The Baby

By ThatOne_Slytherin

834K 23.7K 14.3K

Harry is in 5th year when something goes terribly wrong. Harry gets drunk at a 5th-year party and wakes up in... More

The Party
Morning Sickness
After Party
Baby Daddy Draco🍼🦋
The Malfoys
A Month Passed
Fall Break
Three Months Passed
Pansy and Hermione
Everyone Knows
Its A.....
Baby Daddy Talk
Time Spent
Month 4 (Dracos PoV)
Month 4 (Harrys PoV)
One Room
The Dursley's
A First
Month 5
Valentines Day
The Weasleys
Wait, April?
Morning After
April 30th
Month 9
The Malfoy Manor
Excuse me
Her First
The End

Christmas Break

12.9K 411 145
By ThatOne_Slytherin

Christmas Break. The two weeks we get to spend with our families for the holidays. Everyone was super excited for tomorrow because we all got to board the train but me? No. I had to leave Harry alone. With those abusive muggles.

"Draco I can't go there! I can't go there with her! They'll kill her! I have to go with you!"

"Harry don't worry we are going to Dumbledore right now."

I grabbed harry's hand and stormed all the way to his office not even waiting for permission to enter.


"Mr.Malfoy what a pleasure to see you. You too Mr.Potter."

"Harry can't go to the Dursley's. He's coming to the manor with me."

"I'm afraid that's impossible."

"Then he'll go to the Burrow with the Weasleys!"

"Mr.Malfoy please take a seat so I can explain everything."

I did what he asked and sat down in the same chair I had sat in during my last two visits. Harry sat in the chair next to me. I felt so bad for him he looked terrified. Normally when we went home harry didn't mind too much about going to the Dursley's but now he was terrified to go.

"You see when Harry was admitted into the school program the address which he living in when into the system and if that system is messed with Harry could get kick out."

"He's coming with me! Those muggles are horrible to him and there's no way I'm allowing you to send him there!"

"Mr.Malfoy" Dumbledore yelled standing up. "he is going to the Dursley's and that is final! Now see your way out but I suspended you both!"

I rolled my eyes grabbed harry's hand and  lead him out the door. I speed walked all the way to our room and stopped at the entrance. I didn't realize how fast I was walking until I looked down and saw Harry completely out of breath with tears running down his face.

"Harry I'm so sorry." I whispered taking him in my arms, "I don't want to send you there. I would take you with me if I could. I would take you there now."

"I know. I know Draco." He said returned my hug.

"Your sleeping with me tonight."

I felt him nod his head and I lead him inside and all the way to my room. He threw one of my T-shirts on and I threw a hoodie on.
We laid in silence for a couple of seconds. He was facing the other way and I was looking at him.
Then I heard something I didn't want to.
I heard crying. Harry started crying.
I immediately scooted closer to him and spooned him.

"Shhhhh, it's going to be okay."

That didn't help, he started crying even more. He sounded like he could vomit any second he was crying so hard.
I didn't say anything else. I just waited for him to calm down.
He didn't he just turned and faced me. I tried wiping his tears away but they kept coming, I think he got a bit embarrassed so he Buried his face in my chest.
I held him at right as I could. I didn't want him to be this scared. I wanted to take him to the manor with me and keep him safe but it would mess with the school's system.
After a while, he stopped crying and his breathing slowed. I thought he fell asleep but no he was still awake.

"I can't go there," he whispered into my chest.

"It's going to be okay. It's going to be alright. Don't think about that now, I'm here. I'm going to keep you and our girl safe."

I felt my hoodie start to get wet again, "What if she gets hurt Draco? What if I can't protect her?"

I started to rub circles on his back to try and keep him calm, "You'll be able to protect her. You're a parent now you have instincts now. You'll know."

His breathing hitched and went very slow and quiet. I knew he was for sure asleep now. I didn't want him to go to that house. It was dangerous and I didn't even want to imagine what he could possibly go through while he was there.
I couldn't even do my part. I couldn't protect him or her. I couldn't be there with him because of this stupid system.
I stayed up all night thinking about these things. Around 5:45 I knew I needed to wake him up I didn't want to because of what he had gone through last night but we had to sadly get on that train.

"Harry," I whispered lightly shaking him.

"No. Please not yet."

I felt terrible. I felt like this was all my fault.

"Come on. We have to go. I'll be there with you as long as I can."

Harry nodded and headed towards his bathroom. This was going to be the longest and more stressful train ride I think either of us will have to go through.
A couple of minutes later he walked out of the bathroom with the black hoodie I had given him on. He didn't even bother to take a shower and neither did I. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him even if that meant skipping a shower.
He walked over to me with his things and dropped them by my feet.
I pulled him into a hug.

"Breathe. It's going to be okay."

He looked up and me with those beautiful green eyes and nodded his head.
He went to pick up his things but I did before he had the chance. He gave me a quick smirk and we were headed out the door.
We didn't bother to stop and wait for the rest of the guys because this was a time for us. This would be the last time we saw each other for two weeks and I wanted to savor that moment and I needed Harry to know I was here for him.
We walked down to the carriages and got in my private one.

"I'll right here. I'm going to keep you safe." I whispered.

He didn't respond as I suspected and that was okay.
Once we reached the train station we both got out and stared at it. I didn't want to get on it and neither did Harry. This is the thing that was taking him to that hell hole.
I took his hand and lead him to the doors.

"Go sit in my compartment, I'm going to put our things away and meet you there."

He nodded his head and disappeared onto the train.
I started to put off things away when I heard a very high pitched voice.

"Hey, Draco! Where's Harry? Are we sitting in your compartment or mine?"

I turned around and saw Pansy standing there with what looked like her and Hermiones bags.

"Listen, Pansy, It's just going to be Harry and I. I know you want us all to sit together but he's very upset and I just want it to be us two. I hope you understand."

"uh yeah...sure. Well, I'll see you after the break." She waved goodbye and went to another area to put her things away.

Once I was done I walked into my compartment to see Harry sitting in a ball looking out the window. I could see how scared he was, he thought he was going to lose her, I could tell because he had one hand up his hoodie.
I didn't say anything I just sat by him taking him in my arms. He didn't try and stop me, he felt almost limp.
The entire train ride we sat in silence, not a word was made as we listened to the laughter and conversations or the compartments around us.
Then the train started to slowly slow down. This was it.
Then it can to a stop and I saw people start to walk up and down the aisle.

"We can just wait. You know until the aisle is cleared out."

"I think that would be best." I heard him whisper back.

Around 20 minutes later only a couple of people were still on the train so that meant it was time for us to get off.
I grabbed his hand and lead him out. The station was super busy with children running around looking for their parents.
The moment we stepped out I spotted mine.

"Your parents are here..."

"Harry I'm not leaving you here alone."

"It's okay Draco. I'll be okay. They'll be here any minute. You have to go."

He looked at me in such sadness in fear it broke my heart, "Please let me stay with you."

He shook his head no and pushed me away. I put his arms down and hugged him one last time. I felt the tears going through my hoodie.

"I'll write to you Draco," he whispered into the hug.

"You better. I'll see you after the break."

He nodded his head as I let go and started to walk away. I looked back a couple of times to see him watching me walk away, but the last time I looked back he was gone.
I can't believe I was leaving him alone again. I promise myself I would never do that to him again and look at what I'm doing.
I walked up to my parents and got a bone-crushing hug from mother.

"Draconian," Father said looked down at me.


That's all that was said as we used the floos to get back to the manor.
It was dark and cold just as I remembered. I don't know why but every time I come home for breaks I expect to see it different but that's never happened.

"Draco why don't you go up to your room. You've been on that train all day, you should rest up before dinner."

"Take a shower as well as Draconian! You smell and look horrid!" Father called as I walked up the stairs.

I didn't answer either of them I was way too busy worrying about what Harry was doing at this current moment. I wondering if he was okay. I wondered if he was being fed. I was thinking about a lot of things.
I took a quick shower putting the exact same hoodie I wore home back on.
I tried to sleep some to try and give my brain a quick break away from all of these thoughts.
My nap felt like it went fairly quick, a couple of moments after I put my head on the pillow I was awakened by my house elf.

"Mini master Draco? Mistress Malfoy has requested that you come down to the dining room. Dinner is ready." After he said that he snapped and disappeared.

I groaned and put my head back on my pillow. I didn't want to get up I wanted to stay in my bed forever but I knew if I didn't do what mother said I would get in some kind of trouble.
I found myself entering the dining room with mother and father looking at me.

"It's nice if you to join us Draco."

"Sorry, Father I was asleep. I've been having a long day."

I sat down and started to slowly eat the food in front of me. It didn't look very appetizing. It looked just like the food served at Hogwarts except I didn't choose this. The only thing I really knew the name of was caviar. Fish eggs. I'm so tired of them.

"So Draconian hows school been?"

"Well, mother I'm at the top of all my classes."

"I'm proud of you Draco."

"Thank You, mother."

There was another silence until father spoke up. I was guessing he was still mad at me because the last time we spoke we were arguing.

"Draco hows Harry?"

"I mean he's at those muggles house so I'm not too sure. I'm hoping he's alright."

Mother and Father exchanged these looks of confusion.

"Draco are you and harry friends now?"

"Oh yes, father. I have taken full responsibility. I'm paying child support and exchanging a house for Harry and the baby to live in after Hogwarts."

"Draconian I'm very impressed."

"We're proud of you Draco."

"Thank you, mother. Thank you, father. I'm happy to tell you that our child will be a girl."

"Draco! Oh, I'm so happy for you." Mother got up, walked all the table, and gave me another bone-crushing hug.

When she sat back down father whispered something to her and her happy smile dropped into a frown.

"Draco why is Harry not here?"

"Well Father I tried to get Dumbledore to let him come here but he said it would mess with his system and Harry would possibly get kicked out of school. Now he's with those muggles! Those horrible muggles!"

"Draconian I'm sure he's alright."

"I'm expecting a letter from him. It will tell me if Harry and our baby is alright. Can I be excused?"

"Of course Draco."

With father's permission, I got up and left the dining room running all the way back to my room. I looked around for my eagle owl in hopes of a letter...but I could find him.
I flopped back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling until I eventually fell asleep.
This was going to be the worst two weeks of my life and its only day one.
Word Count: 2273
Publish Date: May 18, 2020

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