Glad You Came (Creek Fanfic)

By Emizel599

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The Tweaks had to move again and Tweek just hoped this was finally gonna be home. This is a journey through T... More

Some Info
The Tweaks Move To South Park
Tweeks First Day At School
The Sleepover
Operation Coffee Bean
Meeting Stripe
A Night At Tweek Bro's
Dance Prep
The Dance
The After-Party
Christmas Vacation pt: 1
Christmas Vacation pt: 2
Exchanging Gifts
The Voice Of An Angel
The New Year
Every Fiber
Kick Ass
Craig's Birthday
Valentines Day
The Fundraiser
The Fundraiser Pt: 2
Why He Twitches
The Amusment Park
A Ring?
I'm Glad You Came
Thank You

Be Your Light

269 7 3
By Emizel599

(Emotional Craig ahead)

Time Skip Third Person POV

The school year was slowly winding down. Craig found it so hard to believe how fast the school year was going by. It had never gone by this fast before, but then again, he had never had someone like Tweek to spend it with. For Tweek, this was the first time ever that he was actually successful in all of his classes. Craig had kept him grounded and focused since he knew Tweek was capable of doing well in his school work outside of music.
"Craig?" Tweek asked as they exited their last class of the day. "D-did you expect school t-to go by s-so fast?" Craig looked up at the ceiling and smiled.
"Well babe, when you have someone you love with you, it might have something to do with it" Craig smiled. They held hands as they left the school and made their way through the parking lot. As they headed to Craig's STI when they noticed a familiar orange parking standing by it.
"Kenny?" Craig called out and the orange parka responded with a hand wave. We finally got to the car and Kenny was lighting a cigarette.
"Tweekers?" I ask as we put our bags in the trunk. "Can you sit in the car please? Kenny and I have something we have to talk about" Tweek tilted his head a little then stood on his tip toes and gave me a kiss.
"O-ok Craig" he smiled and climbed into the passenger seat. I turned my attention to Kenny who was stomping on his cigarette.
"I'm guessing Kyle finally caved and told you?" I asked while resting against my car.
"Yeah" Kenny said while looking at his feet. "Look, I'm terrible sorry for what I did to him in the past. I swear I'm a better person now!" Craig just looked up into the sky and just thought.
"Tell me about the meth," he said quietly. Kenny did his best to go through his memory and told Craig how they had Tweek be a taste tester for new blends of coffee and how they even used to make him go and pick up the meth from their supplier. He also told them about when they realized what they had done that they wanted to fix their mistake.
"Keep in mind I don't know all the details, I just got them from a reliable source" Kenny said. Craig was still looking up at the sky, deep into his thoughts.
"Where did you touch him?" Craig said flatly with his eyes closed. "Just say front or back"
"Front" Kenny said, disappointed in himself. "B-but not on bare skin, he had underwear" Craig focused his attention back on Kenny, his eyes narrowing.
"And you never mentioned it or even thought about it again?" He asked. Kenny just shook his head.
"One final thing" Craig said. "What about him cutting himself"
"I found him doing it in the bathroom one day, and on that day he was being bullied particularly bad" Kenny started "he had forgotten to take his ADD medication and was twitching super badly and a few kids just beat the shit outta him. I tried to stop it....but it was useless. He ran away for a few classes and I went to the bathroom and I heard him sniffling and found him in the stall.....thats when I noticed it started"
The two guys small talked for a little bit longer, Craig not wanting to make Tweek wait any longer, and Kenny not wanting to keep all this on his mind.
"Thanks McCormick" Craig said flatly. "I'm still not sure about all this, but he seems ok with you now, so should I" Kenny thanked Craig and waved as he headed towards his truck.

Craig POV

I looked at the sky once more as Kenny walked back to his truck. This was all just so much information. I hated that Tweek had gone through so much hard shit in his life, but on the bright side that was all behind the short boy. I heard music start playing in the car and I noticed Tweek bouncing along to the beat. I smiled and slowly opened the driver door and got in. I noticed he found a few old cd's I had in my car and decided to put on in.
"W-Whats this song?" Tweek asked. I closed my eyes and listened for a moment. Man, I haven't heard this song in forever, but I was one of my favorites.
"Exploration of Space" I responded. "By Cosmic Gate." This made Tweek laugh.
"Not surprised you like it," he teased. I playfully nudge his shoulder as we back out of my space. I had to drop Tweek off at his work so I could head to his house and get more practice playing guitar.
"See you when you pick me u-up Craig" Tweek smiled as I dropped him off at work. I gave him a kiss and quickly drove to Tweeks house so I could get some more practice in.

Time Skip Tweek POV

"W-what to wear?" I mutter to myself as I rummage through my closet. It was the last dance of the year and I was super excited for it. I had a little bit before Craig got here, so I had to hurry. I grabbed my white ripped jeans and grabbed a white button up shirt.
"This looks so boring" I whined, so I went back digging and looking at hangers. After another minute I found one of my nicer green button up shirt that I thought would look good with the white shirt and pants. I was struggling to button up my shirt when I heard a knock on my door.
"GAH come i-in!" I hollered. My mom slowly entered my room. "T-thank god its you mom, I n-need help"
"Of course sweetheart" mom smiled. "Especially since Craig is waiting downstairs"
Mom quickly helped me with my buttons and I threw my polo shirt on.
"H-have you seen my hair clip?" I asked as I looked frantically around my room. My mom started to search and thankfully she found it.
"Thanks mom!" I smiled as she placed it in my hair. She smiled and kissed my forehead before I bolted downstairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs and was greeted by Craig. He was wearing black dress pants with a blue dress shirt and a black vest and to my surprise, no hat. I looked up at him and blushed.
"What's wrong Tweek?" He asked with a smile. I stood on my tip toes and touched the raven colored hair.
"W-wasn't expecting you to not wear your hat" I smiled. Craig laughed and held my hand as he led me out the front door. Before we left he twirled me around and just looked at me.
"What's going on Craig?" I asked. He pulled me close and we kissed.
"Nothing babe, just been thinking how crazy this year has been" he smiled. "Although you do look so adorable and grown up" I blushed at the last part.
"Grown up? But I'm so short" I laughed. Craig booped my nose.
"So? You can still look grown up while being short and cute" he retorted. He turned me around and I was greeted to a limo.
"Wow!" I beamed. It was way bigger than the limo I was in when I went with the girls to the first dance.
"Get in guys!" I heard Token yell from the back. I quickly got to the back doors and slid in and looked in awe.
"Wow!" I exclaimed as everything was so fancy. I felt Craig sit next to me.
"Fuck it, why not, selfie everyone" Craig said. Craig pulled out his phone and pulled me close and Clyde, Bebe, Token and Nichole huddled together as Craig held the phone high and we all smiled.
"School Sucks!" We all screamed and smiled as Craig snapped the picture. I leaned back in the seat as the limo started to pull away from the curb and I could faintly see my parents waving us goodbye. I turned my attention to Clyde acting all boastful.
"I wonder who will be voted as the cutest couple" Clyde teased. I watched as Craig just scoffed and proceeded to set me on his lap.
"You think you could beat this?" Craig asked while poking my cheek. "Dude, he was bringing in more girls than you were, and you're straight! No offense Bebe"
Bebe laughed and I blushed as Craig kept poking my face.
"To be honest" Token said. "I don't care if we win, they won't change anything" he looked at Nichole and smiled. I looked up at Craig who was deep in his thoughts.
"I-it doesn't matter if we win or lose Craig" I smiled. Craig snapped out of it and looked down at me. "Because I already won"

Craig POV

"Because I already won" Tweek beamed so brightly. The butterflies in my stomach started to flutter. I pulled him as close to my chest and rested my chin in his hair as the limo slowly approached the school.
"Let's just enjoy the night everybody" Token smiled. The driver pulled up to the curb and jumped out and opened our door. Clyde and Bebe got out first, followed by Token and Nichole.
"After you" I smiled. Tweek nodded and smiled as he made his way out of the door and I followed. Our group marched our way into the building as the dance was already going.
"Alright everyone! I hope you're all having fun tonight" I heard Kyle's voice. "Don't forget to cast your votes for the cutest couple and we will be announcing the winner at the end of the dance!" Clyde and Token took off with their dates leaving Tweek and I at the entrance to the gym.
"What do you want to do?" I asked Tweek. I felt him grab my hand and he started to lead me further into the gym.
"I-I'm getting thirsty, t-then maybe we dance?" He smiled.
"That sounds good to me" I smiled. He grabbed my hand and happily led me through the crowds and made our way to the drinks table.
"Oh hey K-Kenny" Tweek smiled. "O-oh hey Butters!"
To my surprise Kenny and Butters were holding hands and drinking punch.
"Hey fellas!" Butters smiled. Kenny also gave a little wave.
"Surprised to see you two together" I said. "You two are together? Right"
"Yeah they are Craig" Tweek responded. "I helped Kenny build up the courage to ask him"
"I do owe you one Tweek" Kenny smiled. Tweek smiled and went to grab some punch, but Kenny stopped him.
"I wouldn't Tweek" Kenny said. "Cartman spiked it"
Tweek cocked his head all confused as I poured myself a small cup and sniffed it.
"Why would he do that?" I asked. I threw the cup in the trash and tried to find something else for Tweek to drink.
"He did it to try to get you two drunk" Kenny said frankly. "Kyle and Stan had no idea and I only found out because I caught him"
I found Tweek some water and handed it to him.
"Thanks for telling us Ken, we are gonna go dance, you two don't drink too much of that punch" I teased a little. Kenny was about to speak, but Butters cut him off.
"Don't worry, he knows I will cut him off eventually" Butters teased. Kenny pulled Butters in and they laughed. It was nice seeing those two finally get together.
"Craig!" I heard Tweek yell. I turned around and saw he was waiting on the dance floor. I walked over and grabbed his hands.
"Sorry Tweekers" I smiled. He looked up at me with a big smile and quickly ran over to Kyle at the DJ booth and whispered something to him.
"What is he doing" I asked myself as he pointed over to me and Kyle laughed. Tweek hurried back over giggling.
"What did you do?" I asked him. He reached up to put a finger over my mouth as I heard Kyle start to speak.
"We have our first song request of the evening" Kyle said over the loudspeaker. "Requested by little Tweek for his boyfriend Craig and the song is Be Your Light by CLNGR"
I slowly started to blush and looked down at Tweek. He was just looking up at me with a huge smile and big beautiful green eyes as he slowly pulled me to the middle of the floor. He grabbed my hands and I pulled him close as the song started.

I get so caught up in the middle
Thinking of drowning in those blue eyes
I'm losing sight cause I am falling
I'm so deep down, deep down
And is that a light
That I die
I can't hide (huh, oh)
What this is (oh, oh)
Yeah, I keep drowning in those blue eyes
And you can tell me all of your lies
I will put out all of the fire
If it gets too dark (oh, oh)

"I'll be your light" he sang so sweetly as he took the lead. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to water as we twirled around the dance floor. The lights caused Tweeks hair to look so bright and vibrant, just like his soul. As we danced around the floor it occurred to me that there was a light on us at all times, with all eyes on us. For once, I was the nervous one, while Tweek looked so calm and peaceful as he was in charge. The song slowly came to an end as I twirled Tweek one final time. To my surprise the whole room erupted with applause. This definitely surprised Tweek as he blushed and gave little waves. I couldn't resist as I picked him up and just squeezed him tightly as tears slowly rolled down my face.
"God I love you" I whispered into his shoulder. I felt him lift up my face and planted a kiss onto my lips. His whole face was lit up like an angel with an amazingly bright smile.
"I love you more Craig" he smiled. He wiped my face as I carried him back to a table through cheers and applause. I found the spot where Clyde, Bebe, Token, and Nichole were sitting, all with huge smiles on their face.
"Where did that song come from!" Clyde exclaimed with a huge smile. I sat Tweek next to me as he looked like he was about to explode with excitement.
"T-thats my song for Craig" he beamed. "It makes me think of him whenever I hear it"
I blushed watching Tweek talk so excitedly about the topic. A song that made him think of me? I could feel the butterflies in my stomach rise. If only he knew.

Time had passed as the dance began to slowly come to a close. Tweek was twitching happily in his seat as he was talking about his plans for us during the summer, I could have chimed in, but this was too damn adorable.
"Attention everybody!" Kyle said into the loudspeaker. "We have totaled up the votes and are ready to announce the winners of our cutest couple of the year award!"
Claps erupted in the gym as Stan ran up to Kyle with a piece of paper.
"Why does Stan look confused?" Token asked. I looked closer and noticed a look of confusion on Stan's face as he handed it to Kyle.
"What's Kyle gonna say?" I asked out loud. We soon got an answer as Kyle blurted it out.
"Cartman and Heidi?!" He said, shocked. I looked over and saw Cartman standing up and dancing and even Heidi was shocked.
"That's not what we counted out!" Kyle spat. He stood up and walked right over to Cartman and just glared at him
"Thanks for announcing that Jew" Cartman smiled.
"Where is the fucking REAL paper fat ass!" Kyle glared at Cartman. Cartman shoved Kyle and before Cartman could retaliate, Heidi reached into his back pocket. She quickly read it.
"Kyle I found it!" She yelled. Kyle smirked and quickly juked Cartman and quickly grabbed it.
"Thanks Heidi" he smirked. Cartman had fallen on his ass and looked like he was about to cry.
"Servers you right fat ass" I laughed. Kyle headed back to the booth.
"So, who is gonna win Craig?" I heard Clyde laugh. I turned around and flipped Clyde off. I turned my attention back to Kyle when I felt a certain small hand reach for mine.
"Sorry for that STUPID interruption" Kyle spat. "But, the true winners of this award are"
God damn it Kyle. He paused for what seemed like forever as his eyes dotted around the room until they locked with mine.
"Craig Tucker and little Tweek Tweak!" Kyle exclaimed. The crowd blasted with the sound of clapping and cheers. I slowly started to blush, but when I turned to look at Tweek I had to stop a laugh. He was so red and struggling to hide his face. I smiled and lifted him up as I got out of my seat and hugged him tightly.
"Come on up guys!" Kyle exclaimed. I slowly carry Tweek while weaving around tables. We got up to Kyle and he had a huge smile on.
"Congratulations guys!" Kyle beamed. "The first gay couple to win this award in our schools history! Are you guys curious about what was said about you?"
Tweek and I just looked at each other and blushed.
"Um, sure why not" I responded. Kyle grabbed a few pieces of paper.
"The biggest reason was because" Kyle gave a pause. "Craig Tucker is no longer an asshole"
The whole gym bellowed with laughter and I felt my face get hot. Then I heard Tweeks little giggle and slowly started to smile.
"Fine, I guess the little guy has made me less of an ass" I laughed. Tweek also kept giggling as Kyle read the last reason.
"And the last biggest reason was" Kyle paused. "Is because the two of you are absolutely perfect with each other"
Awws started coming from the crowd as Kyle was greeted by two other students, each with an item in their hands.
"So, um, since this is new to us, we have a crown and a tiara" Kyle said. "We figured we would let you two pick who gets which"
The two students walked over to us and I sort of just stared at the objects. God damn it, this must be what Tweek sometimes feels like, this was actually slowly becoming a lot of pressure. I kinda spaced out when I felt something slowly get put on my head. I gently shook it and looked down at the pillows, the crown was gone. I looked back over at Tweek. He was blushing super bright, but was super happy and he didn't have a crown on his head.
"Guess I get to put this one on you" I smiled. I used one hand to carefully pick up the tiara and placed it on Tweeks adorable head. The lights glinted off it and bounced off his hair as well, giving them both an even brighter appearance. I was breathless. He looked up at me with his mesmerizingly gorgeous green eyes with his adorable hair clip and newly found tiara on his head.
"My little prince" I smiled as I pulled him in for a kiss. He slowly pulled away and had his adorable dorky smile on.
"I love you more than I can say Craig" he beamed so happily. I pulled him in for one more kiss.
"I love you even more Tweekers" I cooed.

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