After the storm || Oscar diaz...

By lemonysnicketz

7K 283 34

Cause after the storm is where the flowers bloom !! More

House meeting
Pool party
Better placement
See you again
I wanna be down
Forgive me
Save us
Help me
Baby alexa
Young and alive
Present day
After The Storm

Old me

122 9 0
By lemonysnicketz

After spending nearly what felt like a year which was only 4 days I decided it was time for me to see my family. He dropped me off at Kali's house as I knocked on the door waiting for her to open it. "I got it" I heard Ari yell as she opened the door and nearly knocked me over. "You're okay" she was crying now as I held her tightly "I'm okay baby" Kali came hugging us also as we just stood here.

" I missed you guys so much" I wiped Ari's tears as I looked at both of my sisters "it's time," I said to both of them as they nodded their heads and walked to Kali's car getting in. "We sure we want to do this" Ari asked as she looked at both me and Kali. "It's now or never" Kali replied back as nothing else was said.

We finally pulled up seeing both cars here letting us know they're home. I twisted the knob as it was unlocked as always as I walked inside seeing mom and dad sitting down with non-other than monse. "My babies" my mom yelled as she ran over about to hug us until I put my hand up.

"No" was all I said as she looked taken back. "Mom I'm not doing this anymore with you and it took me a while to realize it was never me who was the problem of the toxic one it's you" she looked taken back as I just looked at her.

" all the beatings I got when dad wasn't here and the constant knockdowns that I'd be nothing while I was a child and now you want me to be your favorite..." I laughed while crying as she just looked hurt " you can take your hurt emotions and fuck off for so long I've been hurting and you didn't care you pushed you child on us expecting us to befriend her" I walked to the side of my mom as I looked at monse and my dad.

"Daddy you've always been my rock and I appreciate you for everything but I can't be here anymore not with mom here" he walked over and just hugged me as he cried also because he knew I was serious "just be safe and call me everyday" I nodded my head as I pulled away " I'm taking Ari with me also she won't grow up in a toxic home as me and Kali did. She deserves better and she will get that" I said to them both.

"You will not take my only daughter I have left" my mom cried out as monse looked hurt "you have monse your golden child she needs to know her mother and now she has a chance to without us being around" we all stepped back as our mother came towards us.

She was like a madwoman. She instantly ran grabbing me by the neck pushing me towards the wall "I fucking hate you Alexa you don't deserve shit or the life I've given you" she screamed as everyone grabbed her off me.

I would have usually cried but I was over her and her bullshit at this point "have fun with her Monse you both deserve each other" I wasn't going to belittle Monse as she did me because I have respect.

Me and Ari walked upstairs as we started to pack our things. That's when I felt the tears coming down. I sat next to my bed and just cried tears of joy because I was finally able to do what I never could have done. I felt arms wrap around me as I just cried "you did what you had to do don't ever let them make you feel bad about it" I heard Kali say as she kissed my forehead before wiping my tears.

"You are free and you don't have to be abused anymore baby" she grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the mirror.

"We are going to get our Alexa back and this time nothing will happen to you. I'll take care of Ari, I want you to go live your life for you because after the storm is when the flowers bloom" she tapped my shoulder as Ari nodded her head "the storm is over" she smiled at me as they both hugged me.

After 30 minutes we were finally done packing and moving our things. Eli was here helping me put my things inside his car as my father just watched. I knew this was hurting him more than anything but I needed to be free and away from my mother. She was the root of all the trauma yet he loved her so he stayed for us but now he could be free also.

"I love you papa" I hugged him once more before walking away as my mom and Monse watched me and Ari put our last boxes away. Ari waved at dad before getting inside Kali's car as me and Eli drove to his place.

I had shed my old skin and finally grew up to realize my happy place wasn't with my mother it was with my sister, my boyfriend, and my father.

They were all I needed and I wouldn't let her toxic ways ruin me any more than they already have. I was now living for me if not anyone else.

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