Soulmates; Unknown.

967 14 10

Y/N's POV:


'That damn demon is always interrupting my sleep... Fuck sake..'

I rolled over to look at my alarm clock.
'2 pm? Why this time?'
I sat there wondering why me from last night set the alarm for this time...

When I realised...

'I DIDN'T SET THIS ALARM!!!... Wait... Oh fuuuuu-'

It was then that I realised who had set it...

'Jessica... That bitch..'

I grimaced at the fact that SHE was the one who interrupted my sleep.

I then recalled her words from yesterday afternoon.

'You should wake up earlier then 6pm N/N, it's not healthy!'

I groaned, stood up and walked over to my full length mirror that was on my door.
I dunno HOW those Disney princess' do it.
I mean, look at me!

Messy-anna-in-the-morning H/L H/C hair, bags under my less-than-pretty E/C eyes... Of course I never get 'Out There' Jessica!

I trudged into the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. After pouring the milk, I made a mental note to get more milk later...

'Pffft- Yeah right, I'll just ask Jessica to get some on the way back from work~'

I smirked and situated myself on the couch.

After a minute of looking, I FINALLY found what I was looking for.

'Sing! I love this movie, from the character development, to the voices. I can't help it!'

I looked down at myself and shook my head.

'Ya proud a me ma? I'm 20 years old, sitting on my couch with a bowl of cereal at 2 in the afternoon and I'm about to watch a movie about singing animals.'

I stuck the movie on and finished my cereal.

When it came to the part where Johnny was auditioning, I couldn't stop smiling. His voice was absolutely gorgeous! And that accent...

'Pull yourself together N/N! Stop finding an animated gorilla good looking!'
'No. Never! I can't help it!'
'This is why we have no friends...'
'No, the reason that we have no friends is because we talk to ourselves.'
'That ain't a lie though...'

I slapped my forehead, why am I like this??

I dragged my hands down my face before I grabbed my phone and started to message Jessica.

I dragged my hands down my face before I grabbed my phone and started to message Jessica

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I smirked.

'N/N 1, Jessica nil!'

She always made me out to be the childish one, so whenever she fucked up I teased the HELL out of her after it.

After a while, I had finished the movie and Jessica had gotten home.

We sat down at the breakfast bar and ate some pizza.

She looked at me with a weird look in her eye before she decided to open that annoying trap of hers.


'Oh shit, what'd I do now!??'

"I may or may not have gotten us a double date..?" She had an uneasy smile on her face... And I knew why.

I stood up, making my chair fall and land on the floor, but right now, I didn't give a SHIT about that fucking chair.

"What!?? The hell Jess?? Why the fuck would you do that? You know I don't wanna get back into the dating scene!!"

She knew this. She knew that after Adam, I didn't wanna get involved with anyone. So the fact that she went BEHIND MY BACK and did this...
I can't believe her..

She flinched before she spoke again.

"I know, but-"

I cut her off, she had the audacity to say that she 'Knew'?? Cuz she fucking doesn't!! She doesn't know what hell I've been through because of that asshole!!!

All the doubt.. The hurt.. The pain..

"No Jessica, that's the problem! You 'Think' you know what's best for me, but you don't! I wish you would just... Just..."
I trailed off and before I knew it, I fucked up.

I ran to my room and curled up in my blankets. Proceeding to ball my eyes out. The day seemed fine at first..

I couldn't believe any of this.

She keeps saying that she found her soulmate and that she wants to help me find mine.


C'mon Jess... Just look at me... No guy or girl would think of me in that way...

And 'Soulmate'???

Don't make me laugh.

I don't have one...

And I never will...









Will I?

I mean...

Surely, within 7 billion people...
I might have someone...

'I wonder if I'll ever meet my soulmate..'

(746 Words)

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