Chapter 18 - Lost

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The mechanical noises of the machines, their loud beeps and buzzing, enveloped the small room in the medical wing of the BattleSchool. The machines worked, without a break, to continuously sustain Petra's life.

Bean sat on a rickety stool by her side, watching as she lay, lifeless in the bed she was tucked in to. Her right arm had multiple tubes poking out of it, another had been inserted in her nostrils to give her more oxygen, and she was wearing the simple blue t-shirt and matching pants a hospital patient would wear. A white sheet covered her body from her belly button down, and her head was resting upon a pillow. Bean observed her state, and rose the blanket to just below where the tubes were protruding out of her arm in an attempt to keep her warm.

He knew it was absurd because of the battle school's controlled environment, but it seemed like the right thing to do. And it made him feel just a little bit useful.

Her dark black eyelashes rested against her pale cheeks, highlighting the severity of her condition. When Ender had first rushed the young woman into the medical wing, she had had her normally bright complexion. She'd maintained colour throughout the operation as they'd waited, yet Bean now realized that it was what was left over from when she was awake. Now, after over a week of lying in the medical wing, all the life had vanished. All that remained was a pale, frail looking teen whose deceased beauty highlighted her features. 

The battle school doctors didn't disclose Petra's specific injuries with the Jeesh. For reasons only known to Ender and Colonal Graff, the information was only given to them. At first, Bean was quite furious that he wasn't deemed worthy enough to have the information, but then he understood. If everyone knew what happened, it could put Petra at risk. So for now, only the rest of the Jeesh, Valentine, and the battle school staff were aware of the general state of Petra's condition. 

As far as the new Launchies, and the rest of the returning students were aware of, Petra was fine. She caught a cold and was quarantined to her quarters to prevent it from spreading. Nothing more.

Bean clearly remembered Ender's immediate agreement with what was Graff's idea. The last thing either of them wanted was for someone to find Petra and kill her in her weakened state. It would be devastating, and it reminded the lot of them that the I.F. didn't exactly trust all of its workers. Not since the war on Eros after the final battle, and the creation of the Second Warsaw Pact.

"I know I've told you this before," Bean started to talk softly to Petra. He liked to pretend that she was only sleeping, and that by keeping his voice low, he wouldn't wake her. "But I like to think that if I tell you enough, you'll wake up."

His expression softened, just as his voice did with every word. Even though Bean hated seeing his friend in this condition, it gave him joy knowing that she may be able to hear him.

"We need you Petra. We can't win this war without you. Ender's the best military commander in history, but you're the best shooter we have. How are we supposed to kill all of the Warsaw Pact soldiers without our best sniper?"

Bean quietly chuckled to himself. It was half-hearted, and admittedly, it was also full of pain. "You're one of a kind, Petra. You keep Ender motivated...I don't know how close you two are, but I can see it. Without you, it's a gamble for us all."

The room became quiet once again, when Bean ceased to keep talking. The only sound being his own breath in his ears, and the machines. He watched intently as Petra's chest rose and fell in rhythm with the sounds of the oxygen tank that was supplied to her.

"You'll come back." He started again. It was more or less to convince himself, as tears started to form in his eyes. "Because I–

The sound of the glass door opening, sliding smoothly against the floor, stopped Bean from continuing. He turned away from Petra, and quickly swivelled around on the stool.

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