Falling For Heather |✅

By ceciloray

17.9K 746 54

The crowd cheered immediately "yeah!" Alexis eyes widened in horror as red hair got on top of white short's b... More



648 31 0
By ceciloray

A punch landed on Heather's face causing her to take few steps back.

"Shit" Alexis cursed while the crowd cheered. She could see Heather's opponent with that same smile on his face.

Heather wiped blood trailing down her mouth preparing to attack but he beat her to it sending another punch her way. This caused her to spit out a huge amount of blood losing her balance as she fell back and leaned on the ring for support.

She tried to throw a punch his way but he caught her hand and lifted her up slamming her on the hard ground. Heather rolled in pain.

Alexis was panicking, sweat tricking down her forehead, hands restless. Heather wasn't weak, she'd seen her beat up the blonde girl the other day. Her movements were faster then, but right now she seemed slow. She seemed to ponder on her every attack letting her opponent know what the next attack was.

Alexis confirmed her suspicion when Heather's opponent turned around and faced the crowd shouting words that she couldn't make out probably praising himself while Heather laid there on the floor. She was no longer rolling in pain.

While her opponent praised himself she could sneak up an attack on him but she didn't. She waited for him to be done with his self praising. And when he was finally done he turned to her.

Raising her small body off the ground, she didn't do anything to break free, didn't resist and Alexis closed her eyes not able to watch what was about to happen next. He slammed her on the floor this time harder than the first time.

The cheers from the crowd increased. Alexis slowly peeled her fingers off her eyes, and Heather's body laid on the floor covered in blood. She'd passed out.

"And the winner of this match is Carter!"

Heather was abandoned in a small dark room. A room that looked like it'd been abandoned itself. And Alexis sat beside her not able to hold back her tears.

The whole damn match was planned, she knew this was going to happen yet she asked her to come and watch, watch her get knocked out.

Her eyes trailed down her bloodied body and her sobs increased. She couldn't even take her to a hospital because that meant she was going to have to explain how she got hurt. And she could swear on her mother's name this fighting club was illegal.

All she had to do was wait till she woke up.

Alexis felt someone walk in and she snapped her head to the direction of the door. A blonde guy walked in.

His eyes moved from Alexis and landed on Heather. He sighed "don't worry she'll be fine" he assured "I just came to check things out" he then turned to the door.

"Wait" Alexis called out and he stopped turning his head to look at her.

"Does this happen often?" Her voice came out shaky from all the crying.

He looked at her in pity "sometimes."

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