Dust to Dust

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A week had passed since Mob's outburst. Aizawa noticed that he was more reluctant to use his quirk, and so after some thinking, he decided to ask about it after school.
The bell rung, signifying the end of the day. Gathering his things slowly, Mob slung his bag around his shoulder and pushed his chair in.
"Everyone, remember to keep thinking about the fundamentals of quirk usage," Instructed Aizawa. "Mob. Stay here,"
Obliging hesitantly, a beat of sweat started to form on his forehead. Because of Aizawa being as intense as he was, the worst was obviously thought. Was he being expelled? Did he do something bad? Mob racked his brain trying to think of things he did wrong. Of course, he had been faltering in class- his performance was deteriorating; he'd been unfocused and was never really engaging with anyone anymore- even Midoriya.
"Kageyama. What's been happening lately?" After a short silence, Aizawa asked. "You've been more reluctant to use your quirk. Talk to me,"
Mob parted his lips to say something- but couldn't form the words he needed. He just stood there, shuffling his feet and looking at the floor for a few minutes, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish.
Aizawa knelt down to Mob's height and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him jolt.
"If you need any guidance, talk to me. I don't want to have to expel you for not using your quirk to its full potential and wasting time here." Aiwaza's lips curled up in a small encouraging smile, trying to coax Mob into speaking up.
"I- I hurt Bakugo." Mob spoke up. "Wh-when we did the indoor heroics exercise. I passed out and when I woke up, the building was destroyed and Bakugo was lying on the floor unconscious. I-I haven't done this in a long time. But the first time it happened, I hurt a lot of people. Including my brother."
"Your brother?" Aizawa was sure that Mob was an only child. His guardian was the new frail-looking teacher at UA, and he'd never seen a second child.
Realising his slip-up, Mob internally facepalmed.
"I had a brother." Tears started to prickle on Mob's eyelids. "I-I'm sorry. I have to go. All M- Yagi-san is waiting for me," Gathering his bags and rushing out the door, he felt his throat burning with frustrated sadness.
Progress towards Mob's explosion: 52%
Before he knew it, tears were rushing down his face. Try as he might, they wouldn't stop. Despite this, Mob pressed his sleeves against his eyes in a desperate attempt to suppress his emotions. Not here. Not now. Why was this happening? He needed to get to Yagi.

Yagi checked the time on his watch. Mob was later than usual. Hopefully Aizawa wasn't berating him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mob running towards him. Something was... off. Tears glinted in the sunlight. Sniffles and quiet sobs came from Mob's lips.
"Shigeo? Are you- hey, hey. What happened?"
Mob was kneeling on the floor, crying his eyes out. Through giant sobs, he wept.
"I want to go home."
"We're going right now-"
"No. My home. I want to s-see Ritsu again. My family. Master. Teru. Dimple. I miss them so much,"
Yagi softened into a sad smile and knelt down. He placed a hand on the miserable boy and pulled him into a tender hug.
"It is simply not possible. Now, I can't imagine the amount of pain you're going through, but rest assured that I would sell an arm and a leg if it meant that we could find a quirk user that can open portals to different realities. But unfortunately, I've had no luck." Yagi felt his shoulder dampen as Mob relented and let his tears flow. "Shigeo, let's go back to our home. I'll make you some ramen and then you can have a rest, okay? I'm supposed to be training with Midoriya soon, and you know how that boy is. Punctual as ever," Trying to lighten the mood with a joke, Yagi heaved himself and Mob up.
"C-can I come? I don't think I want to be alone right now," Snot dripped down Mob's reddened nostrils. Yagi produced a hankerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his nose.
"Of course." He smiled. "Why don't we try and figure out how to control your powers, huh? There's no point in giving up your powers after one incident. We use our shortcomings to improve ourselves. Isn't that what you're striving to do? Come, Shigeo. Here, I'll take your bag,"
Mob climbed into the car and closed the door. Yagi opened the boot and set the bag down, making sure not to break anything that might have been fragile. The rest of the drive was a peaceful silence, only the humming of the motor making a sound.

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