Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

By loveisweakness7

244K 8.7K 1.1K

"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... More

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
ii. Friend or Enemy ?
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xii. Not ready for this world
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxiv. Revenge
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?

2.6K 128 12
By loveisweakness7

"Are you going to run?"

Freya paused at the bottom of the stairs clearly surprised by her father's sudden question. She readjusted her hooded vest over her shoulders as she nodded."Yeah, I need to get some fresh air."

After learning that Valerio was sleeping with Polo and Cayetana... at the same time, she needed more than a loophole. Part of her was still fucking angry only a rational part had seen this pattern before it even came true. It was obvious that this plan to get information from Polo was a damn bad idea. And now she suffered.

To tell the truth, she didn't even know how she should react. Unsurprisingly Lucrecia had been ten times more scandalized than she by the news. After that she kept telling her how much Valerio didn't deserve her tears. Obviously the episode of her party still written in her mind.

Freya had to admit that this Valentine's Day party had not been her brightest moment. Not only had she ridiculed Alvarò but she had also confessed his crush to Luis. And she didn't even talk about the fact that she forced Lu to hold her hair for much of the night while she emptied her stomach into the bowl.

Indeed, this party had been a real disaster for her.

"Mhm ... hard day?" Sandvik easily guessed, visibly as uncomfortable with the little talk as Freya was.

Nevertheless he made an effort and that was probably what mattered most to Freya. She left a small smile on her lips at the thought before letting a sigh pass her lips."More like a long month."

"I think I can understand."Sandvik agreed before lifting his arms over his head to stretch, giving Freya time to realize that he also appeared in sportswear.

She jumped the last step in hesitation before crossing her arms over her chest in a defense mechanism. She shyly walked over to her father before biting lightly on his lower lip."Do you you want us to run together?"

"Really?"Sandvik was immediately surprised before swallowing at the sight of her sincere expression."Yeah, of course."

So that's how Freya found herself running along the streets of Madrid alongside her father. She had to admit that it was kind of weird at first but it was enough for them to get consumed by physical exercise to agree. They made a pretty good team. Her father even encouraged her many times to help her keep his pace without giving up.

Obviously there remained a firm competitor in the soul.

However, it didn't bother Freya as much as she would have imagined.

It was only when they spotted a public fountain that the duo slowed down to a stop to take a well-deserved break. Freya rushed to the fountain clearly breathless while Sandvik gasped at the sight of his daughter's blushing face.

"I knew you had the body of a winner."Hailed Sandvik as Freya straightened up, wiping the drops of water from her chin to make room for him.

Freya let out a slight growl at the feel of her burning lungs before giving a questionable look at her father."All I know is that I might throw up."

"The teenagers now are so dramatic."Chuckled Sandvik, surpring Freya again with his cheerful humor.

It was not every day that she saw this facet of her father. Truth be told, she couldn't even remember the last time she heard her father laugh like that.

He motioned for her to walk over to a bench before leaning his leg on the seat so he could stretch. Freya copied him by pressing her thigh, clearly used to the pain in her muscles.

"Your brother came back with this boy the other day."Suddenly Sandvik announced letting Freya give her father a confused look.


Sandvik hummed in the objection, tilting his head before grimacing."I doubt. He spent the night at home. And Carmen caught him sneaking out of the house early in the morning."

Freya widened her eyes at his insinuation before immediately looking away as she tried to avoid his gaze by moving to the other leg. However, Sandvik continued to watch her closely.

"Have ... have you ... well have you ever brought a boy home like your brother?"He stammered clearly out of his comfort zone.

Freya left a shocked hiccup as she straightened immediately in embarrassment before feeling a red hoot along her cheeks. She clumsily cleared her throat before making a face on her father."Dad ..."

"Maybe that boy ... Valerio, right?"

"Oh my God ! Dad ... I'm virgin, okay?"Freya grimaced, taking her face in her hands leaving Sandvik to straighten in a coughing fit before nodding his head visibly as uncomfortable as his daughter.

He gave a long look around them clearly uncomfortable at the idea of ​​meeting her gaze before murmuring despite everything under his breath in pride."A virgin, uh."


"So I heard you had a special time with our father last night."

Freya rolled her eyes at the reminder as she picked up her last manual needed for the day before shaking her head as she faced her brother."Don't remind me. It's embarrassing enough like that."

"I bet."Chuckled Luis knowingly before pausing at the exchange taking place a little further. He had noticed this kind of regular exchange for several weeks already. In fact, he had even seen the small lab that Valerio and Rebecca had made at Samuel's. It wasn't so hard to notice to be honest. They weren't really hiding anymore. Even if Valerio seemed a little more guarded in his presence. Obviously his relationship with his sister was still in the back of his mind.

Luis had to speak with Rebecca about her little episode of crisis with their father to make Valerio interested. And guilty.

"Do you know what Valerio and Rebecca have been up to lately?"

Freya paused at the mention of the brown before turning to her brother, swallowing."No. Why ?"

"I think you should go to the library between noon and two."

Freya frowned more before calling after the blonde as he hurried away. She frowned in frustration, puzzled before shaking her head as she resumed her way through the corridors.

One problem at a time.



Nice hair cut."Freya commented with a sympathetic smile on her lips as she sat down at Ander's table before handing him her cookie."Here, you seem to need it."

Ander let out a breath of laughter visibly amused by her reaction before shaking his head."Thank you."

"You're welcome."Replied the brunette before gesturing to his buzz cut."You should watch out for regrowth. It's a real ordeal."

Ander gasped before he raised an eyebrow in disbelief."What do you know about that ?"In response, Freya just gave him a sharp look, drawing a brown chuckle."No way!"

"I did it to support my mother. My eight-year-old mind thought it was a good idea."Chuckled Freya with a nostalgic little smile on her lips before shrugging, nonchalant."In the end I didn't regret it. Look at my hair now. They're long and silky."

Ander left a slight hum before raising his hands in surrender."I'll believe words on this point."

Freya gave him an accomplice side look before taking the tomato on her fork in her mouth. She chewed for a moment in silence before turning to Ander at the sensation of his gaze on her.


"Nothing. It's just ... you don't treat me any differently. At least not like the others."

Freya gulped down completely, shaking her head in knowledge before giving him a look of understanding."Well, unlike them, I've been there before. It's never easy to accept that someone's dear sickness. But it's even more so for the person himself. I remember the look my mother used to have on me. I don't want to see that look on you again."

Ander let out a weak sigh, biting lightly on his lower lip."I feel like I'm wasting Omar's life. He just keeps acting positive and I don't know ... I think it's time to stop acting like it was nothing. Because it's not nothing. I have cancer and I'm at risk of-"

"Dying ?"Freya finished for him, swallowing before supporting his brown orbs clearly shocked by the ease with which she had just told the sad truth."It's okay to think about it in your state. You have the right to think about it. On the other hand you must not let this thought dictate your life. I know it's easier said than done and that I could never put myself in your place but ... you really have to live your life in the present. Enjoy every moment as if it were the last. Truth be told, it should be something everyone should do."

Ander looked carefully at the brunette clearly moved by her speech. Honestly he didn't expect such a thing from her. Again it was Freya he was talking about. She had always had a vision of life that had helped him through the past months. It wasn't for nothing that he always turned to her whenever he felt overwhelmed by his lies. But what she had just said was more than just comfort for him.

It was a thought that made him a little less alone, a little less different.

Nevertheless there was a slight flaw in her speech and at the sight of the slight crease between her eyebrows he could see that he was not the only one to realize it.

"You know what, Ander? I think I'll have to leave you."

She got up from her chair and picked up her tray, leaving Ander to nod his head with a small smile.

Freya gave the shaved-cut brown a last look before rushing outside the cafeteria. She hastened to get rid of her tray before speeding up towards the library. She glanced at her watch as she remembered Luis' advice before finishing her way into the library.

However, it was not long before she made a sudden stop at the sight of a line standing between the shelves. She frowned at the sight before approaching in hesitation just to realize what it was all about. It was not long before she clenched her jaw, crossing her arms over her chest at the sight of Valerio exchanging small paper bags for cash.

Knowing his past as well as that of Rebecca's mother and their money problem together it wasn't that difficult to connect the dots. She shook her head at the sight in pure disappointment and annoyance before rushing past each student in line to head straight for Valerio. She ignored the groans of protest on her way since she was overtaking everyone before suddenly hitting her palms flat on the table.

Valerio jumped abruptly as he lifted his head before displaying a wide gaze worthy of a deer caught between the headlights of a car as he met her angry expression. He swallowed for a moment before quickly resuming a nonchalant expression, cool as he leaned in his chair casually."Freya, what's this pleasure ?"

"Cut the crap!" Freya indignantly clenched her teeth before giving him an exasperated look."Are you freaking serious right now?"

"I don't know what you mean."Valerio lied, shaking his head in false innocence.

"Really?" Huffed Freya with a disdainful look on the brown before taking him from high as she took out a fifty bill from the pocket of her blazer."Fine! If that's the only way to get the truth. Give me one of your stuff. Drug dealer."

Valerio watched her bill hide under her hand, licking his lips before straightening up in his chair as he leaned on the table with his eyes narrowed."You're bluffing."

"Do I look like I'm bluffing?"

Valerio clenched his jaw at the sight before suddenly leaning to the side to address the queue becoming increasingly annoyed at the presence of Freya." That's all for today. Get out!"

Freya straightened up as she could hear the gasps of annoyance behind her before crossing her arms over her chest as she watched Valerio hasten to tidy up his things in irritation. He got up from his chair, threading the strap of his bag around his middle before giving her a frustrated look."You're aware that you have just made me lose an important figure?"

"And you're aware that I don't give a damn?" Freya replied dryly before leaving an exasperated sigh."So that was bullshit? All your fucking talk about college and getting your life back on track?"

Valerio left an exasperated snort as he looked around before leaning towards Freya."It's precisely to pay for university that I do this! Not everyone can be perfect and have the perfect family life like you."

Freya immediately stepped back to his jab before giving him an injured look."You know better than anyone that my family life is far from perfect."

She shook her head barely recognizing the boy she had fallen in love with before leaving an indignant sigh as she turned on her heels. She ignored Valerio's guilty call as she made her way furiously outside the library.

However, she soon jumped with the sensation of a hand grabbing her wrist before trying to struggle as Valerio pulled her to the windows.

"I'm sorry, okay?"Whispered Valerio as he made sure to keep her close before swallowing in emotion."I really need this money, Freya."

"Do you seriously think this money will help you in prison?" Freya quipped in exasperation.

Valerio narrowed his lips, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking away, allowing Freya to watch him closely. She gulped as he watched him with affection anyway before placing her hand on his jaw, forcing the brunet to turn his eyes to her. He let out a trembling breath at the sensation of her palm readjusting against his cheek before leaning into her touch. He closed his eyes to the reassuring feeling, clearly unconscious of a certain dark-haired brown with steel-blue eyes watching them from a distance.

"I know you've always felt like this loser who can't do anything, but that's not what I see, Valerio. It was never what I saw in you."Freya said sincerely, allowing Valerio to open his eyes, swallowing with emotion."You're an optimist, sincere, intelligent and ... sensitive. You sincerely deserve to go to university like all of us. But not like that. Not by ruining someone else's life. You're in the best position to know what this shit can do."

He brought his hand around her wrist to bring her palm to his lips wanting a real contact with her before kissing her palm affectionately.

Freya let out a short breath before removing her hand from his grip to hug him. Valerio immediately hugged her back, clinging to her blazer before nestling his nose in the crook of her neck to breathe in her luxurious scent.

Freya closed her eyes to the sensation of his nose slightly tickling her skin before swallowing as she detached again at the sensation of her heart skipping a beat again.

She gave a genuinely sorry look at Valerio clearly unable to deal with the lingering feelings between them at this point before slowly slipping her hand from his. She walked away, keeping eye contact before turning on her heels, shaking her head at the sensation of tears streaming down her eyes.


"You will be proud of me."

Freya hummed as she looked up from her notes before arching an eyebrow at Lu."Really? What did you do now?"

"I didn't say anything to Nadia."Lu said seriously, letting Freya swallow suspiciously."I'm serious.I was thinking of doing it after the fact that we're competing again to win the scholarship but ..."

Freya leaned against her seat, crossing her arms over her chest before giving a pointed look at the brunette."But ?"

"Well you know what it is. I can't really afford to give her the opportunity to tell everything about me and Valerio."Lu said in an obvious lie leaving Freya to smile despite herself sincerely proud of Lucrecia's evolution."What? Why are you smiling?"

She shook her head with a slight snorted before giving an amused look at the brunette Montesinos knowingly."You actually like her. You sympathize with her situation."

"Whatever." Lu defended immediately, looking away before swallowing as she cast a wary new look at brunette Bjørkaas, shaking her head."I'm not soft. I just want to win this scholarship fair for once. Since you seem so proud every time you win something right I also wanted to try."

Freya displayed an almost touched expression before absently twirling her pen between her fingers, teasing her."Whoa, I have such a good influence on you."

Lucrecia left a smirk anyway before sweeping her hair over her shoulder as she picked up her book to prepare her presentation to win this scholarship. She and Nadia once again found themselves shoulder to shoulder for the scholarship.

Freya was soon called out again, however, as some tall, athletic brown appeared out of nowhere with a nervous expression at the sight of Lucrecia at her side."Hey, Freya."

"Hey, Freya? Get out of here, Polito!"

Polo clenched his jaw as he narrowed his eyes at Lu."It's Polo. "

"Lucrecia, enough."Freya sighed as she turned her head to the big annoyed brown."What's up?"

"Can we talk?"Asked Polo visibly still nervous in her presence.

Lucrecia immediately left a scoff about to intervene only Freya hastened to get up giving her a warning look."You're can't be serious ? You know what he did. He's the enemy, Freya!"

"I think I can manage."Freya said, sincerely sorry for Polo before motioning for him to follow her with a little contrite smile. She stopped near the library window, making sure to keep their duo away from Lu's protective eyes."I'm sorry for her. you don't deserve this kind of treatment."

Polo let a bewildered look at her behavior towards him before letting a small smile curl his lips."Thank you. You're really one of the only people still treating me like a human being."

"Well that's what friends are for, right?"Freya reminded him with a small knowing smile letting Polo clench his jaw as he looked down at his sneakers.

He nodded his head with a frustrated sigh."Yeah, friends."

"Mhm? What did you say ?"

The brunet straightened up immediately, shrugging his shoulders before shaking his head with a nervous smile."Nothing. I just wanted to say that ... well ... I really like your outfit today."

"My usual uniform?"Chuckled Freya confused leaving Polo to wince in embarrassment.

"No, no, I mean ... you're still very beautiful in your uniform but uh ... I wanted to talk about your hair. It looks good in a buns."

Freya gasped before shaking her head, shrugging."Yeah, I didn't really have time to remove it after my dance class this morning. But thanks anyway for noticing."

Polo displayed a shy little smile clearly satisfied with himself before noticing her gaze on his neck."There is a problem ? "

"No, it's just ... your tie. It's a little-a little crooked."Freya replied absently before raising her hands before even thinking."Can... well, can I?"

Polo widened his eyes at her request before trying to dampen the excitement in his chest as he quickly nodded."Yeah, yeah, of course."

Freya left a friendly smile as she hastily readjusted his tie in a dash of perfectionism before stepping back to observe him more closely. She nodded in satisfaction before looking up into his deep blue orbs again.

"Here ! It's better."She commented with a smile.

"What's going on between you and Valerio?"

Freya let a breath before frowning at the brown."Whoa ... this is ... where does this question come from?"

"Well, I saw you earlier in the hall."Polo explained with an idea behind his head before sitting on the window sill of the library."And as you know ... we kind of have this thing going on between us. It's ... you know. With Cayetana and Valerio."

Freya ran her tongue down her teeth, clearly irritated and jealous despite herself at the mere thought before swallowing as she nervously scratched her neck."Well, uh ... as you know ... Valerio and I ... but it's over. You can have him-actually, no, because he's not an object and he belongs to no one but-"

"Whoa, whoa, breathe, Freya!"Chuckled Polo as he suddenly took her hands before pulling her towards him leaving Freya looking between their joined hands and his face with a slight confused crease between her eyebrows.

"What are you doing ?"

Polo shrugged as he let go of her hands at the sight of her reaction before descending from the windowsill in embarrassment."Nothing. I just wanted to know if you still feel things for him. And obviously it's a yes. But to be honest, you deserve better, Freya."

"Excuse me ?"

"Well between him, Cayetana and me it's just sex you know."Polo explained, ignoring the annoyance his words instilled in Freya."And obviously you deserve much more than just sex. You deserve someone who could give you everything."

Freya stepped back clearly bewildered by his words before giving him an uncertain look."Polo... where did all this come from?"

"I'm just telling you what I think. You're my friend. You really deserve the best. I mean if I was lucky enough to get your attention I would do anything to make you the happiest."

Freya left a small, moved smile after all before letting a breath soften as she opened her arms to hug him."Aw come here. You too deserve the best."

Polo hastened to give her her hug, hugging her closer before closing his eyelids as he tilted his nose to her neck leaving Freya suddenly freezing uncomfortable.

She swallowed as she let go of the brown, letting her arms fall to her side before quickly coming off, clumsily clearing her throat."I ... mhm ... I should go back to Lucrecia. But uh ... it was cool talking to you."

She started walking backwards, leaving the puzzled and disappointed brown about her sudden escape.

However Freya was more concerned with his reaction from earlier. Perhaps she was no longer so certain that her friendship for Polo would benefit him. She may not know much about relationships but friends weren't hugging like Polo just did.

Unconsciously her discussion several months ago with Rebecca and Nadia chooses this moment to resurface in her mind. Could Polo ... no, it was impossible.

They were only friends after all.


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