Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

By SunnyCoolKid

777K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... More

The Call
Hello, My Name is Southern Hospitality
Kick Back and Chill
There's More to you than Meets the Eye
It's All Good
On Television
Do Gooder
More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun
Let's Make Things Better
I Did It!
Talk and Text
Let's Party
As Playful As A Kitten
More Handsome
Big Trouble
On The Stage of Life
The Really Great Outdoors
You're About To Burn
You Can Choose Us!
Weather Changes, We don't
Big Red Sun
Hakuna Matata
Discovering the Unexpected
Colorful Compromise
Play Like a Pro
Too Comfortable
Age Can't Slow Me Down
Italian Style
Love Your Color
Ask Smart Questions
Yes, Really
Easy Does It
Has to Be
Time for Dinner
The Time of my Life
Point of View
Pick and Choose
Roof of the World
We Hear You
Modern Bride
Going Public
Fall in Love
Sassy Style
Under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Pony- Lovin'
Talk it Up
Please, Tommy. Please.
Come Home
It's an Alien
Two Human Beings
Bradley Walker and Shadow China
All the Little Babies
Oh, What a Life
Driving Lessons
Thanks Willa
Labor Day
The First Day


5K 171 192
By SunnyCoolKid

The next day, you sit, waiting for Thalia to wake up. Her last day as a single woman should be spent living it up with her girlfriends, doing crazy things only single people do. At least that's what Thalia thinks. Though, she's never quite struck you as much of a party girl, she must have some party in there. She's marrying Percy after all.

Sidney sits at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, munching on a piece of toast, looking something similar to a zombie. Juliette, of course, is still asleep. She has the saying, "Those who go to bed the same day they woke up are quitters!" She's always had that theory. She's crazy.

You tap your fingers on the couches armrest.

Oh, my gosh! Why does your family sleep in so late!?

And why is Percy's house so boring!?

Then your phone starts to ring a ring you've heard hundreds of times before.


Your insides flutter and you pick up your phone, "Hey, babe."

"Hey, sexy." He's just woke up. You can hear the seductive roughness in his throat that he has every morning when he wakes up.

You get up and walk into the bathroom, closing the door, "Gosh, you sound really hot right now." You almost whine it.

"You want to know what I'm doing?"

You raise an eyebrow, "What?"

He pauses, before he yells playfully, "I'm sitting on the toilet poopin'!"

Your face contorts, "Yuck! You'd better not be calling me when you're going to the bathroom."

"But I am!" He says sounding amused. Then you hear the toilet seat and the flushing of the toilet.

"EW, THOMAS!" You yell into the phone.

You can hear his laughter in the background. He can't control it. For a few minutes you sit there, not being able to help at least smiling, as Thomas laughs.

Finally, he laughs out, "You make it....too easy!"

You roll your eyes smirking, "I'm glad you got a good chuckle out of it."

He sighs, "Ahhhh, you're an amazing woman."

"I know."

"And so bloody humble."

"That too." You grin.

He's smiling. You know it.

"I miss you." He says.

"I miss you too."

"Are you being careful?"

"Very careful."

He's silent for a minute before he groans, "Ugh, I want to kiss you!"

You smile, "Sorry. The feeling is mutual here."

"And you know what? I was SO kissable yesterday! And you know how many kisses i got? ZERO."

You nod, "And seeing as how I'm not there, that is exactly the way it should stay."

He sigh, "Two more days."

You smile, "Two more days."

There's a knock at the bathroom door. A sleepy Juliette groans, "Iris, I have to pee!"

You smirk and look at the door, "I didn't need to know that!"

You look at the ground and say bye to Thomas, "I've got to go. Call me later."

"I will. Love you. Bye." He says.

"Love you too." You hang up. You glance in the mirror quickly before you turn to the bathroom door and fling it open.

"Look who decided to join the living!" You smile.

Juliette glares at you in her big T-shirt and leggings, "Shut up, Iris."

She stalks into the bathroom, nudging you out and then shuts the door in your face. You walk away amused, muttering to yourself, "It's times like these I remember why I don't get together with my family often."

- - - -

"OUT AND ABOUT IN TOWN, READY TO SHOW THE WORLD WHAT I'M MADE OF! GOT MY SASS, GOT MY CLASS, AND GIRL YOU CAN KEEP THAT FREAKING TRASH!" Juliette prances around the house in a blue dipped hem dress. You're not really sure what she's singing. You think she made it up.

Sidney looks at Juliette, "Juli, calm down. You're going to scare Thalia out of this family."

Juliette smiles at Thalia, "I don't think I will. Percy should've scared her YEARS ago, but she's still here!"

"Then you'll scare Kit." Sidney says, shadowing her eyes.

Yeah, Kit's here. Zane and Percy are really good friends in high school, so Zane was invited to join the wedding party. You figured Kit could join tonights outing.

Kit looks really nice. As do all of the girls. Kit wears a red, floor length V neck dress. Sidney, a pale blue dress with high heels. Thalia a long pale pink dress. And you, a plain, short white dress.

The five of you had just finished dolling up. The guys had left an hour ago to do stupid man stuff. Percy and his friends looked like they were going to have a good time drinking tonight.

"Where are we going again?" You ask.

"Clubbing." Thalia wiggles her eyebrows.

You and Juliette share a look.

Thalia rolls her eyes, "I know you guys don't drink. I don't expect you to. In fact, you'll make sure I get home in one piece tonight. But humor me. My last night single. Goodness."

You sigh as Thalia, finishes putting her mascara on.

Juliette plops down In a chair, groaning, "My, gosh! Can we leave yet? We're not getting ANY younger waiting!"

Sidney looks at Juliette philosophically, "You realize, that right now is the youngest we'll ever be ever again?"

Juliette furrows her eyebrows and glances at Sidney in discomfort. She looks her up and down like she's an alien and then mutters, "This is why I'm not in Harvard."

Sideny starts, "But, really, five minutes ago, we were so much younger than we are now, based on the-"

"THALIA! We need to leave! Sidney is scaring me with her superior knowledge!" Juliette calls.

You raise an eyebrow, "Juliette, you kind of just called yourself stupid."

Kit laughs.

She looks at you confused and opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but then she stops herself and looks even more confused.

You hear Thalia chuckle and say, "Yeah, come on. Let's go."

- - - -

Thalia stumbles out of the bar after you. Kit and Sidney right behind her. Thalia has been drunk for about an hour. You don't really understand why she'd want to get drunk and be stumbling around all night. I mean, in the morning she's getting married and she's already going to have wedding jitters, why would she want a hangover too?

Thalia blinks and sluggishly says, "Okay, what bar are we going to next?"

You shrug, "Whatever bar you want to. It's your call."

Thalia thinks, a drunken confused look on her face. At least she's entertaining. Her expressions are priceless.

She nods, "How about that one down on fifth?"

"We've already been to that one." Juliette reminds her, distaste in her voice.

You and the other girls snicker.

"Oh." She mumbles.

Behind Thalia, Sidney and Kit talk. They're only slightly buzzed. They took a few shots but they don't really feel like dealing with the pain in the morning. Or having the possibility of throwing up all night.

Sidney offers, "How about that one on Bay Bridge? It's a pretty quiet club. Should be safe there."

You nod, "Yeah, that sounds like a safe option."

Kit jokes, "I don't know about safe, but it's better than the one of fifth."

She winks at Juliette, who blushes. There was a slight incident of fifth. Some guy started grinding on Juli and she may or may not have puched him in the face. And, like, knocked him out. And gotten you kicked out - but that's not the point! She kicked that guys butt and you're proud of her!

You all laugh as you start walking to the car.

Then your phone starts ringing. You blink and check the caller ID.



Juliette trys to peer over your shoulder, "Who's calling?"

You shrug, "Dylan. You think I should answer?"

She waves it off, "Nah. He's probably calling just to be stupid. Or to apologize for the horse thing. AGAIN."

You nod and shove the phone back in your pocket, waiting for it to finish ringing. Finally it does and you continue walking with your friends to the car. You've almost made it when your phone starts ringing again.

You furrow your eyebrows, "What now?"

You pull your phone out.

Dylan, again?

Juliette and Kit look at your phone, "Really?"

"Maybe you should answer it?" Kit shrugs.

You frown, "Probably."

You push the answer button and say, "Dylan, what's up? I'm in the middle of a girls night, so make it quick."

"Iris?" He says.

He sounds....panicked?

You squint, your face twisting into confusion, "Dylan?"

In the back ground you hear Will, "Did you get her?"

"Y-yeah. I got her." Dylan stutters.

Then there's Chris, "Has anyone called 911 yet!?"

All you hear in chaos.

"Why is there so much blood?" Ki says, desparatly.

"Just keep putting pressure on it!" Chris yells.

"Dylan!" You say quickly, your heart rate quickening with each second.

"Gosh, why aren't they here yet?" Dylan mutters.

You hear groaning. Groaning in pain. It's almost a scream.

"Dylan!" You shout, trying to get his attention.

"Iris!" He says.

"Dylan, what happened? What's going on?"

"Some th-thing happened, Iris."

"Dylan, tell me." You say, trying to sound calm.

He pauses. You can feel the pain in his voice. The terror.

"Iris, he was shot. T-thomas. He was shot."



Bye now.



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