Love is forbidden (Anakin Sky...

By rhinestonecowgirl14

34.8K 375 29

Mia Petrova was a Orphan founded by grand master Yoda and Master Windu on a trip to Naboo when she was two ye... More

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)


1.8K 25 4
By rhinestonecowgirl14

I feel the shuttle land and padme starts to walk towards the exits We all of start to follow. " be safe my lady" one of the guards said to her. I let my hair down today which is unusual I had two small braids in the front of my face pin back were they connect to either side. I was trying to look as much normal as possible I had a long dark green simple dress on I had my lightsaber hidden with Anakin.

" I will captain " padme tells him she tells her maids something I stand few steps behind her " Don't worry my two Jedi protectors will protect me" padme said looking to me and ani we both give her a grin. I been trying to avoid Anakin as much as possible which I know that's gonna be impossible with me and him going to be in Naboo for who knows how long. "Anakin don't do anything without consulting me or the council first" Obi-Wan tells him he nods his head and we start to move towards the ship we'll be traveling in " I will get to the bottom of this quickly my lady you'll be back here in no time" Obi-Wan tells her " I'm much grateful to you Obi-Wan" padme said to him.
"It's time to go " ani said " I know " padme said
We start to walk Anakin is carry our bags I told him I was capable to help carry the bags but he insist he carry everything. We walk to the other side of the ship r2-d2 following behind us. " suddenly I'm afraid " padme said " this is my first assignment on my own I am too " anakin said I smile looking at r2 " Don't worry you two we have r2 with us " I say causing all of us to laugh and r2 whistle from behind us.

In the distance..

Obi-wan stands with captain tylpo " I sure hope he doesn't do anything foolish" obi-wan said looking atfer his Padawan " I'd be more concern of those two doing something foolish than him" captain tylpo said.

Padme finds three seats towards the back I sit beside her " anything you want to talk about " she ask looking at me she knows something been on my mind " not really " I tell her " your lying something wrong with you " padme tells me seeing right through me she always been good at reading people " you can tell me you know" she adds I see Anakin coming towards us after putting our luggage away she see me stare at him and I see a small smirk creep on her face " not now "is all I tell her she nods now smirking.

We were eating supper well padme was mostly was anakin and I were mainly picking at ours. I pull my hair out of my face and put it to the side I catch Anakin staring at me like he's adorning me I give him a stern look like saying knock it off but he doesn't.

" It must be difficult having both sworn your lives to the Jedi " padme said trying to make conversation " like not being able to visit the places you want or do things you want" she adds " or be with the people I love " Anakin said I look down part of me hopes he's talking about his mother the other part hopes it was me he was talking about. Padme glances at me " are you allowed to love I thought that was forbidden in the Jedi " padme asks " it is" I said sadly looking at ani then back down again " attachment and possession is forbidden. Compassion or as I like to call it unconditional love" ani said looking up at me we lock eyes and something inside me starts to stirs." I-Is essential in a Jedi life so I guess you could say we are encourage" he add while shyly smiling and sharing a look at me in the corner of his eye I slowly breathe out.

Later in the night I was sitting by the window Anakin laying asleep padme comes over to me " so what's bothering you " she ask me I look down play with my hands " I don't know what to do, ever since he came back I can't control my emotions. I can't even think straight and I shouldn't be feeling this way I can't deny it I feel something for him and I know I shouldn't we can't be together and that's what's killing me " I tell her while looking at Anakin sleeping peacefully " well it's obviously he feels something for you too by the way he looks at you it's how I picture a man who's truly in love would look like,and no you can't be in love being a Jedi but that doesn't mean it won't happen I think you and him should talk to each about this and you both need to decide if you two can really live with not being together and being jedis and if you can't do that maybe you two need to go a different path " padme saids " are you saying we should give up being Jedis " I ask " I mean I've prepared my whole life to be a Jedi and he practically has too what are we supposed to do then" I ask
" that is why I said you two need to talk I'm not suggesting anything I just don't want to see you both get hurt and be miserable for the rest of your lives , you deserve to be happy.. you both do now rather that's being a Jedi or being together that is between you two " padme finishes she takes my hand in a friendly gesture " at least think about it..just know I'm here for you and you'll always have my support " she adds smiling at me " thank you padme that means a lot and I will think about it your right me and him do need to talk I just don't know when we can" I said looking over at Anakin again " perhaps I can arrange that" padme said grinning at me " what are you thinking " I ask getting worried " you'll see" she laughs getting up to go to sleep herself I roll my eyes. I lay my head down on the couch and shut my eyes letting sleep take me.

I was awoken by Anakin shouting in his sleep I see him tossing and turning yelling for his mother " mom, no mom.." he shouts " ani...Anakin! wake up its only a dream ani" I say trying to smooth him he opens his eyes sweat is covering his face and is his breathing is heavy " are you okay " I ask " yea I'm fine it's just a dream " he said getting up he leans in to the wall beside his little bed " you were dreaming about your mother weren't you" I ask he looks down and nods his head " it's been so long since I seen her I've almost forgotten what she looks like..and in my dream she's in pain I can't get it out of my head" he said " I'm sorry but well at least you still have some what of a memory of her. I wish I knew my mother or knew what she look like or her name even all I know is she left me at the foot steps at the orphanage at Naboo in a basket when I was barely a week old just my name and last name on a piece of paper " I tell him actually telling someone that for the first time ever since I learnt it myself " that's horrible I'm sorry I never knew that" anakin said sitting back down on the bed next to me with sympathy in his eyes for me I take his hand shaking my head" it's not your fault ani and I've never told anyone that before " I say he gives me a small smile. I talk him into going back to sleep I promised him I would stay right beside him I know I shouldn't have but he needed someone to comfort him even if we didn't say another word the rest of the night. I ended up falling asleep right by side his side. I awoke the next morning just an couple hours before we were supposed to land and anakin was smiling at me making me confused that's when I realize my head was laying on his chest realizing I must have roll over in my sleep sometime last night and laid my head on him it reminded me when we were kids when we'd sneak out of the temple sometimes to dexs to eat then come back and fall asleep in his or my room from talking all night things were more simple back then I thought. Blushing I quickly get up " sorry " I say embarrassed "  don't be, I didn't want to wake you, you looked peaceful sleeping " he said smiling I nodded and quickly got up and went to the restroom.

After a couple hours we land Anakin grabs padme's and mine bags we began walking off the ship and walking towards the castle to talk with the queen. " I wasn't the youngest queen ever elected but now that I look back I think I wasn't old enough " padme tells us

" the people you serve thought you did a good job " I say Anakin looks back at me as I spoke " I heard they tried to amend the constitution so you could stay " Anakin said to her " people don't need popularity vote over what they need best for them but I was relieved when my terms were up but when the queen ask me to be a senator I couldn't refuse her  " she said " I think it was a wise choice I think the republic needs you" anakin says to her I tuned out the rest of the conversation. I stood in silences while padme and the queen and her people discuss about her safety Anakin and her almost had an argument in front of the queen I really wish he quit trying to prove himself and make comments that end up making people mad and cause a scene he must of sensed me not wanting him to argue with padme cause he look at me seen the look I gave him and took a deep breath and apologize. He looks over at me " happy" he said with annoyance " very" I said I give him a small smile and walked off

" I don't like sand" Anakin said as we're sitting on the ground near the water by the lake house padme sent us out here to have fun and relax while she got caught up on work I know she was really giving us alone time." It's rough ,coarse , irritating and it gets everywhere...but not here everything is smooth and soft.." he trailed off playing with the sand as he begins running his fingers up my arm then to my shoulder then all the way to my exposed back padme had let me borrow one of her dresses it was a beautiful pink , purple and yellowish dress that had the back open. I began to get lost in the feel of his touch as his fingers goes down my back slowly. I look up into his eyes as he gives me a small smile before I realize what I was doing I lean into him and he leans in also I close my eyes as our lips met. His lips were so soft It felt like a dream excitement rose in my stomach from the way his lips feel. He lets himself fall backwards on the sand causing me to fall with him laying partially on top of him. I place my hand on his chest feeling his heart beat as his hand rubs up and down my back his other hand in my hair as our kiss deepens it was an amazing feeli-...wait no no no this isn't supposed to happen I immediately stop and sit up " no ,I  shouldn't have done that " I said looking away from him" I'm sorry " he said sitting up as well I can hear the disappointment in his voice. We sit in silence for a minute when a idea pop into my head something came over me something I shouldn't do but In this moment I don't care we're already in trouble I thought. " come on there's a place I want to show you I think you'll like it" I tell him taking his hand pulling him to follow me while he gave me a questionable look.

We end up in a open field that had a small waterfall in the distance that you could walk under it the water was so clear you can see through it and it has woods around it that lead to a small mountain we walk down the rocks "where are we going?" ani ask " you'll see Padme showed me this place once a couple years ago when I was assigned to guard her briefly " I tell him we climb down to the bottom of the waterfall " beautiful isn't it? " I ask stopping and looking " not as beautiful as you" Anakin said to me smiling " sorry " he said quickly looking away I look at him blushing" don't be come on" I say taking his hand in mine we walk side by side looking at each other through the water falling laughing as we try to beat each other to the other side of the stream slashing each other on the way when we reach the other end of the waterfall we walk around down the stream hand in hand again he stops suddenly with a wicked grin and takes off running" ani where you going ?" I ask confused then I see him swing from a vine and jumps into the water " whoa!! "he screams as he swung by me shocking me completely I run to the edge to see if he's okay before I could do anything he jumps out in front of me and pulls me in under with him. I gasped for air when I came back up" you jerk " I yell smacking his shoulder " you should of seen your face" he laughs mocking me. I narrow my eyes at him then I slash water in his face he laughs and slashes me back that starts a playful slash fight between us the water felt amazing " ugh! Ani I don't have any dry clothes with me what am I gonna wear now ?" I ask him realizing this is the only pair of clothes I had that's now soak he just grins " well you could always not wear anything" he said winking I fake gasp and shove his shoulder again playfully " well you can wear my robes if you want " he said seriously now still smiling I laugh nodding my head. I swim back towards the edge with him right behind me. I climb and pull myself up and turn sitting on the edge I see he was still behind me and was staring at my boobs from were my dress is wet it was now see through I roll my eyes at him and shove him back into the water while he was distracted. I take off running while laughing " oh your gonna wish you hadn't done that" I heard him yell from behind me we were running in a open field now the grass was tickling my feet as ani was chasing me I giggle like crazy when he finally tackles me to the ground "got ya" he said as we start rolling down a small hill he lands on top of me both of us laughing like little kids and just out of no where without thinking I kiss his cheek he looks completely off guard he turns and looks at me. I give him a smile which he returns I thought he was gonna kiss me again and part of me wanted him too but instead he gets them turning to me offering his hand. I had took his advice and strip my dress and wore his robe tying it tightly. Afterwards we lay on the ground just looking at the clouds trying to point out different shapes and animals in them then we finally decide we should go back. I feel Anakin was disappointed about something and was holding something back.

( this scene with the waterfall and chasing each other is from the lion king and so is the song but I thought this would be cool to add this to the story with Anakin and Mia.)

( Ignore the first part of this but just try to picture this song playing in the background while Anakin and Mia are playing in the water)

The walk back he was silent it was driving me crazy he doesn't say a word he goes straight to his room even when we had dinner with padme he stay quiet letting padme and I do all the talking. I knew something was bothering him I was now wearing a tight black sleeveless shirt with a matching tight skirt with heels padme had convince me to wear it. I let her curl my hair as well. Anakins eyes went wide in surprise when he saw me I saw him fight a smirk and something in his eyes but then he looks down and continue to not say anything avoiding eye contact with me as well when he finally got up excusing himself from us I follow after him having enough of the silent treatment " ani what's wrong " I ask him for the hundredth time today " nothing " he said annoyed " no there's something wrong ani you can tell me what is it" I ask getting in front of him making him look me in the eye"Mia your confusing me one minute your throwing yourself at me the next your pushing me away " he said " what that's not what I'm doing, we just can't be together but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun together " I tell him " that exactly what it means Mia " he said as he starts to walk away again but I put my hand up to stop him and make him pay attention " no it doesn't ani and you know that " I say to him he whipped around pushing me against the near by wall a little forcefully looking me in the eye I was taken back by this action. " I can't pretend to not feel something for you when I do that's why we can't do this" he said I was speechless he takes a deep breath " from the moment I met you all those years ago not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. Now that I'm with you again. I'm in agony the closer I get to you the worse it gets." He spoke sounding so seductively he looks down at my outfit and back up into my eyes leaning into my neck and breathes down it sending chills down my spine. I close my eyes trying to fight the need of wanting him " and the thought of not being with you I can't breathe " he continues his voice sounding so serious. I fight the urge to kiss him again right here and now " I'm haunted by the kiss you shouldn't of givin me " he looks up to look at me resting his head on my forehead " my heart is beating hoping that kiss will not become a are in my very soul Mia tormenting me what can I do..I'll do anything ?" he said backing up I look away from him I need him ,I want him but I can't have him. I start to think about what padme said wondering if I should tell him how I really feel but I'm to afraid to.
" If your suffering as much as I am please tell me" Anakin begged
Oh I wish I could I want to tell him that I'm suffering probably worse then him but my lips say another " I can't.. we can't it's just not possible " I say he looks into my eyes " anything is possible Mia listen to me" Anakin tried to say " no you listen we live in the real world come back to it I'm a Jedi and your training to become one if we follow theses feelings it'll take us to a place we cannot afford to go regardless how we feel for each other " I tell him " then you do feel something for me " he ask hopeful " yes I do ani but we can't go there" I tell him I can't believe I just told him how I feel about him I try to walk away but this time he stops me " Hey!..Hey!!" he yells after me then stepping in front of me" I wish it were that easy" he said throwing his hands in the air stepping closer to me again " what your asking me to do is to be rational and that is something I can not do" he said" I sign " you just have to" I tell him looking into his eyes" believe me I wish I could just wish away my feelings for you it be so much easier but I can't " he said " we can't give into this" I said letting a tear fall from my eyes he wipes it away with the back of his hand looking into my eyes.

" well it wouldn't have to be that way we could keep it a secret" he said I want to agree and finally give into this but I knows its wrong I see in his eyes how badly he wants me I want him too we just can't do that to ourselves. " we be living a lie anakin ,one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to... could you do that? Could you live like that? " I ask him.

His eyebrows furrowed and his face drops in disappointment " no you're would destroy us." He said then he turns and walks away leaving me standing there watching him walking away. I couldn't take it anymore letting my hormones take over.

" Anakin wait....stop.. " I say he stops and turns to look at me I lock eyes with him a sudden pull comes over me I lost control of myself I'm suddenly running to him smashing my lips onto his this surprises him but he quickly response kissing me back my hands went to his hair running my fingers through it making a mess of it while his hands were rubbing my lower back I open my mouth further letting his tongue enter as we fought for dominates. While still kissing he pushes me against the wall without ever breaking the kiss with his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him. I break the kiss letting him kiss down my neck making me gasp when he kisses my sensitive spot he starts sucking causing me to moan which makes him smirk into my neck "oh I love that sound " he whispers to me in a seductive tone. I let out a breathless giggle " you keep doing that your going to hear more of it " I say nervously " then I intend to " he saids to me chuckling continuing to kiss my neck when he comes back to kissing me again I bite his lower lip pulling it towards me then I let go this excites him and he crashes his lips onto mine and kisses more hungrier and more rougher than before his hands start to slide under my shirt touching my stomach going to the seams of my bra sending chills down my spine. I gripped his arms tightly feeling his strong biceps. when suddenly the door bursts open making us both jump back "ahh" I screamed " jeez r2" anakin shouted at r2 coming through the door beeping and wooing at us telling us the senator has gone to bed and it was almost time for lights out " alright r2 " anakin said slightly annoyed at r2 he then goes to roll out " next time learn to knock okay buddy " anakin shouts to him r2 beeps something smartalc back that he can't knock that he's a droid not a person then he leaves " anakin you don't think he'll tell anyone what he just saw do you" I ask scared " no r2 wouldn't do that but I'll talk to him just incase " he said smiling I smile a little at him still breathing heavy " now where were we? " anakin said bringing his lips to mine again " actually I need to go to bed " I say to him " I'll join you then " anakin say smirking now meaning he wasn't planning on going to sleep " no ,no this shouldn't of happen between us. I'm sorry I lost control I'm sorry " I say running to my room " Mia no wait " anakin called after me but I ignored him and ran shutting the door behind me. Sometime after I heard anakin come in I pretended to be asleep even tho I wasn't he must of thought I was cause he layed down on his own bed not saying anything.

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