Signs of Light (l.s.)

By louhazbeenhere

166K 4.5K 9.5K

"I don't have to hear you say it to know you love me." Harry began losing his hearing when he was 13, now he'... More

Chapter i
Chapter ii
Chapter iii
Chapter iv
Chapter V
Chapter vi
Chapter vii
Chapter viii
Chapter ix
Chapter xi
Chapter xii
Chapter xiii
Chapter xiv
Chapter xv
Chapter xvi
Chapter xvii
Chapter xviii
Chapter xix
Chapter xx
Chapter xxi
Chapter xxii
Chapter xxiii
Chapter xxiv
Chapter xxv
Chapter xxvi
Chapter xxvii
Chapter xxviii
Chapter xxix
Chapter xxx
epilogue part i
epilogue part ii
New Story
Edinburgh is For Lovers

Chapter x

7.6K 162 645
By louhazbeenhere

**Chapter contains explicit sexual content**

Saturday night couldn't come quick enough for Louis. He was beyond excited to stay the night at Harry's house. Saturday morning he made his usual stop into Violet Hill for tea, and then went to work. The day seemed to drag on, his excitement making the minutes passing feel like hours. He and Harry had agreed that they wouldn't walk home together after work today so Louis could go home and grab things to spend the night at Harry's. When 3:00 finally came around, Louis grabbed his stuff from the back, said goodbye to Georgia, and stepped out the door into the afternoon sun.
Harry was waiting for him in his usual spot, headphones in, eyes closed. Louis found these moments, watching Harry sit in the sun, being completely immersed in his music, completely cut off from his surroundings, to be so vulnerable and beautiful. Louis walked towards him and rested his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry didn't open his eyes, but a content smile spread across his face. Louis used his pinky finger and poked the crescent dimple in Harry's cheek, and Harry opened his eyes with a laugh.

Hey Lou.

Hey. Your dimples are so damn cute.

Louis leaned down and placed a kiss on Harry's soft lips. Harry hummed into the kiss and when Louis pulled back, he stood up from the patio chair and pulled Louis into a hug. He kept his right arm around Louis as he reached into his shirt pocket to pull out his hearing aids. He swapped them with his earbuds, and wrapped his arm back around Louis, pressing his face against the soft skin of Louis' neck.

"I'm excited to have you over tonight." Harry breathed against his skin.

"Me too," Louis pulled back from the hug to look at Harry. "I'll be over around 5:00, yeah?"

"Okay, love." They kissed each other goodbye, and went back to their own flats.

When Louis stepped into his flat, he walked right to his bed and flopped down on it, letting out a loud sigh. He was looking forward to going to Harry's tonight, Harry had promised him that he could see the photos from the beach when he came over, and that Harry was cooking for him tonight instead of ordering in. Louis stood from his bed and grabbed his backpack off the ground to fill it with clothes for tomorrow. He packed a pair of plaid boxers, some black athletic shorts, a white baseball tee, and some black skinny jeans. He threw in some deodorant and his tooth brush and went to sit on the couch until he had to head to Harry's. It was only 3:57, he still had almost forty minutes to wait before making his walk to Harry's flat. He opened Instagram on his phone and scrolled through the feed.
He had recently started following Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Ed on Instagram, Harry didn't have one, but he was featured in quite a few photos on Niall and Ed's pages. Niall had posted a pic yesterday through a cracked open bedroom door, showing Liam fast asleep sitting at his desk with his face down in a giant law textbook. Louis 'liked' it and kept scrolling. Zayn posted a selfie of him and Liam last weekend when they'd spent the night together after sushi, Louis smiled at how cute they looked, 'liked' it, and kept scrolling.

He came across a stream of photos, all posted this morning, that made his face light up in a massive grin. Harry must have finished editing the photos, because Ed had posted half a dozen of the photos that Harry had taken at his show. Louis scrolled down to see the caption on one of them.
'Show last weekend was proper class! Had a bunch of my mates in the crowd, including the lad who took these brilliant photos, Harry Styles. (Get yourself an Instagram, mate!) Got a big surprise for you lot... I've got my first album coming out at the end of next month! Til then, spending lots of time in the studio with my new sound tech, @NialljHoran.'
Louis scrolled through and 'liked' every photo that Ed had posted from the show. He commented on the post with the long caption 'Congrats, mate! Can't wait to hear the album!'
Instagram had been a good use of time, because the next time he looked at the time, it was 4:35. He tossed his phone on the couch as he stood up to grab his stuff. He grabbed his phone charger and a black hoodie from his room, pulled on a pair of white vans, and walked out of his flat, locking the door behind him. Louis stepped out of his building, stopping to pull his hoodie on. The sky had gotten darker with clouds, the air getting chillier. Louis pulled the hood up over his head, slung his bag back over his shoulder, and hurried across the park towards Harry's flat. Almost fifteen minutes later, he'd made it to Harry's building and ducked into the lobby right as it started pouring. He got in the lift, and as the doors were shutting his phone buzzed.

Hey! You almost here? don't want you getting caught in the rain love. Be safe! Let me know if you want me to come pick you up instead. xx

Louis didn't reply, instead he got out of the lift on Harry's floor and went and knocked on his door. Harry pulled it open, grinning, and pulled Louis inside into a hug.

"You made it! And you're mostly dry." Harry laughed and ran his hand through Louis' hair to shake out some of the rain drops clinging to it.

"Mostly." Louis laughed and pulled back from Harry. He shook his hair like a dog and pulled off his hoodie. Harry took his backpack for him and stuck it on the couch, then took Louis' hand and brought him into the kitchen with him.

"Okay, so I'm making pasta with chicken and veg if that's alright?"

Louis could see the pot of water boiling behind Harry, and he pulled the box of pasta off the counter and handed it to him.

"Sounds amazing. Your water is boiling though." Louis laughed as Harry turned around in a mini panic to dump the pasta in and turn the heat down.

Louis came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist as he stirred the pasta. Louis helped Harry chop vegetables for their dinner as Harry cooked the chicken and drained the water from the pasta. Once all the chicken and veg was cooked, Harry tossed it all in a large pan with a bit of white wine and butter, letting it all simmer on low temp while he grabbed plates and glasses. Harry poured them each a glass of red wine into small glass cups and served a bit of the pasta on each ivory coloured ceramic plate. He set the plates to the kitchen island while he put a lid on the pasta and grabbed forks for them both. He put the plates and glasses of wine on the far side of the island where two metal bar stools stood. He grabbed a candle from the living room and brought it back and lit it, placing it in front of their meals. They took a seat at the counter, looking at the amazing meal that Harry had prepared, with a bit of Louis' help.

"Harry, this looks incredible."

"Thanks, love. Thank you for your help." He leaned over to give Louis a quick kiss before the dug into their food.

They sat and talked about their days while they ate, enjoying each other's company and sharing small kisses here and there.

"So... Lou. Uh."

Louis looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm glad you're staying tonight. I like to keep..this part of my life private usually. I don't think anyone besides Niall has been in my room, and that was an accident." Harry laughed. "He thought it was the bathroom."

Louis giggled, but kept listening as Harry went on.

"I want to share it with you though. I really, really like you, Lou. I...I want you to be a part of all of my life, not just the stuff I share on the surface." Harry took a shaky breath.

Louis was getting anxious to see what Harry was talking about. He wondered how intense Harry's room must be for him to seem this nervous to show him. Harry's entire flat was so clean and simple and well organized, much more than his own flat, he couldn't imagine his room being any different. But he knew it must be important to him, he'd seen him sign it to Niall last week at the chip shop before Ed's show, when Harry didn't know he could sign so well yet. Harry cleared their empty plates and put them in the sink to soak. He refilled both their wine glasses, and turned back to Louis.

"Do you want to see my room?" He asked quietly.

"Only if you want me to." Louis laughed lightly and walked closer to Harry, taking the wine glasses from his hands and setting them on the counter, and pulling Harry into a big hug. Harry rested his chin on Louis' shoulder.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, let's go then!" Louis took his hand. "Lead the way."

Harry walked with Louis by his side over to the door that had been consistently closed every time Louis had been over. Harry took a deep breath and started to open the door. He only opened it an inch before pausing and talking again.

"It's a lot, sorry. But this is what I really meant when I said I wanted to capture moments..." He pushed the door the rest of the way open, and Louis' jaw dropped as he walked into Harry's room.

His bed was very clean and lovely, covered in an ivory comforter and matching pillows. He had a wooden desk and dresser against one wall, and an ivory arm chair in one corner of the room. There was a large window by his bed that he could see and hear the rain hitting in heavy drops. A few house plants stood by the window. But what had his jaw wide open was the fact that almost every single surface of Harry's room was covered in printed photographs. There were framed prints, photos tucked into the corners of the mirror on his wall, photos scattered across his desk, some even visible completely filling a couple open drawers of his desk, different sized photos, some in black and white, some in colour, covered almost every inch of the walls, most just tacked into the wall. There were even film negatives hanging in front of the window, and a few strands of string hung from wall to wall with photos clipped to them, a couple framed prints were leaned on the floor up against the wall. His bed and floor must have been the only space in the room not touched by photographs. Louis didn't speak for a few minutes, he just took the time to look around and take everything in. There were photos of people, buildings, cars, and nature; hand written letters tacked on the wall occasionally between them. There were rolls and rolls of unused film on his desk and at least half a dozen cameras. He felt like he could be in Harry's room for hours and still not see every photo.

Harry cleared his throat. "It's kind of crazy. I just..yeah, this is what I love. I try to keep the rest of the house presentable for people, but this is like my secret's kind of a studio I guess."

"Harry..." Louis couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He just kept looking at all the photos covering the room. "This is incredible."

Harry let out a breath that he had been holding with relief. He was incredibly nervous to show Louis his room, it was his secret space. Not even his mother or sister had seen it. But he wanted Louis to know every part of him.

Louis turned to Harry, "Can I?" he asked, gesturing to one wall of the room.
Harry nodded.Louis walked towards the wall, he looked at the photos that were tacked to it. They were amazing. The lighting in all of them, the scene, the mood, even if the photo was fading, it was impeccable.

"Did you hang up the beach pictures yet?"

"Not yet, they're on my desk. They turned out really well." Harry smiled shyly and walked to his desk to pick up the photos to show Louis.

They turned out better than really well, Louis thought, they turned out beautifully. The colour on the photos was soft and had a vintage feel to them. Louis smiled when Harry handed him the photo that he'd taken of Harry with his arms in the air.

"I love this one." Harry whispered. "Thank you for capturing such a good moment."

"Harry these are so beautiful. Do you have the ones you took with the rainbows in your living room?"

"Yeah, hold on." Harry walked over to his walk-in closet. "Actually, come here. I want to show you something else."

Louis followed him to his closet, curious, and his jaw dropped again when he stepped inside. Harry had transformed his closet into a dark room. There was a small red light illuminating the room, photos and negatives hung on string across the space, and developing trays on a metal table that Harry had tucked into the corner of his closet.

"Woah. Harry this is so cool!"

Harry laughed. "Thanks, it's a bit tough with such a small space, I'm constantly in here developing prints when I'm not at work or with you."

"That's seriously amazing. You did all the photos in your room??"

"Most of them; some are prints from other photographers I like, or things I clipped from magazines, but yeah, most of them."


"Here, the rainbows turned out so nice." Harry handed Louis the prints and they walked out of the closet into the bedroom light, closing the door behind them. The photos were light, the sun saturating the scene, and tiny rainbows were scattered across Louis' skin.

"This one's my favourite." Harry pointed to the one where Louis wasn't posing, but he was laughing, a genuine happiness permanently captured on his face.

Louis set the prints on Harry's desk and pulled him into a hug. "Harry, you're insanely talented. All of these photos are amazing."

"Thank you." Harry said, genuinely grateful that Louis wasn't overwhelmed by the intensity of his room and passion for photography.

"Now that I see how much this means to you...will you start bringing your camera out more?"

"Of course." Harry smiled at him. "As long as you don't mind me taking pictures of you often, you're my new muse." Harry said, only half teasing.

"I don't mind at all." Louis picked up Harry's digital camera that was on his desk. "Can I?"

Harry nodded, and Louis got closer to him and took an incredibly zoomed in photo of his face. Harry laughed and took the camera to look at the photo. He pulled up the memory and showed Louis.

"Hey, it still looks good, it's a little close... but you always look good." Louis placed a kiss on Harry's cheek and set the camera back on his desk.

Harry pulled Louis in close to him and wrapped his hands around his waist. They locked eyes. "You're so beautiful." He whispered. "Thank you, Lou."

The energy in the room shifted as Louis answered his thanks by leaning in and pressing their lips together. He placed one hand on Harry's chest and the other moved up his neck and into his hair. Louis tightened the grip on Harry's hair and licked his lower lip to ask for entrance to his mouth. Harry opened his mouth and Louis pressed is tongue inside. Their tongues moved together as they pulled each other closer, grasping at shirts and hair, heavy breathing filled the room. Without breaking their kiss, Louis guided Harry over to his bed and gently pushed his body down onto the mattress. Harry sat on the bed and gripped his hands under Louis' bum, he lifted Louis and pulled him onto his lap. He kept his hands gripping Louis' bum firmly and laid back, pulling Louis down on top of him. Louis leaned down and sucked along Harry's jaw and neck. Harry let out a breathy moan.

"Uuhh, fuck, Lou." Harry moaned and gripped his fingers into Louis' sides.

Louis pulled off Harry's body and let him move them up the bed and roll so Harry was straddling Louis' hips. Harry tucked his fingers into the waist of Louis' trousers, checking to make sure Louis wanted him to continue. Louis nodded and reached up to undo the button on Harry's trousers as well. Harry pulled Louis' trousers over his bum and down his legs, pulling them off and tossing them on the floor. Then he let Louis take his off as well. They both removed their shirts and tossed them on the bedroom floor, and Harry moved to hold himself over Louis again, he ducked his head down and sucked on Louis' collarbone, Louis moved his hands down Harry's sides, then to his stomach, and slowly slid his hands into Harry's boxers. Harry gasped as Louis' fingers brushed his erection.

"Uhh, Lou."

Harry used his left hand to hold himself over Louis, and ran his right hand between their bodies down Louis' stomach to feel his cock through his boxers. Louis moaned into Harry's mouth as they rubbed each other. Louis took his hand off Harry's cock and pulled his boxers down his legs. Harry sat back and pulled them off completely, and then did the same with Louis'. When they were naked, Harry took Louis' cock in his hand, stroking it continually and slowly bringing his lips to the tip. Louis' hands grasped at the comforter as Harry started to suck him off.

"Har--Harry." Louis moaned breathlessly.

"Yeah, baby."

"I want you."

"Fuck, Louis. Uuhhh I want you too." he said before sucking Louis deeper into his mouth.

Louis' body writhed on the bed below him, soft moans escaping his mouth as Harry took him deeper into his mouth. Harry pulled his mouth off Louis, bringing his body up level to Louis'.

"Do you have a preference?" Harry asked, breathing heavily.

"I don't, either is fine."

"Mmm, same. I love that."

"Harry..." Harry sucked gently on Louis' neck. "Harry...fuck me. Uuuhhng, please, Harry."

Harry pulled back from Louis' neck and smiled at him, he placed a quick kiss on Louis' lips and then leaned his torso off the bed to reach into his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a condom and a small bottle of lube. He set them both down on the edge of the bed and sat back next to Louis. Harry leaned up and kissed Louis' lips before he slid his hands between his legs, gently spreading his thighs apart. Louis watched as Harry crawled between his legs and ran his hands across his skin. Harry kissed down the inside of Louis' thighs. Louis' body tensed as Harry ran his tongue across his tight opening. His body relaxed, but his grip on the comforter tightened as Harry licked long, wet stripes across his hole. Harry grabbed the lube and popped the cap. He poured a small amount onto his fingers before setting the bottle aside. Louis had propped himself up on his elbows to watch Harry, and his head fell back with a deep moan as Harry started pushing his middle finger inside of him. Louis dropped to his back as Harry started to move his finger in and out slowly. He grabbed the bottle and drizzled some of the lube into Louis' opening before he pulled his finger out and then added another finger.

"Ah, fuck. Harry. Fuck." Louis moaned.

Harry hummed in response as he brought his mouth down and started sucking the skin around Louis' hole as he fingered him. His tongue and the lube made it easier for Harry to slip a third finger inside Louis. He started to thrust his fingers in and out of Louis, sucking lightly on his inner thigh and using his other hand to stroke Louis' throbbing cock. Louis' thighs twitched and he let out a whiny moan as Harry's long fingers brushed his prostate.

"Fuck!" Louis cried as Harry's fingers his the sensitive spot a few more times.
"Uhh fuck me, Harry." he moaned as he reached reached between his legs to grip Harry's hair.

Harry slid his fingers out of Louis' dripping hole, sucking the skin again before sitting up. Harry's chin was covered in spit and lube, Louis moaned at the sight and reached beside him to grab the condom.

"I got it, baby." Louis tore the silver packet open and pulled the condom out. Harry sat between his legs, as Louis rolled the condom down onto Harry's erection that was already dripping with precum. Harry's breath caught in his throat as Louis stroked him a few times. He grabbed the lube and drizzled a fair amount onto his cock and then poured a bit more on Louis' arse. Harry bit his lip and leaned his head back as Louis spread the lube over his cock with a tight, slippery grip. Harry slid his palms beneath Louis' thighs and spread them open further.

"Ready, Lou?"

Louis bit his lip and nodded as Harry lined his cock up with Louis' hole. Louis sucked in a breath as Harry pushed this tip of his cock into his opening.

"Shit. Lou-- you're so hot. Still so tight." Harry put his hands on the bed on either side of Louis' head to hold himself up as he made little thrusts to push himself deeper inside Louis.
He held still for a minute after his hips had connected with Louis' arse to let him adjust to the stretch. Louis's breathing was heavy as he told Harry he could start to move. Harry slowly pulled his cock out of Louis' hole until just the tip was inside, and then thrust back in in one heavy movement.

"Fuck! Uuungh yes, Harry." Louis moaned, his back arching as Harry continued thrusting his hips, his cock sliding in and out of Louis' wet opening.

"Fuck. Oh God. Louis."

Loud moans and the sound of skin slapping together filled the room. Harry pressed his chest against Louis' and thrust his cock deeper inside Louis.

"Touch yourself." Harry moaned.

Louis slid his hand between their sweaty stomachs and grasped his erection, quickly jacking himself off as Harry's thrusts picked up speed, thrusting his cock directly against Louis' prostate. Louis' cheeks were flushed bright pink, his mouth stuck open and eyebrows knitted together in pure pleasure.

"Fuck, fuck oh god, Louis." Harry moaned as Louis clenched around his cock.

"Ha--Harry, god, fuck. I'm gonna cum."

"Cum, baby." Harry kept his hips thrusting steadily into Louis' arse as Louis sped up his hand up over his cock. Louis' whole body tensed and he let out a high pitched moan as his orgasm hit, hot cum covering their stomachs.

"Oh god, Lou, oh my god." Harry sped up his thrusts, moaning and feeling Louis' hot cum cover his body. Louis pulled Harry closer, his hands on Harry's hot, sweaty back, his finger nails running down his skin. Harry could feel his orgasm building as he thrust into Louis' hot body. His hips slowed and he thrust one last hard thrust into Louis, his body shaking, as his orgasm washed over him, cum filling the condom.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out as his body shook, his stomach stuck to Louis' with sweat and cum. Louis gasped and arched his back as Harry pulled his cock out of his clenching hole. Harry sat back and pulled the condom off, tying it and tossing it in the bin by the bed. He laid down on his bed on his back and pulled Louis over onto his chest.

"Holy shit, Haz." Louis's heavy breathing tickled Harry's chest.

"Uh huh." Harry agreed. "Holy...shit." Harry was finally catching his breath, weaving his fingers through Louis' messy hair. "You're so beautiful, Lou."

Louis pressed his lips to Harry's chest. "You're wonderful. That was amazing."

Harry kissed Louis' forehead, they laid together in silence for a few minutes, Louis traced patterns with his fingers on Harry's chest, and Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair.It was dark outside now, the only light coming in through the sheer curtains from the street lights below. Louis leaned over the side of the bed to grab his boxers and put them back on, then he sat up and leaned back on his elbows, smiling at Harry. The glow of the street lights touched Louis' bare torso, highlighting his collarbones, his nipples, his abs, and his tattoo, leaving the rest of his body in a rich shadow. Harry admired Louis' beauty and reached to the ground from his side of the bed and grabbed the camera that was sat on the ground. He sat back up and aimed the lens at his boyfriend. He snapped a picture of Louis and then leaned over to attack him with kisses.

"My god, you are so stunning, Lou. My baby."

Louis laughed and grabbed for the camera. "Well show me the picture then, Haz."

Harry settled himself next to Louis, who rested his head on Harry's shoulder, and pulled up the camera memory. The photo he'd taken of Louis; he'd set in black and white, a soft glow covered part of his body, and the space left in shadow looked like rich ink. His skin looked soft, his hair slightly fluffed up from sex, his nipples hard, and his side profile silhouette sharp and perfect.

"Harry..." Louis was shocked at how beautiful he looked in Harry's photo. "I look..."

"Breathtaking? Earth shatteringly beautiful?" Harry looked deep into Louis' eyes, the sincerity clear and profound in his deep voice.

"Yeah," Louis giggled. "Something like that."

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on Louis Tomlinson." Harry laid on his back and pulled Louis to his chest.

"Harry.." Louis started to say. "I--I'm glad I'm here with you tonight. Like, I'm glad you like me and trust me enough to have me in here." He gestured to the rest of Harry's room.

"I do. Like you and trust you, Lou. I do."

They fell asleep like that, Louis' head on Harry's chest, and Harry's fingers still woven into Louis' hair.Sometime in the middle of the night, Harry woke briefly, eyes fluttering open and peering into the darkness. He smiled when he saw Louis' relaxed face in front of him, and closed his eyes again, tightening his grip around his sleeping boyfriend.

The warm light streaming through the window woke Louis up before Harry. He squinted his eyes at the light and grinned when he saw Harry sleeping next to him, arms tucked under the pillow, his mouth slightly open. Louis got out of bed slowly, careful not to wake Harry, and grabbed a film camera off his desk. He climbed back onto the bed and stood by Harry's feet. He aimed the lens at Harry and the shutter went off, capturing his sleeping boyfriend on film. Harry's back was bare and tanned, his bum and legs covered by a soft ivory coloured sheet, his hair was dark in contrast to the sheets, and curled around his ears.

As Louis tried to take another photo, the camera beeped, indicating the end of the film roll. He set the camera back on Harry's desk and crawled into bed back up to his boyfriend and scattered kisses all over his back. Harry giggled and Louis moved up to his face and kissed his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, he kissed his eyelids very gently, and then placed a firm good morning kiss on Harry's lips. Harry opened one eye and squinted at Louis with a cheeky grin on his face.

Morning, sweetheart. he pressed another kiss to Harry's lips, feeling him giggle under his touch.

Harry pushed himself into a sitting position. Good morning to you too, beautiful.

How'd you sleep?

Harry hummed quietly. Very good. You?

Very good.

Harry reached over the side of the bed and grabbed a pair of joggers off the floor. He laid on his back and tucked his feet into the joggers and wiggled them up his legs.Louis giggled and crawled over Harry, pressing kisses to his swallow tattoos.


Hi Louis giggled.

Harry ducked under Louis' arm to reach for his hearing aids. Louis caught his arm and stopped him.

I know I'm still slow at it, I want to sign with you this morning.

You're perfect. I'd love that. Harry had a stunning grin on his face, so grateful for his boyfriend.

Okay! What are we doing today, love?

Ed texted me yesterday inviting us to the studio with him and Niall today. He's working on his album. Would you want to go?

That sounds amazing! I'd love to.

I'll text him and see what time he wants us there. Do you want breakfast, Lou? I make killer pancakes.

Louis laughed. Yes! My little pancake lover. Sounds perfect.

Harry rolled his eyes with a goofy grin at the nickname and rolled himself out of bed. Louis stood up as well and grabbed his athletic shorts from his bag. He and Harry walked to the kitchen, Louis hopped onto a stool at the counter, and Harry started digging through cabinets for all the ingredients for pancakes. He pulled out flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and powder, eggs, milk, and to Louis' surprise, white vinegar.

Why vinegar?

It makes the pancakes fluffier! You'll see, you'll love it I promise.

I believe you. Louis laughed and went to help Harry.

Do you need anything, Haz?

Could you grab the big pan from under that cabinet? Harry asked while he grabbed butter from the fridge.

Louis leaned down and pulled the pan out of the cabinet and grabbed a spatula from the drawer.

Won't need that. Harry pointed at the spatula.

How are you going to flip the pancakes?

I'm going to flip them! Harry took the pan from Louis and made the motion of dipping it and flicking his wrist to literally flip the pancake in the pan.

You can do that?? Louis looked impressed.

Nine out of ten times. Harry chuckled.

What happens the tenth time?

Floor pancake.

Louis burst out laughing and Harry grinned at him. Once Louis caught his breath, he tucked the spatula back in the drawer.


Yeah, love?

You can't hear me laugh, can you?

Harry's smile dimmed slightly before he answered. No.. I can't. But I can see it on your face, and shaking your body, I can feel how happy you are without hearing it.

Louis kissed him and the smile returned to his face full force.

Okay, love. Pancake time. Harry took Louis' wrist and guided him to the ingredient set up he had on the counter.
Mix the dry ingredients. Baking soda and powder, flour, sugar, and a pinch of salt.

Louis dumped the correct measurements of each into the big bowl on the counter.

Okay, now the vinegar. Put two tablespoons in a cup and a half of milk.

Ew? Louis made a face.

Trust me. Harry giggled.

Louis dumped the vinegar into the milk and immediately it started to curdle.Louis looked at Harry doubtfully, and Harry just rolled his eyes with a grin and continued his instructions.

Let that sit for five minutes, and we can butter the pan for now.

What about the eggs?

They go in with the milk eventually.

Alright. Louis cut a thick piece of butter and plopped it into the hot pan, the butter sizzled and bubbled.

After five minutes, Harry cracked the eggs into the curdled milk and told Louis to whisk it together. Louis mixed the liquids together and dumped them into the dry ingredients. Harry stood behind Louis, his hand covering Louis', helping him whisk the ingredients together, his lips occasionally tickling Louis' neck. Harry grabbed a quarter cup measuring cup from a drawer and handed it to Louis.

Scoop this much batter and pour it in the pan, should be the right amount.

Louis followed his instruction and the batter sizzled as it touched the hot butter.

Let it bubble on top, and then I'll teach you how to flip it.

You're gonna have a lot of floor pancakes if you want me to flip them.

Harry let out a big laugh and kissed Louis' cheek. I'll help you, baby.

Once the pancake was covered in tiny bubbles, Harry took the pan off the burner and held it flat over the kitchen floor. Ready?

Yes. Louis looked excited to see if Harry could actually flip the pancake like this, he'd only ever seen it done in movies.
Harry dipped the pan and flicked his wrist, and the pancake flipped perfectly and landed back in the pan with a sizzling sound. The top of the pancake was a perfect golden brown.

That's awesome! How'd you learn to do that?

Harry's smile faltered again slightly as he replied. My dad taught me when I was younger.

Louis could feel that something was off with Harry from his facial expression, but he let it go for now. The pancake was finished and Harry slid it out of the pan onto a plate. It was the fluffiest pancake Louis had ever seen, an inch thick and perfectly cooked.


See? The vinegar with the milk makes it fluffy. He smiled and ripped the pancake in half with his hands, handing Louis one half. Louis took a bite of the cake and his eyes lit up with pleasant surprise.

This is delicious!

Harry nodded with his mouth full of pancake, pouring another scoop of batter in the pan.

Your turn to flip.

Louis raised his eyebrows giving Harry an 'are you sure?' look. Harry laughed and pointed to the bubbly pancake.

It's almost ready. Just take the pan handle, I'll help you.

Louis grabbed the handle of the pan and did what Harry had done before, he held the pan in front of him over the kitchen floor. Louis felt Harry press his chest against his back and reach around to hold the pan, their hands overlapping. Harry guided Louis' arm to dip the pan down, and then flicked their wrists up. The pancake flipped halfway and stuck together before falling back into the pan. Louis set the pan back on the burner and turned to Harry with an 'oops' face. Harry grabbed a knife and pulled the stuck bit of pancake out and flat against the pan.

You got it! Easy fix.

Can I try the next one too? Louis asked with an excited grin.

Of course! Harry slid the pancake onto the plate and poured more batter into the hot pan. Once the surface was covered in bubbles, Louis took the handle of the pan and held it in front of him. He took a deep breath and dipped the pan and flicked his wrist. The pancake flipped in the air and landed perfectly back in the pan. Louis' mouth opened in a shocked smile. He jumped up and down after putting the pan back on the burner.

I did it!

Harry's smiled so fondly as Louis, feeling his excitement fill his heart. They continued making pancakes, only one fell on the floor, and when they had a stack of a dozen pancakes, they set out two plates at the counter bar and Harry grabbed the bottle of syrup. They sat and devoured the fluffy pancakes, smiles plastered to their faces. Harry's phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to see a text from Ed.

Ed said we can come to the studio any time after 2:00. It was already almost noon.

Okay! I can't wait to see what he and Niall are working on.

Me either. Harry smiled down at his empty plate. I should shower before we go.

Louis felt like he could definitely use a shower after last night, but he figured he'd just shower when he went home later.
As if he'd read Louis'mind, Harry asked. Do you want to take one with me?

Louis nodded and jumped off the stool. Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bathroom. Harry pulled the white shower curtain aside and turned on the water, letting it run hot before adjusting the temperature. They stripped their clothes off, eyeing each other's naked bodies with fond smiles. They stepped into the steamy shower, and Harry pulled the curtain shut. There was a small shelf built into the shower wall that held Harry's shampoo and soap. They took turns under the hot water, soaking their skin and hair, washing off dried sweat and cum. Harry poured some lavender scented shampoo in his hand and turned Louis to face the wall with his back to him. Harry covered both his hands in the shampoo and rubbed it into Louis' hair. He massaged Louis' head and scrubbed until his whole head was covered in shampoo foam. They switched spots so Louis could rinse his hair, and then he did the same for Harry. Louis stood on his toes and Harry leaned back for him to be able to reach the top of Harry's head. Harry's hair was a bit past his chin, and Louis ran his fingers through the shampoo filled locks. Harry rinsed his hair and turned to stick his face under the water quickly. Harry turned back to face Louis, who had a smirk on his face. Harry looked down and saw that Louis had an erection, his cock hard in front of him.

Sorry. Louis blushed, still smirking. You're naked and gorgeous.

Harry's partial erection sprung up fully when Louis bit his lip and moved closer to him, running his hands up and down Harry's wet body.

Louis. Shit, I can't focus on signing when you do that. Harry said as Louis gripped his cock and began to stroke it.

That's okay.

Harry's breath caught in his throat and he moaned as Louis sped up.

I don't have lube in here.

I've got you.
Louis carefully got down on his knees on the shower floor and kissed along the length of Harry's cock. Harry sucked in a breath as Louis slid the tip into his mouth.

"Fuck." Harry said out loud. His fingers gripped the shelf with one hand, while the other gripped Louis' hair as his head bobbed faster, sucking Harry deep into his mouth. Louis listened to Harry's heavy breathing and subtle moans as he sucked him off. He took Harry's cock deeper into his mouth, causing Harry to let out a vulgar moan and grip his hair tighter. Harry tapped Louis' shoulder to warn him that he was going to cum. Louis continued sucking Harry's cock, taking it deep as he heard Harry's breath catch, and swallowing as Harry came down his throat. Harry's mouth was stuck open in a silent moan as his orgasm washed over him. Harry pulled out of Louis' mouth and loosened the grip on his hair, looking down at him with starry eyes and a fucked out smile.

Holy shit, Lou.

Louis grinned as Harry pulled him in for a deep kiss. Their mouths opened, tongues moving into each others mouths. They pulled apart, switching spots so Louis was under the hot water.

I can taste myself on your tongue. Harry signed.

Fuck, that's so hot.

Harry winked at him and took his turn dropping to his knees on the shower floor. Louis looked down as Harry took his hard cock into his hot, wet mouth. Louis gripped Harry's hair and held himself up against the shower wall. Harry stuck his hands on the back of Louis' thighs, squeezing them and pulling his cock deeper into his mouth.

"Jesus Christ. Fuuuck." Louis moaned, knowing Harry couldn't hear him, but he couldn't move his hands to sign.

Harry sucked Louis deep into his mouth, swirling his tongue along the tip and hollowing his cheeks. With Louis' cock in his mouth, Harry peaked up to watch Louis' face. He moaned around Louis' cock when he saw Louis biting his lip to keep from shouting. Louis' moans filled the bathroom, he tightened his grip in Harry's curls as his cock touched the back of Harry's throat.

"Fuck. Oh my god." Louis gripped harder on the wall, his knees threatening to give out.
Harry could feel the shaking in Louis' legs and tightened his grip on his thighs to hold him steady. Louis tapped Harry's shoulder and Harry sucked Louis to the back of his throat again. When the tip of his cock touched the back of Harry's throat again, he lost it. His whole body shook as he came, hard and hot, down Harry's throat. Harry watched Louis' face as he came, holding him steady as he swallowed. Harry pulled his mouth off Louis and stood up, keeping his hold on Louis, who still had his eyes closed, trying to catch his breath. Harry smiled and placed one hand flat against Louis' chest. Louis opened his eyes, looking extraordinarily fucked. A small smile spread across his face as he locked eyes with Harry. Louis let go of his grip on the wall and ran his hands down Harry's chest.

Jesus Christ, Harry. Fuck. Just. Fuck.

Harry chuckled and pulled Louis to his chest and rested his chin on Louis' head and wrapping his arms around Louis' back. Louis' hot breath hit Harry's chest, along with a sprinkle of tiny kisses. Louis could feel Harry's heartbeat through his chest as he pressed his ear against it.

Knowing Harry couldn't hear him, he quietly whispered against Harry's hot skin. "I love you, Harry."
As if he could feel the meaning of those words, Harry squeezed Louis tighter, burying his face in Louis' hair. They pulled apart after a few more moments.

Should we get out? Harry asked.

Yeah, the water's running colder.
Harry turned back and shut the water off, he pulled the shower curtain back and grabbed two towels from the bathroom cabinet, handing one to Louis.They dried off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towels around their waists as they walked across the flat to Harry's bedroom. Louis pulled his skinny jeans and a tee shirt out of his backpack as Harry rummaged through his dresser for an outfit to wear. Harry decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a baby pink tee shirt. After they dressed, they sat on Harry's bed to plan the day.

We can grab a bite to eat on the way to the studio? I'll text Ed and see if he and Niall want anything.

Okay. Louis smiled. What do you want to eat?

Chinese sound alright?


Harry laid on his back on the mattress and reached behind him to the bedside table to grab his hearing aids. He turned back to Louis and explained, I want to be able to hear what Ed and Niall are working on.

Louis nodded in understanding and smiled as Harry tucked the hearing into his ears and turned them on.

"Hi." Harry's deep voice filled Louis' ears, he loved that sound.

"Hi" Louis replied.

"You're wonderful at signing, but god is it good to hear your voice." Harry pulled Louis in for a kiss.

"Want to head out?" Louis asked, standing up from the bed and offering a hand to Harry.

Harry took his hand and stood up, grabbing his phone to text Ed. "Yeah, let me text Ed real quick and grab some stuff."

Harry grabbed his backpack and tossed in a beanie and a grey hoodie. He grabbed one of his digital cameras and put that in his bag as well. He tucked a journal and a few pens inside, before zipping the bag closed.

"Should I bring my bag?" Louis asked, picking it up off the floor.

"If you want, or you could sleep here again tonight?" Harry offered with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Yes, please." Louis smiled and set his bag back down, pulling his hoodie out to take with him.

Harry offered to put Louis' hoodie in his bag and then slung the backpack over his shoulder as they walked to the front door. Harry pulled on his worn brown Chelsea boots and Louis slipped on his white vans. They made sure they had their keys and wallets, and headed out of Harry's flat to the lift. The lift ride was quiet, the boys held hands and just enjoyed each other's presence. When they reached the lobby, they walked through and stepped out into the overcast London street. They turned the corner and walked into the parking garage towards Harry's car. Harry unlocked his car and opened the door for Louis before walking around to the driver's side and climbing into his own seat. He turned the car on and handed Louis the aux cord again. Louis plugged his phone in and pressed play on a song called '7' by Catfish and the Bottlemen. The music filled the car and Harry handed Louis his phone to read Ed's text reply.

"They definitely want Chinese food." Louis laughed. "Niall wants chicken lo mein and pork dumplings, and Ed wants shrimp fried rice. He said he'd Venmo you if you tell him what they owe."

Harry smiled. "Right, sounds good. Can you turn the music up? I want to hear it better."

Louis turned the music almost as loud as it would go and texted Ed a thumbs up emoji before clicking Harry's phone off. Harry drove through town and they stopped in a small car park by Lucky Star Chinese, where they'd had their first date. Louis smiled at the memory and unbuckled his seat belt so they could go inside. Harry opened the restaurant door for him, and they placed their large order at the bar. Fifteen minutes later, their arms were full of Chinese food containers and they made their way back to Harry's Jeep. They stacked the food on the floor between Louis' feet and set off towards the studio on the other side of town. When they arrived at the studio, Harry pulled into the car park and parked next to Ed's blue Ford Focus. They filled their arms with Chinese food again and made their way into the building. They walked through the long halls until they came across studio twelve, where Ed and Niall were waiting for them. As soon as they opened the door, Niall was there saying hello and taking takeaway cartons from their hands and setting them on the small coffee table in the middle of the room. A black couch sat against the wall with the door, a coffee table in front of it, and the sound board across from it against the glass window to the studio. Niall and Ed had half a dozen empty coffee cups on the table already, which Ed threw in the trash to make room for their lunch.

"Thank you guys so much. We're starving!" Ed said gratefully, reaching for his fried rice and a fork.

Thank you "Yes! Starving." Niall chipped in. "We've had nothing but coffee and some cinnamon rolls earlier." he said between bites of dumplings.

Louis laughed as he took the lid off his moo shoo chicken and took a bite. Harry pulled the lid off his chicken fried rice and expertly started to eat it with chopsticks.

"I don't know how you do that, mate." Ed grinned as Harry put a large bite of rice and chicken in his mouth. "I feel like I couldn't eat fast enough with chopsticks."

Harry grinned, spinning the chopsticks between his fingers like drumsticks.

"Show off." Niall poked his side, making him jump and spill his next chopstick full bite of rice onto the table.

They all laughed as Harry scooped the fallen rice into his hand and tossed it in the bin. He used his chopsticks to steal a bit of Niall's lo mein and laughed at Niall's surprised face.

"Payback, mate." Harry grinned and slurped the lo mein noodles into his mouth.

When they'd finished their food and tossed all the takeaway containers in the bin, Niall pulled out his phone to show them some of what they'd worked on earlier in the day. He had a few videos of Ed behind the studio glass, playing his guitar and singing into the mic. The sound wasn't great, Niall had placed his phone mic next to the large headphones that played the music that Ed was recording, he'd moved his phone too much, and the sound was scratchy. but Ed looked in the zone and very passionate as he sang.

Niall clicked off his phone and shoved it in his back pocket. "We need to rerecord some stuff from earlier, and record some new songs, by the end of the night. You guys wanna stay and listen?"

"Yes!" Louis and Harry said in unison.

Harry continued, "We've got the whole day."

Louis and Harry took a seat on the couch to watch as Niall took his seat at the sound board. Ed grabbed his guitar and walked into the glassed in studio. Niall flipped a couple switches so Ed's music would play back through the room instead of just his headphones. He had the headphones set to a channel to only hear Ed's voice without the guitar. He put the headphones on and took side off his ear to hear the whole room playback as well.

"Whenever you're ready, mate." he called to Ed through a mic that played into the studio. Ed pulled his own large headphones on and gave Niall a thumbs up.

Niall waited for Ed to start playing to adjust the volume for Harry to hear, and then sat back and listened as Ed played a song called Tenerife Sea. His guitar sounded beautiful through the speakers, his voice loud and clear. Harry and Louis watched as Ed closed his eyes and continued to sing.

"Should this be the last thing I see? I want you to know its enough for me. 'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need. So in love. So in love."

Ed's voice filled the room. Niall pressed the headphone to his ear harder to hear the vocals clearer without the guitar. He turned and gave Louis and Harry a thumbs up. They smiled and returned the gesture, both thoroughly enjoying the song.

"Lumiere, darling. Lumiere over me. Lumiere, darling. Lumiere over me. Lumiere, darling. Lumiere over me." Ed's voice sang sweetly, his voice getting higher with each repetition.

Harry turned to Niall and signed. He's incredible. This sounds so different than live at the pub.

That's because it's a controlled environment. All the mics for his voice and his guitar are set specifically for this song. The soundproofing of the studio keeps all of our booth sounds out, plus, there's no drunken shouting. Niall laughed and turned back to face Ed, who had just finished the song.
All three boys stood up and clapped for him, Niall turned on the studio mic to Ed could hear them.

"Thanks guys." Ed's voice came through the booth speakers. "What's next, Ni?"

"Can we do another take of 'Dive', and then we can move on to 'What Do I Know?' Sound good?"

Ed gave Niall a thumbs up and strummed his guitar a few times, placing the capo in the right spot for this song. Niall turned off the studio mic and readjusted a few dials before Ed started playing 'Dive'. The sound of Ed's guitar filled the booth, and his voice followed, sounding deep and sultry for this song.

"I could fall, or I could fly. Here in your aeroplane. I could live, I could die. Hanging on the words you say. And I've been known to give my own, and jumping in harder than ten thousand rocks on the lake. So don't call me baby, unless you mean it. Don't tell me you need me, if you don't believe it. So let me know the truth, before I dive right into you."

Louis turned to Harry and signed. I really like this one.

Me too. Harry grinned and held Louis' hand tight in his. He leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Louis' soft lips. When they pulled apart from the kiss, they rested their foreheads together, eyes closed, just listening to Ed's song.

Ed watched them and smiled as he continued played. "I could fall, or I could fly here in your aeroplane. I could live, I could die hanging on the words you say. And I've been known to give my all. And lie awake, everyday don't know how much I can take. So don't call me baby---"

They spent the next few hours chatting with Niall and listening to Ed record songs for his album. His voice sounded phenomenal, and the boys all clapped after every song. Niall had him rerecord a few more, and by dinner time, Ed only had two songs left to record. He could only afford to rent the studio for the one day, so he and Niall had been there since 7:00 that morning, and had no intention of leaving before midnight. Ed set his guitar down and made his way out of the studio.

"What'd you think?" he asked Louis and Harry.

"Incredible, mate. Sounds class!" Harry stood from the couch and pulled Ed into a side hug.

"Anyone else hungry?" Ed asked, pulling out his phone.

"Yes" "Yeah" "God Yes" got called back to him. Ed grinned and started to dial a number in his phone.

"Pizza okay with everyone?"

They all nodded and Ed called and ordered two large pizzas, one cheese, and one pepperoni. They all sat around in the booth and talked about the album. Ed watched Louis and Harry as they caught each other's eyes and smiled at each other, cheeks turning pink, while they tried to pay attention to the conversation. Twenty minutes later, Ed got a text that the pizza guy was out front. Niall stood up and headed to the door.

"I've got it, you guys grab drinks from the vending machine down the hall, I'll be right back."

Harry and Louis ventured into the hall to find the vending machine as Ed stayed back in the booth. They found the machine down the next hallway over and put in a few dollars to get drinks for themselves and the other boys. Niall and Ed would want a Coke, Louis chose a Sprite, and Harry chose an orange Fanta. They took the drinks and made their way back to the studio, getting to the door right as Niall was getting back with the pizza.

"Ah, cheers mates." Niall smiled at them as Louis opened the door back into the studio.

They all sat on the floor around the coffee table and ate the pizza, mostly discussing Ed's music and how he and Niall had decided to work together. Ed had heard that Niall was going to school for sound engineering, and had asked him to help record and produce his first album. Niall had said yes instantly, and they had spent quite a few hours hanging out in Ed's garage and listening to demo tracks. So far, his album had ten songs; Tenerife Sea, What Do I Know?, Dive, Galway Girl, Happier, Bloodstream, Don't, Little Bird, Cold Coffee, and Drunk. Ed wanted to add one more song, which they'd have to come back and record eventually since he didn't have it written yet. After the pizza was eaten, and the boxed thrown in the bin, Niall sat back at the sound board, and Ed made his way back into the studio. It was almost 8:00, and they still had to record 'Cold Coffee' and 'Drunk', hopefully before midnight.
Louis and Harry got comfortable on the sofa. Harry had pulled on his hoodie and beanie, and Louis had kicked his shoes off a while ago. They sat and listened as Niall and Ed chatted through the mic about the next song. Ed gave a thumbs up to Niall, and looked behind him to give Harry and Louis a thumbs up as well. Ed signed a quick 'thank you' to them as well, before strumming his guitar and playing 'Cold Coffee'.
Niall had turned the volume down in the studio, and Harry could just barely hear it. He was alright with that, since Ed and Niall were really trying to focus and get these last two songs finished. Ed ran through 'Cold Coffee' a few times, Niall adjusting the sound each time, messing with volume and bass. Around 9:30, they'd gotten a recording they were both happy with and moved on to 'Drunk'.
After they'd played through 'Drunk' twice, Harry rested his head on Louis' chest, feeling incredibly sleepy. Louis was sat slouched back on the sofa, his chin resting against his hand. When Harry rested his head on his chest, Louis put his hand on Harry's shoulder and rubbed it lightly as Harry relaxed.

Ed watched the boys get cozy on the couch as he was finishing up another run through of 'Drunk'. When he finished playing, he got Niall's attention and pointed behind him towards the couch, a big smile on his face. Niall turned around and saw Harry fast asleep with his face on Louis' stomach. Louis also seemed to be sleeping, resting against the back of the couch with his hand on Harry's shoulder. Niall turned to Ed and made an 'Awwww' face before turning back around and grabbing Harry's backpack. He unzipped the big pocket and pulled out Harry's camera that he'd messed around with earlier. Niall turned the camera on and removed the lens cap, he turned the lens towards the sleeping boy and focused the shot before pressing the shutter button. He grinned and pulled up the memory, showing Ed the picture through the glass.

Ed smiled and mouthed "one more take" to Niall through the window. Niall sat back at the sound board, he changed the output so the music only came through his headphones, letting the boys sleep in the quiet. Ed gave Niall a thumbs up and they recorded one more take of 'Drunk'. When Ed finished the song, Niall stood up from the sound board and took of his headphones, he went to the glass door and walked into the studio with Ed so they could talk without waking the boys.

"That was proper class, mate." Niall said. "That last take was fantastic, I think that'll be the final track once I cross in the drum track."

Ed smiled and thanked Niall for all of his help. Then he proposed an idea.
"I think I have an idea for the last song I want to add."

"Yeah? What is it?"

Ed nodded his head towards the sleeping couple. "Can you grab my notebook off the sound board?"

Niall stuck his head out the studio door into the booth and grabbed Ed's notebook and a pen. They sat down on the floor of the studio as Ed started writing and singing under his breath.

"One, two, three, four... Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms. And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet.---"
Ed looked up at Niall to gauge his response.

"Shit, mate. It's about them, yeah?" he looked out towards Louis and Harry, who were still sound asleep on the sofa.

"They're quite cute, it's inspiring." Ed said and continued writing down lyrics, humming a soft tune. He wrote down the potential chorus and then sang it for Niall.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love, we're falling in love."

Niall smiled at Ed, "It's brilliant."

They sat in the studio for another hour until it was 11:45. Ed finished writing the first draft of the song, and they stepped back into the booth to wake up the boys, turning off the studio lights behind them. Ed set his guitar against the sound board and walked over towards the sofa.

"I hate to wake them." He whispered.

"Yeah, but we've got fifteen minutes left of studio time, gotta do it, mate." Niall walked around Ed and gently placed his hand on Louis' shoulder, nudging him awake.

Louis opened his eyes slowly and smiled at Niall. "You guys done?"

"Yeah, Lou. It's almost midnight. Careful, Haz is asleep." Niall looked down at Harry, sleeping peacefully against Louis' body.

Louis' face lit up with a fond adoration as he watched Harry's breath flutter his curls. "I don't want to wake him." Louis said, sounding disappointed because he would definitely have to.

Louis used the hand that was resting on Harry's shoulder to gently shake him awake.
"Haz. Baby. Wake up sweetheart, it's time to go home."
Louis spoke gently to Harry, who buried his face deeper into Louis' stomach. All the boys chuckled and joined in helping Louis wake him up.

"Harry, wake up mate. It's nearly midnight." Ed said a bit louder.

"Haz, buddy. Time to get up. Louis will take you home and you can go back to sleep." Niall chimed in.

Harry turned his head away from Louis' stomach and squinted his eyes to look at his friends. "Mmm. Fine, I'm up." he pushed himself up until he was sitting properly on the couch, Louis took his hand and helped him stand up.

"I've got your stuff, love." Louis reached down and grabbed Harry's backpack, slinging it over his shoulder, never letting go of Harry's hand. "Want me to drive, Haz?"

"Yes, please." Harry yawned and smiled at his friends. He moved and gave Ed and Niall big hugs, telling Ed how much he loved his album and couldn't wait to hear the completed tracks. Louis said goodnight and gave Ed and Niall hugs as well, thanking them for the invite to the studio.
Niall and Ed stayed back in the studio to clean up and gather their things. Harry and Louis waved goodbye to the other boys as they left the studio and headed out to the car park. Louis opened the passenger door for Harry and helped him into the car. Harry had his head resting against the door as Louis climbed into the driver's seat. He looked at his sleepy boyfriend and placed his hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently.

"Goodnight, Haz. I'll wake you when we're back to your flat."

"Mmm. Night Lou Lou." Harry mumbled, half asleep again.

Louis chuckled, started the car, and headed back towards Harry's flat. Harry fell asleep completely in the first minute or two of the drive and Louis couldn't help himself from looking over at his boyfriend every few minutes, watching his chest rise and fall with his deep breaths. Once Louis parked Harry's Jeep in the garage on the first floor, he climbed out and walked to the passenger side. Harry was leaning back against his seat, so Louis carefully opened the door and tapped Harry's shoulder.

"C'mon baby. We're home." Harry didn't move, so Louis shook his shoulder a little harder. "Sweetheart, we're home. Can you wake up, love?"

Harry sighed and rolled his head over to look at Louis with sleepy eyes.
"Carry me?" He asked in a tiny voice.

Louis couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. "Of course, love. Help me out a bit, yeah?"
Louis turned so his back was to Harry so that he could climb on. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and his legs around his waist, and Louis used his strength to lift Harry and pull him onto his back. He grabbed Harry's backpack and shut and locked the car door as he set off towards Harry's building. Thankfully it wasn't a long walk, and when they got in the lift to go upstairs, Harry had his head resting on Louis' shoulder. Louis turned his head and placed a kiss to Harry's curls. The lift opened to Harry's floor, and Louis walked over to the door. He unlocked the door to Harry's flat, walking inside and re-locking the door behind him. He didn't even bother taking off his shoes, he carried Harry to his bedroom and gently set him down on the mattress. Harry sighed and rolled over, cuddling himself into the comforter. Louis chuckled and reached over to pull Harry's boots off. He set them on the floor and kicked off his own shoes. He walked over near Harry's head and kissed his forehead.

"Hand me your hearing aids, babe." Louis brushed his hand against Harry's cheek, and then held it out for Harry to place his hearing aids in it.

Harry groaned and pulled the little devices out of his ears and handed them to Louis without opening his eyes. He set them on the nightstand and walked back to the other side of the bed. Louis didn't even bother changing, he just flicked the light off and climbed on to bed, wrapping his arms around his beautiful, sleeping boyfriend.

"Goodnight, Harry. Sweet dreams." Louis whispered.

Harry was fast asleep, and after a few minutes of listening to his peaceful breathing, Louis fell asleep as well, his arms still wrapped around Harry and their feet intertwined at the end of the bed.


11,100 words!! What!! Crazy
Thank you to everyone who's been reading :)
I was so inspired by this chapter, I actually made that pasta dish for myself for dinner
Also that is a legit pancake recipe. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know. They're the best pancakes I've ever had. Hope you're all enjoying this story xx

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