Chapter 3 - Revelations

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"You don't understand what kind of pressure I have been subjected to within these last few years."

Ender watched seamlessly, as MinCol Graff paced around the small conference room they were situated in.

Ender shook his head. "No, I don't. And perhaps you've put some thought into why that is?"

His voice was overly sarcastic.

"Enlighten me, please." Graffiti seated himself across from the saviour–Ender–who was sitting alone at a long table.

The young boy, or man, Graff automatically corrected himself, took a moment to collect his thoughts before proceeding.

"You really have no idea?" Ender replied with another question.

"If I had any idea whatsoever I wouldn't be waiting for you to give me, what I hoped would be, a serious answer."

Ender seemed to disapprove of Graff's lack of knowledge.

"Unbelievable", he could not help but say. "I have been working my ass off for the good of the entire planet the whole time I have been in space!"

Graff nodded, as if this was old news.

"And to top it all off, I had to figure out how to prevent a damn nuclear missile attack on the United States from Iran!"

"And obviously your tactics were a success." Graff cut in.

"Only after I spent months trying to come up with a way to disable their attack! And get this! I had absolutely nobody to work with! Literally, an empty spaceship, a pilot, like a hundred different books, and my own brain! Because someone did not give me the authorization to make myself known!"

Ender was projecting a little more than your average frustration, as tiny beads of sweat were slowly trickling down his forehead. Yet, Graff was not at all phased by the verbal attack his former student had given him.

"So this is what this rebellion is about", He smiled.

"This is not some petty joke", Ender replied. "Since your role as Colonel was terminated, I have the higher rank. And you interfering with my job for two years straight was just cruel."

"And you are just assuming that it was me who did this to you?"

"I do not hear you denying anything, Graff. And I will not stand here and be manipulated into doing your dirty work for you."

"I haven't summoned you in here to do my dirty work! If you have not noticed, Ender, it's the work that will prevent us from being invaded by the enemy." Graff folded his arms, and looked as if he was going to huff.

"I understand that", Ender responded a little more calm. "But I think it would be more effective if I didn't have to work behind Peter."

"You are not. I thought we cleared this up before we came back here."

"That is not what I'm saying." Ender shook his head. "My older brother is ruthless, and will not recite my words! How am I supposed to use Peter as a front when he will not cooperate? In fact, he has made it his mission to disable my authority over him."

"He won't be able to do such a thing."

"He should not be able to, but this is Peter we are talking about. I have seen first handedly the impossible things he has managed to accomplish. And the last thing we need is for him to restrict my public influence."

Graff nodded, finally understanding Ender's concerns. "I know your menace of a sibling is a problem, but what I want to propose is something that I am hoping will fix the situation."

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