
By Miss_Hoodnificent

851K 22.9K 11.3K

This is the book that follows "Redrum" and the 7th book in my "Thug Love Series". The Order Is On My Profile... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter: 33
Redemption: A Thanksgiving Special
Redemption: A Thanksgiving Special Part II
Redemption: A Varomas Special
Redemption: A Valentines Day Special

Chapter 19

20.4K 608 354
By Miss_Hoodnificent

Redemption: Chapter 19

~Ty P.O.V.~
~A Week Later~

So my pursuit for Tilly Beans is just off the chart. She knows it too and uses it to her advantage but I wasn't gonna let that ruin my natural chill.

"Why are you still here?" Dad asked as he came downstairs with a crying LJ. I don't even know where Ivanna was, which was odd since she's always by my side when I'm home.

"I didn't feel like walking upstairs to get my keys off my desk. So I just sat here and turned on the Tv." I heard the microwave door open and close followed by the sound of the buttons Dad was pressing.

"Glad to know you're really making your summer worth while by doing what you do every other day of the year-"

"Aside from Holidays." I interjected. I couldn't see his face but I could imagine it and that made me laugh a little. "What are your plans?"

"I'm gonna chill with Uncle Chewy today. We haven't actually hung out in a while so-"

"Does that mean I have to stay home and watch LJ and Ivanna?"


"I'm out. I'll be back in a couple hours." I turned off the Tv and ran up the stairs to my room. Grabbed the keys and headed back down the stairs, skipping as much as two stairs at a time. I love my siblings but I don't wanna be stuck at home watching them while Dad gets to go out and have fun with Uncle Chewy.

Sitting in my car, I needed to think of where to go- Ah Fuck. I need to actually fill up the tank. I swear I just filled it like three days ago, how is it already empty? That's not even smart logic to try to understand.


"Hi Ty." A female's voice rang through my ears as I was putting the nozzle back into the machine. I turned around and felt so hot and bothered, I think I need new words.

"Hi Tilly Beans." Oh God what's she's wearing too... More like what she isn't wearing. I love summer so much more than I did just a few sex- seconds ago. "How are you?"

"Pretty good, how are you?" She pulled me in for a hug and I almost lost my composure. I felt so much of her skin on me and she smelt amazing.

"I'm great." Now. "What are you up to?"

"Was just about to head back to the house and drink a hard lemonade by the pool, wanna come?" No, I wanna cum because of you. "That's if you're not doing anything."

"I'm free. King there?" She shook her head. "Where's he at?"

"He's out with Varo for the day. They're getting a new bathtub for King and I's house. Ours broke." The thoughts of why the tub broke are just unbelievable in my head right now.

"Aight I'll come by for a lil' while." She smiled and nodded her head, she said something else but I didn't catch it. I got in my car and followed her back to her house.


We've been chillin' by her pool for a good hour or so, drinking lemonade and enjoyin' the heat- but I just got one of the best views. She came out of the pool in such a way... God damn, I'm startin' to regret my decision to come here.

"You okay?" She pulled her hair around and twisted out all the extra water before walking up to me.

"I'm just fine, why?" I was far from fine and there was nothing I could do about it either.

"You look a little off, come inside. It's hella hot out, unless you wanna swim?" I shook my head. "Then come inside." She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Damn she's hella strong for a female of her size.

"So why'd you come to Oakland?" I asked to spark up a conversation. She started to wander upstairs, I'm assuming to go change.

"I wanted to be with my Sweet Cheeks for a little while. Can you help me with this stupid ass door? King put a child lock on it and I can't reach it." I laughed but got up and jogged upstairs to find her jumping to get the lock. "Just flip that thing at the top and I'll have access to the room I need."

"Here." The door opened and she went right in. The pictures of her on the wall was not something I was prepared for. "Why the pictures?"

"Why not be naked with guns? I know King loves it and I do too." Her voice trailing. "Plus this is My Palace." I felt her arms slither around me from behind and I nearly jumped a mile high. "Oops." She laughed.

"Nah you're good, I'm just real sensitive right now-"

"I know." Of course you know, you're the cause. "What's on your mind?"

"You really want to know?" I turned around and was greeted to her looking up at me. She let go and had a lollipop in her hand. She kept her eyes locked on mine and started to suck on the lollipop in such a sexy way, I wish she was suckin' on me like that.

"I'd love to know."

"The things I wanna do with you." Again she brought the lollipop back to her lips.

"The things I'd let you do to me... But you're underage and I can't be caught up in no kind of case."

"You won't catch a case. I'm seventeen and a half and consenting everything we could possibly be doing." We both almost naked anyways and there's a bed right off to the side, I don't see why not.

I just lowered my face down to her and caught her sweet lips. She laced her arms around my neck and I picked her up, laying her on the bed, just hovering over her as we continued our kiss.

The rush of excitement I was having was all too much and I don't think I've ever been this excited before. I felt a tingling sensation everywhere she touched-

"Ty wake up and help Ivanna up onto the couch." Dad said throwing a pillow at me.

I sat up and saw Ivanna with tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to get up. I reached over the couch and pulled her up onto the couch, where she laid down right on my chest.

"Hi Ty Bear." She said making a kissing noise.

"You're too big."


"Um yes you are-"

"No Ty Bear!" She said as she started to cry again.

"I'm sorry. You can stay-"

"Better not be makin' her cry. I'll molly whoop that ass straight to hell and back if you make her cry." Dad threatened. "I'm goin' to help Thing 1 set up a bed at his place. I'll be back later and then you can go off and do whatever. Mom's sick, so you're in charge."

"Aight." I called out. "You know I was having a really good dream right? You just had to cry and have Dad wake me up?"

"Shhh." She said before snuggling into me even more. "Bye bye Ty Bear." I chuckled and laid back more comfortably before I began the quest of channel surfing.

~Breezy P.O.V.~

"Romeo. I'm beggin' you. Change our schedules so I have Yvonne workin' with me again." I said from my chair. "You get to work with your female, why can't I work with my friend?"

"Because y'all fuck too much-"

"Nigga we haven't fucked at work in a good hot minute, fuck you at bruh? Wait. You always at the new shop with your boo thing. Your Dad would let me and Yvonne work together." This was the bullshit I had to deal with.

"No." I'ma fork your lawn with the most flimsiest plastic forks I can find. Nigga I know where you live.

Chelsea came walking in and I rolled my eyes in disgust. I really ain't in the mood for no one but she just had to work today.

"Morning Chris-"

"Breezy. But aye." I said uninterested. I was more interested in what the hell Yvonne texted me.

Vonnie-Pooh😍😊: [Attached Image] Look what happened when I was thinking about youuuu 😘

Me: Fuuuuuuuuck, you're that wet? 😵

Vonnie-Pooh😍😊: Mhmmm, wish you were here. 💔

Me: I can be there in two minutes flat if you really need me 😍

Vonnie-Pooh😍😊: Come over when you can

"Romeo! I'm leaving for a second, maybe an hour!" I yelled standing up and grabbing my keys.

"No. Sit down, you got clients today." He said pulling me back my by collar. "Whatever you were about to go do can wait." No. No it can't! Nigga I can't just leave Yvonne in the state that she's in! She was that wet for me. Oh my god, Romeo you're an asshole.

I heard a chuckle come from Chelsea but I ignored it. Taking my seat again I texted Yvonne what the fuck was up and let out an annoyed sigh loud enough for Romeo to hear.

"I don't care Breezy. Sigh all you want." You're lawn is getting spooned too.

"So how do I clock in?" Chelsea asked when Romeo headed to the back room where all the dyes and shit were.

"Go to the clock box thing in the chill room and clock in there. Slide your time card under and it'll do it's magic."

"Can you show me?"

"If I show you, will your ass leave me alone?" She nodded. I stood up and grabbed her time card, then jogged up the stairs and went to the clicker box shit thing. "Hold the bottom. Slide it in there and then it stamps the fuck outta your time card." I did her card and handed it back to her.

Our hands touched.... Oh hell naw. This ain't about to be some corny ass cliché where we feel a spark, look into each other's eyes, admit our true feelings, and kiss it out.

"Chris I miss you-"

"I don't miss you. I got clients, have fun." I went downstairs and started to set up my station. We almost had a cliché moment, but I dodged that shit and now I can proceed with my day.

I'm too pissed off with Romeo to continue my P.O.V., go onto the next one and we can catch up on my ass in the next chapter or some shit.

~Trey P.O.V.~

"Briella? Where is you?" I called out as I walked into her lil' apartment. She came walking from the bathroom and she looked p.i.s.s.e.d. "What happened?"

"Where were you last night?" I cocked a brow and just looked at her. "So you forgot about our date we had planned?" Oh fuck.


"While you were with Honey doing whatever the hell you were doing, I sat at home waiting for you to come over so we could go on our date since I took the day off yesterday. Now I wasn't gonna bother you by calling or texting because I figured you were busy with your gang. I sat here watching the clock and I go on IG to see you're with Honey."

"I'm in the wrong. I'm sorry Brie, I didn't forget, time got away from me."

"You said that last time when I actually had the day off. We had our date, time got away and we rescheduled for last night. Where were you? With Honey." She spat coldly at me. "With you busy with your gang and me busy with work, all I ask is just for an hour of two where we're together actually doing things people in relationships do. Twice in one week you blew me off to hang with Honey."

"I ain't gonna sit here and lie to you or make up excuses but you're right. I'm sorry for that. Honey's a friend of mine and I'm jus trying to get her out of this game before either of us ends up in a bad situation." I haven't even done anything with Honey. Literally. I don't even hug her or look at her for more than like 10 seconds at a time.

"It doesn't even feel like we're in a relationship Trey. It seems like I'm just your eye candy that you can show off when you need to and then I'm left as an after thought."

"It's not even like that Briella and you know it."

"We're more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend, so I think we should bring it down to just being friends."

"No. I don't want that-"

"You don't but I do. I don't want to be just an after thought. You need to go, I have to get to work in a little while."

"I'm sorry Brie. I honestly am." She slowly nodded her head as I turned around and walked out through her door.

I'm not gonna cry or anything but I feel all empty and shit. I don't care what any nigga out here says, holding up a relationship and this gang shit ain't easy... Add on the shit I got with Honey and I even knew it was all going to crumble at some point.

I don't know if Honey knows it or not, I'd rather she didn't, but I'll always care for her more than I want to and it eats me alive.

In the back of my head, it's like she's gnawing away at me by being back in this shit. I don't want a phone call tellin' me she was caught slippin'.

"What are you doin' over here?" I asked her as she came walking the opposite direction.


"By Brie's complex?" I rose a brow.

"I can walk wherever I want to walk." Honey said with a small smile. "What are you up to? Just saw Brie?"

"Mhm. Now I'm headin' down to Romeo's." I need a good laugh for a while, I don't wanna sink too much into the break up, I'll do the later when I get home.

"Can I come with?" I nodded my head and unlocked the doors, hopping right in. "Breezy working today?"

"Yeah. Unless he's on break, took a sick day, ditched, or actually had the day off." I'm assuming he's on break. I know he wouldn't call in sick, he loves working there because of all his female clients he has and he knows it.


"You seem upset?" I questioned walking up to Breezy.

"Vonnie Pooh texted me. She's wet and I'm stuck here because Romeo's an asshole for a boss!" He yelled I'm guessing for Romeo to hear.

"Breezy, there's a bathroom. Handle yourself and get back to your station."

"It ain't me that needs to be handled! It's Yvonne and you're just salty 'cause she wants me and not you!" He yelled back at Romeo.

"Fuck off Breezy-"

"You know I'm right! Mark another point on my score board!" He continued to yell. "Oh Hi Honey." He said normally and even gave her a hug. "Your hair's a mess, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Shut up kid-"

"Sexy ass nigga." He corrected. "And no. I got plenty to say. Oh T-Money guess who showed up at my Trap's door two days ago."


"AJ. Talkin' 'bout some wanting to be apart of NBG... Does my gang just have a banner sayin' I'm recruitin'? God damn, everyone just askin' now that I'm in charge. Even Ty's smartass came askin' me." He said with a roaring laugh that had me laughing too.

"Shit, if IRG wasn't around, I'd wanna be in your gang too. Nigga you run it- How's Nitty handling that?"

"He hates it but he's always caught up with shit anyways so he doesn't really care."

"He's with Nicole. I have yet to put her ass on blast but I wanna save that card for when Uncle Arlie is pissed the fuck off and then I can rat out Nicole. She ain't slick at all, I knew somethin' was up with her and Nitty." Nicole... You're gonna pay for tellin' on me. Mom grounded my ass for a whole month and I suffered, and now you will too.

"Nigga nah." I nodded. "Shut yo shit up, Nigga you're a lie."

"I swear. If I were you I'd keep an eye out for your gang. AJ wasn't all that happy with their break up and since Nitty in NBG, I'd just watch out if I were you." I peeped how Honey was listening in on anything that had 'gang' in the conversation. "No Honey, no actual business is being discussed."

"Well Arlie's goin' to Detroit and I heard that's were AJ is now." Romeo came walking over to the stations and we both had that look like 'drop the convo for now' "I'll tell you more later." I nodded my head and had a seat at Yvonne's station.

~Arlie P.O.V.~
~Days Later~

"Can you believe we're actually in Detroit right now?" I asked stepping off the plane. "It's been a while since I've been here." A small smile on my face as I looked around the airport. I remember the last time I was at this airport, I was with Nicole and we were gonna head back to Oakland. I mean there was one time after that when I was here but it wasn't a happy moment so I'm just gonna skip over that.

"I've never been here for good reasons. How the hell can Ice live out here? Ain't it just murder city?" Ginot asked walking by me as we went to claim our luggage. We only planned to stay here for a week and then we were to head right back to Oakland. So we have about six days to figure out just what's been going on and who needs to get blasted next 'cause this shit is really testing my patience.

"It is murder city. Oakland is another murder city but we're just fine out there." Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Lexis letting him know Ginot and I were officially in Detroit. When Nicole heard I was going back, she wanted to tag along to visit her old friends and such but I'm not out here for that reason.

I'm out here for business.


"Aye Aldo." I said walking up and giving him a hug. "It feels like it's been a long while."

"It has. Glad to see my lil' brother still alive and well out in the streets of Oakland." He said with a laugh. "Aye Ginot, glad you're out here too."

"GentleThugs gotta have each other's backs through any kind of shit. I didn't wanna come out here but so far I've liked every female I've seen at this airport." He said biting his lip at a female who walked right by him. She flashed him a seductive smirk and I saw that spark in his eye. "Hold up, lemme holler at her right quick." He proceeded following after her and I just shook my head.

"You know what happened to Ice? He hasn't talked to us in about two weeks." I asked as we started to make our way out of the airport. Aldo had absolutely nothing to do with IRG. He was just along side the gang because everyone knew I was in IRG, so Aldo is just considered an alliance member but without actually being in the gang... Shit confuses me but I try not to think too much into it.

"I just got word that he was murked. I was gonna call you the day I found out but when I heard you were gonna be out here in just a few days, I decided to wait to tell you in person. I'm sorry Arlie." I just looked at him before dropping my head and letting out a deep sigh. I needed to mentally count down from ten before I just snap

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...and chill.

"Who murked him?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"BGM. He was at his desk sorting through his money and they executed Ice. Three bullets to the back of the head and two in his back. They left the money and drugs, they were only there to kill him."

"What happened with the gang?"

"Trap is under complete lock down. No one in our out, no drugs being delivered or sold, not even payments are being made or accepted. It's now a shoot on sight area. Doesn't matter gender or age or what gang, even if it's alliances."

"So they'd shoot Ginot and I?" He nodded. "I wish a nigga from IRG would try me. I'm goin' to the trap and gonna set some shit straight. Anymore murders?" He shook his head. "Trap still where it used to be?"

"Yup. Good luck Arlie. I wouldn't dare cross onto that territory-"

"Wait, so who's in charge at that trap then?" From the corner of my eye I could see Ginot starting to make his way over to Aldo and I.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I haven't heard anything since Ice's execution. It's just been chaos Arlie."

"AJ back here?" He nodded. "Where does he stay at and what gang is he in now?"

"No gang. He's just been chillin' around town, not much else." I nodded my head and the three of us continued our way out of the airport. We set foot outside and I just looked around... Everything looked normal? Why is everyone saying it's chaos all over the city when I'm looking with my own eyes and it's just as good as when I was here last.

"Aldo there isn't any chaos-"

"This is just the airport. Wait till we get about a mile down the road and you'll see just how much these gangs run the city. There aren't even any officers anymore over here. There's no point anymore so why keep officers here when they just get shot up anyways?" Ginot and I just looked at each other with a surprised look.

"Who's on top out here?"

"IRG was till recently. Now there isn't anyone so it's anybody's game now." Piling in his car, I was shot gun and Ginot laid himself across the back seat as best as he could. "I got guns for you two." He pointed to the glove compartment and a smile was on my face the second I grabbed the guns. "Don't Arlie. I don't have a second magazine of bullets."

"I didn't even do anything." I protested back as I handed Ginot his gun.

"I saw that look-"

"You're doin' me wrong. It's like when cops automatically chain me down. You're already assuming I'ma do something with the gun." That's messed.

"I didn't say you were, I'm just tellin' you to watch it. Your Trigger Happy ass shouldn't have smiled like you did." I will smile when I want and however way I want to smile.

"You were implying shit under your tongue and I peeped that-"

"Arlie let it go-"

"You're bein' a Lil' Bit right now. I do not need that in my life right now. She already in Oakland why you gotta make it feel like she's here." I said with an annoyed roll of my eyes.

"You're being annoying." Really? Ginot was in the back laughing and I don't get why, ain't shit funny.

"Y'all are funny." Ginot said through his laughter. "I thought Varo and his siblings were the only ones who argued over stupid shit but there's you two."

"Shut up Ginot-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw just how bad Detroit became. "How the fuck did the city literally crumble?" I was basically pressed up against the window looking around. All you saw was debris, fallen down buildings and niggas everywhere.

"This is unclaimed territory since a gang was just wiped out about no more than a day or two ago. This is what's happened since word of Big Red got here."

"Why did everyone go ham?" Ginot asked.

"BGM's showed up and started all these gang wars. IRG's alliances up here are gone completely."

"Why hasn't anyone been telling Lexis this?" He shrugged. "If I knew, I'd tell you. I don't know what Ice had planned and we'll never know either." Aldo said turning off the main road. "If you two are gonna go to IRG's trap, I'm dropping y'all off here. I'm not gonna go any further than this, I'm not about to be shot up."

"Aight. I'll hit you up when we need a ride back- wait you still in the apartment?" He nodded. "We'll just walk there then."

"Good luck." I hopped out of the car and so did Ginot. We watched Aldo pull off and now it was just us. I pulled out my red bandana and wrapped it around my nose and mouth, Ginot followed and now we both started walking towards the actual trap.

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