My Powers Are A Burden

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As excited as he was, Mob knew that Yagi had to go to UA separately- the man in his car, and Mob using his powers to increase his running speed. With his bag packed and his nerves calmed, he set off for the entrance exams.
"See you at school! I'm super proud of you, Shigeo!!" Yagi mimed himself wiping his tears on an imaginary tissue.
"Fight on." Mob repeated the mantra that his Body Improvement club members always chanted in his head. After some words of good luck, the two set off towards UA, Mob doing it in about 2 minutes.
"Ah, Mob! Hey, it's me, Midoriya!" A familiar voice called out to the young esper. He looked over to where it was coming from, and a flustered Midoriya was running towards him- then suddenly, he tripped. Midoriya expected to land face first on the ground, but was stopped by a psychic barrier of sorts. Did Mob save him?
Mob stared at the girl who helped his friend. She had an aura that was similar to his- a quirk that was related to telekinesis. He ran over to Midoriya and asked if he was okay.
"It's bad luck to trip over," The girl smiled warmly. She had round, rosy cheeks and hair that floated playfully. Her brown eyes sparkled with kindness.
"Thanks for helping my friend." Mob hoisted up Midoriya, who's brain was now freezing like a faulty computer, and his cheeks flushed bright red. "Midoriya, say thanks to... what's your name?"
"Uraraka Ochaco," Uraraka held out her hand for a handshake, and Mob shook it.
"Th-thanks! I-I'm M-Midoriya Iz-zuku!" Sweat dripped down Midoriya's bright red cheeks. He was talking to a girl! Realising why his friend was acting like that, Mob snapped him out of it with a firm shake.
"Calm down, you're overreacting," Kind of hypocritical of him, Mob thought, when he remembered how he acted around Tsubomi. Embarrassed by remembering that, Mob quickly shoved the boy inside the school.
"Good luck on the entrance exams!" Uraraka shouted at the boys.
"Same here!" Midoriya waved back at her, still blushing bright red. Mob looked back and smiled in reciprocation. When they got inside the school, they were immediately directed to a giant auditorium, where they found their seats. Luckily they were placed right next to each other, where Mob would be more comfortable. A booming voice exploded at Midoriya.
"Shitty Deku! What are you doing here?! Who's that boy with you?! Did a quirkless loser like you finally make friends?!" He trembled and slowly turned around to see nine other than Bakugo behind him. Midoriya's words were stuck in his throat. His mouth was dry, and he didn't know what to say.
"Ah, so you're Bakugo. I've heard a lot about you." Mob tugged at Bakugo's sleeve with his powers and got in his face. "You're disturbing the peace."
"Hah?! You think you can intimidate me, Bowl Cut?!" Bakugo screamed in outrage. He was angrily shushed by angry examinees who were just trying to listen to Present Mic. With a giant harrumph, he plonked down in his seat which was conveniently right next to Midoriya's.
"Now, before I explain the practical, we are going to pass out the exam papers for your written assessments! Make sure to pass them down!" Present Mic explained with his voice that sounded like he was speaking through a microphone. Mob gulped. He was dreading this moment ever since he was rudely awakened by Midoriya's frantic phone call. Oh, well. At least he had studied meticulously, so there wasn't much to worry about.

After 2 hours, the timer for the written exam rung. Mob set down his pencil with a sigh of relief. The questions were fairly easy, and he remembered much more than he thought. Even on the questions based around quirk history, which he had researched for hours in his free time. After setting down his pencil, he put his paper into a pile of what seemed to be thousands of others. Midoriya looked hopeful. He had studied heroes and quirks all his life, so he was confident that he was going to get at least 80%.
"Mob, how do you think you did? I'm super stoked about mine! I'm bound to get at least a B+!"
"I did pretty well, considering I've only been taking online classes." Mob shrugged in uncertainty. "I hope I didn't fail- Yagi would be disappointed if I didn't get in. He's been so excited these past months."
Midoriya placed his arm around his friend's shoulder. "Relax, you'll be fine! And besides, there's still the practical exam we have to do. You are not going to fail that." In Midoriya's case, he was absolutely terrified. He didn't get a chance to try out his quirk, and so hoped there wouldn't be much trouble with the practical.
"Well done, everyone! Now... ARE YOU RRRRREADY FOR THE PRACTICAL?!" Booming through his own microphone like voice, Present Mic startled everyone in the auditorium. Mob covered his ears and winced. He'd never heard anyone that loud, even with All Might around him in his muscle form. When Present Mic finished explaining the practical, Midoriya's jaw dropped. Robots?! He didn't know how to control his quirk, let alone use it. Mob noticed his worried face, and reassured him that he'll be fine.
"If anyone can pass this, it's you. You've worked so hard over these past months. You can't be swayed by a little robots."
"Easy for you to say, Mob! I'm totally gonna fail..." This was it. Midoriya was never going to get into UA. Nevertheless, he decided to try anyway.
"Oh, we've been placed into different groups, Kacchan. Ah, Mob, we're in the same group!"
"Tch. Would've been fun to explode that fucking stupid expression off your face." Bakugo snorted. Mob was slightly ticked off by this, and began to chew him out.
"Stop being so rude. We're all trying to get into UA, and you shouldn't have a problem with that."
Bakugo sharply turned towards Mob ."You got a problem, Helmet Head?"
"No," Mob realised what he had done and started to sweat profusely.
"Tch. That's what I thought. Can't wait to beat the shit outta you after the exam," Bakugo snarled maliciously as he walked away to his zone. Midoriya was stunned. There was nothing else to say, though, so he suggested that they do the same.

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