Chapter 13 - New Recruits

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(AN– Graff quote^^)

"Ender we need to talk about this!"

Valentine raced after her brother as he stepped out of the I.F. vehicle, and started to walk up the ramp to the launch ship.

"What's there to talk about, Val?" He turned around and let the other three, but not without a stern look from Graff, pass them by.

"Are you really just going to get on a ship and go back up there without any knowledge about what you'll actually be doing?"

Ender nodded. "But I know what I'm doing, Valentine."

"But you haven't been here, Ender! You don't know that the International Fleet is half as powerful as it used to be. While you were gone, the Russians disbanded, the Second Warsaw Pact was forged by Russian members of the Fleet! And not to mention, Graff hasn't told you anything! He.."

"When has he ever told me anything?!" He cut her off. "I told you, I know what I'm doing, and even though it looks like he holds all of the cards, I understand what I have to do."

Valentine shook her head. She was getting impatient. "My point is, I don't want you giving your life for whatever incredibly dangerous job he has planned for you. Despite what you believe Ender, I know, deep down, that you will be able to have the normal life that you want."

"If you think that, you're naive. Val, I understand now." Ender made a point of smiling, and Valentine wasn't sure if it was supposed to be real or seem forced. Either way, she wasn't convinced. "I understand that my life has never been mine to control. The court martial was only ever an illusion, a show for the world to think that I have a say in what happens to me. But the truth is that I don't! I never did and I accept that now. It doesn't matter what I want from life, or what I think would make me happy."

While he explained this, Valentine began to see what was really going on. Ender was giving up, and he felt as though compliance was his only option.

"My job is to be a tool that humanity can wield for the good of everyone. This is bigger than me, and you, and even Peter. Because at the end of the day, there would be nothing for him to rule if I wasn't here to save everyone from killing everything good about humanity. That includes the imminent death of the entire human race if this keeps happening."

"Ender.." Valentine didn't know the right thing to say.

"You don't need to say anything." He said. "If you want to help me save the world again, this time of my own knowledge, then please come. If not, I suggest you go back to mother and father. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to have you home again."

"I will always stand by you, Ender. You know that, don't you?"

He nodded. "Of course I do, but like I said, this is beyond us."

"It doesn't matter." She said solemnly. "What matters is that even though you've given up on your own life, I haven't. And I'm coming because even though you seem content, I'm not giving up. Because if there is a chance that there's some sliver of you that still believes, that's the little brother I want to find, and bring back home with me."

Ender frowned. "It's not like I don't want a somewhat normal life, Valentine. It's just.. I'm done pretending that it'll actually happen. It's been proven time and time again that it won't, and I don't want live my life in a fantasy. You shouldn't hold onto the idea either."

Valentine opened her mouth to speak, but Ender put up a hand.

"Funnily enough, Graff helped me see my life for how it is. I know what you're going to say, and yes I know he's dictated me for years. But now I realize that he didn't have much of a choice, and if I had to choose between my happiness and the world's, the choice would be simple. Sure, initially I was furious with him, but how can you stay angry at someone who is putting the well being of humanity before anyone else? You can't. It just took me a little longer to see that. He didn't purposely try to make my life a living hell."

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