Daddy Hyunjin | Seungjin [Und...

By seungjined

536K 23.4K 33.3K

A story in which- Kim Seungmin got pregnant and Hwang Hyunjin is the father. By: Seungjined, 2020 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Special Chapter Part 1
Special Chapter Part 2

chapter 20

17.7K 746 961
By seungjined

hyunjin muttered a thank you as he got his card back from the cashier, he quickly grabbed the plastic bag of strawberries. seungmin wanted strawberries that morning but when hyunjin checked in the fridge, he noticed that they ran out of said fruit, so he had no choice but to make a quick stop at the nearest supermarket when seungmin nagged at him for not stacking enough strawberries, saying that if he has enough strength to go out, he'll get the strawberries himself.

hyunjin hopped in his car, putting the plastic bag on the passenger seat. he quickly drove off, not wanting another episode of seungmin nagging at him for keeping him waiting. pulling off smoothly to an allotted parking space in front of their house, hyunjin grabbed the plastic bag and went out of the car.

on his way to their house, he stopped for a moment to answer his phone after seeing jisung's caller id. he chuckled when he heard a high pitched voice on the other line, jisung chuckled too.

"its still so hard making them sleep early last night" jisung sighed exasperatedly. "and still when they woke up they started running and playing around the house again, geez these children got so much energy in the morning, minho's still sleeping while i need to wake up early just to keep an eye on them and prepare breakfast" he added, more like whined.

hyunjin chuckled heartedly. jino doesn't have school that day, so yesterday he asked if he could have an overnight with minjae, seungmin called jisung and asked if jino could stay over, jisung saying yes immediately because minjae is more than happy to have jino at their house. hyunjin's suppose to get jino later at afternoon.

"thanks for having jino over tho, i can't quiet keep an eye over him because i'm focusing on seungmin at the same time. it will be his due date one of these days so i'm double alert" he muttered softly, putting the plastic bag for a moment to unlock their front door.

"no worries, we understand that you need to give extra care to seungmin. you even took a work from home just to keep an eye on him now that he's giving birth soon " jisung chuckled before hyunjin heard him remind minjae and jino to quiet down.

hyunjin entered their house, getting out of his shoes and proceeding to the living room which he assumed where seungmin was, but the latter wasn't there. his forehead creased, is seungmin at their room? hyunjin shook his head, nope, seungmin can't climb the stairs without his help because of his tummy. at the kitchen then?

"yeah, my secretary's so reliable that i could take a work from home" hyunjin replied to jisung as he proceed to walk to the kitchen.

"it's a nice decision to take a work from home though, even minho hyung did that" jisung chuckled.

"yeah, it—"

hyunjin didn't finish his words when he heard a glass shattered followed by seungmin calling for his name at the kitchen.


the said name's eyes widened as hyunjin felt his heart beating abnormally as he realized what might be the reason for seungmin to scream like that. he had mentally prepare himself before in case this happen, but when he ran inside the kitchen and saw seungmin clutching his stomach, breathing heavily and obviously in pain, it was as if all the preparation that hyunjin did vanished and he's now lost, trying to calm himself because he don't want to faint in nervousness like minho did before.

"hyunjin? what's that? why'd seungmin scream?" jisung asked from the other line, hyunjin remembered that he was still on the phone with jisung. "don't tell me he's giving birth?!" the latter burst.

hyunjin sighed, calming himself. "i think so. i'm bringing him to the hospital now, please take care of jino" he explained quickly, strudging towards seungmin and observing the shattered glass on the floor. hyunjin assumed that seungmin lost his grip on the glass because of the pain on his stomach. he sighed in relief when he observed that seungmin got no bruise or any wounds from the shattered glass.

"alright, don't panic, we'll follow to the hospital later" jisung said quickly.

hyunjin immediately end the call, putting his phone inside his pocket and held seungmin's cheeks, caressing them softly and giving his husband a soft smile before kissing his forehead.

"hyunjin" seungmin groaned again when another wave of pain crushed through him, still breathing heavily.

"i'm bringing you to the hospital, hang in there baby"

hyunjin moved fast, getting his car keys while making a quick call to the hospital to tell them that his husband would be giving birth there (which was easy to arrange because of money and his connection to the hospital) before moving to carry seungmin in bridal style, bringing him outside and putting him on the passenger seat before he circled the car and proceeded to the driver's seat, maneuvering and drove off to the nearest hospital. he was driving but he was constantly looking at seungmin to check on him.

"focus on driving, hyunjin. i'm fine, i can handle this" seungmin reminded him softly while still breathing heavily and caressing his aching stomach, also calming himself. "calm yourself, we're almost there" he added.

hyunjin sighed and turned to seungmin to gave him a quick soft smile before looking back at the road. "i'm sorry, i'm just really nervous, but you're right, i gotta focus and calm myself, don't wanna be like minho hyung"

seungmin chuckled softly at what hyunjin said, but not long after, he's hissing again because of the pain. hyunjin sighed when they stopped in front of the hospital, hospital staffs and nurses are already outside to usher seungmin to the operating room.

the staffs and nurses quickly do their job once seungmin was out of the car, he was put on a stretcher, seungmin was holding on hyunjin's hand tightly as he was brought to the operating room, he whimpered when they were told that hyunjin can't proceed inside the operating room for the mean time because they still need to do and prepare some stuffs.

hyunjin sighed, asking for some minute and held seungmin's hand, squeezing gently and giving his husband a soft kiss on the cheek, seungmin giving him a sad look, still breathing heavily. hyunjin smiled at him softly and gave him a smile on the lips this time before whispering.

"i'll be there soon, baby. don't worry and calm down, hmm? you'll be okay, we'll have our baby soon"

seungmin smiled up at him and nodded. hyunjin gave the younger another kiss on the lips and not soon after, seungmin was brought inside the operating room. hyunjin sighed as a nurse approached him and gave him the things he need to q later when he's already allowed.

hyunjin wore everything he needed and sat on the chairs near the operating room, tapping his foot on the floor, a habit when he's feeling nervous.


hyunjin stood up and found jino running towards him with minjae, jisung and minho following behind him, along with chan and felix which he assumed jisung called and told them the news.

"daddy, is papa okay?" jino asked softly once he's on hyunjin's arm, carrying him.

hyunjin nodded and kissed his son's cheek. "papa's okay, baby. i'll go to him later so you baby should stay with minjae and your uncles for a while, okay?" hyunjin hummed softly, smiling ang kissing jino's cheek again when he nodded obediently.

"we'll stay at the hospital lobby once you're called inside, hyunjin" chan told him, hyunjin nodded and putting jino down, the baby immediately going to sit beside minjae.

"are you nervous?" felix asked, chuckling softly. hyunjin laughed dryly, obviously nervous. "don't be, we don't want you fainting like minho hyung before" they all chuckled, except for minho who let out a silent protest.

"hey! stop making fun of me fainting before" minho pouted, jisung chuckled and pinched his cheek. "don't worry, love, that scenario never fails to make us laugh" he said cheekily, minho could only huffed but chuckled along them nonetheless.

"mr. hwang? you can proceed inside now" a nurse softly approached hyunjin and told him.

hyunjin nodded quickly and received encouraging words and comforting smiled from their friends, giving jino another kiss and telling him to stay and behave with his uncles, hyunjin put his mask back on and proceeded inside the operating room, he was ushered on a place beside seungmin. hyunjin quickly held his husband's hand and squeeze lightly, whispering a soft, "i'm here now, baby"

seungmin's waist and down was numbed because of the anesthesia. seungmin smiled up at hyunjin squeezing his hand back before he worked on his breathing, taking deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling to calm himself while hyunjin was whispering soft nothings and comforting words to his hear.

"we'll now proceed to the cesarean section" the doctor announced, and on that moment hyunjin felt seungmin held his hand tighter, fingernails digging on his palm but hyunjin didn't mind as he know how nervous seungmin be at that moment. hyunjin's also nervous but he need to be strong for seungmin.

seungmin closed his eyes tight, squeezing and digging his nails on hyunjin's palm, breathing in and out to calm himself when he felt sensations like pulling and pressure on his stomach when the doctors and nurses did their job. hyunjin was beside him, calming him and caressing his hand softly while still whispering calming and comforting words to him.

"almost there, baby" hyunjin whispered when he looked at the clocked and noticed that twenty minutes had already passed.

a relief sighed came out of hyunjin when he heard the song of baby's cries, but he was confused why the cries sounds louder and sounds like it wasn't only one baby.

his eyes widened and his jaw dropped once the surgeon announced the gender of the baby...or more like, babies.

"congratulations, you've got fraternal twins, a girl and a boy"

hyunjin chuckled as he looked down at a tired yet smiling seungmin. "babe, i was just joking when i asked before if we could still make it twins, but looks like fate really do wants us to have twins" he giggled, kissing seungmin's knuckle.

"take a look at the babies, sir"

seungmin felt a tear left his eye as he saw the over the drape. hyunjin was in awe as he looked at the babies, their babies, their children. he wants to hold them but they still can't. the babies were briefly held over the drape, enough for seungmin and hyunjin to see them before they were taken away by the nursery nurse and brought to the nearest warmer were they proceed to do the rest of the procedures needed for the babies.

"they're beautiful" seungmin whispered softly, smiling when hyunjin wiped the tears that fell off again from his eyes.

"they are, babe" hyunjin whispered back.

"we'll now proceed to the suture, sirs" the surgeon announced.

seungmin took a deep sighed, smiling in relief, knowing that hyunjin is beside him and that their twins are delivered safely. the suture lasted for less than 25 minutes and seungmin's stomach was now wrapped with a bandage. he was brought to the post-op area where he was watched for about an hour to ensure that his vital signs are stable and that he aren't bleeding too heavily. after that, seungmin was taken to his postpartum room where he would be staying for four days.

not soon after seungmin was settled in the postpartum room, hyunjin came in, carrying jino. minho came after, also carrying minjae, with jisung, chan and felix. hyunjin sat on the chair beside seungmin's bed, putting jino on his lap, while the others sat on the couche located inside the room.

"papa! are you okay?" jino asked worriedly, seungmin smiled at him and reached to held the baby's hand, his lower body was still numb and he can't really move too much at the moment. "of course, baby. papa's fine, but still need to take a lot of rest" he told jino softly.

"daddy and jino will take care of you, papa!" jino beamed. seungmin chuckled and hummed a soft, "thank you, baby"

not soon after, two nurses came to their room, each of them carrying one baby. jisung stood up and gasped once he saw the babies, the rest of their friends was also shocked and was in awe upon seeing the twins.

"oh my gosh, they're twins!" jisung squealed excitedly as the nurses ushered the babies to seungmin for skin to skin bonding, the babies are each on his side, both are comfortable and in warmth on their papa's side.

everyone in the room are in awe for the twins, felix was taking lots pictures while the others seem to not remove their eyes away from the twins.

"look, baby" hyunjin told jino, gesturing to the twins. "they're your siblings, you'll be a hyung and an oppa" he giggled, seeing jino staring at both of the twins in astonishment.

hyunjin reached his hand to one of the baby and hold the baby's small hand, smiling when the baby hold his to his index finger, his finger looking so big in contrast with the baby's small hands, he felt so giddy and excited at that moment, felix even take a picture of the baby holding his finger.

"we'll bring the twins back to the nursery soon, may we ask what names you want for the twins?" one of the nurse told and asked them politely.

seungmin smiled up at hyunjin. "you should gave them their name, babe, i was the one who gave jino his name, so you should do it now for the twins" he told hyunjin softly.

hyunjin smiled, he had been thinking of names ever since he learned that seungmin was pregnant, he never expected that they'll be having twins so he haven't think of a name for twins, but fortunately, the twins are fraternal boy and girl and he had been thinking names for both boys and girls before, so he smiled when he decided and announced the name of their twins.

"hwang jiyoo for the girl and hwang jiwoo for the boy"

the nurse quickly write down the names, showing hyunjin to check if the spelling are right, hyunjin smiled and nodded when he checked the names. seungmin smiled to hyunjin.

"the names are beautiful" seungmin hummed.

"like you, babe" hyunjin said back cheekily.

all their friends cheered and cringed at the same time at hyunjin's way of flirting, even the nurses inside laughed along them before not soon after, they got the babies back and taken them back to the nursery room.

seungmin and hyunjin's gaze met and a smile automatically creeped out of their lips, both contented and happy with the life they're sharing with jino and their friends, and now with their twins.

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