By Jo_Sario

91.5K 3.4K 620

"If the spark was gone, will you do anything to bring back the fire of love on his eyes?" Started: Aug. 20, 2... More

1: P R E T E N S E
2: A T T R A C T I O N
3: M E E T I N G
4: D E A L
5: D A T E ?
6: W H Y ?
7: B E C A U S E -
8: I-
9: L O V E
10: Y O U
11: T A T T O O
12: F A T H E R
13: W E D
14: F O R E V E R
16: T E A R
17: A W O K E
18: S C E N E
19: P E A N U T B U T T E R & J E L L Y
20: P R O P O S A L ?
21: M E E T I N G
22: P O R T
23: I A C C E P T
24: T H E P R O P O S A L
25: T H E G A M E
26: S E V E N M I N U T E S
27: W H O I S H E ?
28: T R U S T A G A I N

15: A Y E A R

2.4K 101 15
By Jo_Sario

It was an enjoyable day at the beach, you didn't notice how the sun has finally started to set.

"Al, sit with me, let's watch the sunset," Jungkook spread his arms and you automatically fit right in.

There you were both sitting on the sand, your back against his bare chest, his arms around your waist, just watching the sun in the horizon that's slowly hiding under the vast sea, creating colours of pink, purple, yellow and orange in the sky.

It was beautiful.

You hope that moment would last forever.

You took in a deep breath.

"Forever is a long time," you subconsciously said.

"Not if it's with you," Jungkook whispered on your ear.

You turned your head just enough for him to reach your lips and pressed it with his, you kissed not minding the other people around, just feeling the moment.



Life with Jungkook was something you're thankful for everyday.

He's the sweetest man, most romantic and loyal.

He would bring a bouquet of primroses every weekened representing the seven days he just spent with you, every night after a long day at work you would both eat dinner and talk nonsense, go to bed where he would make love with you.

Tonight you got home earlier than him, after cooking dinner you went up to your bedroom to have a quick bath and when you're finally done you covered yourself with the robe and exited the bathroom.

"Hi there hot thing."


To your surprise Jungkook was sitting on the bed in his robe, his hand was already on the knot of the robe and just as you laid your eyes on him he slowly undid it.

"I didn't hear you come i— ," you bit your lips unable to finish your sentence as Jungkook slowly stood up from the bed letting the robe part in the middle and allowing you to see a peek of his naked body underneath.

His chiseled chest and sculptured abs glistened from the droplets of water, he must have taken a bath in the other bathroom.

You held your breath as you saw his member standing proudly on his abdomen, he had put a ring around it making it redder, thicker and more ready to play.

He extended his hand, "come here."

And just like you were compelled by his beautiful eyes, your feet were automatically drawn towards him, your hand took his and he carefully laid you down on the bed.

Half of your body was flat on the mattress while your legs hang on the bed freely, you looked at Jungkook standing in front of you, enjoying the ethereal view of him, like a Greek God, he's flawlessly perfect for you.

"We haven't had our dinner yet," you tried to get out of the inevitable but Jungkook just shook his head smiling.

He knelt on the floor and placed both of his hands on your knees.

"I'll have my dinner now," he mumbled in such a dangerous low tone that made your center pulsate.

Jungkook push the fabric of the robe up and spread your legs apart. He looked at your exposed center for a few before he licked your left thigh going closer to where you needed him to be.

"You're so perfect," he whispered and you moaned in response, clenching your fists on the bedsheets, "Mmh," Jungkook sounded as he reached your core, licking your sex flat with his tongue.

He sucked on your clit and your body automatically moved like the ocean waves, "ahh~," you bit your lips, eyes closed trying to focus on the wonders he's doing down there.

Sultry moans left your lips as he made sure to wet your folds with his tongue and with your own juices. He wanted you sleek and ready for his aching erection.

From there he started kissing your abdomen, slowly going up towards your stomach, breasts and neck until he's finally leveled with you.

Jungkook looked into your eyes, a thousand words of love unspoken until he crashed his lips onto yours.

Both of your fingers intertwined into a tight grip as he deepen the kiss, his body flushed upon you with no space in between, feeling every slight movement he did, every muscle, every skin.

His hardened member rubbed against your groin making you arch your back and moan, he left your lips and started to give attention to your neck which he knew you loved so much.

Jungkook reached in between your bodies and he rubbed his sensitive cock on your folds, you both sounded wanton moans of incoherent curses, sensations of sex filled the room.

"I need to be inside of you," he breathed on your ear sending shivers all over your body and all you could do was nod as you hugged him, digging your nails on his broad back.

He went in, grunting and biting on your skin, he was especially hard and sensitive due to the ring, every thrust and pull of his member, every contraction of your warm walls around him, he felt it more intense this time due to the toy.

Jungkook put a small remote on your hand.

"Turn it on love," he said.

You gripped on the thing and pushed the on button, you heard the ring vibrated and Jungkook cursed and called your name as he plunged balls deep into you.

"AAH! JUNGKOOK!" Your body waved and your insides contract as you felt the ring vibrated on your sensitive swollen nub.

"Fffuck!" Jungkook remained still letting the ring vibrate around his member and on your clit sending waves of ecstacy to the both of you.

He beset your lips and went with faster strokes, sloppier even. You were both matching each other's movements chasing the orgasm you both wanted, calling each other's names and mumbling your love for each other.

"I'm about to —," you breathlessly warned.

Jungkook reached for your clit and started rubbing it making you whimper and your body to move due to the sensation.

"That's right love, cum around my cock Al, I want to feel your tight walls squeeze the load out of me," Jungkook encourange as he went on even faster.

"Ahh! Kook!"

He kissed your lips and went to your ear to bite your lobe.

Jungkook thrusted hard and deep, and said in a hoarse deep voice, "cum."

And just like on queue you shivered under him reaching your high, he thrusted a few more times before he let himself erupt deep inside you, pumping his load deep and your whole body quivered feeling his warm seed spread within your walls.

Jungkook kissed you and smiled, he looked at you and said, "Happy anniversary."

Your lips slowly curved into a big smile, you looked at the digital clock on the night stand and realized there's still a few hours left before your actual wedding anniversay.

"What a way to welcome our anniversary," you mumbled.

"You're just irresistable for me," he shrugged and laid beside you, then he removed the ring with a loud phew. "Dinner date tomorrow night."

"Really?" You turned and face him smiling excitedly.

"Of course," he said then kissed your forehead, "I'll send you the address later at your office okay?"

You nodded and hugged him, taking your safe place around his arms, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

You thought he said something but you were already your way to dreamland.


Just like promised, Jungkook sent you the note along with a beautiful bouquet of purple hyacinths and a box of who knows what.

The letter says as follows:

At your favorite place.

Wear the dress and the necklace in the box.

I love you.


When you opened the box during lunch, a beautiful white dress was inside, you admired it and finally saw a silver necklace with a small pendant of a rose with a diamond in the middle.

Everything was perfect and beautiful.

You called Jungkook and smiled aa he answered quickly, "Did you like it?"

"I love all of it Jungkook thank you!"

"I'm glad," he smiled to himself.



"Why hyacinths? Not the usual primroses?" You giggled as you realized how silly the question was.

"Oh, they ran out of primroses so I had no choice," he answered.

"I see. Well, see you tonight. I love you," you said goodbye and waited for the night to come faster.

And it did.

And quickly you already wore the dress and the pretty necklace just before heading out of the office excited of your date with your husband.

You drove the car to the place you knew he was referring to, the victorian home you both had your first night together as husband and wife.

A smile crept to your lips as you remembered romantic memories you spent there and you couldn't wait any longer to meet him and show him yourself wearing the dress he picked up for you.

Your phone rang and you smiled even brighter as you saw the caller ID.

"Yes Mister Jeon? I'm on my way now," you said.

"Al? Al sorry sweetheart, change of plans, meet me at our house instead," something's wrong with Jungkook's voice which made you uncomfortable.

"What's the matter?"

Jungkook gripped on the phone on his hand, why can't you just follow what he says?

"Nothing love, I just want you to turn around now please," he could hear his heart beating fast.

Jungkook didn't expect that things would turn faster and earlier than he anticipated. The man really held up with his promises, and he hated it. He hated him.

He was ripped out of his confusing thoughts as he heard your sweet voice on the phone.

"Okay I'll turn around nowㅡ



OH GOD!!!"

Sound of tires breaking followed by a loud crash blared on the other line and Jungkook's heart almost stopped.

"AL??!! ALLIE?! No no no no. ANSWER ME LOVE. ALLIE PLEASE!" Jungkook screamed loud on the phone but the line has already been cut off.

A flashback emerged inside his head, his father's voice echoed:

"One year."


Thoughts? 😊

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