the thugs daugher

By mybiggestsecretisyou

18.7K 400 6

17 year old Kayla has no one to blame but herself she let a thug fool her into thinking she was loved ha as... More

how it all started
my mother never would have approved
it was time anywas
birthday surprise
should maybe
still my bae
the one that got away
maybe i was wrong
is this for real
Her Second Try
This family is My Everything
wake up in the morning
love me
i dont give a fuck bout your feelings
im not falling im not falling
baby shower at 4
a wonderful day
pulled up
going home
more babies
more hurt than angry
those problems
bitch never left but im back at it
the first time
what the hell
its a....
just a lil bit of
emotional wreck
i know what your thinking
the plan

rest in peace

601 9 0
By mybiggestsecretisyou


I cried especially when we had to go to the will reading "to my eldest son king I leave my home and 1/3 of my riches to my only daughter I leave her 1/3 of my riches and to my other son you get 1/3 of my riches" still couldn't believe she was gone I looked at the man "that's all and I'm sorry for your loss" we nodded and I left and drove home Kimmy has been depressed we can't get her to eat or talk so I called the school on my way home "hello Kayla Jones mother of kamera Jones speaking we have lost a family member and kamera isn't taking things so well I'm afraid she won't be in school for a while" the lady told me everything you wouldn't want to hear when you lost someone "oh I'm so sorry" and "things will get better later" but I wanted my joyful baby back now so all I said was thank you and goodbye finally I was home Kyle was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands "babe" he looked up as I walked over and laid his head on my stomach "baby I hate seeing you two like this" he started to sniffle I had been trying to calm myself down for the baby's sake "I know you do ...I do too but only time can heal this cut" I rubbed his hair down and felt my shirt get wet Kyle was crying "but I'm suppose to help you through this but no one was there for me for my mom so I have no clue what to do" just then Kimmy walked and sat on the couch Kyle quickly sobered up and I sat next to Kimmy "Kim tell us how you feel" my baby's eyes werent the same beautiful gray color they used to be "i-i-" she closed her mouth and laid on Kyle "come on please Kimmy" he begged she took a deep breath "I feel like someone ripped my little heart out" she paused then continued "I feel like granma could have stayed a tiny bit longer" she started crying and Kyle put her on his lap and I scooted over "let it out baby" she cried for so long that tears stopped falling and her pretty cheeks stained with tears my poor poor baby

1 months later

Its been a while since we spoke right well after that day it took about a week (a/n ABOUT A WEEK AGO okay I'll stop)for Kimmy to get better and now she's back in school she's smiling and talking to us about her day more than even which I don't mind anddddd I'm 6 months crazy right well I'm finding out the sex of the baby about a week from now. now king and his daughter and my twin prince with some rude ass bitch and Riley and daddy and James were here we had a little cookout just to bring us back together we were sitting at the table when prince lil fast ass friend burped and didn't excuse her self mommy raised us with table manners and I was not going to let that shit slid "excuse you" I gave her my death glare "shit I'm sorry " my blood boiled "prince get her I'm telling you" she was smaching her teeth while chewing the shit was so annoying if I wasn't pregnant right now I swear to god I'd throw the pie at her...and the fact that the pie is good as fuck she burped again and didn't excuse herself again "look here bitch I just can't go eat at the kids table my 4 year old has better manners than you" she rolled her eyes "shit I fucking sorry like hop off my-" I grabbed her hair and pulled it down so she smashed her face in mash patatos "shit pookie I was just about to get some too" king said snickering as for thotty over there she screamed and threatened me "Riley handle that for me" she nodded and pulled her to the back yard "so prince that's what you like" he shook his head "the bitch" I popped him on the back of the head "shit sorry the girl wouldn't leave me alone I dic-" I covered my eyes "prince you nasty" and the whole table laughed and 5 minutes later riri walked back in and sat down and continued eating her food "oh prince out guest is outside crying with a maybe broken nose" he shrugged his shoulders "as long as she can still suck my-...nothing" I gave home the death eye and then I dashed off to the bathroom throwing up everything I had and of course Kyle was at my side through all of that


"Poor poor pookie" the table nodded just then Kayla walked in "pookie you okay" she nodded after the table was cleaned and stuff I sat on the couch next to pookie and took her socks off everyone knew that foot rubs are her weakness "thanks king I love you" I began rubbing her tiny feet "I love you too pookie" sooner or later Kayla feel asleep so I put a blanket over her and kissed her forehead and walked over to Kyle "what's up mane" he looked at me "don't tell Kayla but I sold my old place and I'm trying to find a more family orientated home" I nod "but what I really want is for all of us to live together cuz I see ow much she loves you guys" I pat his back "you a good person mane if I can help anyway let me know" he nodded "aight thanks for looking out" then I went to go check on the kids "daddddyyyy uncleee kkkk" the both ran to me I bent down and gave them both hugs as they giggled "do you wanna have a tea party with us" I shook my head "I'm already full" they looked sad and sat down and pouted "alright alright fine" they cheered and got out cookies and tiny cups "but first you need took royal daddy" I sighed "oh lord"


James and I have been what ever we are since the last time we spoke like literally I have no clue and every time I ask him about it he says some bull shit like don't worry about it and Im ready to just leave his ass alone he better step his game up asap speaking of the devil guess who just sat next to me "riri" he tried to kiss me but I turned my head "really ri" I looked away "I don't just let anyone kiss my face" he groaned "are we really gonna do this" I sighed "your right let's not do this" I motioned between me and him "let's not do this at all" I grabbed my stuff and walked to the back yard oh yea and prince damn near dragged the girl out the house he's been playing with me since day one and I'm done with him 100% cold turkey after he drives me home cause he was my ride I got up and kissed Kayla and said my good byes "James take me home now" and with that he took me home once we were at my house I got out without saying goodbye and went to my door and unlocked it and James followed me inside "James what do you want" he sat on my couch he motioned for me to sit next to him so I did "riri why you gotta treat me like this" he didn't even let me answer he just kissed me then before I knew it I was naked and he went down on me "SHIT" I threw my head back swirling his tongue licking and biting it was so good I couldn't breath "faster mmm yeah" he slid a finger in and started pumping in and out of me "ooo fuck yeah" I couldn't explain how my body was reacting to his touch and I knew what he was doing and there was nothing I could do about it I was about to get played


I walked upstairs to check up on the kids "niiggga THE FUCK IS ON YOUR FACE" I was weak I literally fell on the floor "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA" but king didn't find it so funny " tell anybody and I'll have your foot so far up your ass" I got quiet for 2 seconds top before I started dying laughing "I cant take death threats for a nigga with eye shadow and lip stick" he popped on the back of my head "shoot mane Im sorry" I whipped out my phone snapped at pic and ran


I cried James hadn't left but I knew he would leave they always do "Riley mane what's the matter" he pulled me into a hug "GO AHEAD LEAVE I know you were going to anyways" I pulled out of his grip "man Riley what are you talking about" "James you got what you wanted you can just go" he pulled me back in a hug "Riley Im here to stay no matter what even if you tired of my ass imma still be around I'm in love with you and only you" I started to sniffle "you dont love me if you do why haven you officially made us a thing then" my breathing slowed down and I was somewhat calm "cause I wanted to do it in a special way what's got you thinking like this" I held back tears "every relationship I've ever been in ended up with me head over heels and thinking they felt the same way and once I gave them myself they left" he tightened his grip around me "Riley I swear on my moms I aint never gonna leave you" he carried me to bed and laid next to me and pulled me close" I felt my eyes flutter close "goodnight babe" I was to tired to respond and I fell asleep

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