Soulmates; A Scare.

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Johnny's POV:

I bolted awake due to the fact that Meena had just came i-


'Awake!?' I turned to look and, lo and behold, Y/N and I had BOTH fallen asleep at some point during our practise...

My eyes widened.

'Now I remember! Y/N had fallen asleep and I had looked over at her. She had seemed really comfy and I had smiled. I couldn't help it! She looked so cute... I remember her mumbling. Then I yawned. I remembered how tired I was and I... Oh shit... I used her head as a pillow!... Granted, she had used my arm as a pillow so... Fair is fair I guess! '

I turned to Meena as she had quietened her tone.

"Sorry! But, Mr. Moon said that he'd like everyone to meet backstage before she arrives.." I nodded at her.

"We'll be right down, just gotta wake up sleepin' beauty 'ere!" I chuckled and looked at Meena...

Just in time to see her wiggle her eyebrows suggestively as she ran through the door.

I shook my head and turned to previously mentioned sleeping beauty.

"C'mon Y/N, ya gotta wake up now, love... 'Ere, C'mon, we ain't got all day.." I poked her before I huffed and just picked her up bridal style. Before I left though, I managed to grab my jacket. I had thrown it on top of Y/N, seeing as she was still only wearing a dress and her boots. She had snuggled into me, seeing as she was still mumbling something along the lines of: 'Too comfy, don't wanna get up, jus five more minutes..'

It was adorable really.

I had walked down the stairs and sat Y/N on them as I got a newspaper that was on the banister (Which Y/N was now leaning on). My dad was on the front cover of the paper.

I frowned, but Mr. Moon had walked over.

"Johnny, you follow them.."

I lowered the newspaper.

"What? Oh, oh yeah, yeah, I'm ready, yeah-"

I was about to keep reading when Mr. Moon had mentioned Y/N.

"Is Y/N okay?"

I looked over at her, still leaning on the banister, snuggled up with my jacket and she had a content smile on her face. Seeing her like that made me smile too. She's so cute...
I looked back at Mr. Moon.

"Oh, Yeah... She's fine, she fell asleep while we were practicing on the piano."

"M'kay, well," He began to walk away.
"Make sure you wake her up soon, alright??"

I nodded at him.

I looked back at the paper, and then sighed.

'He's right, I'm gonna have to wake her up...'

I looked over at her and (reluctantly) poked her.

"C'mon love, ya gotta get up now, Mr. Moon said so..." I sighed as Ash had walked over and looked up at me.

"Need some help?" I nodded frantically.

"Yes- Yes please, I don't know how to wake her up without her getting angry right away!" I made a few hand motions towards a sleeping Y/N that was right beside me.

"Okay, on one condition though-" She had raised her hand, but I had cut her off.

"Anything, as long as it's not money, I haven't got much of that myself.. Heh.." I rubbed the back of my neck, that was true.

"Soulmates." A Johnny X Reader [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now