding, "What is that, and why are their names on it?" Garcia looks at the Poster Board then back up to (Y/N), "Oh this? This is nothing." (Y/N) grabs the Poster Board from Garcia's hand and looks at it, it has everyone's names on the team on it except hers and it's a Visitor's Log to see who gets to go see Spencer and when. (Y/N) looks up at Garcia, "Why isn't my name on here, Penny?" (Y/N) asks handing the Board back to Garcia, but she doesn't answer (Y/N).  "Penelope." (Y/N) says to her with a bit of a stern tone, but before Penelope can say anything Emily comes from her office "BAU Team in the Conference Room," Emily says walking to the Conference Room, and Dave follows.

(Y/N), Luke, Stephen, JJ, Tara, and Penelope all go to the Conference Room, "As you all know this case we have today is a bad one, yes I know all of the cases we deal with are bad, but this unsub is something else." They all sit at the Round Table and Garcia hands them the Case Files and begins presenting the case. "Today we put our boots on the ground in Mobile, Alabama the Mobile Police Department called us in, this unsub has killed over 200 victims in the past decade. But his most recent victims are 34-year-old Samuel Dunn, 55-year-old Melody Ramirez, 26-year-old Krystal Baker, and her 5-year-old son Thomas Baker. All five victims were all grabbed off the streets in broad daylight, Mobile Police said they asked people on those streets but nobody claims to have seen anything." "How were they killed, Garcia?" Stephen asks looking through the pictures in the file. "That's where it gets icky, the M.E. said that the cause of death was Skull Fractures on Melody Ramirez and Krystal Baker, he stabbed both women multiple times, hit them repeatedly, and bashed their heads against something crushing their skulls, the M.E. also said that both women were both rapped repeatedly while they were alive and after he killed them. Now here's the twist, Samuel Dunn was also repeatedly stabbed all over including in the head, and he practically castrated both Samuel and Little Tommy Baker. Sweet, innocent, little Tommy Baker was the lucky one here and wasn't tortured at all, our unsub snapped his neck." (Y/N) looks at the file and then back up to Garcia," The ages of their victims are all over the place, clearly age doesn't play a part in his sick game. But why kill Thomas Baker, he's only five he wouldn't have remembered much." "Thomas was likely in the wrong place at the wrong time, he likely saw the unsub's face, and in the unsub's mind that was the one thing that made him kill Thomas," Rossi says looking over the files.

Emily looks at the team "Wheels Up in 20." The team all leave the room (Y/N) and stops Penelope by grabbing her arm gently. Penelope turns around to face her friend and sighs lightly knowing exactly why (Y/N) stopped her, Penelope knows that she wants to know why her name isn't on the Poster Board. "He doesn't want to see you, (Y/N/N)." (Y/N) looks hurt by Penelope's words, "He doesn't want to see me, or he can't see me? Did I do something wrong?" Penelope shakes her head "No, no, of course, you didn't. Reid, he just...how do I put this-" (Y/N) cuts Penelope off, "He just doesn't want to see me, is that it?" "I think he doesn't want you to see him like that." "Like what, in jail? It doesn't matter that he's in jail, it doesn't what he looks like, what matters is that he shouldn't stop me from seeing him." "He's trying to protect you from those people there." (Y/N) looks down shaking her head as a few tears fall on her cheeks, she looks back up at Penelope, "What if the last time I saw him, is the last time I see him? Penelope, two days before he was arrested and before Diana poured her medicine down the toilet, Spencer and I got into a fight." "All couples argue, it's a natural thing." (Y/N) shakes her head, "No, this wasn't an argument, Penny. We honestly got into a fight...I threw a vase at him but he ducked and it hit the wall...the worst part is we both told each other we hate the other and broke up...that was the last thing I said to him and that was almost a year ago...I have to tell him I'm sorry..." Penelope frowns, "What was the fight about? If you don't mind me asking." "He swore that Luke and I were seeing each other behind his back." "Did Boy Wonder ask Newbie about it?" (Y/N) shakes her head, "He never got a chance, unless Spencer asked Luke before when he came to visit him." Penelope hugs (Y/N) tightly, which she returns, when Penelope pulls away (Y/N) looks at her, "Please don't say anything to the others, as far as the rest of the team knows Spencer and I are still together." Penelope nods, "I won't tell, promise but I will talk to Reid about you coming." (Y/N) nods and walks out of the Conference Room to her desk, she grabs her go-bag.

On the plane, everyone is sitting and looking over the case files. Penelope's face is up on the computer. "Do we know what connects the victims, Garcia?" Luke asks looking over the file still, "I'm still looking Newbie." (Y/N) snickers slightly at Garcia's name for Luke. "Were any of them married and employed?" Emily asks Garcia, "Samuel Dunn's wife, Alexa, was at work when her husband was taken and their nine-year-old son was home with the sitter. She's the one who called the police when her husband didn't come home later that night, but the report said that the police didn't receive a phone call and Samuel was a Firefighter, he left early the day he was taken. Melody Ramirez's husband Earl, was at his job, he's the Chief of Police for the New Orleans Police Department and Melody was on her way home from a local hospital where she worked as a Nurse, her husband said she was on her way back home to make dinner for their children who were coming in for a visit. Now Krystal Baker wasn't married at all, she was unemployed and Krystal didn't have custody of her son, her parents did." "Did any of the victims have a record?" Stephen asks and Penelope can be heard typing away on her keyboard before speaking, "Only Krystal Baker did, she was in and out of jail since she was 18 for Prostitution, and she just got out less than a month ago and if you ask me she was trying to get her life back on track." Garcia explains, "What else do we know about this case?" (Y/N) asks. "He holds them for two weeks before killing them. but with Krystal, he only held her for five days before he killed her, but our sweet little Tommy was killed only two days after he and his mother were taken." "So he takes the victims in broad daylight, nobody sees a thing, he holds them for two weeks while he tortures and rapes the women, but he kills Thomas Baker only two days after having taken him and his mother." (Y/N) says, upset and frustrated at this unsub. "It's clear he crosses state lines as well," Rossi says. "When we land, JJ, Luke, I want you to go to the latest crime scene. (Y/n), I want you two to set up at the Police Station. Stephen and Tara, I want you to go talk to the Dunn, Ramirez, and Baker families. Dave and I will go and talk to the M.E." Emily says giving the team orders for when they land.

They arrive at the Mobile County Police Department before they part ways. Emily walks up to the Chief, "I'm SSA Emily Prentiss, these are agents, Rossi, Lewis, Jareau, Alvez, Walker, and (Y/L/N)." "Thank you for coming Agents, I'm Alexandria Lopez." Emily shakes her hand, "Do you have a room set up for us?" Alexandria nods, "Yes it's just through these doors, it's a bit small though." Emily nods, "That's alright, thank you, Chief Lopez." Emily leads the team to the room, "Alright you all know what to do, so let's get to it." Emily looks at (Y/N), "If you need help setting up I'm sure Chief Lopez wouldn't mind lending you some hands. Also I want you to get the files they have about the previous 200 victims if they have them all." (Y/N) nods, "Alright will do Prentiss." With that Emily and the rest of the team leave, leaving (Y/N) to set up. Once (Y/N)'s done she goes to find Chief Lopez, "Excuse me, Officer Rose, I'm looking for Chief Lopez." The male officer points to a door, "Her Office." (Y/N) gives a curt nod and thanks and walks over to the door, she knocks on it. "Come in." (Y/N) pushes the door open and walks inside Chief Lopez's office, she's on the phone. (Y/N) waits until Chief Lopez is done. "Agent (Y/L/N), what can I do for you?" Chief Lopez asks as she looks up from just hanging up the phone. "Agent Prentiss would like all the case files you have on any murders similar to these." Chief Lopez nods, "Right away Agent (Y/L/N), I'll have some of my officers to get on that right now." (Y/N) nods, "Thank you, ma'am." With that (Y/N) goes back to the conference room.

A few moments later (Y/N) is taping more pictures to the board, "What does he do to those people?" A young officer, who looks to be in her early twenties asks. "You don't want to know, trust me." The young girl nods and leaves with a few other officers who brought the boxes into the room. (Y/N) sits down and starts grabbing files from one of the boxes, she opens it goes over it, and sighs. "I really wish Spencer were here right now..." (Y/N) whispers after going through the files for an hour the Chief pops her head in the door, "Excuse me Agent (Y/L/N), they've just discovered a new body." (Y/N) nods, "Thank you Chief, I'll call Agent Prentiss." The Chief nods and closes the door. (Y/N) pulls out her phone and calls Emily, "Hey Prentiss, they just found another body, I'm going over loads of files and could use some help...Alright sounds good, thanks." (Y/N) hangs up and goes back to reading the files and comes across something she quickly calls Garcia and puts her on speaker. "Lady of wisdom and all things knowledge." "Hey Garcia, I've been trying to go through like 150 case files and I found something." "Hands at the ready!" "This woman survived, she managed to get away from the unsub, this wasn't mentioned to us at all!" "I'm patching the rest of the team through." (Y/N) nods, "Yeah they need to hear this." "Okay, everyone's here our sweet (Y/L/N) found an interesting discovery." "What'd you find (Y/n)?" Emily asks. "A woman from ten years ago, she survived and managed to escape." (Y/N) explains, "What's her name?" "Sandra Dennis." "Garcia." "Already on it, Prentiss," Garcia says typing. "I can't find anything recent on Sandra the last paper trail was from ten years ago...oh my gosh, Sandra gave birth to a child ten years ago." "The unsub got her pregnant before she got away." (Y/N) says. "Exactly right my dear sweet, (Y/N/N)." "Did she keep the baby?" JJ asks, "No, no she didn't. She hasn't even used a credit card in ten years, she's gone off the map." "Well if there's a paper trail you'll find it, Garcia." Emily says with a smile, "I will, I'll find her, I will call you when I have more!" Garcia hangs up with the rest of the team, "(Y/N), how are you?" (Y/N) sighs, "I could really use Spencer and his big beautiful brain, I'm not even up to fifty files yet. Hopefully, the team will get back shortly, a few extra eyes and hands would be amazing." "You'll get it done, you're amazing." With that, Penelope hangs up.

It's been three days since the newest victim was taken and was killed just as fast. (Y/N)'s looking over the board trying to make a connection, when an officer walks into the room. "Agent (Y/L/N)?" The male officer asks, (Y/N) turns around, and looks at the officer, "Yes?" He hands her an envelope, which (Y/N) takes as the male officer leaves. (Y/N) opens it, "I'm coming for you Agent (Y/L/N), and you'll never see it coming!" (Y/N) reads aloud, (Y/N) sits down in one of the chairs the others are out in the field. "I need some air..." (Y/N) puts the letter down and walks outside, closing her eyes. Before (Y/N) can think she's grabbed from behind and naturally, she fights back. It's a man that has her, (Y/N) can tell, the man's taller than her and physically built. "Get off of me! Help!! Someone help me!!" The man puts a rag over (Y/N)'s mouth knowing all too well what it is she holds her breath as long as she can before inhaling and blacks out. When (Y/N) comes to she's tied to a chair and there's another girl tied to a chair beside her, the girl is physically shaking and scared. "It's okay, I'm an FBI agent we're gonna get outta here." The girl looks at (Y/N), "You're Ruby Rose-Parker." "They won't get here in time, we'll both be dead. At least I'll be dead, that's for sure." "Hey, don't think like that." "You're the one he wants, I'm good as dead." Just then a man wearing a black mask comes through the door and unties Ruby, he beats her head against the wall, repeatedly. "NO, STOP!!! YOU HAVE WHAT YOU WANT LET HER GO!! I'M THE ONE YOU WANT NOT HER, SHE'S NO USE TO YOU ANYMORE!"

"Please I have to get home or my parents will freak out if I don't get home before dinner. I swear I won't tell anyone anything, I just wanna go home." "Just let her go you have me, you don't need to hold her anymore and she doesn't need to see what you're gonna do to me." The unsub grumbles, letting her go. "Go, before I change my mind!" And with that Ruby is out of the place she'd been held, she lied, and she is going straight to the Police Station when she gets there. (Y/N) looks up at the unsub, on the inside she prays for her team to find her before she becomes the final victim. (Y/N) isn't scared of this man and when he breaks her, she definitely won't show it, no matter what. "Now that our little friend is gone, I'm going to show you exactly what I'm going to do to you." The unsub smirks, "You've been killing for the last decade, but I haven't even been in the Bureau for ten years, I've only been there for four years. How did you kill women that resembled me then stop and start again on these last few victims?" "I've been watching you for the past decade, but you moved then, and I couldn't find you for four years. Then when I did I couldn't get my hands on you, you were well protected and I knew I'd have to wait for the right moment to act. So, while I couldn't get my hands on you I killed anyone until I came across the last few victims I killed them because they resembled you so much. But I'm going to take my time with you and if anyone tries to stop me, I'll kill them and then kill you." (Y/N) looks at him in shock, "You've been stalking me for the past ten years?! I don't even know you and you don't know me!" The unsub shakes his head and chuckles, "I do know you and you hurt me in the past, you rejected me. Which is why I'm going to enjoy my time with you, I'm going to make you suffer...you'll feel the pain I felt when you left me, (Y/N)." The unsub pulls the mask from his face, and (Y/N) gasps in shock. "Marcus Bolton, oh my gosh! I never rejected you, you tried to rape me!!" If there was one thing (Y/N) was scared of it was Marcus Bolton, had it not been for her screaming he'd have raped her.

Back at the station, the team is all gathered around the table talking to Chief Lopez, "Who brought this letter to Agent (Y/L/N)?" Dave asks the Chief, "I'm not sure Agent Rossi, I was in my office taking some phone calls, the press is getting antsy, they want to know what's going on." Emily looks over the letter multiple times, "She's his end game." Emily looks up at the Chief, "We need you to ask your officers who gave this letter to Agent (Y/L/N), now." Chief Lopez nods, "Right away, Agent Prentiss." Chief Lopez leaves the conference room. "We need to find her before he kills her, if she dies we lose Spencer from this team for good." JJ pipes up. "We're not losing (Y/N) or the kid, we'll get her back," Rossi says to JJ. "I think it's time for the profile," Emily says walking out, the others follow her. "The man we're looking for is in his early to mid-thirties, he wouldn't be noticeable just walking on the street, he blends in," Emily says. "We know he has a motive of transportation, it's likely a van or an SUV something big enough to move a body in," Luke says. "We know he doesn't kill them in this vehicle, because all of the victims' ankles and wrists were bound likely to a chair or some other object," JJ says. "We also believe that this unsub has a partner." Stephen says, "How do you know there's a partner?" "This specific unsub is killing women, he only kills women. When we got the case we too, thought that our unsub was killing both males and females, but one of our Agents has been taken by one of our unsubs." Tara explains. "So, because one of your Agents was taken you think there are two unsubs?" "The unsubs are likely partners, the killing of both male and female are the same but the males are all castrated, which leads us to believe that our second unsub is likely a woman," Luke explains. "Our female unsub is likely in her early to mid-twenties and it's very apparent that our unsubs knew each other since they were kids and or likely met within the four years," Rossi says. "You've likely interviewed both unsubs, thank you," Emily says going back to the conference room. Emily gets a message on her phone not long after, "Everything okay, Prentiss?" Rossi asks, "Spencer, he's getting released, we need to go get him. JJ, Garcia, and I will go get Reid and bring him home. The rest of you stay here and keep on the case." "Emily, you can't keep him in the dark about (Y/L/N) he needs to know," Rossi says looking at Emily. "He's coming back here with us he won't be reinstated though, but we do need him." With that Emily and JJ leave to go get Spencer.

Marcus has had (Y/N) for almost two weeks now, Ruby kept her word and didn't go to the police. (Y/N) has done her best to keep Marcus from raping her, but he has tortured her. Marcus has played with (Y/N)'s head making her sometimes believe that her team won't come for her. Marcus is choking (Y/N) at the moment and naturally, she tries to wiggle her way out of his grasp. "The more you fight the harder things will get for you." (Y/N) knees him right between the legs causing Marcus to let go of her, she gets up and tries to run. Marcus groans but gets up and slams (Y/N) against the wall, pulling out a knife. "Now I don't want to damage that beautiful skin of yours, but if you try that again I will slice you up." (Y/N) swallows the lump in her throat, "You won't break me, I won't let you." She says through gritted teeth. Marcus chuckles, "You're already broken, your precious ex-boyfriend is sitting in jail for murder, and only one person on your entire team knows about the break-up and that is Penelope Garcia. Not even Dr. Reid's best friend knows about the break-up, he hasn't told anyone about it. Dr. Reid doesn't care about you, if he did he wouldn't have gotten himself put in prison." (Y/N) looks up at him, "He isn't a murderer, he was framed!" "By Peter Lewis, just like Aaron Hotchner was, and look at where Aaron Hotchner is now in Witness Protection!" "Hotch was innocent, just like Reid is!" (Y/N) hisses at him being very protective of her family. "Face it (Y/N), your team won't come for you, and if they do you'll be dead!" Marcus slams (Y/N)'s head against the wall once, and she screams and yells for Spencer out of habit. "SPENCER!" Marcus smirks, "He isn't coming, he won't save you, at least not in time." (Y/N) looks at Marcus "My team will come and they'll get me out of here, when they do I'm gonna watch you fry." Marcus laughs and throws (Y/N) to the ground and kicks her a few times, she cries out a few times before passing out.

A few days later (Y/N) wakes up and her clothes are all ripped up, and her wrists and ankles are bound again. Someone walks into the room but (Y/N) can't see who it is because of her blurred vision from being knocked out. "Glad to see you're awake finally, (Y/N)." (Y/N)'s too weak to lift her head because Marcus hasn't thought about her well-being and the need to eat and drink. Marcus grabs (Y/N)'s chin lifting it, "You're so pathetic, it's no fun when your victims don't fight back. Maybe you need a little motivation to keep you fighting, your precious ex-boyfriend was released Agents Prentiss, Jareau, and Garcia are going to get him and they're bringing him back to the Station to try and save you. He won't be armed, so I'll take him out and go down in a hail of bullets." (Y/N) struggles against the bonds holding her, "You won't touch him, Marcus!" "Ah, there's the (Y/N) I know, the protective side, the feisty side, the strongest side you have." Marcus frees (Y/N)'s wrists and ankles, "I know you want to kill me, so go on do it." Marcus hands (Y/N) a gun. (Y/N) falls to the floor, but tries to find the will to get up and keep fighting until the team arrives, so that's just what she does. Picking up the gun, (Y/N) slowly gets to her feet pointing the gun at Marcus' head, she holds the gun there for what seems like forever, "You're not worth a bullet." (Y/N) says putting the gun down, kicking it to the side. Marcus laughs and slams (Y/N) against the wall, his hand on her throat. "Kill me, they kill you and won't think twice about it." Marcus shrugs throwing (Y/N) to the floor and goes for the gun, he aims it at her. (Y/N) looks at Marcus not showing him any sign of fear, knowing the only thing to try and do is take him down. But (Y/N) opts for the dumb decision and gets up to run, only to be shot in the leg. "Son of a---" (Y/N) catches her sentence before falling to the ground. Marcus grabs the leg he'd just shot in (Y/N) and pulls out a knife, extracting the bullet. (Y/N) screams out in agony once again.

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