It wasn't supposed to be this...

Por wannabestoryteller01

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Rachel Berry is a senior in high school just trying to make it out of high school and be somebody, but finds... Más

Finding Out
Finding Out// Part Two
Doctors Appointments and Lies
Doctors Appointments and Lies// Part Two
Authors Note
Big Girl Decisions?
And On The Twelfth Week Of Pregnancy Finn Gave To Me
What A Fucking Mess
How Did We Get Here?
WOW! Really?
I Hate It Here.
Its Gonna Get Better, Right?
Did You Say The Baby Was A?....
As Long As Your A Good Father To Your....
You do??
His Name Is....
Six months where are you??
Authors Note
Take Me Home Tonight Part Two
The New Rachel Berry
How Did We Get Here?
Authors Note
So Much For The New Rachel Berry

Take Me Home Tonight Part One

553 8 3
Por wannabestoryteller01

"He's beautiful" She thought to herself. She was looking down at her son. He was beautiful. He had dark brown hair and Finns nose... thankfully, he had her ears and definitely Finns body cause he was long.. really long. "He's beautiful rach." She turned her head to be greeted with the smiling faces of Mercedes and Kurt. She was confused. She had just given birth to a giant baby and Finn was no where in sight. Did he pass out? Did he leave the room? Did he go to the bathroom? Where did he go? She looked down at the baby again and then back up at her friends confused. They took notice quickly. "What's wrong Rachel?" Kurt said as he took a seat down on her hospital bed. "Where's Finn?" She said looking around the room just maybe thinking she missed a glimpse of him. "He'd never miss our sons birth.." she said looking down at the baby in disbelief. Kurt and Mercedes exchanged looks. "Where the hell is Finn?" She said getting a little frustrated. The baby started to fuss and she knew he was reading her emotions. "Rachel... are you okay?" Mercedes said rubbing her back. Rachel was so confused. "I mean I just gave birth so I guess so?" She said in a condescending tone. "Rachel.. Finn told you months ago he didn't want anything to do with you or the baby Remember?" Kurt spoke up breaking the tension. Rachel was confused. Sadness and disbelief filled her face. "What are you talking about? Him and I just picked out a name for him?" She said still not believing them. "Rachel.. he told you right after he found out he didn't want it and you guys haven't talked since?" Kurt was starting to worry. Did birth mess with her memories? Why couldn't she remember this? "You are lying.. he would never abandon his family like this... never." She said and Mercedes and Kurt just gave her a sad look. It was more like pitty. "He loves me and this baby." She said holding her son close "Rachel.. sweetie.." Kurt said again laying his hand on her arm and she pulled back. "No.. DONT touch me.." she said with force.

A knock on the door came and she smiled. "See I told you Finn was coming!" She said letting happiness fall over her face, but instead it dropped when a random lady entered the room. "Who is that?" She said holding her baby closer. "That's the adoption agent coming to get him." Mercedes said looking at Rachel funny once again. "Rachel you said you didn't want to keep him." She said once again and Rachel only held the baby tighter. "I would never... I love my son.." she said pulling him tighter to her chest. "Rachel you picked out his family and signed your rights away... what's going on with you?" Kurt said and got up off her bed and stepped away. "No.. no.. you are wrong.. I would never ever do that!" She was getting emotional and the baby was starting to cry. She began shushing him. "Ma'am.. please give us the baby.." the random lady said. She didn't look nurturing, so why was she taking her son away. "No he's mine! You can't have him!" She was frantic and she began getting closer. She placed her hands on him and Rachel screamed as loud as she could but the lady kept grabbing. "NO! NO! NO!" She yelled over and over again. "HES MINE! YOU CANT HAVE HIM." She said but the lady grabbed him out of her arms. He was crying and screaming. What the hell was going on. This wasn't what she had planned.

All of the sudden Rachel jolted out of her sleep and felt her heart beating out of her chest. She reached her hands down to feel a protruding belly still attached. "Holy shit.." she said placing her hands on her belly and felt her so kicking her hard. It was more reassuring than hurtful. She needed to know he was still there, inside her, growing strong and not being taken away from her. She was trying to catch her breath as she let out long and deep and shaky breaths. She knew that she needed to calm down so the baby would calm down. It was just a nightmare. Nothing was real about that! She still had her baby and she still had Finn and she was still pregnant. She never thought she say "Thank god" to being pregnant. She looked over at Finn who was peacefully asleep and she felt herself relax a little. She looked over at nightstand and pressed the screen on her phone and looked at the time. "Four forty-eight" she said out loud and then looked over at Finn. She knew he was peacefully sleeping, but screw that. "Finn." She whispered into the quiet air around her. "Finn?" She whispered again. This time she pushed him a little "Finn." She said louder. Jesus Christ this kid could sleep. "Finn." She said but this time she shoved him and he woke up. "What.. what.. is the baby coming? Is it time for school? What's going on?" He said and she couldn't help but chuckle. "You love me and this baby right?" She said and Finn rubbed his eyes and laid his head back down on the pillow. "Huh?" He said again but this time letting a yawn out.

"You love me and this baby right?" She said once again and she could hear his breathing start to slow down like he was falling asleep again. "Finn!" She said and he jolted back up again. "What.. what.. what is it? Is the baby coming? Is it time for school?" And she rolled her eyes at having to listen to that again. "No... no.. no" she said letting him adjust to the surroundings around him. "Do you love me?" She said and Finn looked at her. Well it was so dark she didn't know if he looked at her, but she could just guess. "What kind of a question is that?" He said. "Just answer it." She said impatiently. "Of course I do Rachel.. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone." He said reassuringly. "And you love our son?" She said again letting the impatience follow her voice. "Rachel what's wrong?" He said worried. "I just had a nightmare. You left me and they took the baby and it just wasn't fun.." she said. She could feel tears prick at her eyes as it made her sad even thinking about it. "Rachel.. I'll never leave. I want to be a better father to our son than my father was to me. I love you. I love our son. I love us. I love our little family we've created. I love you." He said and she had the tears blink away and felt a smile come to her face. "I love you too." She said and she turned towards him. "Okay now go to sleep." He said and pulled the covers over his face and began falling back asleep. She rolled her eyes at him.

I mean it was the perfect time since he couldn't see it. She snuggled herself back under the covers and immediately felt Finn snake his hands around her protruding belly. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his. "You know right now would be the perfect time for just you and me to you know.." he said with a seductive tone. He gently nibbled on her ear and she smirked. "Go to sleep Finn Hudson." She said mocking him. "Hey can't blame a guy for trying." He said and she laughed lightly. She shook her head at him and closed her eyes and began falling back asleep. Hoping to never dream of that again.

She was greeted by an alarm noise. That stupid standard I phone alarm. The one that gives you ptsd every time you hear it. She opened her eyes feeling like a truck hit her. She turned over to hit the button on her alarm and looked at the time "eight thirty." She said groaning just at the time. They had to perform at twelve today so she needed to get up and get herself ready now. She would take a lot longer than Finn. To be honest Finn could take a shower and get out looking better than her. She got herself up and sat up on the bed and just let it all out. She looked down at her bump hanging out of her tank top. Her hair was a mess and she was sure she looked awful, but honestly she didn't care. She stood up off the bed and had to find her balance because holding a toddler in your stomach wasn't easy. She walked out of the room and into the bathroom and turn on her curler. She then pulled out her make up bag and began pulling out her haul. She grabbed her foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, and basically anything else she could find to help make her look decent. She started curling her hair and made sure it was nothing to much.. just enough. She pulled a few pieces back and in a few minutes she was done with her hair and began hair spraying it. She started to apply her makeup. Nothing to big and bold but light silver eyeshadow and a natural lip color. She finished over her look with a finishing spray. She quickly brushed her teeth and she was done.

She turned her curler off and put her stuff away and walked back into the room and began looking for something comfortable to wear before she got into the dress. She picked out a pair of leggings and one of Finns McKinley high t-shirts and honestly it worked for her. Normally the shirt would be a dress but her son made it fit. She walked over to Finns side of the bed and woke him. "Hey Finn. Wake up. It's show day!" She said doing a little jazz finger action. "Finn." She said again pushing him. "Finn Hudson!" She said and shoved him this time. "What.. what.. is the baby coming? Is it time for school? What's going on?" She rolled her eyes having to listen to this again. "No it's show day and we gotta go before your son decides I need to pee again." She said and he rubbed his eyes and yawned. She leaned down and kissed his lips softly. "Hmm good morning." He said and kissed her again. "You have morning breath.. got get ready." She giggled and exited the room and went down stairs to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. She quickly ate banana, granola bar, and yogurt in the time it took Finn to get a shower and dressed. He came downstairs and grabbed a pop tart and a water bottle out of the fridge. "Let's go or we are gonna be late." He said and she was surprised. Normally she's the one begging to go. "Hold on.. I gotta pee again." She said and Finn rolled his eyes. "What? What? Would you like to be pregnant with a toddler and have to pee every twenty minutes?" She said with a snap back and he just put his hands up. "That's What I thought!" She said and began walking to the bathroom. "My keys are in my purse. Grab my purse and I'll meet you in the car." She said and finally made her way to the bathroom and heard the front door shut. She peed as quick as she could and as fast as her son would let her and finished her business and made her way out to the car. She made her way out to the car and got in and buckled herself up and looked at the clock. "Shit it's almost ten.. we gotta go." She said and Finn backed out the drive way and headed towards the school.

They showed up with five minutes to spare and parked the car and hurried over to the bus. Well Rachel waddled and Finn pulled her along. They got on the bus and greeted everyone. "Damn mama the make up looks good." Mercedes yelled across the bus. She saved a spot for Rachel and Finn as they made there way toward her and Kurt and Blaine. "Yeah rach it looks really good." Tina chimed in. "Thank you ladies." She said with a smile and took a seat slowly of course. All the girls of course had the same make up look going for them and they all looked good, even Quinn. "It's about time you two showed up." Mr. Schue said and they all laughed. "Sorry Mr. Schue, Rachel has to pee like thirty times a day." He said and that resulted in another laugh. "Well when you decide to carry the next baby then we'll talk." She laughed and Kurt made an oooooh noise followed the rest of the bus. "Rachel Berry wants another baby? She hasn't even given birth to the first." Blaine chimed in and Kurt played along. "Finchel babies all around huh?" Rachel blushed hard and she shook her head. "You guys are bad."
She chuckled and looked over at Finn. "Want to have a hundred more babies with me?" She said and grabbed Finns hand and he grabbed it back. "Id have a thousand more babies with you." He gushed and he leaned over and kissed her lips. This resulted in lots of different emotions like kissy noises, gags, ooooohs, and laughter.

Mr. Schue smiled and clapped his hands. "Alright so I hope everyone enjoyed my let's sleep in text and meet at ten instead of eight text because you all look well rested! Also let's make sure everyone knows the drill since we are all here." He said and a "finally" came from Quinn. "We're gonna go over it one last time! So to start us off we're gonna have Rachel singing the solo of take me home by Bebe Rexha and we will do a duet of Finn and Rachel singing take me home phil Collins, and then to finish it out with take me home tonight by Eddie Money." He looked at everyone and everyone nodded there heads in agreement. "Okay and when we get to the school we are going to do a quick run and then show them what McKinley High School has!" Said and clapped his hands and did a little dance move. "An awesome glee club." He said and they all cheered. "Also let's have a great competition and no fighting today ladies please.. that means Quinn and Rachel." He said eyeing them. He took his seat and they all cheered. The bus driver shut the door and they began driving to the school.

They were lucky the school was only about an hour away or they'd be screwed. "Okay so the teams we will be competing against will be..." he said and they drum rolled. "Is choral world, the vocalists, and the honest harmonies... wow.." Mr. Schue said with not very much excitement in his voice. Those are all terrible names." He chuckled and the rest of the team went silent. "Well no matter what we can't let that get us. They could be really good just with a terrible name so let's keep that in mind." Quinn said. "Coach Sue never lets us talk about the competition because it makes us worried." Quinn said again and went back to scrolling on her phone. "Quinn is right. Let's focus on us kicking some ass." Santana said and they all nodded in agreement. "Why don't you all practice with a song? I think we could use a little excitement!" Mr. Schue chimed in and everyone agreed. "This is one of my favorites" Mercedes said. Mercedes began the singing in hopes that everyone would chime in.

"I want this forever, Just you in the grotto, With nothin' but your nights on keep the fuckin' lights on same again tomorrow. We don't need no bottle purple-colored lipgloss room with the Saguaro." They all caught on eventually to the rest of the song and the next one to sing was Santana. "Ain't nowhere I would rather be, Right between your holidays, Coffee on the Flintstone , Jewelry on the ottoman, Baby, let me in Fore I get way too adamant about it. Love the way you shiver. Dig into my shoulder blades, Feel it when you quiver." Santana hit the notes perfectly and the next person took a turn. They were surprised when puck took his turn. "Higher level, elevate and you could be the renegade
Bonnie to a Clyde, Harrelson and Juliet, Legends never die. The TV hasn't worked in ages, Probably got a shorted cable. Way too busy fucking on the sofa or the kitchen table, Is my vision hazy?You look like you're someone famous." He sang and of course they resulted in the whole bus joining in. "Cause you're the next Drew Barry And I want more, yeah And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for, 'Cause you're the next Drew Barry, yeah And I want more And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for." The whole bus was in a fit of giggles and laughs cheering each other on.

Maybe this was what it was actually like to be a team. Who knew? They all knew that Quinn would follow soon after puck. "Dear, Mrs. Barry, More than the record, Lord, are you married? Do that scare you, is you ready? You doin' somethin' to me
These rappers I devour, You send 'em my direction and this Santa Clarita Diet. I am not afraid of no one. You smoke that poison ivy." She sang and they all were harmonizing along. Rachel was practically begging for a place where she could jump in. Artie couldn't help but steal the next part. "Girl, I whip it, go the distance
And I kiss it 'cause they have it, 50 First Dates, hit it then skate. Get it with a real one, why you always fakin'? I don't got no patience. I don't got no shame, man. I don't play no games. Cause if I like you, I'ma say that, Aggressive and I'm playful. That's the perfect balance though, I'm from where that Solbiato choppers and New Balance go." Artie voice basically made the song magic. He just had that tone, but Rachel was begging for her turn.

Finn had jumped in completely oblivious to the fact that Rachel was basically praying for her turn. "This is my Landover flow, Killin', had them rollers though. I would buy me everything with credit card for MoCO hoes, Dear Mrs. Berry, No, I mean Halle. Tell me now I'm coming cool 'cause Boomerang was poppin'" Finn sang his part and looked over at Rachel who couldn't of had a more annoyed face on. Then came the part where the whole bus sang again. "Cause you're the next Drew Barry
And I want more And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for
'Cause you're the next Drew Barry, yeah
I want more And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for." It was Rachel turn. She practically jumped in begging for it and of course having to be the last one to finish out the song. "I wanna make, Every single moment for you great
Fly away to Cairo or L.A. Girl, I want it now
And I don't wanna waste time, waste time
I wanna make, yeah, Every single moment for you great, yeah. Fly away to Cairo or L.A
Girl, I want it now And I don't wanna waste time." Rachel finished off the last soloing part of the song and bus harmonized one last time.

"Cause you're the next Drew Barry And I want more, yeah And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for, You're the next Drew Barry, yeah
And I want more And all these other girls keep wonderin' what I F with you for." They all clapped and cheered and Finn grabbed Rachel hand. "See that all put us in a great mood." Mr. Schue said and they all nodded and agreed. "Okay now everyone relax and we will be there in about thirty or so minutes." They all ventured off on their own going back to old conversations. Of course the bus filled with loud noise, laughs, giggles, and of course stupid little songs, but Rachel and Finn just relaxed. I mean not to be self conceited but she was basically the star here.

They were about almost all the way through the bus ride when Rachel began that stupid feeling of nausea again. It felt like when she was first pregnant and would always puke. Finn looked over at her and could tell immediately something was wrong. "Rach are you okay? You look really pale." He said and grabbed her hand and squeezed it sweetly. "Yeah.. yeah just nauseous." She said taking a loud gulp trying to keep herself together. "I didn't eat before we left this morning because I was so nervous and anxious about being late and I don't think our son likes that I haven't ate since like two this morning." She said and Finn chuckled knowing she gets out of bed every night to get a snack. "Well being the good baby daddy I am and knowing my girlfriend so well and realizing her schedule everyday, I saw that she didn't eat so on our way our the door I grabbed you a water bottle, a granola bar, and a banana." He said an opened his bag and began handing her the food and drink.

Rachel couldn't even lie she was so surprised by this. She had no idea he even payed attention to her like this. She honestly so speechless by this action, not because it was his responsibility, but because it was out of love and care for her and his son. "Wow.." was all she could get out. "I love you." She blurted out once again. This whole phrase was still knew to them but that "I love you" Just flowed out so naturally. "I love you more." He said and leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. "You are gonna be such a good dad to our son." She said as she hungrily opened the granola bar and began scarfing it down. By the way she ate you'd think she was starving. "I'm gonna be a good dad because I remember to bring you snacks?" He chuckled and with a mouth full of granola, she nodded. "Yes!" She said and a little bit of granola fell out of her mouth. She felt her cheeks get red from slight embarrassment, but honestly, should she really be embarrassed about granola pieces falling out of her mouth, when just in a few short months Finn was going to watch a human come out of her??

She was brought out of her thoughts when they pulled into the school parking lot and Mr. Schue said they were here. "Alright guys! Let's do this thing." For a high school competition the place was packed. Cars were surrounding the building and honestly that could only mean the auditorium they were going to preform in was going to be packed. Rachel felt her nerves go up a little. Nobody ever comes to these, so why did she have to be so pregnant when people finally did start coming to them? She knew was going to try really hard to hide her bump, but with all these people she knew they would know soon and she would ruin it for her whole team. "Ah lets show them how awesome McKinley High School is!" Mr. schue said as they gathered up there stuff off the bus. Rachel knew she had to keep a cool face or Finn would freak out and then he'd freak everyone out and then the competition would be ruined, but honestly how bad could it really be?

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