The Fight for the Black Gold

By Natalie-MacPherson

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A Blake Barnes Series #2 She had gotten herself head over heels in this and now she couldn't turn back. Rowan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Five

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By Natalie-MacPherson

"Who are you," Blake looked over at the man next to her. "Who are you really?"

"Gale Holmes," he stated as he put together their paperwork. The fact that he wasn't looking at her in eye was making her angry. That's when she decided to show him something. Digging out her sketchbook from her backpack under her seat, she flipped through the pages. She held it up to his face.

"What," he looked at it. It was the Italian man she had met in Greece. Blake flipped the page again, showing him the redhead man with the beard and mustache. "You... you figured it out?"

"Do I look stupid," she spat, slamming her little sketchbook shut. "I know you were the man trailing me since London, you decided to reveal yourself in Greece. Why? I don't know. Now I'm going to ask again, who are you?"

"You don't need to know," Jay glared at her. This man was more stubborn than a mule. Crossing her arms, Blake observed the other passengers. "John Derrick."


"John Derrick, he's the man who contracted me to steal the formulas from your Professor friend. When he found out about the E-23, he knew he could pocket that 'innovation' so he sent me to get it when his men couldn't. Except I couldn't find her. Turns out we visited her the same day, except I went in earlier."

"You bugged the apartment you tramp! No wonder you knew who I was!"

"No comment. Well, I had to inform John about you. So the men who are after you are John's henchmen."

"But why are they after you?"

"Well, when I sent him the formulas, he told me they didn't work. So he wasn't going to pay me. He never asked me to make the formula, only to deliver the formula. He tried to cheat me out of my pay day so I did what I do best."

"You tricked him?"

"I sure did. I forced him to pay me," Jay replied. "When I was in Heathrow, I was actually suppose to be on my way to my new home but someone just had to get in my way."

"Don't expect me to apologize," Blake yawned. "Why are you even helping me though? You're free, you don't need to help me."

"That's not what matters," he shook his head. "What do you know about the-?"

His shoulder suddenly grew heavy. Jay looked over at her, resting on his shoulder. He exhaled sharply, pulling her jacket over her shoulders instead.

London, England
"We can't go out of London Rowan," Abigail grabbed his arm. "We are stuck here! We know for sure John is behind the oil depletion! How can we go out when he knows Blake is on the run? It's going to lead right back to you and if you leave after her, it's going to confirm his theory."

"So what if it does?!"

"If it does, you're stuck. You'll go to prison with Blake at large. It doesn't help."

"I sent Blake out there, it should have been me but I let her go."

"She's the best thing we have right now. What we can do it keep finding more facts that link John to the whole conspiracy. If we find what we can from the inside, we can help Blake. There is a press conference, if we leave now, we can make it."

The press conference in front of the Parliament was swarming with reporters and tv crews. It was perfect diversion for Rowan to slip into the building. Acting as a guard, Rowan found John's office but the door was locked. The conjoining room wasn't. Creeping inside, he saw the door leading into the other side.

"This better work," he whispered, pressing his ear to the door.

"Dad, the formula is still not working. What are we suppose to do?! Xavier's oil supply hasn't been affected still and rather are helping the people," Gwen exclaimed.

"I told you to get the job done! Why isn't Xavier done with?!"

"Because I can't get in there," she slammed her hands on the desk. "If you get me clearance in there, I can."

"I can't have people suspecting me getting anywhere near the oil reserves. I'll ruin my plan! Wait... wait, if we can't get rid of their oil. Let's give it to them!"

"What are you getting at, old man?"

"If all the oil is gone, what if we make it seem like they are the ones getting it? Oh yes, this might work. Do that! I want you to send them a tanker of oil."

"Our own oil?!"

"Yes! Listen to me and do it," John watched as Turk walked into the room. "What is it?"

"We got information about the Professor. She's staying with Constable Corbyn and get this, she wanted to send her formulas to a colleague in Alaska. A Professor Jon Peterson."

"Good, that's where that redhead and the rat who robbed me are headed. Go after them! Make sure they do not reach that Professor," John pointed to the door as he walked back behind his desk. "What are you still doing here Gwen?"

"What about the 'redhead' friend? Rowan Brantley?"

"What about him?"

"I'd be concerned about him, if I were you."

"The idiot hasn't left London, hasn't had contact with the girl. Why would I care?"

"Oh... so you have been watching him?"

"Of course I have. He doesn't seem very concerned for her. You leave him to me, understood? Now go!"

After hearing the recording Rowan took from John's conversation, Eleanor shut it off. Abigail laughed in amazement, hugging Rowan tightly.

"We got him! We got him in the bag! Mum! This is perfect!"

"No it's not," Elenor shook her head as she shut the blinds into her office.

"What why," Rowan snapped. "We got what we need right here."

"Yes, a recorder. Great job Brantley but have you thought about publishing it? If you publish it, you will openly admit you knew about the formulas but didn't say anything to anyone. People will believe you don't want to help them, rather you wanted a personal gain."

"But I don't!"

"People don't know that Rowan. If it gets published, Derrick will use anything in his power to make you look like the culprit. He's the head of the MI6 for crying out loud! The only thing we can do right now is wait, we need Blake to give those formulas to Jon. Then when she comes back with it, we can expose Derrick all together. Am I making sense?"

"Yes you do," Rowan made a fist. "I guess what we can do is find what Derrick is doing with the oil. It has to be somewhere, right?"

"Right," Abigail patted his shoulder. "We got jobs to do."

Seattle, Washington
"I got to use the bathroom," Blake stood up, leaving her backpack with Jay. He watched her leave before continuing to read the book he had just bought. "There you go."

Blake pushed the door open, examining the empty bathroom. She washed her face before looking at herself in the mirror. She looked different, she looked like the lady on her passport from wherever Jay got it from. 

"Hello," a woman smirked as she stood by the door. "Do you care to follow me?"

Being silently escorted with Turk and the mystery lady, Blake tried to call out to Jay but she couldn't see him anywhere. Turk kept his heavy hand on her elbow as he drove her though the busy airport.

"This way," the woman pointed to the large commotion. "Let's get out of here."

"This will be a whole lot quicker if everyone cooperates," a TSA personnel raised his hands at the irritated crowd. The crowd began to move about, forcing Turk to let her go.

"Ma'am, I think you need to come this way," another TSA personnel ordered as he lead Blake through the crowd. As soon as they broke from the crowd, the employee tossed the hat into the trash can along with the jacket. "How many times am I going to have to get you out of trouble? No more bathroom breaks for you."

"Oh my gosh," Blake embraced Jay tightly. His tight embrace and soft laugh made her relax when he lead her back towards their gate. "No more bathroom breaks for me, agreed."

They arrived to Fairbanks, Alaska just to have to board a smaller plane to Utqiagvik, Alaska. Otherwise known as Barrow, Alaska.

"My only concern," Jay fidgeted with something in his pocket. "Is that John's men will be at the Professor's house already."

"I don't think so. I mean, the only people who know about it is me, Professor Callahan and you."

"I don't know," he shook his head. "I wouldn't be so sure. Derrick is in charge of the MI6, he can get anywhere he wants within the police. You left the Professor with your friend the Constable, what would that tell you?"

"They probably know by now," Blake moaned, covering her face. Jay looked out the window to see the dark gray clouds. "Snow... we happen to visit Alaska at a perfect time...what else can possibly go wrong?"

"Here," Jay handed her the red notebook. "I think this is yours."

Blake was in astonishment so grabbing the little notebook as she ran her hands over it. With a smile, she pulled out her sketch book, pulling out two folded sheets as she placed them back into the red notebook.

"You little sneak," Jay gasped with a slight laugh.

"You think I trusted you from the start? No. So I thought it would be smart to keep two sheets of the formulas with me."

"No wonder the formulas didn't work."

"Of course not, you only gave them fraction of the formula. I have the rest," Blake held a cocky smile on her lips. That only seemed to make him laugh as he shook his head at her.

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