Ender's War

By Jessnguyen99

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A sequel to "Ender Returns to Earth." The entire world is at war, and the IF is losing ground. Locke, also kn... More

Chapter 1 - A Hero Once Again
Chapter 2 - Strategy
Chapter 3 - Revelations
Chapter 4 - Hope
Chapter 5 - The Game Plan
Chapter 6 - An Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 7 - The Rescue Mission: Part One
Chapter 8 - The Rescue Mission: Part Two
Chapter 9 - Tragedy
Chapter 10 - The Illusion of A Happy Ending
Chapter 11 - You Want Me to What?
Chapter 12 - A Sham of a Martial
Chapter 13 - New Recruits
Chapter 14 - Welcome Back to Battle School
Chapter 15 - Fun and Games
Chapter 16 - A Brother and a Problem
Chapter 17 - Fatal Discovery
Chapter 18 - Lost
Chapter 19 - Destroyed
Chapter 20 - Picking up the Pieces
Chapter 21 - Goodbye
Chapter 23 - Battle Plans and Chaos
Chapter 24 - Waking Nightmare
Chapter 25 - Back to Work
Chapter 26 - Preparations
Chapter 27 - Snakes and Strawberries
Chapter 28 - Get Ready for War
Chapter 29 - The Past Becomes the Present
Chapter 30 - Ender's War

Chapter 22 - The Devil You Know

63 5 5
By Jessnguyen99

Dark eyes bore into Graff's very soul as he sat down behind his desk. The older man watched as Ender stayed silent. Watching him.

Even though the young Admiral couldn't speak nearly as much as he wanted, Graff could see the wheels turning in his mind.

"You're lucky you aren't dead." Graff spoke. "What you did was incredibly stupid! Not to mention, you put the fate of the world in jeopardy!"

"I didn't plan it." Ender said hoarsely. "But...I knew what I was doing."

Graff shook his head. He was more than displeased. "And the Launchies? They were gawking at you as if you were an exhibit at a museum! How do you expect to train them in this state?"

"I don't." Graff could of swore he saw the slightest hint of a smile. "I trust Bean."

His answer made Graff almost angry. He'd chosen Ender to defeat the formics for a reason. If he wanted Bean, he would've chosen him instead. It was as simple as that.

"If you weren't already injured," Graff started. "I swear to you, I would give you some pain to deal with for this insolence!"

Ender hummed in contemplation, then shifted slightly in his seat. "On to more...important matters, now?"

The boy knows me too well. We both know I would never do such a thing. He thinks I'm stalling what's pressing because I don't know what to do! How absurd! Graff scolded himself. Even injured, Ender was constantly in others minds. This proved how much they needed him for this fight.

"If Bean is training the upper level Launchies, and some of the other command school students are teaching the others, you better hope you're healed enough to lead them when they're finished."

Ender nodded in understanding. Graff wouldn't say it out loud, but he hated the choppy conversation. Ender was always very eloquent, and around him he made no exception. This just wasn't normal.

"And as for planning the attack. We need your brother's help with that. He's the only one who knows where all of the Warsaw Pact bases are. If we get that information from him, we'll know where to hit."

Graff watched as Ender's face contorted. It was obvious that the young admiral doubted that this plan would work.

"We're not going to get you to convince him." Graff added. "Your sister has agreed to negotiate on the I.F.'s behalf. If your brother cooperates, we are prepared to pursue a lighter sentence."

"What?!" Ender's exasperation sounded terrible. He couldn't help the outburst at the news of his brother possibly getting let off the hook.

Graff rose a hand at him. "I know! I don't like it any more than you do. But the information your brother has could be what enables us to win this war."

Silence ensued for a couple of moments before Ender nodded his head. Graff knew he would listen to logic over emotions any day. Despite his injuries having been driven by a lack of emotional control, Ender almost always calculated everything based on the pros and cons of the outcome. In this instance, the pros outweighed the cons.

"Okay." He finally said. "But I want to be there to watch what he says."

"I'll be making sure things go smoothly in another room using the security cameras. You're welcome to join." Graff said this sincerely. "Your brother won't be able to lay a hand on your sister. The guards will make sure of that."

Once again, Ender nodded at him but Graff didn't think that Valentine's safety was why Ender wanted to watch. He could see that it had everything to do with observing Peter. Valentine could take care of herself.

"It won't be happening for a few hours, so I recommend you get some rest. I'll send for you when it's time." Graff gave a slight hand gesture that meant Ender was dismissed from the meeting.

Things were coming together, but the quarrel between brothers was a bit of a misstep that delayed the I.F.'s progress by a month at least. The battle school doctors had debriefed Graff on Ender's situation, and he wouldn't be able to lead an army for the time being. Until then, they could only continue preparing the launchies and solidify their plan of attack.

Ender slowly rose from his chair. He made it to his feet, and before he turned to go he met Graff's gaze with his own. "Thank you, Colonel."

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Peter let out the shaky breath he'd been holding. The pain was evident for him, but he chose to keep his eyes closed. It was his way of dealing with his injuries. If he could focus internally on them, he would be more aware of what he could do without hurting himself further.

He could feel the cool metal of the handcuffs around his wrists without having to move his hands. He was aware they were there by sheer instinct. The International Fleet had discovered what he had done, and they were planning on punishing him.

Peter felt his lips curl up into a smile at the thought. I'll watch them try. Soon enough, the Warsaw Pact will show them who they shouldn't mess with.

It'd been a long week for the eldest Wiggin. For the first while, he couldn't remember much. Peter figured that they'd had him on too many drugs in the hospital for him to be able to make sense of his surroundings. That was all over now, though. He had been severely injured, he still kind of was, but he was managing it in his own way. He certainly didn't need any more medical aid than what he'd been given already.

Ender'd given him a minor jaw fracture, broke two of Peter's ribs on his left side, and had quite nearly strangled him to death. If Peter hadn't broken Ender's arm beforehand, his little brother would've succeeded. Peter hated thinking about how Ender had almost killed him. The thought made his blood boil with rage. The only thing keeping him even remotely sane was knowing that Ender was in a lot worse shape than he was.

A few of the nurses had told him as much when he had asked about his brother after coming around. The news was reassuring. Ender was the one who came after him after all. Peter wasn't planning on fighting, but before he could manipulate his brother with his words, Ender had already knocked him to the floor with the first blow. He was both impressed and enraged. His brother was becoming more violent, more like him, and he loved it. Maybe he could use that to his advantage one day.

The soft click of a door opening caused Peter to open his eyes. For the first time he took a look around at where he was. A cold, empty room had been fashioned just for him. How thoughtful of Graff. The walls were a dark grey colour, while the floors matched. The only furniture in the room was a metal table and two chairs, one of which Peter was sitting in. His hands were cuffed to a bar on top of the table, and he was leaning onto the cool surface.

As his companion entered, however, Peter sat up straighter. The first thing he saw was her red hair, and he knew immediately that it was his sister. As he examined her, she looked older. Was she still seventeen? He hadn't given a thought to birthdays since he enlisted with the Warsaw Pact. She must be, he thought to himself. I must've just turned twenty without realizing it. That means Ender is fifteen. He observed how her hair was longer. It looked like it hadn't been cut in at least a year, since she had it in two French braids that hung down around both sides of her neck. She wore a simple blue I.F. uniform, and as she sat down, her green eyes were just as piercing as he'd remembered them.

"Hi Peter." She said softly. "I'm glad you're out of bed."

Peter stayed silent. He titled his head, as if he were trying to get a better look at her, and then he sat back up. "Val."

"Don't do that with me." She changed her tone. She could see right through him. "I didn't know our little brother was going to attack you, and you know I couldn't have stopped him if I tried."

Peter sighed. She was right. "I know. I don't blame you."

"I don't either." She retorted.

Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "Then why are you here little sister? Come to accuse me of a long lost crime? Ask me why I did what I did?"

"I know why you did it, Peter." She shook her head. "I thought you of all people wouldn't be so dense."

This caused Peter to frown. "No need for insults, Val. It'll only delay progress. Ask me what you want to know."

"Okay." She took a moment to watch Peter while she decided on her next words. "Where are the Warsaw Pact bases located?"

Peter laughed. It came out muffled because of his injuries, but it was a laugh nonetheless. Had he heard her right? "What makes you think I know where they are?"

Valentine frowned, and brought both of her hands on top of the table. She clasped them together before looking at him once again. "Don't play stupid. We have the video of your confession to Mazer. I watched it myself. If you just give me what I need -"

"You'll give it to Ender."

The tone of Peter's voice was wicked. His hatred for their brother was evident.

"I'll use it to help the international fleet win the war." Valentine corrected him.

"Ah." Peter feigned a recognition. "That is the goal, isn't it?"

Valentine stayed silent. Peter knew he wouldn't get her to waver from her course easily.

"Why would you want that?" He continued. "Once the Warsaw Pact wins, I'll be Hegemon and we can live better lives."

"You mean you can live the life of power you've always wanted, and everyone else can suffer under a worldwide dictatorship?"

"And who has helped me get this far, hmm?" Peter rose an eyebrow at his sister. "Surely Demosthenes wouldn't turn against Locke now."

"You're not actually Locke and I'm not Demosthenes anymore you thick headed brat." Valentine showed no trace of anger in her response. Peter silently commended her for this.

"And I'm not budging." Peter smiled slightly. His jaw was still healing from what Ender had done to it. If he wasn't still healing, his grin would've been enormous.

"I'm prepared to offer you immunity for Mazer's murder. You'll be considered innocent. Once you give us the locations, you can walk out of here a free man."

"Our brother wouldn't agree to that. Is he aware of this?" He asked. "Maybe he wants to finish what he started in the hallway the moment I walk out that door."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Valentine blurted out. "Our brother isn't a murderer like you are. You deserved what Ender did to you for what you've done. Especially if that's the only punishment you'll get."

"You offend me, Valentine." Peter placed both of his hands palms down onto the table, and gave her one of his bone chilling glares. "If I agree to your little immunity deal and you lose, I'll be dead the moment the Warsaw Pact officials see me."

"And if you don't agree and we win, you'll be stuck in a cell for the rest of your life. But of course it is up to you." Valentine smiled at him. "From where I'm standing though, it is more beneficial to give us the locations. You wouldn't want to work for an organization who already betrayed you."

"What do you mean?" Peter was baffled. They wouldn't have betrayed me. Not to mention, I killed the god damn Admiral for them.

"Aren't you supposed to be the master manipulator? I'd think you would've already known." Valentine kept smiling before she pulled her ansible up from her lap.

She began typing different commands into the device before she found the file she was looking for. "We intercepted a video file that shows your friend Adam Vasiliev talking to some higher level associates of his. One is named Grenleigh Staph. The others' are not addressed by name."

Valentine flipped the screen around so Peter could see the evidence of their betrayal.

Peter watched with growing interest, as a poor quality video clip began to play on the screen.

"Mr. Staph." A larger, black haired European man greeted another much smaller one as he came into view.

Peter focused on the figure who was facing the camera. His clothes, his mannerisms, his face. Two men walked in behind him, and Peter was taken back to when they had approached him in a similar manner. It was undoubtedly Grenleigh Staph and his associates.

"Admiral Vasiliev."

Grenleigh shook the man's outstretched hand. Peter could only see the back of the taller man's head, yet the details of his uniform were enough. This was the same Adam Vasiliev who he'd been working with.

"Has it been done?" Adam asked Grenleigh. The two walked along the corridor, and came across a small sitting room.

The camera angle switched as the four men walked out of view. Grenleigh remained standing as Adam sat down in an arm chair, and then he did the same. Peter could see that Grenleigh respected him.

"It has. My associates and I were in and out in less than a day."

"And Peter Wiggin?"

"He wasn't a problem in the slightest. I told him we were there by command of Admiral Rackham, and he left us to it."

Adam smiled. Peter just caught the outline of his mouth curving up through the slight static.

"Like I told you. He killed the man, and he was on guard against potential witnesses. He'd have let you do whatever you wanted if it meant saving his own skin."

Grenleigh nodded. "My men and I planted the explosives in the control room, and told Wiggin that his brother had fled back to that space school."

"Good." Adam laughed, a wickedly evil laugh.  "With any luck, the two of them will kill each other so I won't have to."

"And if they don't?" Grenleigh questioned.

"I'll make Peter believe that I still intend to hold up my end of the bargain. Once we win I'll kill him myself."

Peter could see that the video continued for a few more minutes, but Valentine drew back her ansible. She turned off the screen, and placed it back on her lap. He'd seen what she wanted him to.

Peter watched her. Her expression was completely neutral. His, however, was at least mildly shocked. What in the hell? The bastard had betrayed him, and Valentine was right. He'd been too dense to figure it out.

The shock quickly gave away to anger, and he couldn't stop himself from clenching both of his fists which were still held on top of the table.

"Don't you see?" Valentine spoke. "You can either sit in a cell and await a trial where I'm sure you'll be sentenced to life, or you can be exonerated and help kill the bastards who double-crossed you." 

Peter looked directly into Valentine's eyes before he spoke. He could feel the pride of victory flowing off of her as if it were a wave. She was pleased with herself, and he had nobody to blame for his incompetence. It was his fault he was in this situation and she was the only way he could get out of it.

Damn you, Valentine. He internally cursed his sister for gaining the upper hand, and then made an effort to visibly smile.

"Do I even have to answer, little sister?"

Valentine laughed harshly. "Don't play me for a fool. I want to hear you say it. You owe me and the I.F. that much."

"Fine." He mumbled. "I accept the deal. I will tell the International Fleet where the Warsaw Pact bases are located, for a pardon and the promise of fighting in the war."

"So you do want to fight?" She rose her eyebrows.

"I want to watch the life leave Adam Vasiliev's body as I kill him." Peter didn't sound malicious as he said those words. If anything, he was eerily calm.

"You're unbelievable." Valentine countered. "But okay. The pardon is granted. As for fighting, it's Ender you'll have to convince. Not me."

"I figured as much." Peter smiled at his sister, his eyes boring into hers intensely.

* * * * * * * *

"Is this the only option?"

Ender was rigid as he watched his brother and sister converse over the large ansible screen. They were just down the hall from where Ender was watching with Graff, and despite Valentine's bargain being a success he felt ill.

Mazer wasn't going to get any justice. The only punishment his murderer would get is the hospital visit Ender inflicted on him himself. And even then, he ended up being the one with the serious injuries. Peter looked relatively okay.

"You know it is." Graff didn't turn to look at Ender when he spoke. Both of their eyes were still glued to the screen that took up the majority of the far wall.

The two were in a large viewing room. The space was normally used for the battle school teachers when their students were analyzing flight patterns, but today Graff made sure the room was empty. It was important for them to see.

"It is the tactical choice." Ender agreed. "But should he fight?"

Valentine and Peter were shifting to a different conversation. His brother was questioning her about the details of his release, and Ender didn't care to listen.

Graff turned to Ender once he saw where the conversation was going, and he flipped off the live feed.

"That depends." The Colonel began. "If you think he'll turn on us in the battle."

Ender hummed in agreement. "My brother... he's a good fighter. He'd be useful if he stayed loyal."

Graff nodded. "Well I guess that's that."

Ender gave the older man a look that suggested that it certainly wasn't 'that', and Graff cleared his throat.

"He'll be monitored 24/7, and as a precaution I will put officers in charge of his surveillance. There is no where your brother can go that we won't know about."

"Thank you." Ender visibly relaxed at that. "I just...don't want him near the launchies."

"Understood." Graff gave the young Admiral a small grin as he stood up from his chair.

Ender did the same. He was much slower than Graff, but the Colonel didn't mind waiting for him. He needed Ender for what they were going to do next.


Hey everyone! I apologize once again for the delay, but I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. I value any feedback anyone may have, and I will be back with another update soon! I have big plans for the rest of this book, and I'm excited for you to read it!

Until the next one,
Jess xx

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