Fallen in Time (OLD VERSION...

By DirectorKim

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CHECK OUT THE NEW VERSION One Day Production PRESENTS A VKook Fantasy Fanfic Directed by Director Kim ✨FALLEN... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Last 2020 Update
❗️NEW VERSION Published❗️

Chapter 7

285 65 175
By DirectorKim

A YoonMin Spin-off during the Chase

A YoonMin interaction REQUESTED BY this awesome hooman:
Lots of Love from Director Kim!

Swords clashed as Min Yoongi fought off another Rogue.

The Demon kept on resorting to defense as he tried to conjure up flame from his other arm. But his Demon abilities were drained earlier from going against Jungkook during their training. Knowing that he was going nowhere by just forcing himself to use his ability as a Demon, Yoongi used his super speed and strength and channeled it to his sword instead.

He and the rest of his captain's troop got to the town's circle just in time after Taehyung caused one of his flare to explode on the ground. Once the dust of purple dispersed into the ground, they attacked the remaining majority of Rogues in the scene.

Currently, Yoongi was battling three all at once in a swordfight.

Yoongi managed to disarm one of them and set a punch and kick to send his other opponent back. Then in a quick second, he managed to kill one with a stab then with a swipe of his sword for his next move, he ended another Rogue's life. He was about to shift to the last once when suddenly, he found his arm pinned to the nearest wall.

The unbelievable strength and impact of a dagger to Yoongi had him drop his sword to the ground, out of reach. He looked up and saw that the last Rogue shifted from using a sword to now using daggers after Yoongi disarmed the Rogue's sword earlier.

"Fucking hell-are you serious?" Yoongi spat to himself when he felt pain in the middle of his arm as his sleeve started to soak with the color red.

"Ah-Fuck! Come on!"

Yoongi cursed and tried to conjure red flame on his free hand to at least defend himself but he was simply drained the dark marks on his arms kept on receding into his skin.

Quickly changing course, Yoongi took hold of the hilt of the dagger that had his armor's sleeve caught against the wall and pulled on it. But to no avail, the blade was imbedded in the wall.

The Demon looked up to see the Rogue walking towards the sword he was disarmed from and picked it up. The Rogue raised his sword up in a swing and charged at him and all Yoongi could do was frantically tried to get the dagger off the wall in hopes of getting it off in time.

The sound of blades clashing as a shadow loomed over Yoongi made him quickly look up. To say that he was shock at who just prevented his life from ending pathetically was an understatement.

Park Jimin, stood in front of him, using Yoongi's sword to block off the Rogue's own blade.

Jimin's heart was racing as it was his first time holding a real sword and this was his first battle that he got himself into. He knew to himself that he has no experience, no proper training, and definitely no idea what to do next after he made an impulsive but rather heroic act of picking up Yoongi's sword to save the warrior's life.

Give or take, Jimin knew he was going to hurt himself.

With the adrenaline boosting his strength, Jimin pushed the Rogue back and quickly made himself remember anything: any form or any strategy from the trainings he watched and attempted to practice on his own.

Knowing that he must not waste any time that will enable the enemy to think and-or even attack first, Jimin took a step forward to pushed the Rogue back. The Human then charged with Yoongi's sword and applied forms, stances, and strategies that he barely remembered. He just simply attacked.

As Jimin managed to make the Rogue get away from the warrior, Yoongi blinked his shock away and let out a breath he knowingly held from the fear.

The warrior was truly impressed when Jimin managed to use the proper form to attack and defend himself against a skilled Rogue. But the fear and hesitation were obvious from Jimin's stance, and that made Yoongi snap out from his trance. He needed to act quick and not let a civilian, specifically a mere stable boy who is an inexperienced Human, handle a very dangerous situation with no less a dangerous weapon on hand.

Yoongi finally got the knife out after he got the courage to look away from Jimin fighting against a Rogue. He growled at the pesky blade that him into this mess and getting Jimin involved as he stood up in a rush.

With the Demon's superspeed, Yoongi got in between Jimin and the Rogue just after the Human seemed to dodge a lunged aimed at his side. Taking advantage of this, Yoongi quickly gripped the Rogue's arm, pushed his knee up while pushing the arm down on it to break it.

The Rogue screamed and let go of his sword then with a twist of Yoongi's body that had his back in front of the Rogue, Yoongi used his other hand that was holding the dagger and moved the blade pass his side in a second.

After Yoongi successfully stabbed the Rogue, he pushed the Rogue away from so he can completely turn around to make sure that the Rogue is as good as dead.

Huffing and trying to get the adrenaline to subside since there seemed to be no more danger around the premise Yoongi was at, the warrior hissed at the pain in his arm then stepped back to see if Jimin is alright.

"Yah, are you okay Park-What the hell?"

Yoongi breathed out and looked around for Jimin but found the Human to be gone from his sight.

"Aish. Did that Human seriously just leave?"

Yoongi huffed and saw only his sword on the ground. The Demon sighed and picked up his sword.

When Yoongi was about to place it back in its scabbard if not for the odd texture on the hilt of his sword. He proceeded to put it back first thought then looked down at it. The dark blue color of the hilt seemed a bit off so he looked at his hand afterwards.

Yoongi's concern grew for Jimin when he saw his hand is now faintly stained in blood. He realized that the stable boy got hurt in attempting to fend off the Rogue. There's no need to think about it since logically, only Jimin held his sword before the battle ended.

"Damn it," Yoongi cursed and went back to the town's circle to see if Jimin went there.


Kim Seokjin called out to him while the medic made his way towards the warrior.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jin asked with the utmost urgency to do his duties as a medic.

"Just here, hyung," Yoongi answered and showed him his bleeding arm.

"Take a seat. It will be easier for me to get that healed," Jin led the Demon to some crates and made him sit there.

Jin proceeded to check up on Yoongi's wound and proceeded to pour some medicine on it while applying magic for the process to be faster and effective.

While Jin did his business, Yoongi looked over Jin's shoulder to see if he can locate Jimin in the crowd. But all he saw were warriors tending to the injured and frightened towns people while the others moved the bodies of Rogues out of sight.

"You seem out of it," Jin chatted as he now wrapped a bandage around the wound that was reduced to fresh yet still painful closed wound.

"You didn't hit your head, did you?"

"I'm not as careless as Hoseok, hyung," Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Then what is it?"

"I just-Hyung, have you check up on-um-Jimin?"

Yoongi finally and awkwardly asked while gently moving his arm to see how the pain is now. He felt a light sting but majority of the pain on his arm was gone.

"Park Jimin?" Jin stood up and placed the small vials of medicine back in his small packet attached to his belt.

"No," Jin answered then his motherly personality started to come out at the realization why Yoongi would even mention the stable boy.

"Why? He was here? Is he hurt?"

Jin fired questions at the newly recovered Demon. In response, Yoongi simply rolled his eyes at how Jin worries too much about anyone.

"He's alive, hyung," Yoongi clarified and stood up.

"But do you know anyone who could've seen him thought?" Yoongi asked.

Jin stood up and quickly looked around to see who they can ask about the boy. The Angel then saw Jung Hoseok walking into the town's circle, with their captain, Kim Namjoon. He called out to Hoseok who just finished up talking with Namjoon.

"Hoseok!" Jin motioned for Hoseok and the Werewolf jogged quickly to the medic.

"Have you seen Park Jimin?" Jin asked in behalf of Yoongi and patted the Demon's shoulder.

"This Demon here is worried about that boy. Please ease whatever his concern is because I have to go around and see if anyone else needs help."

Yoongi's eyes widened at how Jin phrased it and was about to retort in disagreement but Jin just coolly walked off to tend to other people in need of his medical assistance. Yoongi shook his head and looked at the Werewolf for an answer.

"Park Ji-the stable boy?" Hoseok asked and raised an eyebrow at Yoongi since this was a rare occurrence for the Demon to mention that certain boy.

"The Human?"

"Yes. Him," Yoongi answered with a glare, feeling his patience wearing thin from the rather judgmental look Hoseok was giving him as the Werewolf clarified.

"Actually, he just left the premise before we got here. Captain told me he assigned Jimin instead of me, to get to the nearest patrol post and round up some rides for us and the injured. Because I have to track down some possible Rogues that escaped," Hoseok explained.

"Poor boy looked pale though. As if he was in pain," Hoseok shrugged and took note of how Yoongi seemed to tense up on the spot.

"He looked out of it. Namjoon told him to go to Jin first but that boy refused and simply went on with Namjoon's orders to-What-I'm still talking!"

Hoseok huffed and glared at Yoongi's back as the Demon just walked off without letting the Werewolf finish whatever he was talking about. But in the end, he couldn't help but smirk when it was obvious how Yoongi was worried for the stable boy's well-being.

"Hyung," Yoongi called out to the medic just finished checking up on the teenage boy that was badly beaten by the Rogues.

"Oh Yoongi, what is it?" Jin asked as he stood up to face Yoongi properly.

"Do you have any more of that you used on my wound?" Yoongi asked monotonously.

"Ah yes. I have two here in my packet actually-Yah! Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi quickly snatched Jin's packet, grabbed one vial along with a roll of bandage then threw the packet back at Jin. With no explanation nor words of appreciation, the Demon quickly walked away from the confused and infuriated medic.

The Demon rushed to a secluded part of the town, near the edge of the town's perimeter where riders can leave their horses for the time being. He got down the stairs of an alleyway he took and saw that the place was nearly empty expect for a certain Human struggling to walk properly towards to the stallions at the corner of the pen.

"Park Jimin."

The blonde tensed up and looked back to see the Demon taking long strides towards him.

"Min Yoongi-sir," Jimin slightly bowed, trying not to flinch and kept his arms on his side.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jimin's rather stiff posture and expression. He hated how he felt responsible for how Jimin was now.

"Is there um-is there anything you need?" Jimin asked timidly, snapping Yoongi from his thoughts.

"Are you hurt?" Yoongi asked in his usual monotonous tone as he fiddled with the small vile in his pocket.

"No. I'm okay," Jimin too quickly shook his head, "If that is all, sir, I really have to go now to-"

Yoongi didn't let Jimin finish and backed up the Human against the wooden ledges that served as a barrier of the pen. He didn't let Jimin protest and simply made his actions quick that Jimin was too shock to process what was happening.

With a barely a foot between them, Yoongi quickly pushed Jimin's vest to the side and lifted the red stained shirt up.

"Fucking hell, Jimin," Yoongi's anger seethed for a moment as he examined the wound.

Yoongi's breath hitched as did Jimin's when the two of them saw the wound that went from Jimin's front hip and ended just on the right side of the Human. From the looks of it, the Rogue Jimin battled with got him good because the wound was somewhat deep.

"And you dare say you're okay? Are you fucking kidding-"

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-It's nothing anyways and-and I just wanted to help! Yoongi-hyung-sir, please it's okay-"

Jimin didn't get to protest anymore when Yoongi suddenly poured the contents of the small vial he took from Jin earlier.

Jimin closed his eyes as tears pricked his eyes form the immense pain brought about by the burning sensation on the wound. He placed the back of his hand against his mouth to conceal his whimper. But when Yoongi started to mumbled some same exact words Jin used on him, and let some magic work against Jimin's wound for it to close, Jimin's body couldn't help but lurch forward in discomfort.

"It-It hurts, hyung," Jimin lightly sobbed against Yoongi's shoulder as he gripped on Yoongi's shirt.

The Demon tensed up from the close contact and couldn't help but curse at himself for causing this to happen.

Yoongi let Jimin lean on him and he hesitantly placed a hand on Jimin's lower back to support him. He signed in frustration as he could practically hear the pain through his held back sobs. But after a while, Jimin's sobs turned into little sniffles as the wound finally closed into just a red line the moment Yoongi let the conjured magic on his hand subside.

"Alright. Almost done," Yoongi sighed and gently made Jimin lean back on the ledge so that he can wrap the bandage around the Human.

While Yoongi wrapped the bandaged around Jimin's lower stomach, and while Jimin's attention was on his wound that was being covered up, Yoongi took the advantage to look up at Jimin's distressed tear stained face.

The Demon was definitely frustrated and felt a little tug on his chest for witnessing such face, from a mere Human no less. He can't seem to get the words of apology and gratitude out as of the moment and that added to the unpleasant sensation. Absentmindedly, he finished wrapping the bandage and was now simply caressing the wound with his thumb.

"Hyung-I mean, Yoongi-sir?" Jimin called out awkwardly in his soft voice as he wiped his tears with his sleeves.

Yoongi snapped out from his trance and stood up properly.

"Now-uh, what did Namjoon ask you to do?" Yoongi asked as he can't seem to remember what Hoseok told him earlier because he was a bit distracted with the thought of taking care of this Human.

"I was told to go to the nearest patrol spots in the forest line to get some more rides for your troop and the rest of the people in need to go to the institute for treatment," Jimin answered.

Yoongi looked down at Jimin's bandaged wound and shook his head.

"That won't do," Yoongi scoffed and pulled Jimin's shirt down to cover the bandage.

"Just get back to the town's circle and wait for the rides," Yoongi ordered, went to one of the stallions and got on it.

"But I was tasked to-"

"No. I'll go," Yoongi emphasized and looked down at Jimin, "with that injury of yours, you'll just reopen it if you do any more."

Jimin couldn't help but pout as his hand unknowingly touched his side. He looked down and nodded.

Yoongi held the reigns and looked down at Jimin's rather dejected expression. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair while he quickly thought of ways to end this interaction with Jimin, but in a good note though. He did owe the boy.

"Just make sure to-uh-get that treated by Jin once we get back to the institute," Yoongi ordered the stable boy but it came out a bit awkward for him since he felt that he doesn't really have any authority over the boy.

Jimin smiled and meekly nodded as he found it comforting.

"Yes, sir. And thank you also for this," Jimin responded, "You didn't have to-"

"Just-just hyung. Call me hyung," the Demon quickly said and turned around now by navigating the horse away from Jimin.

"Sir just makes me feel old," Yoongi mumbled in distaste.

"And I had to," Yoongi halted the stallion when he created a distance between him and Jimin.

"Training for warriors can be very difficult if wounds and injuries haven't healed properly. I don't want any hassle when I train recruits."

Jimin blinked his big bright eyes that now displayed shock once he processed the implication of Yoongi's statement. He took a step forward and called out.

"Does that mean-"

"I'll see you in training, Park Jimin."

Cut! 🎬



❗️The NamJin moment will be in the next chapter to be posted next week~
Hope you don't mind I'm not going to do a double update.
UNLESS SOMEONE MAKES A REQUEST within the day I publish this.❗️

I would appreciate it and maybe I can meet a new friend and even my true love eheh~ lul

Now onto the credits for Director Kim's source of happy days, smiles, love, inspiration, and motivation
So for some, you may skip the credits (like some would really do in real life)I don't mind :> But THANK YOU FOR READING THIS CHAPTER!

Special thanks to
I don't know how else will I be able to express my thanks to you and your support! And I just love how YOU CAN BE SO IMAGINATIVE! Thank you so much for appreciate every detail of EACH scene, dialogue-basically the whole previous chapters!

💖Special thanks once again also to💖
chiparooney , TaePika_Bunny ,
Jinspoutylip and SopeMangShooky
I love you guys so much-every time I see your usernames on my notifications for voting and commenting, and replying to others comments-just makes you all so awesome and definitely memorable~
You definitely make someone (insecure) happy!

~Bish I adore u~
Reading that comment of yours-well bish I adore u too!

A Long list of Special mentions:
And I hope we can all be friends! and of course~ "Hi guys!"
straykidshajima , Smithadias2310 , excuse_me_jiminieee ,
Seventh_Crayon ,
namjooniejungkookie , Kimivyy ,
cosmiqkook , -Laamiu- , ISTAN5000GROUPS ,
BTS_Diaries , BreBangtan ,
AutumnRose92 ,
Anna_VJK , kooktaewatties ,
KatLuverkitten ,K-Pop-lover21 ,
Taekooka13 , kooiesgir1 ,Mm14978 ,
candypop40 , kiokwritings , LittlezbeanSuga , SHIFARUZANA ,__heartsfortae , Nurul4Wadi , DreamTimeBTS ,
AinulHaque7 , NamjoonieRM7 ,
Taekook__Lover , Bisexual_Bunny , and lastly , _FollowForYou_
🌼(๑╹ω╹๑ )🌼

Thank you ONCE AGAIN guys for the VOTES, COMMENTS (I love reading your comments!) , and/or for adding this fanfic to your reading lists. Also! Thank you for the FOLLOWS!


One can never be too grateful to people who genuinely shows their love and support--and their real personalities too!
Continue to support BTS and EXO (OTPs)!
Just love the world of KPOP!

So this is FALLEN -in TIME- for now! 🎬

Comment your SUGGESTIONS or REQUESTS (i.e. Bonus Chapters, Another Cast's P.O.V., Unrelated Scenes, etc. 😘). I will make sure to have your suggestions and requests HAPPEN

Follow, Comment, Vote, and Stay Tuned for the next Chapter of ♥️ FALLEN -in TIME- ♥️

P.S. THIS CHAPTER DID NOT YET UNDERGO PROOF-READING, please forgive me for any mistakes I may have overlooked.

From Yours Truly,
The Dreamer,
Director Kim

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