The Fox and The Hound (Comple...

By Rei_Gio

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Deep within the forest of Inuyasha, a fox pup was found. Her fur was as white as snow and she had red marking... More

Chapter 1: Asami
Chapter 2: The Vixen's Spell
Chapter 3: Taken By a Tyrant
Chapter 4: Broken
Chapter 5: Abandoned
Chapter 6: Fear
Chapter 7: Changed
Chapter 8: Found
Chapter 9: Kidnapped Again
Chapter 10: Into The Wolves Den
Chapter 11: Koga
Chapter 12: I Will Fight With You
Chapter 13: The Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 14: I Will Always Be Here To Catch You
Chapter 15: Kagome
Chapter 16: She Is Mine!
Chapter 17: I'm Sorry
Chapter 18: Corrosive Poison
Chapter 19: Cure
Chapter 20: Welcome To My Village
Chapter 21: Please, Save Her
Chapter 23: It's Hard To Say Goodbye

Chapter 22: Together Again

6.1K 191 7
By Rei_Gio

Hello! It's me again.

I am pleased to present to you another Chapter! I did say that I wouldn't keep you guys waiting for long so I am working on a little upspree for this week. Enjoy!


Asami P.O.V

My body felt stiff and heavy as I stared into nothingness. Did I...die? Impossible...I had two days left.

All of a sudden, a blue ball of flame appeared before me and morphed into the spirit of my fox fire. It chuckled as it stared at me and wrapped me in its tails. I instantly felt warm. "No...but you were very close. I didn't expect the poison to spread so quickly. You were very lucky, the poison spread so quickly that you only had 'til sundown to get treated or you would have died. Now, I think it's time for you to wake up. Everyone is waiting for you and...I have a special gift for you..." it said before the darkness brightened and my body felt lighter. 

When I opened my eyes, the first thing my vision focused on was Sesshomaru and Rin, all huddled together next to my futon while Sesshomaru's moko-moko was placed over the both of them like a blanket. They were both asleep. I felt my heart swell at the sight. They had grown so close to each other in such a short amount of time, it made me so happy. My body was still weak but I was able to move. I slowly sat up and groaned as I felt my joints click. Judging from how stiff they felt, I had been asleep for a while.

" you're finally awake" I heard the voice of Lady Kaede say as she entered the house, carrying a bucket of water in her hands. "How long was I asleep?" I asked her. She smiled softly before she placed the bucket down and sat next to me. She held my hand firmly before she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "You've been asleep for a week. It was hard for all of us, especially to those two. How do you feel?" she asked, pulling back but still keeping her hands on my shoulders. "I feel...tired but otherwise, I feel fine. My joints are a bit stiff though, I feel like I need to move" I admitted and she chuckled.

"I think it might be best if we talk outside so as to not wake up those two. It's their first real sleep since you got here" she said, holding her hand out to help me up. My legs felt like jelly and when I stood up, something heavy was weighing my down. When I looked to my tails, my eyes widened in shock. My tails...more had grown. Nine tails in total. So this was the gift the spirit of my fox fire was talking about. 

I grabbed onto Lady Kaede and let myself get pulled outside of the house. We sat on a bench that overlooked the entire village. The moon was full tonight and its light felt nice against my skin. 

"What happened when you disappeared?" Lady Kaede asked and I swallowed thickly as I prepared myself to tell her everything. I started with how I met Sesshomaru, she didn't look too happy to find out that he was the reason I was taken away and it got even worse when I told her that it was his poison that nearly killed me. There was also the whole dying and being resurrected by his sword part that even he didn't know I knew. I assured her that he was a changed man and that he would never do anything to hurt me and this seemed to calm down her agitation. 

Then, I told her about Rin. My sweet little angel who helped me bounce back from my depression. She was the light of my life and I told her all about how I adopted Rin and how Sesshomaru resurrected her with the help of his sword. Come to think of it, he has done so much for me and I hadn't even thanked him enough yet. 

"Do you really love him?" Lady Kaede asked and I was reminded of the dream I had where Sesshomaru asked me the same thing. I still felt bad about not being able to answer him at the time even if I knew that it was all just a nightmare but now I was most certainly sure. "Yes...I do love him. With all my heart, I love him" I said with a small smile and flushed cheeks. She smiled at me before holding my hand in hers firmly. "Then I don't have to worry anymore. You have grown and matured into such a strong and beautiful woman in my absence. I couldn't be more proud of the person you are now" she said and I felt the tears fall as I lunged at her and hugged her. "Mother...thank you, I love you" I said as I cried against her chest. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me while she rested her chin on my head. "I love you too, Asami" she whispered.

"Now, I can't wait to meet my future son in law and my granddaughter. Introduce them to me properly in the morning, okay?" she said and I nodded, hugging her tightly again. I had missed her so much. "Oh and Asami...tell that mate of yours that I would like to have a word with him about marking you without my permission. If he wants to marry you, he has to ask me for my blessing first" she huffed and I scratched my cheek in embarassment while I nodded my head. She saw the mark. 

"Asami..." I heard a deep and smooth voice whisper and I felt my spine tingle. Speak of the devil. I smiled and looked his way, my mother pushed me gently towards him and I jumped to my feet, running towards him. He caught me in his arms and lifted me off the ground, spinning me around before he put me down and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his forehead against mine. "Thank goodness...I thought I lost you..." he whispered, kissing the crown of my head as he hugged me closer to him. Then I realised something.

"S-sesshomaru...y-your arm!" I exclaimed and he smiled softly at me, caressing my cheek with the arm that he had lost but had miraculously grown back. "It was the Kikyo Snowflake. Your mother told me that it could do more than cure poisons. It grew my arm back, although, even with the addition of cows milk, it still tasted terrible" he explained and I giggled at his reaction. I was so happy that I nearly kissed him on the spot if my mother hadn't cleared her throat. "Ehem...I am still here, you know" she said and I pulled away, my entire face erupting in several shades of pink and red. That...that would have been awkward and embarassing. 

"S-sorry, mother..." I muttered and she nodded her head before walking back to the house. "You two better not do anything scandalous before the wedding night. I still haven't given my blessing yet..." she said and I felt even more embarrassed. "Mother!" I exclaimed and she chuckled before entering the house. "Your mother told me about your past. Now I understand why you adopted Rin..." Sesshomaru suddenly said in an attempt to change the subject before I got even more embarrassed. "Y-yes...somehow, I wanted to repay Lady Kaede's kindness and I couldn't help but see myself in Rin. She was abandoned and alone, just like how I was before Lady Kaede took me in and raised me as her own. I didn't want her to feel alone too" I explained.

"Thank you, by the way, for saving Rin and taking care of her while I couldn't. You have done so much for me. I...I don't know how I could possibly repay you" I muttered.

"Simple..." he started, nuzzling my cheek with his before he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You could marry me and be the Lady of the Western lands" he continued and I smirked before I cupped his cheek with my hand. "How bold of you...let's see how you fair against my mother. Remember, you have to ask her for her blessing and she can be very hard to convince sometimes. She's still upset that you marked me without her consent" I teased, I felt a rumble in his chest as if he were purring. It was sort of like a playful growl.

"I will do my best. Anything for you, Asami" 

I turned to face him and cupped his cheek with my hand, he leaned into it and I pressed a light kiss on his lips, pulling back before he could kiss back. He was displeased with that but I giggled. "Ah ah ah, you heard my mother. Nothing scandalous until the wedding night" I teased, tapping his nose lightly with my index finger. 

He let out a low growl before pulling me closer towards him. "Sly vixen, I swear, you will be the death of me" he sighed and I giggled. "Alright...maybe just one kiss..." I muttered before I covered us both with my tails and stood on my tippy toes to capture his lips with mine. Finally...we were together and now nothing was standing in our way. We would be together forever.

"I love you, Asami"

"I love you too, Sesshomaru"

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