I'll Never Let Them Hurt You...

بواسطة fa11en_star

100K 3.9K 7.6K

(Completed) Men are born with keys on chains around their necks and women are born with locks. Your soulmate... المزيد

35. (10K Smut Special)


1K 65 253
بواسطة fa11en_star

Gee's POV


I didn't even realize what had happened until a couple seconds after the gun was fired.

Bert had aimed the gun at Frank, and I knew that he had every intention to shoot him. 

I thought that this was it. That he was going to shoot Frank, and he would be gone.

But that's not what happened. 

Someone jumped in the way. 

At the sound of the gunshot everybody stopped. Brendon and Matt stopped their fistfight, the policemen all froze in place, and everyone's heads turned. 

Joseph was the first to speak. 

"Bob?! What the fuck were you thinking?!?!"

I was so shocked. 

Bob had jumped in front of the bullet. On purpose.

I took advantage of Joseph's shock and broke free from his hold, immediately tackling Bert to the ground, knocking the gun from his hand. 

I could tell that Bert was just as shocked as the rest of us that Bob had did that.

One of the policemen then came running towards us and grabbed Bert's gun before he could snatch it back.

I quickly rolled off of Bert and the policeman grabbed him and yanked him up, immediately handcuffing him.

The other policemen quickly went to work as well, grabbing Joseph and Matt and handcuffing them too.

I quickly ran over to Bob and dropped down next to him on the floor.

I was surprised to see that he was still breathing. 

The bullet wound looked like it hit him in the thigh, so I don't think it'll be fatal as long as he gets treated quickly. 

"W-why did you do that?" I ask softly, looking him in the eyes. "Y-you just saved him."

"I-I never wanted to hurt h-him." Bob said, tears running down his face. "A-and I never wanted to hurt y-you either."

"So why did you?" I ask softly.

He doesn't respond immediately. He sighs, the silence getting thicker and thicker as I waited for an answer.

"Bert made me. H-he said that i-if I didn't make you pay than he would hurt my family. H-he made me do all that stuff to you, Mikey, and Frank. I-I never wanted to. B-But I love my family. I-I couldn't risk it."

I find myself crying then, realizing that Bob was just like me. He was just another victim of Bert's game.

Two of the policemen come over then, grabbing Bob and telling us that they were taking him to the nearest hospital. 

They also informed us that Bert, Joseph, and Matt would be going to prison. 

Once they left, I turned over and saw Frank and Jamia hugging, tears streaming down both their faces.

"D-don't ever do t-that to me again." Jamia said, holding Frank tightly. "I-I was so scared for you."

"I-I was scared too." Frank says.

Once he pulls away, him and I lock eyes. Before I can even think about it I started running towards him. 

I hugged him tightly, not ever wanting to let go of him again.

But then, he pulled away and looked up at me. He looked like he was leaning in for a kiss.

"But what about-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I don't care anymore."

He then leans in, and we kiss. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in closer, kissing him with as much passion as I could.

When we pull away, he looks up at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

"What the fuck just happened." I hear Brendon whisper to Ryan, and I can't help but laugh.

Frank then locks in hand with mine, and turns around, facing the rest of the group.

Jamia is looking at me with a grin, and that's when I remembered that she already knew. 

"Gerard and I are dating." Frank says quickly.

"When did this happen?!" Ray questions. "And how come I didn't know about it."

"We didn't know either, if it makes you feel any better" Brendon says, motioning to Ryan who looked equally as shocked. 

"I kind of knew." Jamia said. "But I was waiting for you to say something."

"You guys don't care...do you?" Frank asks hesitantly.

"Bruh, you serious? You think that we'd care? Frank, we love you. We don't care if you're gay, I mean, we kinda all are." Ray says.

"It's true. I'd kinda be a hypocrite if I said it bothered me." Ryan says with a breathy laugh.

"Are you guys...." Brendon says, trailing off. "Ya know...." 

I look over at Frank to see that he's already looking at me. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to answer or not.

"We don't know." He says.

"Don't you want to?" Ray questions.

"I don't know.. What if we're not?" I ask. Frank and I had never even talked about trying before. I think we were both too scared to know the answer.

"You really think you guys wouldn't be?" Mikey says with a questioning glance. "I mean, come on Gerard."

"Yeah dude, you were willing to risk your life for him. You were fighting with everything you had to protect him. You were literally going to go alone to find Frank. Even if none of us were on your side, you still would've went." Pete says.

"Yeah, but any of you would've done the same." I reason.

"Maybe that's true, but you didn't seen the anger in your own eyes when we told you that you couldn't go and save him. When we all stopped you from leaving, you pushed us all away so angrily. You weren't going to stop until he was safe." Ryan says. 

"And Frank, we heard what you said before. You were going to let Bert shoot you in the head and kill you so that Gerard wouldn't have to go with him." Jamia says. "You also risked your life."

I didn't know what to say, and it looked like Frank didn't either.

"Come on guys, just do it!" Brendon says. "I'm literally dying over here- oh shit, maybe I shouldn't fucking say that, oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" 

"Dude, chill, it's alright." Frank laughs, and then he turns towards me.

"We don't have to do this if you won't want to." He mumbles. "I'm not going to pressure you." 

I take a deep breath, and even though my heart is beating so fast, and my brain is screaming fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, words come out of my mouth that I didn't even realize I said.

"Let's do it."

I could feel everybody's eyes on us as we both took our necklaces out from underneath our shirts. 

"Do you want to do the honors?" I ask, and he just smiles, nodding. 

He takes my lock in his hand, and his key in the other, and I could just tell, that he was nervous too. 

He looks up at me with nothing but love in his eyes and says "I love you."

"I love you too." I say, feeling tears start to form in my eyes for like the 20th time today.

He takes his key and tries to put it in the lock, and that's when my heart drops.

It didn't go in. 


This is not the end btw, and I'm currently writing the next chapter right now, sit tight.

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