
By sunstiny

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When Sarah falls pregnant in 2010, the height of her career. How will she deal with the struggles of motherho... More



436 17 3
By sunstiny

Just a disclaimer before you read this chapter:
This isn't my favourite chapter I've written, but I hope you like it. I know it's not the best, the next is going to be better.

Sarah's POV:

21st May 2010

Today I had an amazing idea to make a scrapbook to remember my pregnancy. I could stick in ultrasound pictures, pictures of the pregnancy test, my belly pictures, memories from American horror story, times with Friends and family, anything. I think it's a good idea to do when the baby is growing up as well, so that I can remember all those times that apparently fly by all too quickly.
Tonight is the wrap party, we'll also be discussing the second season, which is going to be amazing, I'm hoping for a bigger role next season, I'll know more about it tonight.

I get my scrapbook and start sticking in loads of pictures. I start from the very start, sticking in a picture of my pregnancy test, then my ultrasound pictures, then a timeline of my belly. Then a picture of me and Evan and Lily messing around behind the scenes, me and Jessica on set laughing together, me and Ryan smiling into the camera. All these lovely memories I'm going through as I'm sticking them in, writing little notes around them and dates so I can remember everything. Then the most recent picture, me and my sisters, we took one yesterday. Rachel is holding the camera, her mouth and eyes open wide, looking excited, holding up my ultrasound picture. Liz is in the back stood next to me, both our eyes tear Stained, she has on arm round me and one hand on my stomach, smiling wide. I'm holding a pregnancy test and hugging Liz back.

This is a really cute photo.

I stick it in and write underneath 'Liz and Rachel learn they are going to be aunts!'

Perfect! I've done all the photos up to date, the scrapbook isn't even half way full yet, I think this one will fit my whole pregnancy in it, then I can keep buying more, as the baby gets older they can do them with me. It'll be so fun! I can't wait to have times like that with my child. I can't wait to feel the first kick, to see them for the first time, to see them crawl or walk for the first time, their first smiles or laughs, Their first word, I wonder what all that is going to look like.

A few hours later~

I'm getting ready for the wrap party, well, trying to. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to wear. I want to wear something baggy so people don't see my bump straight away and ruin the surprise, but I also want to wear something tight so I can show off my cute bump.

"What do you think I should wear, baby?" I ask my stomach, putting my hand on the peak of it. "You're getting bigger everyday, soon you'll be here in person to help me pick out my outfits."

I go and get my purse so I can make sure I have everything I need in it. I always have mints in there, and usually pads or tampons, but I haven't needed them for a while. I put in my ultrasound so I can show my friends, my phone , my wallet and when I've done my makeup I'll put my essentials in there so I can retouch my makeup if I need to.

Speaking of hair and makeup, I need to figure out what I'm doing with it. I go to my mirror in the bedroom and rummage through my drawers. I get some red lipstick, some mascara, and some basic things like concealer to cover up my blemishes and dark under eyes from not sleeping. After I've done my makeup I straighten my hair and slick it back into a tiny ponytail, I can only just get it into a ponytail because it's quite short.

Now is for the hard part. I go to my wardrobe and go through all my clothes, I have a tight black pencil skirt that goes down to my knees, that would show off my bump. Then I get some black high heels, that would go well together. Then I decide to put a baggy red sweater to match my lipstick over a tight red shirt, so that my bump is hidden until I've told everyone. I'll take the sweater off afterwards, it doesn't look very formal with it on, more like business-casual, but it'll do until I've said what I need to say.

I arrive at the party and I am greeted by Ryan. I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Sarah! Looking very chic!" He says, I smile at him.
"You don't look too bad yourself." Me and Ryan had always got on well. Then I go in, I greet Lily, Evan, Taissa, Connie, Frances and Jessica. They are all sat drinking the alcoholic beverage of their choice.
"Sarah! Can I get you a drink?" Evan asks, throwing his arms around me, slightly tipsy.
"No, actually... I have something to tell you all first." I sit down at their table, sat in between Lily and Jessica.
"What is it?" Taissa asks, looking concerned.
"Well..." I say, reaching into my handbag and pulling out the ultrasound picture to show them, "I'm pregnant!" I say, smiling. They all looked shocked for a minute, Jessica is smiling and Lily has her hands to her mouth.
"No way!" Taissa says, excitedly,
"Congrats!" Evan says, hugging me over the table.
"Woah... Sarah, that's incredible!" Lily pulls me into a sideways hug.
"Thank you all!" I say, then I look over at Jessica, she puts her hand to my stomach,
"I knew it!" She says, after a few moments of silence, and then she gives me a tight hug.
After I've told everyone, I take off my sweater to reveal my little bump, it's still quite small, but it's more obvious that it's a pregnancy bump and not just bloating anymore.

I'm so happy I have everyone's support. I just need to tell my mother, father and grandparents now. I've booked a trip to New York next week to visit my mother, then I'll go to Florida to tell my father. I'm the most nervous to tell my parents, not because they won't support me, but because this is going to be their first grandchild. I don't know how they will react.

Afterwards, Ryan tells us the theme of the next season of American horror story. He says it's going to be about an asylum. Interesting.

28th May 2010

I'm in New York, getting ready to go to my mom's house to tell her the news, I'm starting to show a lot more now that I'm 13 weeks pregnant. I'm officially in the 2nd trimester! I've been told my baby is the size of a lemon. Which always confuses me because a lemon can be different sizes...

Before going to my mom's house, I decide to go to the store to buy the first outfit for my baby.

This is what I decided to buy, it's really cute and it's gender neutral. I'm going to take this to show my mom.

A few hours later~

I'm sat in my moms house, ready to tell her.
"So, mom... I have something to show you." I say, sitting on the couch.
"what is it, honey?" She asks, sitting down next to me as I'm going through my bag, getting ready to show her the outfit I bought.
"Look." I say, pulling it out and showing it to her, she looks confused for a second, but then it clicks.
"Are you pregnant?" She asks, smiling. I nod, and she squeals and jumps up and down, pulling me into a hug and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Oh! My first grand baby!" She says, putting her hand to my stomach and looking at my bump, "oh my goodness!" She looks shocked at how much I was showing already.
"I'm 13 weeks. I would've told you earlier but I wanted to tell you in person." I tell her. We spend the rest of the day discussing names and other things about the baby.
My mom tells me that when I'm closer to being in labour she will come and move in with me, so that for the first few months when the baby is born she can take care of them while I'm working.

A few weeks later~

A few weeks later I go to Florida to tell my dad, he is just as excited as my mom. Sadly, I have to tell my grandparents over the phone as I have no time to go over and tell them. They were also ecstatic. I have the support of all my friends and family and I couldn't be happier.

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