Soulmates; Caring.

535 20 13

Y/N's POV:

I hadn't slept...



I finally got out of bed and went to my mini kitchen.

I made a cup of coffee and chugged it all down. After that, I brushed my hair out and shoved on another outfit.

I decided to take a slow walk to the theater, since I've been awake for a long time and

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I decided to take a slow walk to the theater, since I've been awake for a long time and... Well... In reality... I'm just in need of a walk.

After about... What? 12 minutes of walking, I ended up outside of a nice, homey lookin' coffee place. I had went and sat down without ordering, I wanted to think about what to order first.

I was about to stand up and place my order... When someone placed a coffee in front of me, and they then sat in front of me.

He was a hyena. He was wearing a leather jacket, a red and white striped top and a pair of blue jeans. He looked at me and decided to start up a conversation.

"Penny for your thoughts?.. I know this is weird, but if you want, I could offer you some advice and you could offer me some?" He seemed nervous.

"Sure... You go first though, what d'ya need advice on?" I looked down at my coffee and took a whiff.

'Mmmmm, vanilla~'

"Oh, okay.. Well.. My boyfriend's been really... Agitated recently. He keeps saying on how he's not good enough for me and that I'd be better without him. Whenever I'm gone for a few hours and he asks where I've been, I normally tell him: 'At work, why?' and he'll say: 'Well you don't need to get all defensive about it!'. He keeps asking if I've ever thought of cheating on him... What do I do...? I don't want him to be so full of self doubt.. "

I looked up at him after taking a few gulps of my coffee and I cleared my throat.

"He's clearly been in a bad relationship before. Possibly an abusive one. Whether it be verbally or physically. The fact that he's accusing you of cheating is probably because he's been cheated on in the past. The self doubt? Probably from another person and it's now ingrained in his brain. All I can suggest is to remind him everyday that you love him, spend some more time with him and tell him that you know there's no one else you'd rather be with. All he needs now, is for you to be there for him. Through thick and thin, right?"

He looked shocked but then nodded his head. He had a determined shine in his eye before he settled down and tapped the side of his cup.

"What about you? What've you been thinking about?"
He tilted his head slightly.

"Ah... Well..." I sighed.
"I just... I like this guy and... The other day... I had a breakdown... While we were hugging. Now I'm worried that he probably thinks I'm a baby, and that I should stop 'Faking It For The Attention'. Ya know?"

"Soulmates." A Johnny X Reader [COMPLETED] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz