Mia Anderson

By once_upon_a_time01

30.9K 426 28

Mia Anderson has three brothers, Cooper Anderson, Derek Anderson, and Blaine Anderson. Mia goes to Mckinley H... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Author's note
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Naya Rivera R.I.P
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
The End (A/N)
New Beginnings

Part 42

200 1 0
By once_upon_a_time01

And we are back! Well we have been for a week but still. It's great to be back. It is weird to not have the graduates here but I am excited for this year. I can't wait. Cheerios has been weird without Santana and Quinn but at least I still have Brittany. Brittany and I are the new co-captains which is awesome. There is the new chick, Kitty, who is an absolute bitch. She kind of reminds me of a bitchier version of Quinn. I was alone at my locker. I wore my Cheerios uniform, like I always did, and looked down to flatten it out and from the corner of my eye I saw Jacob with as camera guy next to Artie. Jacob was looking into the camera.

(Jacob) "What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!"

He turns his head to face Artie.

(Jacob) "Artie Abrams, lunch room sources tell me you've been seen sitting with Cheerios!"

(Artie) "Well, I'm usually sitting. But, yes, and I can tell you it is great to finally be popular. National champs, baby! Whoo!"

I couldn't help but smile. I grabbed a few things from it and the shut my locker door. I turn around to see Jacob and the camera guy near me.

(Jacob) "Here we have another one of McKinley's celebrities and also hottest girl in school Mia Anderson. How does it feel to be you at the moment?"

(Mia) "It feels great. National champs for both New Directions and Cheerios. It is an amazing feeling. Wait, did you say hottest girl?"

(Jacob) "Polls are sky rocketing saying that you are now the hottest girl here."

(Mia) "Really? Wow... Anything else you wanted to ask?"

(Jacob) "Do you think we are looking at the next Prom Queen?"

(Mia) "That is a difficult question. There are probably other girls here who also deserve it but I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted to be Prom Queen. It would be amazing."

Jacob and the camera guy walked off looking for someone else to harass and I started to walk down the halls. Then I saw someone I think I recognised. Someone I haven't seen in a really long time. I don't know if it is here but it would be awesome if it was. I walk up behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around it is exactly who I thought it was. Her face brightens up and she hugs me and I hug her back. We pull back smiling and I grab a hold of her hands.

(Mia) "Marley Rose! It has been so long! How are you?"

(Marley) "I am good! How have you been? You are a cheerleader. Wow. I would never have guessed."

(Mia) "I am great now. And yeah I am. I was just as surprised as you."

(Marley) "You are so pretty now. Well even prettier."

(Mia) "You have grown so much and wow you are pretty yourself. How's mum?"

(Marley) "Still getting picked on.."

(Mia) "I am going to see you at the glee auditions right."

(Marley) "I don't know... I am still kind of shy."

(Mia) "Come on. You have a great voice."

(Marley) "I really do want to audition it's just... wait... what if you sang with me?"

(Mia) "Hmm...?"

(Marley) "I don't get as nervous when singing with someone. Maybe you could sing with me?"

(Mia) "That's not a bad idea actually. I will find out. I should go. Classes are about to start."

I walk away heading over to where I had geography. I hate geography...


I was in the choir room with Tina, Blaine, Brittany and Artie looking at our national trophy. Blaine and I were linking arms. We heard footsteps behind us and all turned around to see Jacob and the camera guy.

(Jacob) "They said Rachel Berry was the group's undisputed star, so, really, the only question is: Which one of you is the new Rachel?"

He pointed his microphone at us and Blaine and I looked at each other smiling.

(Blaine and Mia) "We are."

(Tina) "I am."

(Brittany) "I am."

(Artie) "I am."

We all said that at the same time. Well that's not good. I was confused. It was obviously going to be Blaine and I like come on! I kept a smile on my face looking at the camera guy.


Ever since Sue had her baby and school started, she has made Kitty and I in a way babysitters. I honestly didn't really mind, I love kids. Whenever we didn't have class we would wait near Sue's office until she needs us which is at the moment. Kitty and I where sitting outside Sue's office on our phones and talking ever so often.

(Kitty) "Glee auditions are coming aren't they?"

(Mia) "Yeah. They are. Are you thinking of joining?"

(Kitty) "Oh hell no. I would rather die."

(Mia) "Then why did you ask?"

(Kitty) "I don't know. Just thought I would."

(Mia) "Ok then..."

There was a bit of silence. It was exactly awkward but it wasn't awesome either.

(Mia) "I saw you talking to some guy today. Is he your boyfriend?- "

(Kitty) "Who are you? My mother?"

(Mia) "I was going to say that if he was then damn because he is hot."

(Kitty) "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

(Mia) "Yes but I can still find other guys attractive."

(Kitty) "Well he isn't. Hasn't asked me out yet."

(Mia) "Well he is missing out because-"

(Sue) "Kitty! Mia! Get in here."

Kitty and I get out of our seats and I see Kurt in there with her.

(Kitty) "Yes, Coach Sylvester?"

(Sue) "I need you guys to change Robin's diaper, and the sing her a lullaby. Preferably something not yet butchered by the glee club. Good luck finding one."

(Mia) "Sure..."

I look at Kurt and mouth something to him saying Hi and he mouths Hi back. I walk up to the pram and smile at Robin.

(Sue) "Porcelain, you know Mia. This is Kitty. Mia is co-captain of the Cheerios and Kitty is my new head bitch. She's like a young Quinn Fabray, except she's not pregnant, manic-depressive, or in and out of a wheelchair."

I start to wheel the pram out of the room and stop at the door waiting for Kitty to open it.

(Kitty) "Shouldn't you be in college or something? I thought gay people were all successful overachievers."

(Mia) "Kitty!"

(Kurt) "I am very successful..."

Kitty opens the door and I walk out pushing the pram with Kitty following close behind. We walk down the halls down to a room that Sue made for the baby. When I say Sue I mean the people she forced to make it for her. We walk into the room and Kitty locks the door behind us.

(Mia) "It's your turn to change her diaper."

Kitty scoffed at me and took Robin out of the pram and up onto the baby change table and starts to change her diaper. When she is finished she hands her to me.

(Kitty) "You sing her a song. You are the glee member aren't."

(Mia) "Okay sure..."

I cradle the baby in my arms swaying her slightly trying to get her to sleep. I think of a song to sing and when I think of one I sing a softer and calmer version.


"Raindrops on roses

And whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things"

Kitty then starts to sing. I look up at her and smile and she shakes her head at me.


"Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells

And schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things"

Mia and Kitty:

"Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver-white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things"


"When the dog bites"


"When the bee stings"

Mia and Kitty:

"When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad"

By the end, Robin as fast asleep. She looks so peaceful. I place her gently back in her pram and put her blanket on her. I then look up at Kitty.

(Mia) "You have an amazing voice."

(Kitty) "Don't talk about this to anyone."

(Mia) "You should join glee."

(Kitty) "You and me singing is a one time thing. Me singing with anyone is a one time thing so drop it before I make you a laughing stock of the school."

(Mia) "You don't scare me."

(Kitty) "Let's go."

Kitty opens the door and I wheel the pram out and there halls where emptied. I walked with Kitty beside me and suddenly stop and Kitty stops too and looks over at me.

(Kitty) "Why did you stop?"

I step away from the pram and to Kitty and crossed my arms looking at her.

(Mia) "Don't you dare try and threaten me again."

(Kitty) "Glee is a joke and you know it."

(Mia) "Glee won a national championship."

(Kitty) "Which was obviously a fluke. Cheerios also won a national championships multiple time. Remember?"

(Mia) "And which one of us was both in the glee club and on the Cheerios? I was remember. I don't understand why you are acting so high and mighty. All you did was join the Cheerios. You haven't won anything yet. But me on the other hand, I have. I have two national trophies in my back pocket. You? You have nothing. Don't you dare threaten me. Are we clear?"

(Kitty) "Whatever."

I smile at her and start to push the pram again. Hopefully she won't mess with me anymore.


(Mr. Shue) "Glee!"

Yes Glee club is back and I am so excited. I sat next to Blaine with my arms linked with him. We are going to be the new Rachels and we are going to be amazing and we are going to get another national championship and I am so excited!

(Mr. Shue) "We are coming off of a National Championship, but it's time to look forward, and thanks to Glee now being the coolest club in the school."

We all begin to cheer. Finally!

(Mr. Shue) "This shouldn't be a problem. All right. Yes, we've lost some big voices. But we still have some huge ones in here."

Blaine and I looked at each other and we smiled at each other.

(Mr. Shue) "And I promise to do everything I can to replace the ones that we lost. And on that note, I'd like to introduce you to our newest member: The MVP of last year's nationals, Wade "Unique" Adams."

In comes Unique. Yay...

(Brittany) "That's a great haircut, Mercedes. I thought you graduated."

Wait what?

(Unique) "I wanted to be somewhere where different was celebrated."

(Mr. Shue) "We are so excited to have you."

We all cheer slightly. Great, more competition for the new Rachel.

(Mr. Shue) "Guys... where's the love?"

(Blaine) "I think Wade is great, but the competition to be the new Rachel."

Blaine then looks at me and the back at Mr. Shue.

(Blaine) "-slash-Rachels is already so intense, - the last thing that we need is one more contender."

(Mr. Shue) ""The New Rachel"?"

(Tina) "Every glee club needs a star performer. Rachel was that, and now that she's gone, many of us want the job."

(Mr. Shue) "Okay, we don't win with stars."

(Mia) "Mr. Shue I respect you so much. You are a father figure to me but, that is bull crap. Rachel did almost all of the singing. You probably only gave me some lines because Emma told you to or something."

(Mr. Shue) "We win as a team. One that supports new members. Now, I don't want to hear any more of this... this "New Rachel" stuff, okay? Have a seat, Wade."

Unique took a seat next to me and then turned to Blaine and I.

(Unique) "Make no mistake: Unique will be the new Rachel."

Tina and Brittany, who were sitting behind Blaine, Unique and I, lean in towards us.

(Blaine) "We decide this on our own, then... Thunder dome style. 5:00, in the auditorium."

I smile at Blaine and we high-five slightly. After that time went by slowly and at the end of the meeting everyone else left and I stayed back to talk to Mr. Shue.

(Mia) "Mr. Shue. Are you free for a bit?"

(Mr. Shue) "I am most disappointed in you Mia. I thought you out of everyone would be against this."

(Mia) "I am really sorry. But what I said was true. Rachel was our star. She got so many solos. I hardly got any. I would just sway in the back. You're right I am sorry."

Not. I am still going for the new Rachel position.

(Mr. Shue) "What do you need Mia?"

(Mia) "My friend is thinking about auditioning but she get's nervous and asked if I could sing with her. I wanted to ask you if that was ok?"

(Mr. Shue) "Yeah of course. Go have some lunch."

(Mia) "Thank you."

I walk out to the cafeteria for lunch and tell Marley the good news and she seemed really happy.


It's 5 'o' clock and it is time for the Rachel off? Yeah I am going to call it that. I was walking onto the stage with Blaine. We met Unique, Tina, Brittany and Artie in the middle of the stage. I put my hands on my hips.

(Tina) "So, here are the rules: We perform the song for Artie, he makes his choice, we go to Mr. Shue as a group, and we tell him who the new lead soloist is. Hopefully, it'll be me, 'cause that's what Rachel wanted."

(Artie) "Though I am uncomfortable doing this behind Mr. Shue's back, I am a director. Therefore, I never pass up on an opportunity to judge people."

(Unique) "What song are we singing?"

(Mia) "What Rachel would sing, if she were here. The song of the summer, "Call Me Maybe.""

(Brittany) "Yes."

(Tina) "Do you need time to prepare?"

(Unique) "I can sing any song, any time. Just press play, and get back."

Unique walks forward and damn he/she can sing. The rest of us stand at the back at the back and watch.


"I threw a wish in the well

Don't ask me, I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell

And now you're in my way"

Then Blaine and I walk forward and do a little 'Go away' gesture to Unique while we push past him/her.


"I'd trade my soul for a wish

Pennies and dimes for a kiss"


"I wasn't looking for this

But now you're in my way"

The girls plus Unique walk forward and sing.

Tina, Brittany and Unique:

"Your stare was holding

Ripped jeans, skin was showing

Hot night, wind was blowing"


"Where you think you're going, baby?"

We all then start to pose changing at different times to the beat of the song. I was in the middle of the others who were in a square formations, Blaine and Unique at the back and Brittany and Tina at the front.


"Hey, I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

So call me maybe?"

Blaine and Unique stare at each other changing spots on stage while Tina and Brittany do the same and I just flicked my hair back.


"It's hard to look right at you, baby

But here's my number

So call me maybe?"

Blaine and Unique went in front of Brittany and Tina and we formed a V formation with me front and center and started to do a little dance kind of thing.

Unique and Blaine:

"Hey, I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

So call me maybe?"

Brittany and Tina joined me up the front and made a little line doing our own dance.

Mia, Tina and Brittany:

"And all the other boys

Try to chase me"

Us three girls pointed at Blaine and Unique and I gestured for Blaine to join me up at the front.


"But here's my number

So call me maybe?"

Blaine joined me up at the front and we did a little Anderson classic dance moves.

Blaine and Mia:

"Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad

I missed you so, so bad"

Blaine and I went to the back smiling at each other while Tina, Brittany and Unique went up the front to dance.

Tina, Unique and Brittany:

"Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad

And you should know that

I missed you so, so bad"

We then had a little instrumental break in the song. Brittany and I stayed together pretending to play the violin. Tina then pushed her way to the front.


"It's hard to look right"

And Blaine pushed past her.


"Hard to look right"

Then Tina pushed her way back to the front.


"At you, baby"

And now Brittany pushed her way forward.


"At you, baby"

And then Unique and I pushed our way forward and I stretched my arms out holding the note with Unique.

Mia and Unique:

"So call me maybe"

We all stood in front of Artie and kept on singing.


"Hey, I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

So call me maybe?"

Blaine and I pushed ourselves in front of the others.

Mia and Blaine:

"Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad

I missed you so, so bad"

Then Tina and Unique pushed themselves in front of us.

Tina and Unique:

"Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad

And you should know that"

We then all posed, Blaine and I kneeled down on the ground posing while the others stood.


"So call me maybe?"

(Tina) "So, Artie... who's the new Rachel?"

(Blaine and Mia) "Or Rachels?"


After the Rachel-off, Brittany, Blaine and I decided to go to the Lima Bean. We sat there talking waiting for our drinks. Brittany and I were still in our Cheerios uniforms except she still had her high pony in while I had taken it out and just let my curly hair fall down my back and wore a thin black headband.

(Blaine) "So, how's Santana?"

(Brittany) "She's good; she's just really busy with cheerleading practice and it's hard making out over Skype. You can't really scissor a Webcam."

Kurt then walks over holding our drinks.

(Kurt) "Here's an iced tea for Mia, an extra hot soy latte for him and a no-chocolate for Brittany.

(Brittany) "Merci."

(Kurt) "I can't wait till Friday."

(Blaine) "Why?"

(Kurt) "Glee Club auditions."

(Mia) "Right. I forgot for a second. I have to sing with one of the girls, Marley. She gets major stage fright when singing by herself."

(Brittany) "That sounds like fun."

(Kitty) "Mia!"

I turn to around to see Kitty sitting with some friends of hers. I gave her a face saying 'What?' and she gestured back saying 'Come here'.

(Kitty) "Come sit here."

I look at the others and take a deep breathe in and out.

(Mia) "Bitch calls."

(Brittany) "Good luck."

I walk over to Kitty with my drink and put a hand on my hip.

(Kitty) "Come, sit."

She gestures a spot in the both next to some guy who had his arm up resting on the seat. I sat downing forcing a smile on my face. Kitty then waves her arm up and looks at Kurt.

(Kitty) "Excuse me. Garcon?"

Kurt walks over this way and up to our table.

(Kitty) "My ice latte's too cold."

(Kurt) "It's an iced latte."

(Kitty) "It's an iced latte that's too cold. I'm gonna need you to make me a new one."

Kurt turn around to look at Blaine and Brittany and the guy I am sitting next to puts his arm around me. I pick his hand off of my shoulder and drop it onto his lap but he puts his arm back around me and I can't be bothered taking it off me again so I just leave it.

(Kitty) "Hello?"

Kurt looks back at Kitty and then to some guy who I think is his boss?

(Random Lima Bean worker) "Hey, Kurt, you got to refill the biscotti Barrel every 15 minutes."

(Kurt) "Coming."

Kurt looks back at Blaine and Brittany and then back at Kitty.

(Kurt) "And I'll be right back with your latte."

Kurt leaves and I feel so bad for him. Also let's just say the next couple of hours of me not being able to leave was torture.


It was the next day and everyone from the glee club was sitting at one table talking. I sat next Brittany.

(Tina) "You had enough time, so who is it?"

(Artie) "You can't rush the casting process. My genius needs it's dream time."

I look up from my food and see Marley walk past.

(Mia) "Marley!"

Marley stops and turns towards us.

(Mia) "Guys this is Marley. She is going to be auditioning for glee."

(Marley) "I am only going to be able to because of you Mia. It is lucky that your teacher said you could sing with me.

(Mia) "You are going to be great."

(Tina) "Great. Okay, well, lots of competition, so good luck to you."

Marley smiles at us and walks away. I see Unique walk up to us and I am so happy to see how happy she is in her natural environment. As in by being Unique. I smile at Unique and Unique smiles back.

(Unique) "Unique offers her greetings and salutations."

(Sam) "Wade, you can't wear that makeup and stuff in here. You have to understand how this stuff works. It's like Game of Thrones."

(Mia) "Sam!"

(Artie) "Yeah, the peace between us and the truly popular kids is weak... winter is coming. It's not gonna take much for us to get smacked down to the bottom again."

(Mia) "Artie!"

(Blaine) "Maybe you should just save Unique for performances and be Wade the rest of the time, hmm?"

(Mia) "Blaine!"

(Unique) "All right... I'll go take off my face."

Unique gets up and starts to walk away.

(Mia) "Wait, Unique..."

Unique doesn't wait. I look at the other's with a real clear and angry look on my face.

(Mia) "I can't believe you guys. Isn't this group supposed to be accepting of everyone-"

(Kitty) "Hey, glee people."

(Artie) "Hey, Kitty."

Kitty walks over to use with two guys on the football team. I am pretty sure their names were Phil and Bobby? Maybe. Phil points at the new lunch lady who I realised was Marley's mum Millie. She is an amazing person and is so kind but everyone picks on her because well... she's big.

(Phil) "Hey, you guys see the new lunch lady? She's so fat, they took a picture of her last Christmas. Still printing."

(Bobby) "Hey, she has to wear a watch on both wrists because she covers two time zones."

The two footballs laugh at the jokes they made. It was so wrong and I was starting to get really annoyed.

(Brittany) "Maybe she has, like, a medical condition or she swallowed somebody with a medical condition."

Kitty and the jocks laugh again and I am so made. One more joke and I am out of here.

(Bobby) "Right, Artie?"

I look at Artie hoping he won't make a joke. I was hoping so much he won't say anything but...

(Artie) "When she sits around the house, she really sits around the house."

They start laughing and I have had enough. I leave my tray on the table and angrily get out of my seat and storm out of the cafeteria. Everyone is acting so different. What have we become...


It was time for Marley's audition. We have gone through a lot of other people. One person even had a tantrum. Marley and I stood up on stage with two mics in front of us. Marley looks at me and I nod my head.

(Marley) "Hi my name is Marley Rose and with the help of Mia I will be singing 'New York State of Mind' written by Billy Joel."

The music begins to play and I am the first one to sing.


"Some folks like to get away

For a holiday from the neighborhood"

I hear Unique, Brittany and Sugar cheer from the audience and I smile and decide to push myself during this performance.


"Hop a flight to Miami Beach

Or to Hollywood, ooh ooh

But I'm taking a Greyhound

On the Hudson River Line"


"I'm in a New York state of mind

Ooh, It was so easy living day by day

Out of touch with the rhythm and the blues

But now I need a little give and take"


"The New York Times,"


"The Daily News

Oh, It comes down to reality

And it's fine with me

'cause I've let it slide

Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside, ooh ooh"


"I don't have any reasons"


"I've left them all behind"


"I'm in a New York state of"






"I'm just taking a Greyhound"


"On the Hudson River"

Marley and Mia:



"'Cause I'm in"


I'm in a New York





Marley and Mia:






"New York"



Marley and Rachel:

"Of mind"

Everyone applauded and Marley and I bowed slightly. It was so much fun. I look over at Marley and see her smiling big.

(Mr. Shue) "Thank you. Thank you."


I was in the choir room helping Kurt organise sheet music. I then see other people enter.

(Blaine) "What's this?"

(Kurt) "I'm organizing all the sheet music. Artie, go around it, not over it."

I see Artie stop in front of the sheet music and then around it. I then see Dottie walk up to Tina and give her a cupcake.

(Tina) "Thanks, Dottie. You're dismissed for the day."

Tina then turned to Artie and give it to him.

(Tina) "This is for you... and no, it's not a bribe, because we all know Rachel told me herself that I'm the new Rachel."

I then Unique walk in all dressed as his/her true self. I love Unique.

(Unique) "MVP in the house."

(Joe) "Bro, I thought we agreed you'd only wear that stuff onstage."

(Mia) "Not you too Joe."

(Kurt) "What's wrong with you guys? This club is about diversity and acceptance. Or at least it used to be."

(Mia) "That's what I said. No one listens to me!"

(Kurt) "And another thing... since when did everyone become so obsessed with who's the biggest star?"

(Mia) "Okay I am not so innocent with that one."

(Tina) "Since day one... you and Rachel fought over solos for three years."

I point at Tina nodding my head in agreement.

(Tina) "No more stalling, Artie. Who's the new Rachel?"

We all walk up to Artie.

(Sugar) "Yeah who is it?"

(Brittany) "Tell us."

(Artie) "After meticulous deliberation and an online poll, the new Rachel is... actually I mean Rachels. Mia and Blaine."

I turn to Blaine To Blaine and high-five him.

(Brittany) "How?"

(Artie) "Brittany, you were a close second."

(Tina) "I came in third?"

(Artie) "Let's not worry about third or fourth place."

(Tina) "And we don't need to talk about this, either."

(Unique) "Why do you hate strong black women for?"

I look at the door and see Marley come in with Mr. Shue.

(Mr. Shue) "Guys, this young lady gave hands-down one of the best auditions I have ever seen. Let's give it up for our newest member, Marley Rose."

(Blaine) "Marley."

(Mia and Blaine) "On behalf of all of New Directions!, welcome."

(Marley) "Thank you. I'm really excited to be here. But I really couldn't have done it without Mia."

(Mia) "It was all you beautiful."

(Kurt) "How do you two know each other?"

Marley and I look at each other nervously.

(Marley) "Well... umm..."

(Mia) "Ummm.... well you see ummm"

(Marley) "Umm... You can explain if you want to...?"

(Mia) "Well... umm... you see... we weren't... we weren't just friends..."

I look down at my hands and start to play with them.

(Mr. Shue) "Well okay then."

(Sugar) "I really like your sweater. Where'd you get it?"

(Marley) "Oh. Thanks. Um, J. Crew.

(Sugar) "Really?"


So.. umm... Just found out Kurt is going to leave for New York. I am happy that he is going to go I am just going to miss him. We were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch and lucky me, I was stuck next to Kitty. At least I also got to sit next to Brittany.

(Blaine) "Brittany, I'm sorry, but we won fair and square."

(Mia) "You can't just decide not to sing anymore. We all need your voice."

(Brittany) "I had a song In my heart, Blaine and Mia Warbler, and you killed it. Now I have a dead song in my heart, and pretty soon, the corpse of my dead heart song is going to start to smell."

(Kitty) "Okay, guys. Since we can't do a popularity homecoming float with all white people, I say I think we should do one with all white chrysanthemums."

(Brittany) "That's a good idea."

(Mia) "That would actually look really pretty."

(Phil) "We need a float, why don't we all just ride her?"

(Sugar) "Look at her boobs. It's like two grocery bags full of soup."

(Marley) "That's really mean."

(Kitty) "Excuse me?"

I look over at Marley giving her a cautious look.

(Mia) "Marley..."

(Marley) "You don't know her. You don't know what her life is like."

(Kitty) "So? Why do you care?"

(Mia) "Marley... stop... you don't want it to happen again..."

(Marley) "Because she's my mom. I thought you guys were different."

Marley stood up from her seat and walk out. I look to the guys from Glee Club.

(Mia) "I expected this from them but not from you guys. We are supposed to be better. I can't believe you guys."

(Kitty) "What do you care? What are you? Her Girlfriend?"

I look beside me at Kitty and fake a smile.

(Mia) "Ex actually."

I stand up from my seat angrily and walk out of the cafeteria. I look for Marley but I then see her at her locker. I walk up to her and lean on the locker next to her one.

(Mia) "Hey..."

(Marley) "Hi..."

(Mia) "I am so sorry about them..."

(Marley) "I just thought that you guys were different."

(Mia) "I thought so too. Usually we are better than this but I guess popularity made them blind."

(Marley) "How come it didn't effect you?"

(Mia) "I have kind of always been a bit popular so it didn't really feel like much changed."

I saw Sam walk up to us and tap Marley on the shoulder. She turned around to look at him.

(Sam) "Hey, Marley, um, just wanted to apologize for all of us and beg you not to quit. Look, I get you. Like, for instance, I know that that sweater is from Walmart and your mom sewed the J. Crew label into it."

(Marley) "How do you know that?"

(Sam) "Because my mom used to do the same thing for me. The best thing about Glee Club is it's not about labels. If you can sing, if you can dance, you belong. And, dude, you can sing."

(Marley) "I don't know. You say that, but the way you were making fun of my mom, something doesn't feel right."

I see the rest of the glee club come up to us. and I cross my arms looking at them. Marley closes her locker and the notices them too.

(Artie) "We came to apologize."

(Tina) "I think being popular felt a little too good, and we forgot ourselves."

(Brittany) "Well, I didn't. I was always popular, but I do forget to wear underwear sometimes, though."

(Joe) "We also want to apologise to Mia. We should have listened to you."

(Blaine) "The best part about Glee Club is that everyone gets to be a star. Which is why we're all hoping that you could come to rehearsal with us this afternoon and maybe sing lead vocal on one of the songs we're working on."

(Unique) "And if words don't convince you, let the majesty and mystery of Unique's fabulousness. I mean it. Glee Club's a special place. I mean, where else could I dress like this and be welcomed with open arms?"

(Marley) "I can't sing by myself. I need Mia to sing with me."

(Blaine) "Deal. You ok with that Mia?"

(Mia) "Of course."

(Marley) "Okay, one last thing. I don't think I'm comfortable sitting with that cheerleader and those guys at lunch."

(Kitty) "That won't be a problem."

I turn around to see Kitty with Bobby and Phil.

(Kitty) "We could handle Gimpy and the Tarantula Head and Richie Poor, because you guys were national champs like us, but our invitation was not extended to pre-op Precious based on the novel Barf and Mike and Molly's daughter as part of our crew."

(Blaine) "Well, I guess we're not in your crew anymore."

(Kitty) "You know, I was kind of hoping you'd say that."

Oh no. Bobby and Phil take slushies that were behind their backs and slushy Unique and Marley.

(Phil) "And with that, order is restored."

The three of them walk off laughing.

(Artie) "Well, looks like you guys have been officially welcomed to the Glee Club."

(Unique) "Unique's eyes... they are on fire!"

(Mia) " Let's get you guys cleaned up and go to rehearsal."


After getting Marley cleaned up we got changed into an all back outfit. I took her to side stage of the auditorium and she started to sing looking at the others who were rehearsing.


"I've made up my mind

Don't need to think it over

If I'm wrong I am right

Don't need to look no further

This ain't lust

I know this is love but,"


"If I tell the world,

I'll never say enough,

'Cause it was not said to you,

And that's exactly what I need to do,

If I end up with you"

Blaine notices Marley and walk up with her taking her by the hands and leads her on stage. I stay on stage watching her have fun on stage.

Marley with New Directions (New Directions):

"Should I give up?

Or should I just keep chasing pavements?

Even if it leads nowhere? (Nowhere)

Or would it be a waste?"

Marley (with New Directions):

"Even (if I knew my place?)

Should I leave it there? (New Directions: Ohhh!)"

Marley with New Directions:

"Should I give up?

Or should I just keep chasing pavements?"

Mia (New Directions):

"Even if it,

Leads nowhere (Oooo...)


Marley looks at me and takes me by the hands and we walk on stage smiling.

Marley and Mia (New Directions):

"Should I give up?

Or should I just keep chasing pavements?

Even if it leads nowhere?

Or would it be a waste? (Would it be a waste?)

Even if I knew my place? (If I knew my place?)

Should I leave it there? (Should I leave it there?)

Should I give up, (Should I...)

Or should I just (Keep on) keep on (Chasing) chasing (Pavements) pavements?

Should I just (Keep on, chasing) chasing (Pavements) pavements?

Oh! Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oooooh!"

I walk away from Marley leaving her front and center.

New Directions (Marley):

"Should I give up,

Or should I just keep chasing pavements, (Pavements!)

Even if it leads nowhere? (Even if I, oh!)"

Marley with New Directions:

"Or would it be a waste,

If I knew my place?"

Marley (New Directions):

"Should I leave it there? (Ohhh)"

New Directions (Marley):

"Should I give up, (Should I?)

Or should (Keep on) I just keep,"

Marley with New Directions:

"Chasing pavements?"

Marley (New Directions):

"Even if it

Leads nowhere (Oooo...)"

I run up to Marley and hug her.

(Mia) "You were amazing."

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