An Unexpected Love Story

By Midnighttomoscow

5.4K 207 174

After uprooting her life and moving to the states, Kagome is attending her best friends wedding when somethin... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Part Two: Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Part Two: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Part Four: Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty One:
Part Six: Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Part Seven: Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six:
Chapter Twenty Seven:

Part Three: Chapter Fifteen

140 7 11
By Midnighttomoscow

Part Four: London

Chapter Fifteen:

I give tours of my exhibit to small children who ask funny questions in their funny little accents, and then I go home to Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru, who is always reading and cooking, welcomes me every day. He cooks every meal for us. He says because he has nothing better to do, though I say because I'm useless in the kitchen.

We explore our neighborhood in the rain. We go for tea in the rain. We go shopping in the rain. It rains for days and days, and all I want is the sun. I feel like Noah without a boat, and no one seems to understand my dismay at the constant raining. My first biblical level rain storm wasn't the most fun experience I've ever had.

Even Japan's rainy season was more predictable than this.

On the first evening that the rain had stopped, the two of us lay in bed, huddled in a pile of blankets. The rain might have stopped but the frost sure was on its way. Summer may be slowly transitioning in France, but here in England winter was already nipping at its heels.

Sesshoumaru made us a homemade brew of hot water, lemon and honey. He sips it slowly in the dark while I try to steal all his warmth. Our bedroom is dark and the only light comes from the television.

An old movie in black and white plays on an almost silent volume when suddenly someone knocks on the door. We look at each other, he shrugs and stands so I follow him out of the dark room.

"Hello there neighbor!" A plump middle aged man stands in the hallway holding some sort of pie that I'm assuming he wants us to take.

"Uhm... hello." He thrusts it towards me.

"The wife and I saw ya move in a couple weeks ago. We woulda baked you this sooner and had you round for some drinks but we were far too busy." I take the pie carefully, handing it off to Sesshoumaru.

"Err... Thanks." He holds out his hand and I shake it cautiously.

"Name's Ross." I'm nodding now.

"Kagome, this is Ichiro." I motion towards Sesshoumaru, the smooth muscle of his chest rises and falls slowly against my back.

"Ahhh exotic names then! Wonderful! Do you have any kids?" I shake my head.

"Well aren't you the lucky ones! We have two ourselves, my wife's name is Mavis. You could always borrow ours if you're ever wanting to have some. Ya know for a test run." He lets out a smokers laugh and I try to come up with excuses. I'm smiling as big as I possibly can and running through all my escape strategies.

Once again I am looking for exits, only this time I'm escaping from my own home. However, the only safe way out seems to be blocked.

I feel Sesshoumaru's warmth behind me. His bare chest is pressed lightly against my back. I don't think either of us know how to shake this thorn from our side.

"So where are you from then?" He inches his way a little closer.

"Japan originally." Sesshoumaru inches away slightly before saying.

"I'm going to put this away." He leaves all together and I'm cold. I stand, alone, with a stranger in the doorway and I don't know what to do. Panic cascades over me as I try to keep my cool.

"So, what are you doing here in jolly old England?" I stare, it takes me a moment to register the question. He probably thinks that I'm having trouble understanding English.

"I'm working at the museum for a bit, on a touring exhibit." He nods, looking passed me into our empty apartment.

"Little bare isn't it?" I smile nervously, anxiously waiting for Sesshoumaru's return.

"We're used to it." I count to ten, waiting. He doesn't return. Taking a deep breath I look right at Ross's forehead.

"Anyways I'll see you around." Quickly closing the door before he can say anything else, I lock it, double check that it's actually locked then make a bee line for our bedroom.

He's lying in bed watching the movie.

"Smooth." I cross my arms.

"Way to leave me alone out there." He just looks at me with his Sesshoumaru look. His blank, bored expression that is forever etched in his stone skin. An expression that I've always hated because it did its job so well. Heaving a great sigh I muster up the energy to make a fuss.

"I didn't know what to do, I expected you to come back. You're supposed to have my back you know that right? What the television is more important than helping me out of something? You know what, if you're going to leave me stranded like that, you can sleep on the floor." I throw open the door and he just looks at me, rising slowly. His eyes say nothing as he glides to the living room, folding himself onto the floor.

I growl, closing the door with gusto before stomping across the room and into my cold and lonely bed. His warmth no longer emanated from his side of the bed.

I am very upset with him.

Thinking angry thoughts I stare at the ceiling, feeling my brow furrow into a crease. How dare he? Thinking the T.V. is more important than trying to help me get out of that situation! He was the one who decided to get up and open the door. This was all his fault after all. He's supposed to protect me. I'm his...I'm his...What am I?

Three words skitter across my already frazzled brain. Are we dating? Do dog demons date? Am I just a girl on his list? Does Sesshoumaru have a list?

I am a stain in the book that he calls life. No more than a small ink smudge that he will try to rub away and white out when I am gone. Or when he leaves, whichever happens first.

Just like Inuyasha I will die out and the memory of me will be tainted.

We do share moments of intimacy here and there, but of course what immortal being doesn't get lonely. Everyone needs a tender touch every once and a while, fearsome demons included.

He could have left just now, been sick of me and slipped out without so much as a trace.

Now is when the worry sets in, as if the "what ifs" haven't gotten to me enough already. Tiptoeing across the room I let my hand sit on the door knob for a few minutes before making my final decision.

Cracking the door open a touch, I see him. He's lying on the floor, hands folded neatly on his stomach. His eyes are closed, long lashes resting peacefully on his marked cheeks. His hair fans about his whole body in a pool of darkness that I am still not quite used to.

I crawl over, unclasping his hands, wrapping them around me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as quietly as I can. He pulls me tight to his chest.

"You can come back to bed." He opens his eyes, looking at me.

"What's wrong with the floor?" I see him smirk and try to escape his grasp but he pulls me down right on top of him.

"See, isn't it comfortable?" I smile kissing his lips softly. Instantly forgiven for my rash actions, unspoken questions still unanswered.


End of Chapter Fifteen

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