The Agent's Priority

By -Dreamwrote-

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Agent Zaiarhys Maksimov, a special and an important asset to the FBI agency along side her partner She's inde... More

C31- (Matthew's POV)
Long Distance Relationship
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.1
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.2
Rafa's Bachelors Party
Happy Birthday Mommy


449 16 4
By -Dreamwrote-

"Thought you died... damn that was close"

I feel so fucking loved

"And you're dissappointed because?" Timothy raised an eyebrow

"Its saddening I tell you"

"From a tiny cut on the hand? Seriously dumbass?" I asked irritably at Lance as he just smirk at me mischeivously

"That doesn't look tiny to me" Timothy piped in frowning as he shudders at my bandage hand making me roll my eyes

Everytime I look at the wound dressing that asthma boy made I kept on remembering his last name which I happen to hear from earlier


They called him Reed

Yeah still didn't know his first name, well atleast its still his 'name'

After the incident of me halting an actual blade with my hand that ended up slicing a little deep into my skin but in my defense I manage to hold the belly of the blade with my fingers but Ken panicked that he manage to jerk the tip into my palm

And speaking of Ken and his friends well they're already reported to the Principal's office where Coach did the explaining on my stead since I flat out refused to do such something so troublesome. The complaint was quick to reach the Sullivan University and..

Let's just say that they and also their school are now kissing their popularity and reputation goodbye

"Scared of a little blood Anderson?" I taunt waving my hand on his face as he swat it away "Where's Maureen by the way? I kept calling her 3 times already"

"Said that she'll just retrieve her blazer or something and will be joining us shortly" Lance informed popping a grape into his mouth and I just hummed nodding slightly and dialed her number once more

"So who's life did you save by the way?" Tinothy asked curiously

"Don't know his name." I shrugged a shoulder refraining from saying 'asthma boy'

"Its a he... is he having lunch here?" Lance piped in looking interested

"... no, I don't see him here" not bothering to look up as I shook my head and played with my water bottle

As a matter of fact I come up to a conclusion that he does not eat lunch at the cafeteria

Dismissing the thought my eyes drifted unconciously on Timothy who sat across from me and next to Lance who's slowly shoving his mashed potato into his big ass mouth

He looked up sensing my stare and I narrowed my eyes when he smirked at me triumphantly and wiggles his eyebrows weirdly

"Don't you dare say shit." I spat just when he opened his mouth to say something

So instead he shrugged and shove a spoonful of mashed potato into his wide open mouth

"Real charming Anderson, real charming"

"That's a stupid move by the way" Lance distractedly muttered "saving a guy who has a full body protection gear with your own bare hand, what a stupid heroine"

I glared at him but chose to stayed quiet since I know he's partly right

"Reflexes" I murmured aggresively poking the lone brocolli with my fork

And its true, I didn't know what came over me that I barely even register myself pulling him out of harms away and endangering mine in return

Maybe for the fact that he is a mere civillian. And its my job to keep civillians safe everytime whenever I'm on a mission as I could without getting distracted as possible

Yeah, that's probably it

'But you did get distracted' my subcocious taunt

I grunted lowly

I focussed on my 5th attempt on calling Maureen and frowned

I fished out my customized personal earpiece and replace my left hearing aid with it, Lance gave me a look and activates his automatically connecting it with mine

"Where are you going?" He asked casually

"Maureen didn't respond to any of my calls" I stood up covering my earpiece with my hair before typing things on my phone

"And... how will you find her exactly?" Timothy asked

"Are you questioning my abilities Anderson?"

"Ofcourse you'd put a tracker on her" Lance mused rolling his eyes at me

"Analyst Seinna Yu of the Federal Beauru of Investigation to whom am I speaking?—"

"01736M00. Location. Asap." I cut in monotonously

There was a silent sigh on the other line and a mutter of "won't be getting my vacation anytime soon aren't I?"

"You want a vacation?" I proceed to unbotton three bottons of my white shirt 

"Yuuuup. A long ass one." She grumbled back exhaustion evident in her tone

I could see Lance shaking his head already expecting her words without even hearing them

"Then why don't you quit—"

"You're nothing without me Maksimov." She sassed

Noting the glare I'm sporting Lance smirked at my obvious annoyance knowing full well of our Japanese primary analyst's bold and fearless personality hence the only person brave enough to toy with my anger without getting fired

Hate to admit, however I can't ever deny the fact that she's an unknown force to reckon in the Agency

Fucking analyst

"A-0356. Don't tell me I have to remind you about the layout of—"

"Do your job properly." I ordered with a tint of smugness as I heard her sharp intake of breath

"Why you—"

Timothy was questioning Lance of how an earpiece works which Lance explained vaguely and quietly as I grab my book bag to head to A-03-56.

"Is she in danger?"

"Hope not" I grumbled before walking out giving a one last glance at them both

"We'll be just at our dorm... his next class starts at 3pm" I nod my with my back already facing them and I hear Lance on the earpiece saying "keep in touch"

Arriving at A-03-56 which is the schools indoor pool I glance back at my watch to confirm Maureen's location


Speed walking through a slightly empty hallway since its lunch break


'Did you find her?' Timothy's voice sounded on my earpiece

"Not yet." I answered annoyed at his impatience "something going on between you two?"


"You hear me?! I hear you!" Timothy gasp excitedly completely ignoring my question "code red, code red, the base is under attack over"

I snort taking a left turn


"Dude its an earpiece not a walkie talkie" Lance elaborates in amusement

"Oh right... of course" Timothy trailed off still confused "wait is it bluetooth?"

"No. Bluetooth was never secured"


"Is this the same thing Zaia wears all the time?"

"No. Its called hearing aids" I muttered "now silence."

"Why do—"


Turning off the earpiece I stopped when I hear voices echoing through the empty corridor that leads to the swimming pool

"Your bitch isn't here to save the day?" A sickly sweet voice cooed "What a pity..."

I clenched my fists when I saw them. Maureen's back up into a wall of the ladies changing rooms with Rebecca and her dogs cornering her with disgust on their messed up faces


"I-I don't need saving from some crazy insolent class-A b-bitch attention seeker like you!"

I raised my eyebrows in amusement at her words my lips twitching in a small smirk

"What did you just called me?" Rebecca's face contorted in an ugly way as she snarls taking a couple steps closer to Maureen

"A crazy, insolent, class-A, bitch attention seeker who had multiple plastic surgery-" I take a few slow steps "cosmetic surgery" a few more steps "attention seeker" I push through her dogs "dick deprived" I pull at her collar and bring my face close to her fearful one "desperate whoring little slut"

I push her away with a slight force but still had her stumble backwards on her high heels and crash landing on her ass making her cry out in pain

Unfortunately for you I'm not on duty.

Lance is taking care of that

"Very good at handling her for a few seconds" I stated quietly at Maureen's relieved features "next time try not to stutter"

I'm just a normal college student not on guard watch... atleast for the meantime

"I-I'm sorry for always dep-depending on you too m-much" I heard her whisper bashfully

"Its normal to confide on someone for safety, and wanting to be saved Maureen." I grunted back

She nodded a small grin creeping up her face and I bend down to grab her fallen book bag and wet blazer

"Zaia look out!"

Sensing the sudden wind rush above me I halt my movements and twist my upper body with my right hand up

Stupid mistake

I grip on the metallic pipe stopping it from hitting me with my injured hand, I clenched my jaw in anger ignoring the pinch of pain

I heard gasps then without a second thought swing my leg sweeping her off of her feet and landing on her side making her scream

Another job for you Sienna

"You never listen do you?" I hissed through clenched teeth and threw the metallic pipe on her dogs direction when they attempt to move

"Why would I listen to you bitch?" She hissed from the floor

Bending down and close to her face I sneered and roughly grip her middle finger

"What did I tell you the last time hun?"

Fear crossed her features as she turns pale as a white paper shit

I bend her finger when she didn't answer

"T-that you'll c-c-cut my finger as your t-tro-phy" she stuttered horribly her eyes widening in realization as she trembled

"My worlds greatest achievement trophy" I corrected rubbing my fingers against hers making her gulp as she start to tear up

"N-no pleas—"

"Now you know what Maureen felt as you all laugh at her, push her around, insult her, humiliate her, bully her" I grip her hair with my other hand making her wince "I really loved it when roles are being reversed... specially this moment"

Jerking her head back I raise my hand clutching her middle finger and tip it backwards in an awkward angle making her wince, tears fell from her eyes continuosly as she shook her head pleading desperately

"You should've listened to my first warning... so for your sake I would warn you one last fucking time to never cross paths with her and specially with me"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her dogs cower back in fear afraid that I'll be true to my words


With a grunt of disapproval I released her and stood up dusting off my uniform

"Scram before I change my mind  and if I see, hear or even fucking sense that you breathe in her direction again... you could kiss not only your finger but your whole goddamn filthy hand goodbye" I hissed my gaze unwaveringly cold as she scrambled to her feet with the help of her dogs

Sighing out loud I faced Maureen

"Thank you..." she hugs me tight interrupting me "how would I ever repay your kindness?" she whispered her face burried on my shoulder

I realxed into her embrace and rub her back "by being brave, stronger and more confident... by standing up for yourself if you need to"

She pulled away and grinned at me her baby blue eyes shining in appreciation and determination as she nodded "yes, I would definitely do that"

"Good" I blinked at her handing her book bag and blazer

The bell rings signalling the end of lunchbreak just as we started walking

"You haven't eaten yet" I voice out

"I ate the sandwich Timothy gave me earlier as I was headed to get my blazer." She rant

"So you and Timothy huh?" I dawled in thought

"N-no, its not what you're thinking" she rushed out before sighing "you know how your cousin's reputation around and even outside the campus."

"Of course... a major flirt with a one fuck one time thing. yeah that's him" I rolled my eyes

But he's mostly just an idiot

Yeah the typical son of the state president, that I'm assigned to protect

"Yeah..." she trailed off sounding dissapointed before clearing her throat "how did you found me by the way?"

"You told me you on the swimming team" I shrugged "I got worried when you hadn't answered all my calls—"

"Oh... my-uh.. phone might have been..broken..?" She rub her head a sheepish look on her face

"What do you mean—Why aren't you sure that your phone was broken?" I asked suspiciously halting in my steps and walk infront of her with a raised eyebrow

"Well it kinda fell in the pool...?"

Closing my eyes and compose myself "It was the she-lobster isn't it? " I sighed

She looked away biting her lip nervously "lobster what? I'm vegetarian..."

"Stop stalling"

"Yes, Rebecca threw it on the pool" she admitted in defeat "I'll just buy a new one, don't worry... you scared them off permanently this time so it'll probably be the last time I buy a new phone... and glasses"

I huffed realizing that her glasses is also missing "I'll just buy you contacts"

"No. I'll buy myself some contacts" she contradicts pointing at herself

Sighing I silently agreed since I remember how wealthy her family is and walk her to her next class

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