The One Way Ticket To Hell [B...

By lily_is_thicc

986 90 69

"If our love is a sin, then I'm ready to meet you in the depths of our hellfire." The elves are the perfect s... More



89 8 4
By lily_is_thicc

Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty, head in pain. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady. Then, the sea of memories came flooding back into my mind, drowning me. I felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in my abdomen. Tension grew in my face and limbs, my mind replaying the memories on repeat. Her breathing became more rapid, more shallow. The thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow so I can breathe but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will blackout. My heart is hammering inside my chest as it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin. The room spins and I squat on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body can cope with. I felt so sick. It was then I realized my surroundings, where was I? Confusion and panic began to fall into my nerves again, this did not help my breathing nor my heart. Was I going to die? Why was I here? Questions bounced around in my head, causing my headache to grow even more unbearable. My thoughts were pounding against my head as my head throbbed with it, the pain felt as if somebody had taken a knife and ran it around my skull. Tears of pain began escaping my eyes.

In this darkness I sit, muscles cramped, and unable to move. I only know my eyes are still there because I can feel myself blink, still instinctively moisturizing the organs I have no current use for. I can't hear anything either. Which was strange since I had sensitive ears, the fact that I could not pick up anything must mean I was alone, for now at least. I didn't know where I was, my memories were not that clear. Finally gaining back my senses, I start to walk around. I don't make it 12 inches before I fall down on the hard concrete floor. I tried again, moving my left ankle. I was bound, for I had a chain tied on my ankle. The rusty cold metal, digging it's way into my pale flesh, making me hiss in pain.

My ears perked up suddenly, I could hear the faint heavy breathing of someone that wasn't me. Cursing yet thanking my sensitive fear settles in. Who took me? What did they want with me? Adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. It feels as if my heart would explode and my eyes were wide with fear. My body wanted to run, to escape this nightmare. Let's face it, there is really only one thing I can do: Pray no one kills me. I want to take one great leap off the pressure plate and run to safety. My adrenaline surges so fast I almost vomit, I can taste saliva thickening in my throat and beads of sweat trickling down my brow. When all my thoughts became nonsense, I felt this blackness come over me. Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making me shiver. But somehow it was making my eyes feel heavier and heavier. I finally closed my eyes, finally sending me into a dreamless sleep.

The sound of the rattling of chains and my ankle being gently handled makes me jerk awake to see a pair of grey eyes. They were so solid, so bright, the exact lustrous color of a polished shard of metal. If you looked closer, like he was just now, you'd see the swirls of glittering onyx black and tinges of blue at the edges. They weren't monochrome or boring. That had simply been his terrible judgment. They were beautiful.

"W-Wh-" He cut me off by placing his hand on my mouth, placing his finger up to his lips. Telling me to be quiet. It was then I noticed how attractive the boy was. He looked around only a couple of years older by me, around 18 whilst I was 16. His raven black hair, which glistens in the moonlight illuminating from the window, was combed back and his face carefully structured. As if God had molded him just to spoil these eyes. The cold grey eyes of the boy were full of intensity. He had a Roman nose and a thin pair of lips that were in the form of a smirk. His tight jaw was an angular shape that was filled with little stubbles.

His eyes clouded with confusion and interest as he leaned in. "Well I've never seen ears like this before~" he murmurs, hand reaching out. I could feel his calloused, warm fingertips squeeze my ear and rub it slowly as if they were some leather goods. Already I could feel fiery-red heat spread from my ear to my face, creeping down my neck, a tingling sensation blossoming ferociously. My senses were clouded with confusion, and I gathered all my strength to bat this man's hand away. What was he doing anyway?My hands trembled as I made my weak attempt to push him away from me, my eyes watering. My body felt hot as sweat starts trickling down my neck. Eyes widened, breaths ragged and harsh, my hands trembled at my side. My legs were frozen in place. "Hm. I see how it is." He slowly rose back up and retreated to the chair left in the darkest corner of the room. "My name's Landon. You?"

I tried to glare at him, whilst rubbing my now sore red ears, his eyes followed my movements as if inspecting me. This only caused him to lift his brow as his eyes shone in mischief for a brief second before returning to me with a glare with such intensity that tightened my chest. A low growl rumbled formed from his chest out of his lips, sending vibrations around the room and thickening the tension. Fear rumbles within me once again as I focus my gaze on the ground below me, not daring for my green eyes to meet his stormy grey ones. I then could hear a laugh, a deep laugh, causing me to look up. There I saw the boy laughing at me with his eyes closed and the head was thrown back. His laugh was memorizing, I don't know why I seemed so drawn, so attracted towards him. It's quite terrifying, gaining these unfamiliar feelings so quickly. It kind of felt like when I saw the nixen, but more real.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked me, facial expression laced with confusion, concern, and something else I couldn't make out. I shake my head, not being able to find my voice. "You don't talk a lot do you, elf boy?" I could feel the heat rising onto my cheeks and to the tip of my ears. Elf boy? What was that? "Hey, don't ignore me!" He fake pouts, I would laugh if I wasn't in a trapped room with a stranger right now. "Alright, seeing as you won't speak. I'll just fill in for you then. So you almost got eaten alive-" My eyes widened, eaten alive? Then, how am I still here right now?

"Yes you almost got eaten alive, but we so happened to be there, your little girlfriend ran for help. We saw you and demanded the nixen to hand you over. Quite a challenge and the nixen tried to swim under with you, causing you to knock out. Now, you're here because we don't know what you are nor who you are. You have elf ears but you have brown and green eyes. I took interest in you as did the others." He spoke so casually as if reading a fairy tale and it wasn't the story with my life on the line. A bead of sweat rolled down my neck, falling onto the floor. The gentle splash seemed to be echoed by the empty, cold room, and I winced. "Well enjoy your stay here, little Elf boy" Ladon smirked. Slamming the door behind him, making the bang echo around the room.

I was beyond confused, "took an interest" in me? What was interesting about me? Silent tears escaped my eyes, I didn't want to be here. My head was spinning with thoughts, where was Alaine, was everybody else okay? What happened to my brother, is he fine? He must be worried sick right now. What were those people going to do to me? In fact, they didn't have our ears, what were they? What was him and who was "the others"?

There were times I felt like the world was slowly disappearing in front of me. Or maybe it was just me who was fading away. Those moments didn't matter anyway. Because my empty burning lungs and my heart hitting my chest so hard I thought it will break my ribs and rip apart my skin was the only thing I could think about.And the void. The black hole in my head, deep inside my soul, slowly swallowing all my hopes and dreams. That was the worst of those moments. The realization of the vacuum, the nothingness, the absurd of my existence.Those times kept me awake at five a.m. and made me wonder: why am I living for anyway?Maybe for me. Maybe for others. Did it really matter?I couldn't find my answers on my ceiling this time though, nor could I find them from my friends and brother. This time there were no answers. I was alone and scared.

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