"Soulmates." A Johnny X Reade...

By AshTheBurning

4.6K 128 90

You never thought that one thought could send you to another dimension. I mean... That's never been heard of... More

Soulmates; Unknown.
Soulmates; A Meeting
Soulmates; Closer.
Soulmates; A Realization.
Soulmates; Caring.

Soulmates; A Scare.

516 19 0
By AshTheBurning

Johnny's POV:

I bolted awake due to the fact that Meena had just came i-


'Awake!?' I turned to look and, lo and behold, Y/N and I had BOTH fallen asleep at some point during our practise...

My eyes widened.

'Now I remember! Y/N had fallen asleep and I had looked over at her. She had seemed really comfy and I had smiled. I couldn't help it! She looked so cute... I remember her mumbling. Then I yawned. I remembered how tired I was and I... Oh shit... I used her head as a pillow!... Granted, she had used my arm as a pillow so... Fair is fair I guess! '

I turned to Meena as she had quietened her tone.

"Sorry! But, Mr. Moon said that he'd like everyone to meet backstage before she arrives.." I nodded at her.

"We'll be right down, just gotta wake up sleepin' beauty 'ere!" I chuckled and looked at Meena...

Just in time to see her wiggle her eyebrows suggestively as she ran through the door.

I shook my head and turned to previously mentioned sleeping beauty.

"C'mon Y/N, ya gotta wake up now, love... 'Ere, C'mon, we ain't got all day.." I poked her before I huffed and just picked her up bridal style. Before I left though, I managed to grab my jacket. I had thrown it on top of Y/N, seeing as she was still only wearing a dress and her boots. She had snuggled into me, seeing as she was still mumbling something along the lines of: 'Too comfy, don't wanna get up, jus five more minutes..'

It was adorable really.

I had walked down the stairs and sat Y/N on them as I got a newspaper that was on the banister (Which Y/N was now leaning on). My dad was on the front cover of the paper.

I frowned, but Mr. Moon had walked over.

"Johnny, you follow them.."

I lowered the newspaper.

"What? Oh, oh yeah, yeah, I'm ready, yeah-"

I was about to keep reading when Mr. Moon had mentioned Y/N.

"Is Y/N okay?"

I looked over at her, still leaning on the banister, snuggled up with my jacket and she had a content smile on her face. Seeing her like that made me smile too. She's so cute...
I looked back at Mr. Moon.

"Oh, Yeah... She's fine, she fell asleep while we were practicing on the piano."

"M'kay, well," He began to walk away.
"Make sure you wake her up soon, alright??"

I nodded at him.

I looked back at the paper, and then sighed.

'He's right, I'm gonna have to wake her up...'

I looked over at her and (reluctantly) poked her.

"C'mon love, ya gotta get up now, Mr. Moon said so..." I sighed as Ash had walked over and looked up at me.

"Need some help?" I nodded frantically.

"Yes- Yes please, I don't know how to wake her up without her getting angry right away!" I made a few hand motions towards a sleeping Y/N that was right beside me.

"Okay, on one condition though-" She had raised her hand, but I had cut her off.

"Anything, as long as it's not money, I haven't got much of that myself.. Heh.." I rubbed the back of my neck, that was true.

"Okaayy... Well, you like her right?" I looked at her shocked.

"How'd you-" She cut me off.

"It's blatantly obvious for EVERYONE here. Okay, so my one condition is, after the actual show, the actual contest... I want you to confess to her. It's PAINFUL to watch you two interact. It's clear you both like each other!" I stared at her shocked.

'Did she just say... Each othe-'

My thought was cut short, due to Ash walking right up to Y/N and yelling in her ear.


Y/N, much to everyone's amusement, bolted upright, fell down a few steps and yelled back at her.

"WHAT??? FUCK!!!" She stood up but as soon as she saw me... She turned and glared at Ash. I shivered. That glare was somethin' fierce.

"Run.." Ash's eyes widened as she ran off somewhere. I don't blame her, Y/N can be scary even when she doesn't try.

I looked over at Mr. Moon as he was standing on a blue and gold case.

"Mr. Moon... She's.. Here!" I looked between Miss. Crawley and Mr. Moon.

'Aw man..'

Y/N's POV:

I looked over at Johnny, he looked like he had just seen a ghost. I couldn't blame him though, Nana really IS scary.

Mr. Moons eyes widened as he looked to everyone that was here.

"Alright everyone, places! I'm going to go greet her!" He ran off somewhere as I sulked off to the side. I ran my fingers through my hair to tame the beast that is... My mop.

Nana had made her entrance and sat down. I peaked through the curtains just in time to see Miss. Crawley sneeze which caused the tea to go all over Nana.

She motioned for her to leave and pulled out her fan as a bell went off and the lights went dim.

I snickered and quickly hid behind the curtain. I went over and found a random chair to sit on.

'Even if I wanted to originally perform, I feel exhausted. So I don't think I'll be performing today...'

I furrowed my eyebrows at the floorboards.

It's been so weird recently.

'For fuck sake... I still don't know if this is all real. It feels real, but if it is... How?? It doesn't make any sense!'

I sighed.

'I feel like shit...'

I hugged my arms and walked over to everyone as they clapped at Moons display.

I smiled as Johnny looked at me, he then raised an eyebrow.

I was confused until I looked at him and realised that his signature leather was nowhere to be seen.

That wasn't completely true though... I looked down and... I was STILL wearing it from earlier. I had shrugged it on, too tired to even realise that it was HUGE on me. Too tired to realise that it wasn't even MINE.

I looked over to see Moon, about to say something.

'I feel as if I'm forgetting somethi-'

My thoughts were cut off as the front doors were slammed open. I couldn't see who came in... But I didn't need to. I knew who had just walked in.
I stumbled back.

'Shits about to hit. The. Fan..'

"Which one of you is Moon?" I heard a fair few pairs of heavy footsteps. They clearly belonged to the bears. I grimaced.

"Hey, hey, hey.. You can't just barge in here-" Moon was cut of as the head bear held Mike up.

"You know this guy?"

'Unfortunately, yes.' I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Mike?" Moons arms fell to his side, clearly confused.

"Right, Mike here says you've got his money, and it's in that box."

I looked up and saw Eddie and his Nana watching on in shock.

"No, no, no, no. Just hold on a moment here," He motioned towards the box that was sitting on the glass pedestal.
"That's prize money, and it's not Mike's unless he wins it fair and square-"

"Just give him the money!" Mike was currently being squished to death.

'Not like I care though, this pip-squeak has caused nothing but trouble..'

I tuned out of my thoughts, apparently missing Moons ramble.

"Open it!"

"Open it? I-I-.. Me?" Moon was stepping away from the bear. And rightfully so, these brutes clearly waltz around thinking that they own the fucking place.

The bears made their way onto the stage as Mike was still grabbing at the bears claws.

"Open it!" Mike was struggling to breath.

"Okay," Moon ended up falling onto the steps that lead to the box, which had the prize money.
"I-I-I just don't have the keys," He dropped the mic... Literally.
"So," He was picked up by his ear.
"Maybe you could come back later?"

"Get out of the way!" He threw Moon and Mike to the side. I ran onto the stage and over to Moon. I glared at Mike.

"This is all your fucking fault!" I had whispered, so that the bears didn't hear.

"No, no, no, WAIT!!" Moon yelled as the bear had just smashed the box.

'Shiiit-' My eyes widened. This is all happening so quickly. I... I couldn't do anything.

I flinched as the pieces went every where. I looked over and saw that everyone else was too.

Johnny had mouthed the words: "Are you okay?". I nodded at him, then turned my head to look at the mess on stage.

"He, hey! There ya go! Big guy with the bat!" Mike dusted himself off and walked over to the remenants of the chest.
"Who needs keys, right? Well, let's get this thing squared up now!" We walked right up to the site of the smash and waved his arm around.


"What the... That's it??" He bent down and chucked a few pieces of the box to the side.

I saw the bear tighten his grip on the bat in his paws as his frown became (Somehow) more prominent on his features.

"That's all there is??" I began to stand up, now was time for those acting classes to come in handy.

Mike was now clutching a watch.

"He lied!" Everyone (Including Me) gasped as I heard a 'What?' come from Johnny.

I stumbled back as the bear glared at Moon.

"Moon lied to us all!" The beat began slapping the bat against his other paw.

"Wai-Wait a second, I can explain this is just a prop-" Moon was cut off as Johnny and the rest of the enraged animals walked towards him.

"So where's the hundred thousand dollars?" Johnny seemed to be holding back the extent of his anger, I decided to chime in, I needed to make them believe that I didn't know.

"Why didn't you to tell me Moon.. Why didn't you tell US?...
Why didn't you just... Ask for help.." I sounded believable. I stepped back a bit and began wiping my eyes, some dust had gotten in but I was using this to my advantage.

The squids had began flashing as the glass floor cracked.

"Uhhh... Guys?.. The... Floor... It's..." I stumbled back. This isn't good...

'I can't swim, I never even learned how to!!!'

Everyone had stopped talking as they stared at the large crack going up the wall.

Water had started bursting out of a few spots.

"RUN!!!" I yelled as me and a couple of other quick thinkers managed to run... But it was too late.

We were all swept away with the wave. I briefly heard Meena yelp.

'I can't breathe... Shit... Oh shit...' I heard someone scream, but with my head being underwater, my hearing was distorted.

I saw the chandelier fall.

My head started feeling really light as black spots began appearing in my vision when-


I passed out..

Johnny's POV:

I was on the ground coughing my lungs up.

"Oh, is everyone okay??" I could hear Moon ask.

I looked about... I couldn't see Y/N...

'Hang on a minute... Didn't she say once... That she couldn't swim..?'

"shit...Y/N!??" I stood up and whipped around, trying to find her.

I looked over and, I really hoped it wasn't her...

Inside the building, I saw something shiny.

On closer inspection... It was a leather jacket..

Scratch that, MY leather jacket.

"Y/N!!! NO!!" I ran over. Inside the building, beside the chandelier, there she lay.

In any other circumstances, I would've said that she looked peaceful.

I dropped to my knees and rolled her onto her back. My heart dropped as my eyes lowered to her chest... To realise... She wasn't breathing.

I picked her up and ran outside, no way was this building gonna stay stable for much longer.

I ran to a spot that was a fair bit away from the theater. I knew it'd collapse soon. I couldn't let her get hurt again

I dropped to my knees again as I placed Y/N gently on the ground.

I was only focusing on giving her CPR,
So I didn't see everyone surrounding me.
I didn't hear them ask if she was okay.

It took about two minutes and I was about to give up.

But as I gave one last final push to the middle of her chest-

Her eyes shot open as she gasped.

She rolled onto her side and began coughing up water.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief-

And so did everyone else.

That is, until the building collapsed.

Y/N sat up and I held her by the shoulders. As we all watched the Moon theater collapse in and fall on itself.

Moon ran towards the theater and dropped onto his knees. Miss. Crawley walked over and began comforting him as I turned to Y/N.

"...Ya gave us all a right scare, you did.." I gripped her shoulder slightly as we lay on the debris-ridden floor.

"Yeah... I'm sorry..." She looked up at me with a smile before she ruined the moment.

"So, dooeees... This mean we kissed?" She had a teasing tone to her voice as she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh- Pfftt-" I pushed her away as she started laughing while lying down and kicking her feet in the air.

I looked at her fondly, before thinking to myself.

'God I love this girl...'

(2275 Words)

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