Watcher Love

By HydraKitty

4.8K 68 18

When Rupert arrived at school early that day, he never imagine meeting Kennedy, the person who'd work her way... More

It All Started With A Question
Crunch Bar Love
Surprise First Date Ending, Maybe
Identity Confession
Temporary Living Quarters
Watcher/Ex-Watcher Adventures
Here's Looking To You, Kid
Reunions Are Not Always Happy
Never A Dull Moment As a Watcher
There Is No Place Like Home

The Brady Bunch

227 5 3
By HydraKitty

Giles had shown up unannounced the day before on the Summer's doorstep with three slayers. Everyone was surprised to see him back. The next day as Buffy came down for breakfast the door bell rang. Answering it, she opened the door to find a very pregnant Kennedy holding onto some girl's ear.

"Take her before I rip this teeny boppers head right off her neck." Pushing the girl in before waddling through the threshold.

Looking Kennedy up and down, "You''re pregnant."

"With a set of twins. Where's G?"

Coming around the corner. "Kennedy? What are you doing here?" He asked in shock.

"The midget slayer in training showed up on our doorstep. So here we are." Sucking some air through her teeth as she winced in pain, placing a hand on her stomach.

Giles went to her side, "What's wrong?"

"They won't stop kicking. I swear G if I end up with three boys you're sleeping on the couch for a very long time."

"I thought you said you were having twins," Buffy said in confusion.

Rubbing her stomach, "I am, but we have a three-year-old boy back home."

"Giles, when were you going to tell us this? And how come Willow didn't say anything?"

Holding up a hand, "We asked her not to. We were going to surprise you, but considering the circumstances, you get to find out this way." Kennedy told her.

The others finally joined them. "Whoa, Kennedy you're huge!" Xander gasped.

"Geez, you act as if you've never seen a pregnant person before. Now can we take the shock of me being huge to the dining room for some breakfast? I'm starving. Oh and that's your guys' new edition." Pointing to the girl she had brought before making her way to the table.

Willow gave Kennedy a hug before sitting next to her. "How is David?" She asked.

"He is doing fine; he misses you a lot. How about you?"

Smiling, "I'm doing fine and I miss him too."

"Who is this David? Your boyfriend?" Xander made a silly voice placing some food on the table.

The two looked to her. "Guess G didn't tell you. David is our three-year-old son."

"Guess he neglected to tell us that; right next to you being pregnant." Buffy looked at the kitchen where he was.

Dawn finally came downstairs for breakfast, "Kennedy! When did you get here?"

"Just now. I'd get up and give you a hug but the twins stopped kicking and I'd like to keep it that way."

Going over to give her a hug, "Oh my God congratulations."

"Well offer her another one-they have a three-year-old too," Xander commented.

Anya was walking in behind Xander. "So when did you two get married? Isn't that what people do? Get married then have kids."

"We're not. But I'm still waiting for him to ask me." She smirked when he walked in.

Giles rolled his eyes, handing her some tea; she thanked him as she took the cup from him. After breakfast, Kennedy was ready for a nap. Willow let her use her room since the bathroom would be right there. Giles helped her up to the room.

Making sure she was comfy. "Tomorrow you are going home." He informed her.

"No, I want to stay here." She gave him a pleading look.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, "It's not safe for you here."

"Please don't send me away. I know it's dangerous, but I can't sit in England wondering how you are doing. I had a panic attack when you left to go get those girls."

Taking her hand in one of his as the other brushed some hair out of her face, "There's nothing to worry about."

"Yes, there is. I started to think what if the last thing I see is you leaving? I can't live with that." Getting teary-eyed.

Wiping the stray tear that escaped, "Why don't you take a nap? You had a long morning. We'll talk about this later."

"You're not going to win this." She huffed.

He crawled into bed next to her, "I know, but it never hurts to try."

"Will you sing to me?" She snuggled up to him.

Giles sang till she fell asleep at which point he returned downstairs. Buffy looked towards him. Xander and Anya took Dawn to school; Willow went to start the training with the slayers in the basement.

Buffy crossed her arms as she leaned against the sink in the kitchen, "Three kids huh?"

"I know." Cleaning his glasses.

"Why didn't you ever tell us you have a three-year-old son and two more on the way?" Buffy asked.

Placing his hands in his pocket, "Things have been a little busy."

"Still would've been nice to hear that you have kids." She gave him a sad face.

"I know and I am terribly sorry." Giles apologized.

Leaning on the island in the kitchen, "So when are you going to ask Kennedy to marry you?"

"I don't know. I was going to ask her before Willow's incident, but now I'm not sure." Giles replied.

Smiling, "So you have the ring already! What does it look like? Was it expensive?" Giles reached in his pocket and pulled it out to show Buffy. She gasped when she saw it. "This is so pretty."

"What is so pretty?" Willow walked into the kitchen.

Buffy handed her the ring. "Giles this is beautiful! When are you going to ask her?"

"He doesn't know yet," Buffy answered.

Willow gasped, "You should ask her where the two of you first met!"

"That would be so romantic," Buffy added with much enthusiasm.

Giles took the ring back, "I have a place already picked out. When is another question."

"Where you first met would have been so romantic." Willow sighed.

Glaring at them, "Don't you two have things to get to?" They both giggled, scattering like mice.

The house was quiet when Kennedy came downstairs. Searching the place she found it empty. Going into the kitchen she heard a noise from the basement. So she waddled herself to the racket.

"Wow! You sure are huge. What are you having? An army?" Spike gasped.

Giving him the dirtiest look she could muster, "It's twins you halfwit. Do you guys have more people I haven't seen since I got here to remind me that I am the size of a whale?" Looking over to Willow.

"Who's is it?" Spiked asked.

Sitting on the bed next to him, "G's. So when did they lock you up like a criminal?"

"Didn't think the old man had it in him. And about a month ago."

Laughing, "Would have never pegged you for someone who would be ok with being chained up."

"Figured you would be like the others and not sit next to me because of the hate you have for me."

Giving him a tired look, "I am pregnant for the second time in my life, with twins mind you; I am not up for hating people. Especially you-you take too much energy."

"Well aren't you two some breeding bunnies." He joked.

Kennedy hit him. "Not funny. So what's going on here?" Looking up at the group.

"Slayer training," Spike answered.

Watching them, "They're a very winy bunch aren't they?"

"You have no idea." Spike rolled his eyes.

Turning her attention back to him, "So what's this I hear about you having a chip in your noggin?"

"Well aren't you full of questions? It got put in me by some government project thing that one of Buffy's ex-lovers worked for." He answered with anger dripping from his voice.

Poking him in the cheek with her finger, "Still look like the same to me. What does it do?"

"Can't bite humans." Slapping her hand away, she winced a little. "Oh come on I did not hit you that hard."

Kennedy grabbed his hand, "No, one of the babies is kicking. Feel." Placing his hand on her stomach where the kicking was taking place.

"That is creepy." Feeling the foot.

Smiling, "I know right?"

"What is going on here?" Some anger was laced in Giles voiced.

Kennedy's and Spike's head shot up to him; Spike removed his hand so fast it looked like he was touching something hot. "One of the babies were kicking. I was having Spike take a feel."

"You shouldn't be down here." Pulling her up off the bed.

"I shouldn't be in a lot of places, but it doesn't stop me from being there." Letting Giles help her up.

Frustrated, "Can you this one time listen to me?"

"It's not like he can actually hurt me. He's a cute little puppy now." Leaning over and pinching his cheeks.

Spike swatted her hands away. "I am glad you find all of this a joke." Giles walked away.

"He is wound so damn tight." Kennedy shook her head before going after him.

Finding him on the front porch, she slowly got down, sitting next to him. Leaning her head on his shoulder, "I'm sorry." She said.

"I should be the one to apologize. I just do not trust Spike." Taking her hand.

Placing his hand on her stomach, "They both kick every time I see you."

"Really?" He smiled.

Nodding, "Now remember the feeling when you felt David kick or the twins. Because that anger and meanness you show Spike is what got him in this position in the first place. Just because we don't care for a person doesn't give us the right to mistreat them. It would do us all some good to be kind to the guy."

"But this is Spike we're talking about. He is a killer."

Throwing a hand up, "And so are you. Except you were always killing evil and he shifted from good to evil."

"But he killed innocent people."

"So were the people you killed. They were just embodied by evil."

Pulling his hand away from her, "You're defending him!" Giles said.

"What I am saying is you are not helping the situation, you're adding to it. You expect the man to be good, do good things, and change, but how? You are nothing but awful to him. How can he change when everyone around him expects him to fail?"

Removing his glasses, "Why are you so nice?"

"It's these damn hormones. Now play nice with the walking corpse in the basement." Pointing her finger at him.

Giles smiled wrapping an arm around her, "How can you be so nice after everything he has done is astonishing."

"Because I wouldn't want the guilt of all those people I killed on my shoulders."

"Could you just let me not like the guy." Resting his head on hers.

Getting up, "Downfall of impregnating me. And so help me, the doctor better be right that one of the twins is a girl. Because if I am not getting one you're sleeping on the couch for the rest of your life."

"There is no chance I can change your mind in going back home?" Following her inside.

Shaking her head, "None whatsoever."

A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story. Reviews are most welcome.

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