The Agent's Priority

By -Dreamwrote-

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Agent Zaiarhys Maksimov, a special and an important asset to the FBI agency along side her partner She's inde... More

C31- (Matthew's POV)
Long Distance Relationship
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.1
Meeting the Maksimov's Pt.2
Rafa's Bachelors Party
Happy Birthday Mommy


557 23 18
By -Dreamwrote-

"So... how was the life of a special agent at such a young age?"

"Go ahead, ask away its not like we're on public or someone might hear us and find out my identity or something" I grumbled and ignored Timothy's quiet 'sorry' as my eyes roam around the busy crowd hustling around to get to their respective classes on time "also I'm older than you"

"How old are you?"

"22" I stated blankly clearly uninterested

"Well I'm 19"

I gave him a weird glance "Exactly, older than you"I stated a matter of factly trying to dismiss the conversation

"Well... what is it like?"

"Hard but managable, I like it actually..." I trailed off as I kept on walking whilst he kept on trailing

What am I saying to this boy?

I was now incharge of guarding him since I have free time as a reward from the fencing class and Lance has overslept on their dorm complaining about his headache

"Like it? As in... the killing, arresting, shoo—"

"Not like that idiot." I snort and glanced behind me and into his interest filled chocolate brown eyes "I enjoyed the thrill, the adrenaline, the travelling, seeking justice and pretty much you said was quite right too"

"Wow... didn't know you're tha—"

"I'm not." I dismissed loudly and we entered the indoor basketball gym "I don't have a choice, its my job anyways. I'm just doing my job and enjoyed it for my sake"

He shook his head from the corner of my eye and walk past me "whatever you say... special agent" he whispered

I stare at the back of his head blankly and followed him towards his group as I sat on the bleachers casually with SSA Forlon leaning on the wall by my side observing the sorroundings from how the court was divided into 2 half of it was mainly for basketball and the other half was for volleyball, perhaps tennis, and badminton too

I watch as Timothy and his group was now warming up, some running laps, some doing squats, some doing push-ups, and some checking out the girls volleyball club doing their own warm ups

I rolled my eyes when his friends from the cafeteria yesterday was there too, trying to be subtle in glancing at my seated form by the benches

'You didn't tell us that your cousin was hot'

I read the unfamiliar red haired guy said to Timothy, I didn't know what he said back but from the red haired's reaction its something that got him amaze and surprised

That better be good Anderson

I could read peoples lips, aside from it being part of our training it kind of became a habit since I have hearing issues and anger issues that I tune out my hearing aids to not be able to hear their annoying voices

Buzz Buzz

I tap at the new message from Lance


:How're you coping there Maksimov? Cause its damn relaxing in here ya know?

Rolling my eyes I glanced back at the group running laps before tapping

Its just fan fucking tastic, with the addition of the constant blabbering of desperate pricks trying to hit on me:

Just peachy:

:sucks to be you

"Hey beautiful!"

I look up and stare right back to a hazel eyed and brown haired guy smirking at me

I raised my eyebrows at him as if to ask 'what's your problem' and found out that the group was now done running laps and was observing the guy infront of me with smug and curious faces

"What's up?" He asked still smirking making my eye twitch "yo—"

"My standards"


Huffing I grip my phone and crossed my leg to stop myself from kicking his annoying face and lean my head forward as if to whisper

"Okay, lets do this the dumbest way possible to make it easier for you to understand..." I click my tongue and pointed at him "you're going to get back there" I pointed to their group "and leave me the fuck alone in return I'll let you walk out unharmed, sound good?"

He glanced over his shoulder and towards his snickering group that I was pointing at then blinked at me

"Drop the 'hard to get' act babe... I can tell that you want me" he huskily said or he thought he did

"Yeah, I want you and you're shit looking face to fuck off" I glanced at behind him to find a girl cheerleader who was sneaking glances to the guys earlier frowning at us "go back to your girlfriend, she's buying it, pretty lame attempt to get her attention and make her jealous if you ask me"

I shrugged and made a shooing motion with my hand

"How'd yo—"

A whistle goes off stratling him

"Williams! Get your ass back here!"

I smiled fakely at him "tell your group that its such a beautiful day to get on with their pathetic lives and I'd totally appreciate ya'll to not grace me with your asholeness" I finalized dropping the smile

He wordlessly went back to his annoyed looking coach and prepared for their basketball practice


You better get well soon:
Lalaloopsy, because I don't know if I'd be able to hold back from knocking them off concious much longer

:gee thanks for the concern

:I'm thinking about getting a cold tommorow and probably til the next 2 weeks :p




:Angry bird

Huffing I turn back towards Timothy as they play

Well wasn't this eventful


At lunch I decided to skip it and explore a little since Maureen was at the library reviewing for her upcoming calculus exam and I most certainly won't be sitting in the same table filled with stupid jerks

I stare at the head of a tall unmuscular clad in a dark green med student's uniform dark brown haired guy that was looking down as he walked distractedly towards me

I noticed some outline of guys at the end of the dark hallway where he probably came from and frowned

I put a hand on his chest preventing him from bumping into me and my eyes harden when his legs gave up on him putting my arms under his I kept him upright against my small frame grunting as I did so

"The fuck?"

I look back to the guys from earlier suspecting they might be responsible for this and found them already gone

I put the guy down slowly, my muscles tensing as I manage to sat him down on the floor gently as possible, despite his lack of muscles and slim form he is quite heavy possibly because of his height

"Hey hey... are you okay?" I lent his head to the wall behind him and tilt it up to look at his eyes properly

His hands are slightly trembling, a fresh red bruise just alligned to the collar of his med uniform and I noticed how he clutched his stomach gritting his teeth

He's eyes are wide open, as he wheezes badly his chest going up and down aggresively at he seemed to have trouble breathing

Memories flood back into my mind gulping down my panic and the painful memories I focussed on his state

An asthma attack

Absentmindedly I cup his cheek with my hands to focus his wide dark blue eyes on my hardened grey ones

"Hey, hey... focus on me, okay?" I lightly pat his cheeks when his eyes kept wandering elsewhere "focus on my voice, deep breaths... deep breaths" I stressed

I instruct him performing exaggerated inhales and exhales myself and constant patting of his cheeks as he oblige mimicking my breathing when I could see that his chest is still slightly heaving I took off his shoes and socks then I realized something

"Stupid Zai" I grumbled quietly

I grab the small blue odd shaped inhaler from the gun holster under my skirt making sure that no one got a glimpse of my handgun and dagger

Shaking it loudly I shove it on his mouth and he shakily pressed on it while inhaling

Deja vu... it feels like deja vu..

I looked away so he wouldn't notice the jumbled emotions that my eyes might hold as his breathing began to even

For a good minute and a half no one said a thing

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you we're trying to kill me with an inhaler" a deep british accent weakly said making me glance at his sweaty and worn out face

"sounds like a plan.." I hummed lazily and lean back on my arms as I gaze at the ceiling releasing a heavy sigh myself

"What did they do?" I whispered after a few moments of silence

"What do you mean..." I scoffed "it was just kids having fun" he shrugged

"Yeah, threatening to beat the shit out of you to give them money was their definition of fun" I grumbled

"How did you—"

"I saw a wad of cash on their hands, and from the looks of it they tried to hurt you to do so, and your wallet was peaking out earlier..." I toss him the black weightless wallet hitting him on the chest "it fell, you're welcome"

"I've had it under control" he snapped quietly and unintentionally before sighing "I'm so—"

"Of course" I mocked and stared him down "it was quite ironic actually because you're the one who ended up with bruises and an asthma attack, I totally witness the fact that you had it under control"

He glared at me well he tried to "I'm fi—"

"Yeah right, let's forget about how you wheezed to death just 2.13 minutes ago" I clicked my tongue "you still owe me a rematch by the way" I stood up and held out a hand for him

"Knew you'd bring that up" he shake his head the corner of his lips tilting up in an amused smile a dimple appearing on her left cheek "But seriously...thank you shortcake just... please don't report it to the principle"

"Wouldn't want you dying on me" I shrugged dismissively "and I won't" I shook my head before shoving my hands deep into pockets of my parka "because you'll be the one reporting shit yourself"

"What? No—I can't"

"You will" I nodded mockingly "otherwise I'll find a way myself with that camera footage over there" I gestured to the CCTV outside the hallways and on the pole with a clear view of the dark corner where the guys we're posirioned earlier from the glass window

It's broken

And he didn't need to know that

"Why did you help me?" He asked all of a sudden changing the subject before widening his eyes helding his palms up in surrender "no offense"

"Offense taken" I deadpanned frowning at him with the shake of my head

Well its not any of my business if he wants to get helped or not

Well you're an agent on duty Zaia

And I'm on a mission in action smart ass

"Okay...My mistake" he smiled at me sheepishly "soo..?"

Turning away from him and staring at the empty corridor I muttered "you just remind me of someone"

Again with the sudden emotion causing words spitting?

The tensing of the atmosphere was awkwardly uncomfortable but I didn't pay it any mind

"I'm guessing that the inhaler was for that someone then..?" breaking the silence he he playfully gag from the corner of my eye "The same inhaler you put on my mouth, Oh my lord! I just had my first indirect kiss shortcake how could you?!" he screeched dramatically mimicking a voice of a damsel in distress before covering his mouth with his palm

Shaking my head I chose to frown to cover my amused face at his idiotic actions "idiot, it was new and untouched until you infect it with your germs ofcourse"

"Also why do you have it? Instead of giving it to that someone since they're the one who actually needed it"

"You're really good at offending people, you know?" I mused as we started walking to god knows where "why'd you even come to an empty and creepy hallway anyway? Testing your fencing abilities to stupid fist fight with a harmless sword to figure out if fencing can actually be applied to an actual fight?"

He frowned "no... first I have no sword second... I was on my way to my Biology class and happen to stumble here for a shortcut—"

"But instead you stumbled upon a group of so-called bad boys and said things like 'give me money', 'you're dead' and 'do it if you don't want to get hurt' and shit like that... and Poof!" I made explosion gestures with my hand and looked at him blankly "look at where you are now, looking fine and dandy asthma boy"

"Hey! I also put up a good fight you know?" He defended showing his slightly bruised knuckles at me

"Yeah sure, I'll pretend that I didn't saw that light red bruised on your chest, the pain on your possibly bruised stomach, and how you got an asthma attack..." I nodded grinning at him mockingly "no biggie"

He scowled at me and continue to walk while muttering how his ego just got crushed and how he loathed me in a joking manner

I really deserve 'the defender of the year' award

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