Mob Psycho Academia

By OnkeyDonkey

9.5K 233 139

{Discontinued- I am rewriting a new, better version of this story} In the battle that decided the fate for ou... More

The Boy In My Dream
My Powers Are A Burden
Mob's birthday oneshot πŸŽ‰
Sparks Fly
Dust to Dust
Comics and Such~ (updated frequently)

The Boy Who Fell From The Sky

2.5K 56 18
By OnkeyDonkey

Suzuki expected to die, destroyed by his own powers. He expected to die without ever reconciling with his wife and son. He never expected for Mob to surround each other with his barrier, talking about absorbing his powers to nullify the explosion.
"If I can just... contain your energy-" Mob struggled to say, "We'll all... be saved!"
Suzuki softened his scowl and looked the young esper in the eyes. Was he really going to attempt something of that scale? Black lighting bolted across Mob's face, which was now glowing like a football stadium light. His veins protruded from the strain of containing all that power, and he let out some ghastly screams in the hopes of relieving the pain. His entire body felt like it was going to explode. He knew he couldn't take it much longer. Suzuki noticed his skin cracking, and yelled out,
"Stop it! At this rate, you'll surely die!"
"No. I have to- do this!" Mob groaned, pain rushing through his body like wildfire. His clothes ripped apart from the power. Suddenly a dark purple void opened up in the air. It didn't look anything like an esper's doing- Mob noticed this but kept going. He couldn't risk losing everything- his family, his friends, his loved ones. Most of all, he still had to confess to Tsubomi. His determination to keep living relieved the pain, and it looked like everything was going to be fine. Until it wasn't. The hole in the air grew until it enshrouded the two in its sickly void, becoming ever bigger until both Mob and Suzuki disappeared. The explosion stopped: The city was saved, and the clouds cleared.

Ritsu was frantically digging through the rubble, scanning the floor for any signs of his brother.
"Brother! Where are you!? Please..." He sobbed.
Progress towards Ritsu's explosion: 90%
He couldn't give up. His brother was there, still alive, and when he found him they would both go out for a celebratory ramen. His nails grew sore from all the digging and they started to bleed. Tears formed in his eyes but he quickly rubbed them away. He shouldn't cry for someone who isn't gone, he thought to himself, growing ever more worried by the second.
Progress towards Ritsu's explosion: 95%
"Ritsu! Get over here!" Reigen's voice echoed through the halls.
Ritsu perked up in the hopes that his brother would be there and he ran to where Reigen was. But Mob was nowhere to be found. Not even Suzuki. They had both disappeared, and in their place was a giant crater in the center of the room, still warm from the energy flooding from Suzuki. Ritsu fell to his knees. Did Mob lose? No. He couldn't have. His brother was the best esper in the world. Nobody could defeat him. Not even the leader of Claw himself. But the truth was right there. His brother, the person he looked up to all those years, was gone. A wave of realisation crashed over him and the tears came flooding in. He didn't bother to stop them. They cascaded down his face like a salty waterfall, dripping down his nose and onto the floor.
Progress towards Ritsu's explosion: 100%
Debris floated everywhere. The structure everyone was inside of started to crack. The walls and floors crumbled and fell.
"Wh-whoa! Ritsu! Calm down! I'm sure Mob's okay! He's Mob, for crying out loud! He'll find a way to get back to us, I'm sure of it!" Reigen cried out. His words fell on deaf ears. Ritsu was breaking down in grief. His eyes full of tears, his hair floating wildly in all directions. He was lost without his brother. He didn't know what else to do. He wanted to get out of here. His aura flared and the building that was already falling apart evaporated into thin air. It was as if it never existed. Ritsu curled up into a ball, hugging his knees. Helplessness filled him to the brim. He didn't sense his brother's aura anywhere. Not even on the planet. Mob was truly gone. Screams of sorrow filled the air. Reigen looked at his disciple's brother helplessly. He didn't know how to comfort him.
"Fuck it," he thought, and went in to hug the poor boy. Ritsu didn't protest and buried himself in Reigen's arms. His aura went back to normal and his powers stopped. Everything that was floating fell to the ground with a thud. All he could do was cry. Reigen rubbed his back, comforting the young esper.
"Oh, Mob, where are you?" Reigen pondered sadly.
In another world, All Might , dressed in a baggy shirt and some cargo shorts, was busy shopping for dinner. Among some of the things he had bought were two bottles of pop, stored in his pants, taiyaki, some eggs, and rice. It was another busy day of protecting the people, and he was just relaxing after a long day at work. Of course, he was in his true form so nobody recognised him. It was pure bliss. Nobody rushing after him for photographs, no paparazzi- just him being another member of society. He loved his hero life, sure, but after that incident, he was always panicking over the time he had with his muscle form and, quite frankly, it was a bit stressful. Ambling down the busy road, he saw a crowd of people gasping at something- a villain! And it had bags of money! There was no choice but to turn into the hero everyone knew and loved.
"Not to fear, everyone! For I, All Might, am here!" He boomed his signature catchphrase. Everyone cheered! A saviour had been sent to protect their economy!
All Might dashed off after the villain in hot pursuit.
"Shit!" The sludge villain thought to himself. "I'm dead meat!" He ran down a dark alleyway into the sewers. "Ugh, I lost the money! I'll get sweet, sweet revenge for this, All Might!"
The tall, muscular hero gathered up the piles of money and returned them to the shop that the villain had stolen from.
The crowd cheered, "Three cheers for All Might! Hip, hip, hooray!"
All Might humbly bowed and said, "No worries, dear citizens! All in a day's work for your number one hero!" And flew into the air. "Shit." he thought, "I lost the villain."
He landed on a quiet street and reverted to his true form. "Guess it's time to get my groceries back," he quipped.
Suddenly, a void in the sky appeared. It grew bigger and bigger until a figure of some sort fell out. A boy, around 14 years old! All Might froze in his tracks. It could have been a villain. However, the boy didn't move. Upon further inspection, the boy was covered in blood and dirt!
"Oh my god. Never mind my dinner. I have got to take this boy to the hospital!" He picked the boy up in his arms and started for the nearest hospital. It was at that moment when he saw the sludge villain he was pursuing earlier- and it had a boy in its grasp! "Shit! Two problems?!" All Might was getting tired. He grumpily placed the unconscious boy on the grass and ran towards the other boy.
"Texas... SMASH!" He pounded the villain and it scattered into bits on the floor. All Might knew the battle wasn't over and scanned the area for anything to contain the villain. He reluctantly stared at the two bottles of pop he had in his pants and poured out the contents. What a waste of perfectly good pop. He quickly gathered up the traces of sludge and stored them in the bottles. Done and done. He looked over at the green-haired boy who was lying unconscious on the ground.
"H-hey!!! Don't die on me!!! Wake up, boy!" All Might quickly slapped the boy on his cheek, and his eyes opened slowly. Then they widened in realisation- All Might saved him!
Midoriya jolted upright. He squeaked. All Might, his idol all throughout his childhood, was right in front of him! It was like a dream come true!
"Oh thank god you're awake. I thought you were a goner! Unfortunately I have to go and take this severely injured boy to the hospital now," he said, gesturing towards Mob.
"Oh jeez! He's in really bad shape! Wait, All Might, before you go, I-" Midoriya was cut off by the sound of air rushing behind him. He was still holding on to All Might's pants, and— he was really high up in the air!!! He was clinging on for dear life and started to scream. All Might glanced behind him and had the shock of his life. The boy was hanging from his pants, 50 feet in the air! He quickly landed on top of a building and set both of the boys down.
"Now, dear boy, that was very dangerous! You could've gotten yourself killed!"
Midoriya was still reeling from the shock of hanging from a pair of shorts, almost at the risk of dying. His hair stood on end like a troll doll. After patting himself down and giving himself a shake, Midoriya took his chance to ask his burning question.
"Is-is it possible to become a hero, even without a quirk?"
All Might glanced at the curly haired boy, wondering what to say. Suddenly his time ran out and he reverted back to his true form!
Midoriya didn't notice as he was still looking at the floor. When he didn't hear an answer, he looked up and repeated his question.
"Is it possible to me to be come a hero, even without-" he was stunned by the disappearance of All Might and in his place stood a lanky looking old man. He had very sharp cheekbones, long, skinny arms, baggy clothes, and two long tufts of hair that dropped down on his sides. For Midoriya it was a very scary sight.
"Waaaahhh!!! Where's All Might?! Who're you?!"
All Might, having accidentally exposed his secret to a random teenager, coughed up blood.
"You aren't supposed to see this." He started to explain, rubbing his temple. "You see, this is my true form. The form you normally see is something I try really hard to maintain, so that incidents like these never happen." He lifted his shirt to reveal a ghastly scar that covered more than half of his torso. Midoriya winced at the sight. "Ever since my battle with All for One, I have had to deal with this bad boy. Half my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I no longer have a stomach."
"Wait, what?! So... you're not really muscly and tall all the time?!" Midoriya gasped in awe.
"Think of it this way," The frail man explained his forms with a metaphor. "You know how, at the pool, you see these men with pot bellies who puff up their chests to appear buff? That's basically what happens with me," He shrugged. "More or less."
All Might remembered the question that the young boy had asked him before he reverted. "A hero, you say? Without a quirk?" Midoriya perked up at the question. "I'm afraid it is simply not possible. You should think about becoming a police officer. They don't get half the glory for taking away the villains, but it's as close as you're gonna get, I'm afraid."
Upon hearing this answer, Midoriya gasped quietly. He looked down at the floor and bowed at his idol. All Might knew the boy was about to speak, but he was already in his true form and the boy in his arms was close to dying.
"Thank you for answering me," he whispered, tears starting to form in his eyes. He was going to ask another question but his hero was already gone, along with the boy he had with him. Midoriya shook himself, and started to trudge inside the building and go home.

50 feet in the air, Yagi was hurrying to the nearest hospital. The boy was still unconscious, and still bleeding. A lot. He wasn't sure whether the boy would make it in time. All Might was putting his errands in order: first he would drop the boy off at the hospital, then he would take the villain to the police, and after all that, retrieve his groceries. Maybe after that, visit the boy at the hospital just to check up on him. After a minute of so of flying, Yagi spotted the hospital and quickly landed. Onlookers gawped at the sight of the boy and started to mutter amongst themselves. Yagi ran into the waiting room.
"We have an emergency! I found this boy falling from the sky. He's in really bad shape, possibly a broken arm. Get him treatment, now!" The hero, in his true form, yelled. The receptionist took one glance at the boy and quickly called a team of doctors.
In less than a minute, Mob was being carried away in a bed, Yagi right behind him. On his face was an oxygen mask, and he was covered in tubes. When they got to the room, a doctor with an X-ray quirk scanned his body.
She gasped and said to Yagi, "This boy shouldn't be alive. He has multiple shattered bones, including his skull and his back. It's a miracle he's even breathing!"
Yagi couldn't believe it. Either this boy was really lucky, or really powerful. He decided to put his errands on halt. He needed to be there for this boy. On the contrary, the doctors shooed him out of the room as they were going to operate.
Yagi patted his pants. "Well, I guess it's time to get you to-" He didn't feel the bottles containing the sludge villain. Did the green haired boy knock the bottles out of his pockets when he went flying?! He ran out of the hospital to begun his search for the sludge villain. Suddenly he heard a giant explosion and smoke was coming from one of the alleyways. He decided to investigate, as it clearly wasn't a good sign.

Bakugo couldn't breathe. Disgusting sludge oozed down his throat, restricting his breathing. It had been 7 minutes since he was taken hostage but he refused to die. He tried to use his quirk to blast away the villain but had inadvertently set fire to his surroundings. A crowd of onlookers started to form. A team of heroes consisting of Death Arms, Kamui Woods, and Mount Lady was already at the scene but couldn't go into the flames. Death Arms and Kamui Woods would both burn up and Mount Lady was far too big. She was busy blocking the road so that no cars would drive by.
"We need to call a water hero!" Death Arms shouted desperately.
"There aren't any close enough! By the time one gets here, the boy would die!" Kamui Woods responded, who was busy blocking the crowd.
Suddenly Midoriya, who was helplessly watching his childhood friend die, couldn't do nothing any more. Without thinking, he ran into the flames, preparing to attack the villain.
"Whoa, kid, what are you doing?! Get out of there, you'll die!" The surprised Death Arms yelled.
"I can't help it! It's like my legs are moving on their own!" Midoriya yelled back. It was true. No matter how hard he tried to stop, his legs kept running towards the villain. Going over his extensive knowledge of hero techniques and attacks in his head, he knew the perfect technique that would at least allow Bakugo some room to breathe. He took off his backpack and swung it directly at the villain's eye. Bullseye. The villain cried out in pain and loosened his grip. Bakugo lurched forward, taking in as much air as he could. Now that the grip on him was loose, he was trying to struggle free from the villain. While the villain was vulnerable, Midoriya dug at the villain desperately, hoping to save his friend from the sludge.
"Deku! What are you doing!?" Bakugo shouted in outrage.
Midoriya looked up at Bakugo and wept, "I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"
Bakugo' s expression slightly softened. He looked at the boy with a shocked expression. Deku, the person he bullied all these years would risk his life to save him? What a strange world. Midoriya kept digging, but to no avail. He'd run into the flames for nothing. He wanted to save his friend but wasn't helping at all. His desperation would ultimately be his downfall.
Behind the corner, Yagi, in his true form, was hurrying over to the scene. When he saw the boy he had saved from the sludge attacking the exact same villain, his eyes widened. He knew he was out of time, but it was absolutely necessary. He sucked in his breath and changed into his muscle form.
"There is nothing to fear. Why? Because I am here!" All Might boomed in his signature heroic voice. He ran into the flames and prepared to defeat the villain.
"Detroit... SMASH!!!" His punch sent the villain and the two boys flying. He quickly grabbed onto both of them until the wind from his move stopped. The clouds started to rumble. Rain started to pour onto the street.
"Impossible... All Might is so strong, he changed the weather with just one punch!" A random bystander exclaimed. The crowd roared in celebration for All Might. He had saved the day once again!
All Might felt the pain in his side flash through his body and he knew he was about to change back. He turned towards the crowd and bowed.
"All in a day's work, dear citizens! However there is much more I have to do, so I leave you with my parting words." He boomed, bending his knees to prepare for flight. "Go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!" Upon saying those words, he flew away. He landed in a quiet area and changed back into his true form, vomiting up blood in the process. "Right. Guess I'd better check up on that boy." Upon arriving at the hospital, Yagi gulped. He hoped that the boy was alright, and went into the waiting room. "Hi, I'm here to see the boy I brought in earlier. I just wanted to check up on him." He explained to the receptionist.
"Of course, just sign here please." She replied, gesturing at a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it. Yagi obliged and asked where the boy's room was. "It's the fourth room on the left," She pointed at a hallway leading to the children's ward. Yagi thanked her and walked towards the room. Quietly edging the door open, Yagi found that the boy was asleep, with a cast now wrapped around his arm. There was a nurse sitting beside his bed on a chair. When she noticed the man walk into the room, she thanked him for bringing the boy to the hospital.
"If you'd been much later, he surely would have died." The nurse started to say. "He hasn't woken up since he got here, even after surgery. But what's strangest of all is that he doesn't have any records. We currently don't know his name or address. We haven't even had any parents come here. It's as if this boy never existed before today."
Yagi, taken aback by those words, sat down. No parents? No records? Could this boy have been an escaped experiment or something? Suddenly the pair heard a groan coming from the bed. He was waking up!
"Urgh... my head." Mob thought to himself. He realised that there were people looking at him and he shot up. "Wait- you're all supposed to have evacuated by now! Didn't you hear the announcement?" The nurse and Yagi stared at him, in complete and utter confusion.
"Evacuation..? Why? There's no threat to the city." Yagi responded. He glanced at the nurse. Was this boy brainwashed? "First of all," Yagi shifted position in his seat. "What's your name?"
"My name? Um, it's Kageyama Shigeo. Wait, this shouldn't be important right now. You said there was no emergency? Didn't you see the giant expl-" Realisation washed over Mob like a tsunami. He had been sucked away by some dark portal of sorts. "Where am I?" He asked desperately, sitting fully upright.
"Well, you're in Musutafu Hospital. This man over here found you unconscious on the floor, covered in blood. You should thank him. He saved your life." The nurse explained. Mob looked at Yagi and muttered a small thanks, not focusing properly. He was very confused.
"How far is Seasoning City from here?" Asked Mob, growing increasingly worried by the second.
"Seasoning City? Where's that?"
"Kageyama, you've got to be pulling my leg here. That place doesn't exist."
Progress towards Mob's explosion: 70%
Mob's eyebrows curled upwards, creasing his forehead. His eyes widened in shock, a look of distraught stamped on his face.
"What do you mean it doesn't exist? Could I have a phone or something to locate my city?"
Yagi stared at Mob and gave him his phone. He saw him type into the Map app, swipe around desperately, and set the phone down on his lap.
"This can't be happening. I know Seasoning City exists. I-I live there!" Mob cried out desperately. His aura was starting to go out of control and objects around the room started to float. The two adults saw this and tried to calm Mob down.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure we'll find your family soon. They can't be far." The nurse smiled at Mob, trying to reassure him so that he wouldn't break anything.
Progress towards Mob's explosion: 85%
Mob started sobbing uncontrollably. He was in a strange place and couldn't sense any of his friends' auras. Could it be that he was sent to another dimension? When he was trying to contain Suzuki's powers and that glow in the air- did it transport him into this place? He buried his head in his knees and sobbed.
Progress towards Mob's explosion: 99%
Yagi was becoming worried. It was clear that this boy couldn't control his quirk. He told the nurse to get some quirk restraining cuffs, and she abruptly left the room. After she was gone, Yagi got up from the chair and wrapped his arms around him in an attempt to calm him down. Mob flinched at this sudden touch, but realised he had nobody else for him. He let the man hug him and didn't stop his tears from flowing. He calmed down and put down the floating objects. Mob then returned the hug and cried into Yagi's arms. He cried until he fell asleep. When the nurse got back with the cuffs, she saw Yagi reading a book, and Mob passed out in his bed.
"Sorry about that, nurse. He just needed some TLC." All Might sighed.

Back at the scene of the Musutafu incident, Midoriya was being reprimanded for such irresponsible behaviour while Bakugo was being praised for being able to resist suffocation for so long. Bakugo didn't revere in the praise. He was frowning at how such a meek boy like Deku would be willing to save him. Quirkless losers like him shouldn't be allowed to exist. But even so, he couldn't help but to feel the tiniest bit thankful for Midoriya coming in to allow him to breathe. That didn't mean he would verbally express it, of course. Midoriya, after apologising profusely to the heroes for risking his life, went on his way home. Bakugo was already gone. Or so he thought, as when Midoriya was halfway home, he heard Bakugo run after him, yelling at him to turn around.
"Just because you thought you saved me doesn't mean you get my thanks. You didn't do anything to help, so don't except me to be your little bitch now!" He yelled grumpily. Midoriya pursed his lips in a small smile and watched Bakugo stamp away from him, his hands in his pockets. As soon as that happened, he saw All Might, in his muscle form, running towards him at full speed! Midoriya froze in place, unable to run away.
"I am here! To talk to you!" All Might bellowed, before he reverted into his true form, coughing up blood once again. Like last time, Midoriya screamed at the sight of his blood. Yagi shushed him, indicating he doesn't want anyone to investigate the screaming. "When I saw you rush into danger and risk your life, I didn't know what to say." Yagi began to say.
"I'm sorry for stressing you out, I know you ran out of time-"
"I haven't finished. When I saw you risk your life no matter the circumstance, I felt ashamed of myself for worrying about showing my true identity to the world. What matters is the moment, and in that moment, I saw a hero."Said Yagi, pride filling his heart. Midoriya's eyes sparkled. "Let me tell you about my quirk. It's name is One For All. This quirk has been passed down through generations, strengthened through their preexisting quirks. It is now a very powerful. So powerful that it cannot get into the hands of evil. Today I saw someone who jumped in without hesitation no matter his abilities. I have chosen you as my successor."
Midoriya gasped in awe. Passing on quirks? He'd never heard of that. "So to answer your question, young boy, yes. You can become a hero no matter what. With my help you will become a great hero." Midoriya felt so relieved that his dreams could come true that he broke down and fell to his knees. His tears of happiness came rushing down and he grasped his chest to keep from fainting. He couldn't believe his ears. His hero, his idol throughout his childhood, was right in front of him- telling this quirkless teenager he could become a hero.
"All Might... thank you!" Midoriya sobbed. He looked up at the hero and Yagi was slightly taken aback. Midoriya's face was covered in tears and snot. He looked a sorry sight. All his life, Midoriya had been told he couldn't do anything important. Yet here was someone who was telling him otherwise. Those words had such an impact on him, it felt like they were taking a weight off his shoulders. Midoriya bowed in gratitude and stood up. "I promise I won't let you down!"
"That's great. Meet me at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park in two days. There you will start your training." Yagi left Midoriya with those parting words before he left the teenager. Midoriya stood there in stunned silence. He could be a hero! Thoughts were rushing through his mind like wildfire. All his memories of people either pitying him or ridiculing him for being quirkless. The one that stood out most to him was the day he and his mother had come back from the doctor after he had gotten the news that he was quirkless. Midoriya was sitting at the computer, watching the video of All Mights' debut on repeat. With tears in his eyes, he asked his mom if he could become a hero just like All Might- and she just wrapped her arms around him and sobbed:
"I'm so sorry Izuku, I wish I could change things so that you could have a quirk!"
He was disappointed in her for admitting defeat like that, instead of saying yes, he could become a quirkless hero. However time had passed and he was no longer resentful of his mom. He shook his head and ran home.

Yagi was walking to Mob's hospital room. He knocked on the door and came in.
"Oh, it's you. Th-thank you for bringing me here, I hadn't thanked you properly last time you came in," Mob greeted Yagi with a small smile, yet his eyes said the opposite. "Though.. I haven't gotten your name yet."
Yagi realised this and debated using his real name or his hero name. It was clear that he'd never heard of any heroes here so he just said his real name, since he was in his true form anyway. "Oh yes, that's true! My name is Toshinori Yagi. How are you feeling?" He asked Mob with a smile on his face.
"I'm fine, it's just that this cast is kind of annoying." Mob's right arm was encased in a blue substance wrapped around medical cloth.
"Ah, the plaster cast. Don't worry, it'll be off in just a few days. It's infused with a special medicine that helps bones heal faster." All Might spoke reassuringly.
"Wow. In my world, it takes around a month to heal a broken arm." Mob felt around his shoulder. It felt sore from the surgery he had gone through. He had now come to terms with the fact that he was in a different dimension, and was determined to live his life anyway. He didn't want to become an empty shell, moping away for the rest of his days. It was then he had realised- he didn't have a home to go back to once he was done with the hospital. This had occurred to Yagi, and he asked him.
"Oh, Kageyama." Mob perked up. "You don't have anywhere to stay after this, do you?" Mob shook his head sadly.
"No, I don't."
"Well, how about you stay with me? I have more than enough space for you." This was true. His career as the number one here had paid off a lot- he had a beautiful house near Musutafu, surrounded by a high wall so that nobody would look through and see All Might. Knowing this, he always made sure to enter his house in his true form and only work out in his downstairs gym. That way the people living near him just assumed he was a filthy rich person, and not the number one hero in Japan.
Mob looked at Yagi, processing this information. It made the most sense, since he was the only person he knew in this strange world where apparently everyone was an esper in some way. However he couldn't help but to feel rude, living with someone he barely knew.
"Um, ok. But I don't have any clothes. Or stuff," Mob replied. Yagi patted the confused teenager's good shoulder.
"That's fine. We can go shopping tomorrow." He said reassuringly. Mob couldn't help but smile. Yagi was so easy to talk to, as if he'd known him for ages. The next day, when Mob was discharged from the hospital, Yagi came to pick him up.
"Good afternoon, Yagi-san. Thanks for doing this, by the way." Mob thanked Yagi profusely.
"No problem, Kageyama." Yagi replied, looking at the rear view mirror to see Mob clearly.
"Um, Yagi-san?" Yagi made an affirmative grunt. "You can call me Mob, if you'd like. It's what most people call me."
"Whatever you wish, Mob. Now, before we get to my house, please don't be surprised by how it looks in comparison to, well, this." Yagi gestured vaguely at himself. Mob nodded in confusion. He didn't think anything was going to be wrong with his house. When the car had stopped, he assumed they had arrived. Yagi got out of the car first and opened Mob's door. When he stepped out of the car and gazed at the house he stood there in awe. It looked amazing! There was a pond full of koi fish next the the driveway, surrounded by statues of heroic-looking figures. They were lined up facing one another like soldiers in formation. The house itself was grand. It had a modern look to it, with a flat roof and dark walls. There were two floors, and the doorway floor was covered with flowers of all shapes and sizes. It was clear to Mob that Yagi liked gardening. When they stepped inside, Yagi told Mob to follow him. He led the young esper to a long hallway, and walked up to a door with a sign on it saying "Kageyama's Room".
"Here's where you're staying. Don't judge the emptiness, I'll get some proper furniture for you some time in the week." Yagi sheepishly grinned. Mob stepped inside the large room.
"It's perfect," He beamed. Yagi pursed his lips into a small line, then smiled back.
"Well, make yourself at home." Yagi left Mob to look around his room.
Immediately, Kageyama fell fast asleep on his bed.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Yagi was researching alternate reality travel. He was determined to find Mob's way back home, even if it took a few years. He liked the boy well enough but knew he didn't belong here. He also knew that somewhere deep down, Mob wanted to go home with all his heart. His computer dinged. An email from Principal Nezu.
'Yagi,' It said, 'Don't forget your job interview next week. I'll be waiting.
Yours, Nezu'
An idea went off inside of Yagi's mind. What if he enrolled Mob in UA? He knew that Mob was obviously somewhat powerful, since he made a whole room shake just by being worried. Of course, Mob didn't have any identification papers. He technically didn't exist in the government's eyes. Yagi would have to talk to Nezu about that. Heaving himself off his chair, Yagi knocked on Mob's door. He slowly opened it and saw that Mob was completely passed out. Quietly chuckling to himself, he closed the door again. That poor boy had been through so much. He deserved the rest. Yagi was left with a conflict: focus his time on Mob, a boy who had obviously been through a lot, or focus on his soon-to-be successor, Midoriya? Then a lightbulb shone in his head. He could focus on them both.
"Oh shoot, I almost forgot. Mob doesn't have anything to wear." This was very true. Mob had come home with some spare clothes the hospital had in the lost and found box. Unfortunately Yagi didn't know his size, so he quickly took a peek at Mob and estimated. Then he went out to get all the things that Mob needed.
"Ritsu! Where are you!"
"I'm here, Shigeo!"
"I can't see you! Please, come out!"
"I told you, I'm here! Where are you?"
Mob woke with a start. His forehead was sticky with sweat and his hair was standing on end. He sat up and looked around. He remembered where he was. He remembered that he wasn't with his friends or family. He was alone. Mob brought his head to his knees and sobbed, fat tears wetting his sheets. Nobody was familiar in this strange, new world.
Progress towards Mob's explosion: 40%

Hi, reader! This is my first ever fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it! (^ω^)I'll be updating chapter two soon, so stay tuned!

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