Deal with the Devil (18+)

By Mollybetts2

37.5K 1.1K 113

A professional CALL GIRL, falling for a heartless ASSASSIN with eyes of ice. A paranormal romance darker than... More

01| Hang-over or Hang-under?
02| Not-So-Secret Morning Secrets
03| Guns For Hands
04| Dirty Secrets*
05| Mr Darcy
06| A Stupid Relapse*
07| Hotel Room Fiasco*
08| A Drink a Day Keeps the Doctor in Pay
09| Never Trust A Perfect Stranger
10| Hit The Road Jack
11| Motel Misery
12| Sweet Tooth
13| Hiden In Plain Sight
14| Murder On The Dancefloor
15| When It Rains, It Pours*
16| Speak Of The Devil
17| Service Station Satisfaction
18| You're My Wonderwall
20| To Friends that Share Chips
21| Dancing With The Devil
22| Penetration Pancakes*
23| I Want You
24| Late Night Swim*

19| Queen of Broken Hearts

715 39 1
By Mollybetts2

Having sex at least once a week is associated with slower cellular ageing and having a higher life expectancy.

Luca's p.o.v


I groaned at the abrasive banging at my bedroom door. It was only day three in the Paris house and I was already waking up with God awful hangovers.

I didn't normally like to make a habit of waking up late, despite the whole 'Vampire' stereotype, however, last night after dealing with our target I'd stayed up a little too late drinking into the early hours with Lewis. It was fun at the time but now I was severely paying the consequences of it. The bedsheets formed a tent and I groaned at the dirty thoughts pulling my mind down the gutter. Horny and hungry, not the best combination this early in the morning.

All I ever used to have were dark, twisted nightmares, and in many ways I preferred them to the kind of dreams I'd been more frequently experiencing. I hate these new happy dreams because I know that when I wake up, she won't be there to finish what she started. She wouldn't be there full stop.

It was hell, and not the kind I was used to.

There was more motion from behind the door. Bloody Hell, this will be Jax trying to have a go at me for getting so carried away with Lewis last night, I thought with a groan. The last thing I needed right now was his nerve-grating voice in my face. I padded across the paneled flooring that led to the door, fully prepared to tell him to go fuck off and then crawl back into bed, but then I caught the unmistakeable edge of a familiar feminine voice. Oh for Lucifer's sake.

"Luca! Can you please open the damn door?"

Evelyn. Her soft voice had my feet instantly wanting to go in her direction and I let out groan at the male part of me that couldn't resist her undeniable charm. I debated not opening the door but knew she would only barge on in if I didn't.


"Luca, I swear to God if you let this coffee go cold I will-"

"Will what?" I yanked the door open and grinned down at the scowl on her face. "Jesus Scotty, no need to get your panties in a twist."

"Don't call me that." Her features faded into a mask of calm indifference as she glared up at me, armed with two mugs of steaming coffee. Fine by me. I vaguely acknowledged the fact that she had a determined look on her pixie-like face that didn't have any right to be there this early in the morning, and then tried to close the door in her face.

"Coffee." Her foot jammed between the door and the fame, preventing me from closing it on her. This girl.

"I don't want coffee, I want blood." Upon second thought I then added, "Or preferably sex if the offer is on the table. No? Then I'm gonna go back to bed." I tried to close the door once again but she forcefully pushed the small mug against my chest and I had no other option but to reach out before it spilled. I was still shirtless from sleep, and didn't feel like having to heal third degree burns this early in the morning.

"Bloody Hell!" I reluctantly took the cup from her and took a slow sip, hoping it wasn't poisoned, before muttering, "In which mental institution did they find you?"

She grinned despite my comment. "Probably in the same one they found you." She propped her hands on her hips defensively but I didn't miss the playful gesture behind the stance. She was daring me. "Rough night?"

I released a long sigh, rubbing absentmindedly at the dark shadows beneath my sleep deprived eyes. "You might say that." It was not soon after that, that my sleep deprived brain registered how she wasn't dressed in normal clothes. The sleep-induced fog seemed to clear from my eyes and I instantly noticed that she was dressed in nothing but a small pair of sleep shorts and a casual, pink tank top with white lace framing the neck line. My dick stirred at the sight of her bare legs in a way I didn't wish to acknowledge; I wanted them wrapped around my waist.

It was hardly fair. She is designed at her most basic nature to lure in men with her depthless eyes and pretty, little pixie face. We are both slaves to that existence, both created to lure innocent men and women into a false sense of security and lust. Both of us just carefully designed monsters.

"I hope you're not thinking about wearing that little number all day because Lewis won't be able to keep his eyes off you." I rose an eyebrow at her before raising the mug up to my lips in order to hide my smile, "Or teeth for that matter."

"You're disgusting, you know that?" Her face was still scowling at me with a small pout. I opened my mouth to stop her, but she continued to talk, "You're going to get out of this room in five minutes and we're getting to work. If I'm going to do this job then I'm going to do it properly." She then proceeded to mutter into the top of her coffee 'lazy fucking vampire.'

Woah. I thought we had already clarified that I wasn't one of those love lustre, blood drinking fools. They couldn't even go outside in daylight, who the hell even made that ridiculous shit up?

"Would you please, for the love of God, be quiet?" Her mouth dropped open at my impertinent tone and I swore she nearly thought of continuing. However, before she could even mutter another word, I stepped forward and covered her mouth with my hand to ensure she would stop badgering me before 8am.

"You are going to let me sleep for another two hours." I told her with a hard look, "And then you are going to quit bothering me." Her eyebrows knitted together once I stopped talking and I realized I was still rather too close to her, covering her soft lips with the palm of my hand. She was clearly debating biting my hand as I watched her expression change from humorous to deadly in a split second.

Her half naked body and bare legs were only inches away from me and I could feel her warm breath hit my palm every time she breathed. I quickly stepped back, putting some much needed distance between us.


My canines were aching against my gums and all I could smell was the ridiculously sweet blood flowing beneath her tan skin, so inviting and yet untouchable. I knew she would enjoy it too, her addiction to all things dangerous and painful a perfect match for my hunger. After all, she was made to seduce me too, to seduce all creatures that unfortunately found themselves in her path.

"Have you got any other kidnapping techniques I should know about, or do you always just go straight for the gag and silence with your victims?" The glamour was back in her voice, making every word sound playful and tuned. I had to remind myself that I wasn't effected, although my dick reminded me that it felt differently. "Look, I'll try not to annoy you from now on-"

"You're annoying me right now." I ground out.

"Got it, no more annoying the boss." She threw up a sarcastic salute and narrowed her brows. "All hail Waverley!"

"Get. Out. Now."

"You know that whole Hitler thing was a joke right. I don't actually think you share any resemblances with the worst dictator to ever-" Eve seemed to realise the lack of patience behind my eyes and was quick to step backward, allowing me to slam the door closed and probably wake up the rest of the sleeping house in doing so. It was difficult to really give a shit.

I leaned back against the door and shut my eyes to rid the sight of her semi-naked body from my head, however, I was suddenly no longer in the mood for sleep and had something much better on my mind. Before I could head back to bed and force sleep upon myself, I heard the same feminine voice shout through the door.

"Good progress, we'll start work at 9am then?"

This girl was insufferable. I headed toward the ensuite bathroom for a freezing cold shower.


Evelyn's p.o.v

I padded into the kitchen and rustled around in the cupboards until I found the coffee pods. I then proceeded to waste another few minutes trying to decipher how to work the fancy espresso machine, only to eventually give up and just use the instant granules instead. Stretching out my aching muscles, the tantalising scent of freshly ground coffee beans drifting through the kitchen and around me in a dreamy whirl, I allowed myself to smile. Everything was better after coffee.

Although, Luca clearly didn't feel the same and was quick to shoot me down like a lead ballon, leaving me to head back downstairs and lick my wounds. All the responsibilities I'd been running from began to crash down around me as an invoice flashed on my phone, alerting me that Hope's latest payment was due. However, instead of collapsing into a sticky heap of despair on the kitchen tiles like I wanted to, I gave myself no choice but to keep on moving through the day in the hope that my troubles just wouldn't be able to keep up.

I was still in the kitchen, finishing up my avacado and egg on toast, when Lucas sauntered in, rubbing the back of his neck with a wince. He looked freshly showered, hair still damp and a pair of grey joggers thrown over his legs. "Where's the wonder duo Vincent and Charles?"

Humming a silent laugh at his pulp fiction reference, I offered up an answer. "No idea, they said they'd gone out hunting for breakfast." I shrugged at him, swivelling around on the kitchen stool and pointing at the vague post-it-note on the counter with my extended fork. "But they had both disappeared by the time I came down, so I'm guessing it's just the two of us for a bit."

"Oh God. Just the two of us, how will I cope?" He rested his waist against the counter, looking down at my half finished breakfast and frowning. "I'm famished."

I popped a large bite of toast into my mouth while grinning. "How will you cope?" I relayed his words to him, not planning on playing nice if he was just going to be an arse to me. In the time since he'd shooed me out of his bedroom, I'd changed into a more appropriate ensemble consisting of a frilly white blouse, Gucci belt, skinny designer jeans and a pair of killer wedges.

Marilyn Monroe was severely mistaken when she claimed that, 'diamonds are a girl's best friend,' for if that were true, then clothes must be a girl's soulmate. I'd sooner divorce my husband than end my not-so-secret love affair with Victoria's Secret. Sure, when trained accordingly, a man can give you an orgasm, but can he offer a 50% sale on lacy underwear in the back Friday sale? Exactly.

"You didn't make me any?" His frown grew even deeper as I continued to pick at my breakfast in a purposely slow manner before him.

I pointed my fork toward the pan I'd just finished washing and placed on the draining board, reaching out a hand to give him a sarcastic pat on the back. "Knock yourself out, champ."

His eyes darkened and before I could move a single muscle, he had used his abilities to swipe the remaining toast from my plate in an unnaturally fast move. I yelped and launched myself at him.

"That's not fair!" I squealed as he popped the last piece of my avocado toast into his mouth with a satisfied smile.

"Delicious, my compliments to the chef." He complimented with a smug grin. I watched as his tongue ran slowly across his bottom lip, and then only adding to my rage he had the nerve to add, "Although, it could do with a little more pepper for seasoning. I prefer my avocado a little more spicy."

"Next time why don't you just make it for your bloody self then, because I like mine a little less spicy." I scowled up at him with a hiss, trying to ignore his gloriously naked chest. My eyes automatically honed in on the defined V poking above his joggers and automatically licked my lips at the appeasing sight. No topless man should look that appealing. The whole 'being dead' thing really looked good on him.

"See something you like?" He hummed in a smug tone, his body once again resting against the opposite counter, only this time I had no food distraction to take my eyes away from his toned torso. "Why don't you take a picture Evie, it'd probably last longer."

Arrogant prick.

"Thanks, but I don't want to crack the screen." Deciding to create some temporary distraction, I took the now empty plate and fork over to the sink in order to rinse them. I let out a sharp breath of surprise when a cold pair of hands circled my waist, pulling me back against his hard chest.

I don't think I'd ever get used to his unnaturally cold touch, the constant feel of cool marble against my skin. I instantly dropped the plate with a loud clash into the sink, placing my hands on the counter for support. His touch was icy, raising goosebumps along my skin as his thumb dragged slowly down the inside of my forearm, inching toward my wrist.

I stood there with my head tipped back, my neck resting against his hard shoulder, waiting for his continued attack. Every touch was a poisoned bullet to my heart and my head. He stepped imperceptibly closer until my back was flat against his chest, the beat of his heart echoing along my skin as his fingers found the sensitive under-curve of my breast. He traced one light finger along the heavy swell of my breast from behind and I bit down on my lip to prevent a desperate moan.

"Luca, we can't-" I whimpered, trying to ignore the feeling of his erection pressing against my behind, my mind filling with illicit mental images that definitely shouldn't involve Luca. I gathered a deep breath.

"I know." His teeth ran along the nape of my neck and I could feel the sharp pressure of his canines, desperate to sink deeper. We shouldn't complicate things like this when the fallout could ruin everything.

"Then what are you doing?" I asked, turning around to face him and wishing my voice didn't sound so breathy and hot.

He touched his thumb to my bottom lip, tugging it down to expose a glimpse of my teeth. "I don't know, I don't normally crave drinking directly from the vein." His touch was icy, the pad of his thumb so close to my tongue it was hard to concentrate on what he was saying.

"You know that's not what I meant." His eyes searched mine as I spoke, causing me to shiver. His body froze as I shivered, eyes turning half cast.

"Don't go breaking my resolve like that." His hand dropped from my mouth and I instantly missed his close proximity. He took a step back from me, putting some distance between us. "I don't trust myself that close to you, this is safer territory." I frowned at the lack of contact, not wanting him to be in 'safer territory'.

"What if I don't care about safer territory?" I pouted and he gave me a guilty smile.

"You tempt me, Scotty. I should keep my distance. I always get what I want, when I want, and for the first time in my life I want something I can't have." He gave me a sad smile I hadn't seen on him before. "Something that doesn't belong to me."

"Why do you say things like that, only to tease me?" Lifting my hand into the space between us, I brought my palm up to his cheek, running my fingertips across the unshaven, morning stubble framing his jawline. "You shouldn't want me, I don't do this. I'm the queen of broken hearts." He closed his eyes for the briefest of seconds and softly exhaled, leaning his face imperceptibly into my light touch. I watched as his bloodshot eyes reopened and dark veins glimmered beneath his skin with a primal hunger.

"I like to tease you because I love seeing how much you want me." His face leaned down to mine, our bodies gravitating like magnets, my lips automatically lifting to meet his. He hovered over me with a pained, questioning look. "If you're the queen of broken hearts, then it's a damn good thing I have a knack for healing the broken."

I dared a glance up into those icy blue eyes that were still truly electric despite the dark shadows that should surely dim their brightness, yet couldn't. He was downright beautiful. Even Adam couldn't be considered beautiful as it took too much away from his rugged masculinity, but somehow Luca managed it.

He managed to look utterly stunning in a way that only added to the ruthless predator that lurked beneath his skin. Holding my breath, I reached up onto my toes and touched the outline of his delicate mouth, tracing the seam where his lower lip met the upper. He stood frozen, letting me touch him with unwavering eyes that were glued to my own mouth.

"I break everything I touch." I gulped, beginning to pull away from his close proximity. We'd been here before, only now were both completely sober and anything that happened couldn't just be dismissed as a drunken, one-time mistake. Not that I classed our last kiss as a mistake, not really. It was inevitable, like two meteors heading in the same direction, we were eventually going to collide, it was a matter of when, not if.

"But what if I'm starving." The way he phrased it wasn't a question. I caught a glimmer of his exposed canines and then cut him off with a quick move, pushing onto my tiptoes and fusing my mouth with his. His mouth met mine without a moments hesitation, coaxing my lips apart and pulling me impossibly closer to him. I wanted to touch his canines with my tongue, to hesitantly explore the deadly sharp edges.

He groaned against my lips. His hand moved down my back, fingers exploring the exposed skin at my torso while his other hand flattened on my behind, forcing me against him. I was almost positive that he only meant to give me a brief, chaste kiss, but when his lips met mine there was no going back. I know he felt it at the same time I did, because he made a noise deep in his throat, coaxing me to slowly open my mouth wider, allowing his access.

I was just about to open my mouth for him and turn it into a real kiss, when a sound stopped me from behind.

"Lucas." Jax coughed from the kitchen door and Luca slowly released me, his eyes not leaving mine as he weighed up the situation. I could see him searching my expression for any sign of guilt or regret. We'd hardly had the chance to even start our kiss before it'd been cut short.

His body spun around to face Jax as though nothing was wrong and he hadn't just walked in on us groping each other against the kitchen sink. "Yes?"

"We gotta' go, Lewis is itching to get moving. The target is moving." I'd never seen Jax look so terribly awkward before. He didn't even seem to know where to look.

I glanced up at Luca just in time to see him run a hand through the longer strands of hair at the front of his head. He looked agitated at the news that the target was moving and clenched his fist, a scowl now replacing the smile that was previously coating his lips. I found that I much preferred the smile.

"Fuck, okay." Luca paced away from me and back to the bedroom. He then repeated the word "okay" more to himself than anyone else before adding, "I'll be good to go in five."

Jax glanced over in my direction, where I was still suspended to the spot and unable to make my mouth form coherent words, before he nodded his head once and then turned back out the kitchen.


Both Jax and Lewis were sat in the truck when we eventually wandered down to the driveway, both of them momentarily looking up to acknowledge our presence before going back to studying a map. If Jax had mentioned anything to Lewis about what he'd previously just walked in on, neither of them let it show. The truck doors were thrown open and both men were sat with their legs dangling out on opposite sides, the awful frog fountain just behind them.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." I threw a look over at Luca, my eyes dancing with a mocking humor that Luca didn't seem to appreciate. Lewis blew out an amused chuckle, but upon witnessing Luca's scowl, quickly went back to studying the map with excruciating attention.

I slid across the backseats, stretching out across the cool leather and making myself comfortable for the next few hours on our journey. Luca leaned on the open door of the truck closest to Jax, resting the majority of his bodyweight against the metal frame.

"What's the profile?" He asked, trying to focus on work and not my presence, a factor that he suddenly seemed to be hyper aware of, his eyes constantly flicking over to me.

"Male, aged 37. The name is James and he's got a hot date tomorrow night at a fancy restaurant on the river." Jax chucked his phone at Luca and he caught it with ease in one hand, turning the screen around so that he could see the profile. "Reckon we do a little research today, then finish his date off with a bang tomorrow night?"

"Not the kind of bang I bet he's hoping to end the date off with." I muttered, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Shouldn't be too hard to track down. Let's give him a date he'll never forget." Luca agreed with a wicked grin. And just like that we had our next target.

QOTD: WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE FAIRY TALE GROWING UP? (opens up a lot of interesting childhood characteristics...)

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