Neighbor (GLEE & Finn Hudson...

By ryderlynnfever

31.9K 560 64

"I like you." Finn smiles at me. "As in friend?" I replied. "No, more than that." He shook his head. "As in a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 1

4.6K 55 20
By ryderlynnfever

"Paris, come on!"

"I'm coming!" I shout and run downstairs.

Hello, everyone. My name is Paris William Schuester. The daughter of Will Schuester and Terri Schuester. I'm a freshman in William McKinley High School. Yes I went to the school where my dad is teaching.

My dad is a teacher and my mom is a store manager in Sheets N Things. We are not a rich family. Just an average family who lives in a house with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. But we are happy especially I will have either little brother or sister.

"Hmm, load up to the car." Dad says to me while wiping his mouth.

"Couldn't get up." I shake my head and turn my head down. "Shiro, get off. I have to go to school." I pick up my shihtzu puppy and put him on the couch.


hiro, my puppy always did this. Everytime I want to go out he would to sit down on me so I won't go but this morning I have to go to school.

I take my bag and walk out from my house. I get into dad's car and sits down on the front passenger seat until dad gets in and drives away from our house to school.

"Are you okay?" I take glance at dad.

"Yeah I'm fine." Dad nods and smiles at me.

"You're freaking out. I know that. I can see that." I simply said.

"I don't know. You will understand one day you become a parent." Dad says and pulled over the car in the McKinley parking lot.

I walk out from the car and hold my bag then walk to the building. I don't make much friends here but I have friends. And no I don't have a boyfriend. I'm a freshman and in Glee club. Who wants to date a girl from glee club anyway?

I keep walking in the hallways and walk passed Finn who walks down with his jock friends. I half smile at him and he just did the same thing to me.

Have you ever have a friend who has been friends with you since you were baby, actually took shower with you and live next door but at school you two look like stranger? Well, that's me and Finn.

We both knowing each other from baby. We went to the same school ever since even though he is a year older. But that's it. At school Finn never talk to me and I know why, he has a girlfriend and he is one of the most popular kid at this school and I'm not so that's why.

But at home or in Glee club, we talked. At home I'm like his best friend, more likely his secret best friend I guess. I understand that high school is all about labels and reputation and popularity.

I walk to my locker and take my book out from my locker and put it into my bag and walk away to my home room and sit down on an empty desk.


I'm sitting down on a swing chair in the terrace of my house while reading book and having Shiro on my lap.

"Hey..." Finn suddenly shocked me.

"Glad that nobody's home." I roll my eyes and move my seat. "What's up?"

"I'm kinda have some problem. Can I borrow some money?" Finn sighs and sits down next to me.

"How much?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"About $200. Do you have? I promise I will pay you back and I promise I won't act like stranger again when we are at school." Finn says to me.

"I only have $150. But for what?" I frown at him.

"Ultrasound bills. Quinn kept pushing me hard. I mean, I tried so hard to get a job but none's hiring." Finn sighs.

"So you need money or need a job?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Both." Finn shrugs.

"Well, grab your coat now. We have to go." I said to him and get up from the swing chair.

"Where are we going?" Finn frowns at me.

"Get a job." I open my house door and put my book on the coffee table and grab my jacket then lock the front door so Shiro won't get out. "Come on." I said to him.

"Your parents aren't home yet?" Finn asks me.

"Nope. My mom stuck in the store and my dad went to my grandparents to pick up something." I said to him and walk out from my house

"But what kind of job?" Finn frowns at me.

"Babysitting. I'm pretty famous for part timer babysitter around our neighborhood." I smile at him and start walking on the street.

"I never babysit before." Finn says to me.

"Well, you should try. Beside you're going to be a father although Quinn doesn't want to keep it but you know you want it right?" I turn my face at him.

"Yeah. Well I owe you one for this." Finn smiles back at me. "You're not seeing anyone right? My friend, Justin is having crush on you. Want me to set you up on a date with him?"

"Since when you knew this guy have crush on me?" I chuckle.

"Well, I was eavesdropping him talking about your eyes and your smile in locker room." Finn chuckles.

"Well, thank you but I don't know. I think it's too early for me. I'm only fifteen." I said to him.

"Wait, you're interested in guys right?" Finn frowns at me.

"Yes I am. I'm just not ready for getting my heart break." I chuckle and standing by the door and knock the door.

"Hey, Paris. Come on in." Mrs. Scott smiles at me.

"I brought a friend to help me out but you don't have to pay us double." I giggle and walk in.

"That's okay." She smiles at us. "Okay, I have to go now. Just make sure that Kathy goes to sleep on time."

"Sure, Mrs. Scott. Have fun at the party." I smile back at her and turn my face at Kathy. "Hi, Kathy.." I smile at her and sit her down on my lap. "This is Finn."

"How old is she?" Finn asks me.

"About one year old. She is doing great though." I smile at him.

"How much you get paid from babysitting?" Finn asks me.

"Well, Mrs. Scott paid me $7 an hour. But it's fun because Kathy isn't a fussy baby." I smile at him and look at Kathy.

"You have two parents to provide you, both of them are working. You don't have to do this." Finn says to me.

"Well, I love kids and I did this to help my dad. I'm sick listening to my parents argument about the bills so I did this job so when I want something, I don't need to ask them. Trying to be independent." I smile at him.

"You're clearly so much better than me. I don't even have any guts to go to the Fabrays and tell them that Quinn is pregnant with my baby." Finn says to me and lays down on the ground.

"Well, you need to bring your weapon there." I said to him.

"Do you think I should bring a gun?" Finn frowns at me.

"This week glee assignment is ballad right? Well, my dad defined it not too deeper. Ballad is not only love song. But it's actually words that the poets used to express their feelings. And all you have to do is express your feelings in front of them." I smile at him.

"You're better in those things than your dad even Rachel." Finn chuckles.

"Don't you have crush on her?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Nah. She is kinda freak me out. Sometimes when I go to sleep I look down under my bed to make sure she wasn't there." Finn chuckles.

"That's mean but funny." I laugh softly. "And for today's payment, you can take it. I'm just helping you out."

"Thank you so much. I don't know who should I ask about this again." Finn says to me.

"You're welcome." I smile at him.


"Girls, I'm home!" Dad shouts.

I walk downstairs from my bedroom and turn my way to the kitchen. I frown as I see Rachel is walking out from the bathroom downstairs and and give Dad a bottle of beer.

"What is she doing here?" I ask mom.

"Your dad is having an affair with high school teenager." Mom simply said.

"Oh really?" I chuckle and sit down on the counter.

"Why did you even let her in the house?" Dad walks into the kitchen.

"Cause she said she was one of your Glee kids. It didn’t take me five minutes to realize she’s in love with you. She asked if she could see your baby pictures." Mom says to him.

I take some crackers from the jar and almost get choked when mom said that Rachel wants to see the baby picture of my dad.

"What, so now you’re making her clean our bathroom?" Dad frowns at mom.

"Look, Will, I have been dealing with these schoolgirl crushes for years. So why shouldn’t I get a little something out of it?" Mom raises her eyebrows.

"This is immoral, Terri." Dad shakes his head.

"No, honey, you know what’s immoral? Its me having to deal with the fact that my husband spends all day with young girls who are younger and basically have the same age with our daughter. I have a rash on my belly from that cocoa butter that your mother sent me. Do you have any idea how much it burns when I sweat? I can’t scrub the floors as hard as she can."  Mom says to dad.

"I can help with that." I raise my hand.

"No, the disinfectant will burn your skin. You have soft sensitive skin." Mom says to me.

"Baby, if it’s that bad, you have to let me see it. It might be infected." Dad says to her.

"What, so now I’m going to show you the bleeding pustules on my skin? Wow, yeah, no, that’s not going to send you into the loving arms of some teenage slut." Mom simply said.

"For the last time, I am not having an affair with any of my students, and you are not allowed to turn one of them into your slave because you have this irrational fear of me leaving you." Dad rolls his eyes and about to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Mom frowns at dad.

"I’m taking Rachel home." Dad simply said and walks away.

"When all of this started?" Mom turns her face at me.

"Two days ago at school. Dad made an assignment to sing ballad. There was one person left who didn't get in pair and accidentally it was her. They sang Endless Love and now my friend is having a crush on my dad." I said to her and pick up Shiro from the ground. "Anyway, you said you went to the doctor today, so is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl. I haven't tell your dad yet so you have to be quiet about it." Mom says to me.

"Will do." I nod and look at my phone. "I have to go next door. I will be right back." I said to mom and put Shiro on the ground and walk to the back door.

"You haven't eat the dinner yet!" Mom shouts.

"I will be back when dad come back." I shout back and walk to the Finn's back door and knock on the door. "What's going on?" I raise my eyebrows as he open the door.

"I need help. I got phone call from Quinn that her parents invited me to have dinner on Saturday." Finn says to me and walks lead me to his basement.

"You want me to clean your basement?" I frown at him.

"No, I just need help to sort these things out. Probably I can find a suit that fits." Finn says to me.

I look around and open up a box and look through it. "There you go. A suit and ties." I said to him and give him the suit.

Finn standing in front of the big mirror and put the suit on. "I can't believe this fits." Finn frowns.

"Well, your dad probably was big as you now." I shrug and put the tie around his neck and tie the tie. "Perfect." I smile at him and pat the suit from the dust.

"Yeah I like this look. Thank you though." Finn smiles at me.

"You're welcome. So are you going to tell them?" I ask him and sitting down on the bench.

"Probably. I mean, I don't think we can hide this for too long. What about once she exploded?" Finn turns his face at me. "I just don't know how."

"Well, you can sing about it. Remember when you told me that sing makes you let out your feelings? Just like that." I smile at him.

"My mom knows anyway." Finn sighs. "I was taking Kurt's advice about singing a song to the sonogram of my daughter and she saw that."

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I feel like a failure. How am I supposed to raise a kid. She doesn't even let me have a fish." Finn shakes his head and sits down next to me.

"Hey, you did good today with Kathy. You can calm her down when she was crying and that was a good start. I'm sure you can." I smile at him.

"You believe in me that much?" Finn turns his face at me.

"More than you ever think." I smile at him. "Anyway, Rachel came over to my house. She cleaned our bathroom and asked for my dad's baby picture which is creepy." I chuckle.

"She totally freaks me out and glad that this week she stands away from me." Finn chuckles.

"Well now she freaks my dad out. Made my parents fought actually." I said to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess it's the hormones." I nod and shrug.

"Well, you know where you should go when you're not okay." Finn smiles at me.

"Thank you, Finn." I smile back at him.

I let out a sigh and look around this basement. Finn stands up from the bench and standing in front of the mirror looking at the suit he tried on.


I'm sitting down on my bed and reading my book as Shiro is sleeping next to me. I'm exhausted hearing my parents arguing like almost every hour. This house have a lot of problem.

"Hey..." Dad knocks on the door.

"Come in." I shout.

"I thought you were sleeping." Dad opens the door and walks in.

"Not yet." I shake my head and close my book. "What's up? Oh I know you are mad at me." I shake my head.

"No, I'm not." Dad shakes his head and sit down on my bed.

"I'm sorry if I tell mom about that Endless Love thing." I said to him.

"No. It's just hormones that drives her crazy." Dad chuckles.

"Alright then." I nod.

"I'm actually proud. You're neither of us. You can tell the truth." Dad says to me.

"But I'm sorry making you and mom fought." I giggle.

"I told you it's okay. She is sleeping anyway. Now you sleep too. It's late. I came here to say goodnight. Good night, soon to be a big sister." Dad grins at me and kisses my forehead.

"Too old for a big sister." I chuckle.

"But still a big sister soon." Dad chuckles. "Good night. Sweet dreams." Dad smiles at me.

"Good night, dad." I smile back at me.

Dad turn off the bedroom lights and walk out from my bedroom as I heard the door closed. I close my eyes and hug Shiro. I'm fifteen and I will have little sister. Meanwhile Finn is sixteen and he will be a father. The differences.


I'm walking down in the hallways holding my book and shake my head as I see Finn and Quinn are fighting over this baby drama.

I turn my way to my locker and open my locker until I see a letter fall down from it. I take the letter and read it. It's from my secret admirer, but who? I don't have any idea.

"Hey, Paris.."

I turn my face and smile at Justin. "Hey, Justin. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could give me your number and go out on a date maybe." Justin smiles at me.

"Sure." I smile back at him and write down my number on a paper.

"That's great. Breadstix tonight at 7 o'clock?" Justin smiles at me.

"Sure. I will see you then." I smile at him.

"I will see you too, Paris." Justin smiles back at me and walks away.

"What does he want?" Finn suddenly standing next to my locker.

"A date. Tonight at Breadstix." I said to him. "Is everything alright between you and Quinn?"

"Yeah, I guess it's just hormones drives her crazy." Finn sighs and leans his back against the locker.

"Anyway, you won't feel embarrassed talking to me?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"My reputation already ruined so..." Finn shrugs.

"Anyway, I have babysitting tonight but since I can't, will you cover up for me? You can save the money. It's Mrs. Wilson, three houses away from yours?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Oh I know. I usually play basketball with her son. I can do it." Finn nods.

"Alright, come at six tonight. She always pay $10 an hour so be good." I smile at him and shut my locker.

"Will do." Finn chuckles.

I smile at him and walk away from my locker. I got a date tonight. I can't wait for that. My first date even not with someone that I have crush on but that's fine.


I'm standing in front of my wardrobe and getting ready. It's already 6.30 and I have to go to Breadstix for the date.

I take my phone and put it into my sling bag and then walk downstairs straight to the door. I hope it will going well tonight.

"Whoa whoa, young lady where are you going?" Dad stops me as I hold the door handle.

"I'm going to meet with friends at Breadstix." I said to him.

"Friends? Who?" Dad frowns at me.

"Just someone. Don't wait for me for dinner. Bye dad!" I grin at him and walk out from my house and walk down on the street.

I can't drive so I guess I'm just going to take a cab or take a walk. Breadstix and my house is not that far.


I'm sitting down on a seat in Breadstix. I look at my watch and it's already 8 o'clock but Justin hasn't come yet.

"Excuse me, would you ready to order?" A waitress asks me.

"Yes sure." I nod. "I would like to have meatball spaghetti and coke. Thank you." I half smiled at her.

"Okay." She takes the menu and walks away.

I guess I know this. Justin blew me off. This is my first date and someone blow me off already. This is suck. Maybe this is why I always stand away from boys except Finn.

"Here's your spaghetti meatball and your coke." The waitress give me the food and walks away.

I let out a sigh and put the napkin on my lap then start eating my food. What am I thinking? I'm not popular kids. I'm just a freshman. I'm in Glee club. Who wants to date me anyway? Ugh this is real suck.

I wipe my mouth and put some money on the table then walk out from Breadstix. I put my hands inside my coat pocket and walk down on the street. I never expected this to happen yet it's happening.

I keep walking down on the street and turning my head down. "Paris? P? Hey, wait up!"

I turn my face around and smile at Finn. "Hey.. are you done with the babysitting?"

"Yeah. $20 dollars plus $5 tips." Finn giggles. "What are you doing? I thought you were having a date. Where is Justin?"

"He blew me off. I waited for an hour but he didn't come. I called him but no answer so..." I shrug.

"I can't believe he did that." Finn frowns at me.

"What am I thinking? I'm not popular kids. I'm just a freshman and I'm in Glee club. Nobody wants to tap that." I said to him.

"That's not true." Finn shakes his head.

"Oh really? You don't remember that you almost never want to talk to me at school. Because of what? You're ashamed having a friend like me. High school always have the hierarchy of popularity and I'm not in it." I said to him and walk to the front door of my house and walk in. "I'm home!" I simply said and run upstairs then lock myself in my room. This is the worst day ever.


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