Hustla (BOOK ONE)

By WrittenByKalifa

689K 24.5K 4.5K

***WARNING: THIS STORY INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT AND VIOLENCE**** Aaliyah don't wanna hear about nothing unless... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 26

8.1K 324 225
By WrittenByKalifa

Later that night, Aaliyah was sitting on the bed. She was watching a movie and eating popcorn. Dre called Aaliyah. She answered the phone.

"Yea?", she said.

"That's how you answer the phone?", he said.

"I guess", Aaliyah said.

"What did I do now?", Dre asked.

"I don't know. I just don't... I don't know", Aaliyah said. "I just feel like we shouldn't be together"

"Why would you say that?", Dre asked.

"I just been thinking and I don't know if either of us are ready for this", Aaliyah said.

"Where is this coming from?", Dre said.

"Me.. and besides you still fucking yo baby mama", she said.

Dre didn't say anything.

"Wow so it's true", she said.

"Aaliyah listen I dont know where you getting this information from, but you tripping", he said.

''Would I be tripping if I go fuck somebody else?", she asked.

"You and him would be dead", he said.

"So you mean to tell me, you can go fuck another bitch and that's okay?", she asked.

"Who said that?", he asked. "Listen I'm on the -"

Aaliyah cuts him off. "Yet you not even denying it", she said. "Fuck you Dre"

Aaliyah hung up her phone and tossed it on the floor. She looked up and she saw Herbo looking at her.

"What the fuck do you want?", she asked.

"I was just being nosey", he said.

Aaliyah gets up from the bed and walks to the door. "Leave. I dont need yall here", she said.

"Can't do that", he said.

Aaliyah looked at him for a moment.

"What? You know if them niggas come you are not- "

Aaliyah cuts him off by kissing him.

Herbo was shocked at first but after a while, he began kissing her back.

Aaliyah pulled him in the room and shut the door.


A few minutes later , Dre walks in the house and sees D. Patt on the couch. "Whats up?", he said.

"Hey. Thought you had something to do tonight?", D. Patt said.

"Yea. The moved it to tomorrow", Dre said.

D. Patt nods.

"Where Herbo?", Dre said.

"I dont know", D. Patt said. "He walked down the hall to use the bathroom"

Dre nods as he looks down the hall to see that the bathroom door is open and the light is off. "how long he been back there?", Dre asked.

"Too long. Probably taking a shit", he said.

"mmm", Dre said.

D. Patt saw the way Dre was acting. "You good?", he asked.

"I dont know, lets see", Dre said as he started to away but stopped once he saw Herbo walking down the hall.

"Hey, I told you had a buy tonight", Herbo said normally.

"What were you doing back there?", Dre asked.

"Bathroom", Herbo said.

"Bitch you weren't in the bathroom", Dre said.

D. Patt stands up once he sees that Dre was getting mad.

"I went to the bathroom and came out heard Aaliyah yelling. I went to go see what happened", he said

"Since when did you give a damn?", Dre asked as he walked closer to him.

"Dre what the fuck is your problem?", Herbo said as he looked him up and down.

Dre took out his gun and aimed it at his head. "Imma ask you this shit one more time and then Imma ask her... if I hear two different answers. Both of yall getting a bullet through your head"

"Dre chill', D. Patt said.

"Stay outta this", Dre said. "Now Herbo, what the fuck you been doing back there and I wanna know every single detail"

Aaliyah walks out of the room and turned the corner to see Dre aiming his gun at Herbo. "Dre?", she called.

"Go in the room", he said.

"No", she said as she walked to them. "What the fuck is going on?"

Dre put his gun down and looked at Aaliyah. "Didn't I say go in the room??", he asked.

Aaliyah looked at him then at Herbo, then he looked back at Dre. She never saw Dre so angry. She was scared and then he had a gun, so she just listened and walked back into the room.

Dre looked back at Herbo.

"I didn't do nothing", Herbo said. "...but what she did just proved my point that made. These hoes can't be trusted"

Dre starred at him. "And neither can you", he said as he cocked his gun back and gun shot him.

"Dre!", D. Patt said.

Dre looked at herbos body and walked over it and down the hall to room. He tired to open the door but it was locked.

"Aaliyah open the door", he yelled.

Aaliyah finished putting her shoes on and opened the window.

Dre kicked the door in as Aaliyah was about to go out the window. Dre grabbed her and threw her on the bed and pointed his gun at her as he hovered over her and he starred at her before he began to talk.

Aaliyah was scared to death. She was crying and Dre began to come back to reality for a minute but his anger knocked him back out of it.

"Didnt I tell you if you cheat on me, I would kill your ass?", he said.

Aaliyah was crying, she could barely speak. "I - I was- I was mad, so I kissed him. I didn't- I didn't have sex with him", she cried. "I didn't do anything with him"

"I don't believe that shit", Dre said.

"I swear to God", Aaliyah said. "Dre I swear. On our unborn baby"

Dre looked down at her stomach then back at her face.

"I just kissed him. That was it", she said.

Dre got off of her and put his gun back in his pants.

Aaliyah sighed of relief.

Dre walked out the room and into the living room. Herbo was still alive and in pain because Dre shot him in the leg.

"Man get yo ass up", Dre said.

"Man, fuck you. You just shot me", Herbo said.

"Because you pissed me off. You had me thinking y'all fucked and then you gone tell her about Nae. The only reason I ain't kill yo ass is because of Aaliyah. If she ain't come out here before then, you'd be gone", he said.

Herbo gets up.

"Patt take him to the hospital", Dre said. "And don't come back"

"Bitch I ain't wanna come back", Herbo said.

"Man please. I see the way you be looking at Aaliyah. I ain't dumb. The only reason I asked you to come was to make her feel comfortable because she knew y'all. I ain't know you would let her kiss you. But now I don't want none of y'all niggas here. I'll do this shit myself", he said.

"Shit I ain't do nothing", D. Patt said.

"I don't care. Leave", Dre said.

D. Part rolled his eyes as he helped Herbo outside.

Dre shut the door and locked it. He walked down the hall and into the room and Aaliyah was gone.

"Aaliyah!", Dre called as he waited for a response. It was no response. Dre hit the stuff that was on the dress off. "Shit", he said.

Dre sat down and thought to himself. He had no clue where she went or what was going to happen to her. He didn't wanna scare her and he wasn't going to kill her, he just let his anger build up and get the best of him. He never did stuff like this over a girl and he couldn't understand why he was doing it now. As he sat there and thought about Aaliyah and Herbo kissing, his chest started hurting a little bit and he he didn't know to be mad or sad about it. Dre stood up and walked outside and looked around the house. Aaliyah was no where to be seen.

He got in his car and drove around to find her back couldn't. He spent the whole night looking for her and calling her but it was no answer.

Dre stopped his car and pulled over. He already had a blunt rolled up, so he lit it and smoked it. "Mama I need your help right now", he said as he closed his eyes.

A few minutes later after the high started kicking in he began to hallucinate. He had his eyes closed when he heard a voice in his head and it sounded like a Aaliyah.

"Hey Dre", she said.

Dre opened his eyes and looked next to him. He saw Aaliyah but he knew she wasn't real.

He looked forward and sighed.

"I said you didn't do relationships and well I see why because you can be loyal. But you also said you don't do love but look at you now"

"Love?", he asked as he mad a face. "Who said shit about love?"

"Well Dre I'm nothing but your conscious. I'm just here to tell you the stuff you don't listen to from outta your own head", she said.

"I've only known you.. well her for like 2 or 3 months", he said.

"Hey. I'm just the messenger", she said. "Love isn't something that has a date on it. If you feel it , you feel it. I mean why do you think you feel a certain way about her? Why do you think you're spending your time looking for her? That's not some simple. "Oh I like her".. it's love"

Dre smoked his blunt. "It don't matter. She's gone", he said. "...I don't blame her. I only had one shot ... I missed"

"You may be right but if you don't pull the trigger again you won't know if that was even your last bullet for sure", she said.

Dre looked in her direction and she was gone. He took one more smoke then pulled out his phone.


It's been an hour since Aaliyah left the house. She was sitting in the airport and her leg was jumping.

They called out her flight number and she got up and walked to the correct location. Once she got on the plane she looked out the window. She got a call from Dre and declined it. She turned her phone on airplane mode and after everybody got on the airplane took off. She looked at the city of Atlanta and closed her eyes and laid her head on the seat.


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