The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanf...

By Teenwolfmccallpack

146K 1.9K 469

Alyssa McCall is Scott McCall's little sister. You know, the True Alpha who is always running into trouble? W... More

The Dark Moon(pt.1)
The Dark Moon(pt.2)
The Benefactor(pt.1)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)
Authors Note :(
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.1)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.2)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.3)
Pain and Forgiveness(bonus chapter)
Author's Note
A Bit of Love
~I'm Alive Guys~

The Benefactor(pt.2)

4.8K 98 2
By Teenwolfmccallpack

We were still at the boathouse, and Liam was still out cold. The breeze was blowing gently through the air. Kira and Scott had been quiet for a few minutes, so I started drifting off to sleep, until Kira decided to shatter the blissful silence.

"What?," she questioned Scott, waking me back up, but I kept my eyes closed.

"I can hear the music from the house," Scott informed her. I do too, but I don't see why it would matter.

"What are they playing?"

"Electronic," Scott replied.

"I wish they still played slow songs at parties. At my old school we used to always have a few," she told him.

"Why do you like the slow ones?"

"I was always better at slow dancing," Kira replied.

"Come here," Scott said, and I heard them get up. Then some slow song started playing, and I'm going to assume it was Scott's phone. I opened my eyes to see Scott and Kira slow dancing together. I watched them for a minute before closing my eyes, and drifting off into a light sleep, listening to Scott and Kira talking to each other. She was trying to see if she could raise his pulse, and get him to start to shift. She's stupid if you ask me.

I then heard a low growl from next to me. I opened my eyes, and looked at Liam, only to see him wide awake and fully shifted. I slowly started to stand up, and back away, as Liam snarled.
I may have super healing and strength, but I still don't feel like being clawed, I still feel pain, and can still die.

"Are those chains going to hold him?," I heard Kira ask.

"Yea, I think," Scott replied. Well, I feel so much better... note the sarcasm.

Liam then snapped the chains, snarling loudly at us. Great...

He ran towards us, causing us to all move. He leaped through the window, shattering the glass, and kept running.

"Scott, c'mon! We have to get him before he hurts someone," I screamed. I was going to start talking to him tomorrow, but this is important. He looked at me shocked for a second, before I took off running after Liam, Scott shortly afterwards. He had told Kira to go to the house and find Lydia.

"LIAM," I screeched. We kept running, but paused after a minute, due to the fact we lost track of Liam. Out of nowhere, he ran by and tackled Scott.

"Liam, stop. You're okay," I said to him calmly. He growled, then leaped off Scott and pinned me against a tree by my throat, and the skin-to-skin contact caused the tingles to erupt again.

"Liam, Liam! Wait! Stop," I heard Scott shout, as I saw him try to pull Liam off me. Great, the one guy I'm starting like is trying to kill me.

"What did you do I me?," he screamed at Scott and I. "This is all your fault! This all your fault! This is your fault!" I was gasping for breath, and tried to ignore the pain his words brought. He turned to Scott, then back at me. He prepared to end mine and Scott's life as he brought his hand back, but hesitated as he stared at me. This really hurts.

I then heard something whistle through the air, and hit the tree behind me. There was flashing white lights shooting from an arrow. That could only mean one thing: Chris Argent! Scott and I shielded our eyes. Liam yelled, trying to cover his eyes too, then ran off.

I finally saw where Chris was. He looked at Scott and I, then walked over. He helped me up, while Scott asked what both of us were thinking.

"How did you know?"

"I got your texts," he replied, and smiled. I gave him a quick hug, then wiped the few tears that strayed from my eyes. I was still upset that my only friend outside the group(except Mason who would probably hate me too if I did something to his best friend) hated me so much.

"There's a clearing just north of here," Chris informed us. "All you have to do is corral him there. The rest is taken care of."

"What are you gonna do?," Scott questioned.

"He's your beta, Scott and Alyssa. The better question is what are you going to do," Chris replied.

"He won't listen to me," Scott told him.

"And he hates me now because Scott and I bit him, then I lied to him to bring him to Scott and the group," I added dejectedly.

"He doesn't hate you Alyssa, and he will listen if you start using your own words Scott," Chris replied softly, pulling me into another hug. We then heard a loud yell of pain sound from the direction of the clearing Argent was talking about, and I could hear the sonic emitters going off. I feel bad for Liam, since the sound is practically ear-splitting, and with it being a full moon, and him a new werewolf, it makes it worse.
"Here," Chris said to Scott, handing him a small remote. "Go."

I bolted, Scott trailing right behind me. I heard Liam yell in pain again. We really need to turn those off, it's hurting my ears too.

We reached the clearing to see Liam on the ground, holding his hands against his ears, surrounded by 4 emitters. He yelled again when we got closer, his ears hurting from the high pitched noise. His yells of pains were getting worse as we got even closer.

"Scott, turn it off please, it's really hurting his ears, and mine," I said softly, looking at my brother with puppy dog eyes. He sighed and turned them off.

"Ugh, fine. You know I can't resist the puppy dog face. But just because you're talking to me again, and because it's hurting my ears too I'll give in," he replied.

Liam was panting heavily as he lowered his hands to the ground, still staring at the ground, and was slightly shaking his head. Scott and I slowly got closer to Liam. I crouched down to look at him better. Liam looked up at us, looking terrified.

"What-," he trailed off, out of breath, fear evident in his voice. "What's happening to me?"
I felt really bad for him.

"Same thing that happened to me," Scott told him, watching Liam. "The same thing that happened to Alyssa."

Scott bent down next to me, and I could hear Argent walking to the edge of the tree line.

"They can't know about this," Liam told us, looking at the ground again. "My mom, my stepdad, I can't do this to them again."

"What do you mean again?," I asked softly.

"I got kicked out of school," he replied, crying. "And I deserved it. The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car." I slide closer to Liam, and put my arms around him, trying to comfort him. He rested his head on mine, leaning into me. Well, maybe he doesn't hate me.

"Liam, it's okay," Scott whispered, crickets chirping in the background.

"They can't see me like this," he responded, his voice cracking lightly.

"Like a monster," Scott finished for him. Liam nodded softly in response, and Scott stood up. "You're not a monster, you're a werewolf." Liam and I looked up at him. I wanted to see where this was going. Scott made his eyes glow red. "Like me."

I made mine glow too, standing up, following his lead.

"And me," I whispered, causing Liam to look at me, as I released him. After a minute of looking at Scott and I, he stood up and pulled me into a real hug, putting his face in the crook of my neck, and whispered,"I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm not mad at you, just your brother. I know you bit me too, but you apologized and didn't kidnap me."
PRAISE THE LORD! I squeezed him tightly in response, doing a mental happy dance.

After we released each other, I got a text from Lydia with a picture of her laptop screen, with a list of names and numbers next to them:

Sean Walcott 250
David Walcott 250
Michael Walcott 250
Christina Walcott 250
Lydia Martin 20
Scott McCall 25
Alyssa McCall 25
Demarco Montana 250
Derek Hale 15
Carrie Hudson 500
Kayleen Bettcher 250
Kira Yukimura 6
Elias Town 250

She then sent me another text, explaining the list.
It's a list of supernaturals from Beacon Hills. It's a dead pool that was unlocked by a key word, Allison, and we're all on it ~Lydia

Doesn't life keep getting better?

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