Deal with the Devil (18+)

By Mollybetts2

37.5K 1.1K 113

A professional CALL GIRL, falling for a heartless ASSASSIN with eyes of ice. A paranormal romance darker than... More

02| Not-So-Secret Morning Secrets
03| Guns For Hands
04| Dirty Secrets*
05| Mr Darcy
06| A Stupid Relapse*
07| Hotel Room Fiasco*
08| A Drink a Day Keeps the Doctor in Pay
09| Never Trust A Perfect Stranger
10| Hit The Road Jack
11| Motel Misery
12| Sweet Tooth
13| Hiden In Plain Sight
14| Murder On The Dancefloor
15| When It Rains, It Pours*
16| Speak Of The Devil
17| Service Station Satisfaction
18| You're My Wonderwall
19| Queen of Broken Hearts
20| To Friends that Share Chips
21| Dancing With The Devil
22| Penetration Pancakes*
23| I Want You
24| Late Night Swim*

01| Hang-over or Hang-under?

6.8K 92 29
By Mollybetts2

Deal with the Devil


Evelyn Rose Scott: 19 {As Nina Dobrev}

Luca Waverley: 25 {As Ian Somerhalder}

Lewis: 23 {As Harry Styles}

Jax: 26 {As Evan Peters}

Alicia Taylor: 20 {As Madison Bailey}

Adam Lynch: 21 {As Theo James}

Samael: 30 {As Jospeh Morgan}


The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds, but the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds.

Evelyn's p.o.v

I woke up on the cool, white tiles of a bathroom floor.

The realisation that it wasn't my bathroom floor hit like puberty in a preteen boy: slowly, and then all at once. I was sat amidst totally new surroundings and there was the undeniably acidic aroma of sick.


I slouched up into a more appropriate sitting position and held my pounding head, a sweaty palm resting against my forehead in a makeshift headrest. There was a mass of questions on the tip of my tongue but the most prominent of them went a little like:

Where in the actual hell am I?

Everything hurt.

Not to mention that my mouth felt like year old sewage, and quite frankly, tasted even worse. There was also an incessant, buzzing white noise coming from somewhere in my peripheral, causing me to physically wince at the chemical reaction it was causing in my cerebellum.

'Good luck getting into work before 9:30am you complete and utter twat' my subconscious tutted at me, a small reminder that I shouldn't go out drinking and partying for this exact reason. However, last night I was in desperate need of a distraction and a big one at that.

What the fuck had actually happened last night?

The last thing I could clearly recall was Alicia, my best friend, worst influence and partner in crime, dragging me through crowded nightclubs and pouring a whole range of alcoholic concoctions down my throat. Sambuca shots were a blurry memory and an even bigger mistake. A whole line of shot glasses along a wooden bar counter and a cheering crowd of unfamiliar yet encouraging voices.

'I'm not as think as you drunk I am.'

Double crap.

I should have known that going out with Alicia was a massive mistake. It was arguably my own fault for agreeing to go with her, knowing full well that the night would most likely end in a stranger's bathroom with a hazy, jumbled recollection of the night before. Upon snorting multiple lines of glistening white powder, which Alicia had promised wouldn't have any lasting side effects or cause hallucinations that would interfere with my work this morning, I'd quickly become a lost cause last night.

There was the faint recollection of Alicia playing an intense match of tonsil tennis while straddling a tall, blonde man, but that was nothing a dettol disinfectant wipe to the brain couldn't remove from memory. I'd seen her do far worse in public.

I muttered a low groan at the unwelcome reminder that I was now single and found even that small action had the ability to make my head pound in a rather unsettling way. Bringing a disorientated hand up to my face, I applied pressure to my right nostril, rubbing in circular motions to ease the tight burn that was causing a blockage of my sinuses.

This continuous banging pressure at the front of my forehead had not been part of the plan last night...

"You any better now or should I keep another bucket at hand?" A deep, amused voice broke my train of fragmented thoughts and I recoiled at the incredibly masculine voice to my right.

Oh no no no, this was not good. Not good at all.

"Are you going to empty the contents of your stomach onto my marble tiles again or can I get to work? As a lawyer, I have far better things to spend my time doing right about now, such as helping virus victims with their finances rather than standing here and looking after you." He reiterated the question and I blanched at the crudeness of it. If he wanted to win an award for being the world's biggest dick, he was well on his way to first place. Congratulations Asshole, sorry I left the medal at home.

My body was instantly more alert upon realising how vulnerable I currently was, sat on an unfamiliar bathroom floor before a complete stranger. His blurry face loomed closer to mine and I brought a sluggard hand up to my face, rubbing at sleep deprived eyes while trying to regain full control of my limbs. My contact lenses were long forgotten, along with the majority of my memories from last night, and without my glasses everything looked a little blurred around the edges, making his face look like it was on a poor quality TV from the 80's.

HD? I'm sorry, who is she?

"I plan on keeping the contents of my stomach strictly on the inside of my stomach lining for the foreseeable future, so you can stop worrying about your precious flooring." Two can play at that game Mr 'marble tiles.' I had obviously hit white upon entering his apartment, the stench of stomach bile causing my stomach to turn over for the second time and threatening to expel any remnants of my alcohol consumption from last night. Brilliant.

He stood back up, leaning casually against the doorframe as I rested the majority of my bodyweight upon my elbows, looking him up and down with a scrutinising look. I hadn't missed how he seemed to be a lot older than me, with a small layer of dark stubble framing his jaw in a five o'clock shadow. Not a sore sight to the eyes, I realised with a small smile, and he would definitely be good in bed...wait.

"We didn't..." I arched a dark brow at him before continuing to say, "Did we?" with a wince. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone... However, from the blur of memories I actually had from last night, he was far too drunk and in no state to be getting anything up. My knowledge of the male anatomy led me to believe that there was no possible way we could have had sex last night with his whiskey dick, especially when all I could remember about last night was giggling.

I don't normally sleep with men unless there's money involved and I most definitely don't mix unpaid sex with copious amounts of alcohol, I find the two are not a great combination.

"No. We most definitely did not." He spoke dryly.

Ah, well that explained the whole angry 'alpha male' attitude thing he had going on. It was probably better for the spread of the current virus surfacing that we hadn't had slept together. Although, if I had somehow managed to get myself up here into this rich man's apartment with empty promises of frenzied, passionate sex until the early hours, then I guess he had every right to be pissed. Especially when I'd quite obviously spent the majority of the night with my head over the toilet rim.

Not exactly the rim he wanted me to be looking at all night, huh?

"Water?" he finally asked, accompanied by a drawn out and slightly exasperated sigh. I would much rather have a Bloody Mary hangover cure but I kept my mouth firmly shut. It's probably not acceptable to ask the guy whose floor you threw up on all night to start making cocktails this early in the morning. Right?

Although is it ever really too early for cocktails..?

So I nodded my head, thanking him for the cold glass of water before he turned from the room and left me alone without another word. I glanced down at the still intact black dress clinging to my body, and then scrunched up my nose in disgust at the small stain on the neckline, the smell giving away exactly what that was. I should probably, definitely, get out of here.

The bathroom was attached to an expansive room with black leather couches and an expensive looking flat screen was attached to the far wall. The whole room reeked of excessive expenditure, from the black marble floors to the impressive silver chandelier hanging over a shaggy, beige carpet. The view from the floor to ceiling windows instantly caught my attention and I knew where about in Amsterdam I was simply from the canal outside. It was quite the contrast from my own apartment on the other side of town, situated in a dilapidated, brick building that had certainly seen better days, better years even.

I felt my phone buzz to life from my back pocket but upon checking the caller ID, grimaced at the name displayed and instantly canceled the call. Sending it straight to voicemail with only the tiniest morsel of remorse. 'He cheated on you remember? You have no obligation to answer his calls.'

"What time is it?" I asked upon finding Mr 'Expensive tiles' in the contemporary kitchen, sat over a mug of steaming coffee. The kitchen was connected in an open plan layout from the entry hall, making him an easy target to locate. His eyes cast upward and as he took in my disheveled appearance, I could've sworn his mouth tugged up into a discrete smile.


That wasn't my question, but alright.

"Good morning, Sam." I plopped down on the swivel stool opposite him at the kitchen island, resting my chin atop my palms and fixing him with an equally nonchalant look. "Time, please?"

He glanced down at the Rolex on his wrist, replying with '8:30am' before taking a long sip of coffee. His face had a sexy, rugged look that made him stand out from the guys I usually go for. He could certainly give my now ex-boyfriend, Adam, a run for his money.

His blinding, gold watch winked at me under the bright kitchen lighting, serving as a visual representation of the stark pay gap between us. It displayed how different our lives truly were.

"You're not a serial killer, are you?" I asked, just to err on the side of caution.

His face lifted up to meet mine and dark eyebrows pinched together in a questioning look. I could tell he was amused by my question as his mouth spread into a wide smile that made my face fall just a little. "Are you?"

"Not that I'm are of, no."

"Well neither am I, that I'm are of." There was that smile again. I watched in awe as his hand traced the light stubble framing his jaw. It really was a shame we hadn't slept together. "I didn't think I was going to see you again."

"You thought I was going to sneak out?" I raised a brow at him and he stifled a laugh before shrugging his shoulders. At least he was honest.

"Sorry to disappoint." I muttered. There was no way I would be doing a walk of shame out of here, I had nothing to be embarrassed about. Hell, guys get to walk out all proud and boasting but I'm expected to sneak out in embarrassment with my tail between my legs? Not really my style.

"Oh quite the contrary actually, you are incredibly attractive. Coffee?" He lifted the cup in my direction and I took it from him, bringing the mug to my lips and taking a long sip before passing it back. I assumed he meant to ask if I wanted my own cup but I probably shouldn't stay or I would most definitely be late for work. He watched me with a curious smile.

"I should get going." I admitted.

Sam took another long sip of coffee before placing the cup back down onto the kitchen counter, his tongue running across his bottom lip to catch the foamy residue. "Me too. I've got to be in the office by 9am, you wouldn't believe the sheer amount of families needing legal advice during this whole virus outbreak."

"I can't even begin to imagine." The amount of grieving families currently mourning the loss of their older relatives was heartbreaking. I swivelled the stool 180 degrees to face the door and hopped off the black material with a semi-graceful swing of my legs. For a girl who did ballet, jazz and contemporary dance for 15 years, I have a disconcerting lack of grace

"I seriously hope you didn't make that coffee Irish." I would rather not have an alcoholic morning kick right before work. I didn't look back as I made my way to the wooden door and scooped up my discarded, white converse in one hand. Heels were not my best friend, especially when going on a night out so I always opted for converse.

"Will I see you again?" He called out to me from the kitchen, his voice sounded almost hopeful. "Can I get your name? Number maybe?"

"If it's meant to be, then you'll just be able to randomly guess my number!" I called back with a smug grin, not caring to see his responding facial expression. I'd left my business card in his suit pocket without him noticing, knowing that coming on too hard didn't work with higher class men. Subtlety was everything and I didn't do in-your-face.

Before leaving the apartment, I spotted a small mountain of white powder on the foyer table, accompanied by a few neglected rails and a lightly dusted credit card. The sight was confirmation of how I'd wound up passed out in a bathroom as clearly Sam had plied me with even more narcotics upon reaching his apartment. I contemplated taking some of the tempting power with me, knowing I could either sell it to make a decent profit or simply use it for Alicia and myself at the weekend.

Rather begrudgingly, I decided to leave it. I'd caused Sam enough hassle over the past few hours without raiding his stash too. I also had a sneaky feeling he would take full use of my business card and didn't want to blow a potential client... Although, I would blow him in the literal sense if my gut feeling was correct, which it usually was.

Upon leaving the skyrise building, I managed to hail down a taxi without much effort, a half naked girl with no shoes on at 8am was always bound to attract attention. As I stood beside the pavement, I cursed myself for not having my trusted bike right now, as it would get me home in half the time.

"Where to love? You can call me Kev." The slightly overweight driver upfront pulled away from the curb as I gave him the address to the apartment I was currently sharing with Adam and tried not to cringe at the knowing look he gave me. Our place is situated in one of the avenues most notorious for crime and let's just say, sex sells.

"Ah okay, you one of them then are you?" He eyed the short length of my dress through the rear view mirror with a look of distaste. I instantly noticed how he sat up a little straighter in his seat, quickly hiding a few €10 notes and turning on the euros per mile digital screen upon thinking I would try to bargain a lower price.

"A prostitute?" Of course he would make such an assumption considering my current attire and desired location. Presumptuous asshole. I don't like men looking down their noses at girls for showing skin, prostitute or not.

Kev clearly noted the accusation in my tone as he suddenly backtracked, "Oh miss I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend-"

I simply nodded my head and purposely looked out the window with feigned interest, not really being in the mood for small talk with yet another stranger before 9am. I glanced up just in time to watch him toss a used cigarette butt out the window in a careless gesture and cringed. I don't smoke cigarettes and certainly didn't want to be stuck around the smell for the next 10 minutes, but there really was no other option.

At this rush hour time of the morning, Amsterdam was at full force. Other taxis weaved in and out of the bustling traffic lanes as many brave faced cyclists attempted to traverse the busy roads. All I wanted was to curl up in bed with an oversized bowl of cookie dough and a hot date with my Netflix subscription. Although, it would seem life had different ideas for how my morning would play out; who could have guessed?

The car was suddenly filled with music as he turned up the radio in an attempt to drown out the silence. I almost asked him to turn it down as my head began to swim with nausea again but I couldn't bring myself to sound like that girl. So instead I just let 'Me and ur ghost' by Blackbear fill the car.

I was happy for the distraction, if anything, from how Kev was eyeing my exposed thighs through the rearview mirror, making my cheeks heat with a mixture of embarrassment and paranoia.

"As the insid-A virus continues to spread across the globe in a forest fire fashion, many counties have started to enter a state of emergency. The German Department of Health confirmed to our reporters that the country is ordering additional refrigeration trailers to be placed across the country to serve as additional locations for body storage-" I drowned out the rest of the depressing radio news, instead focusing on the deteriorating apartment blocks outside the cab windows. We were close.

"Mental this whole virus thing, huh?" Kev's voice sounded disbelieving and he even rolled his eyes before flashing the indicators, turning down the busy road that led to mine.

"You don't think it's that serious then?" I had heard the odd thing here are there about it, mostly just political scaremongering from the government. The symptoms were particularly scary though, respiratory failure, severe blood loss, along with weakness and fatigue to name just a few.

It was no secret that the virus only really affected the older generation, wiping out as much as 30% of Russia's elders within the first few months of its emergence. The younger generation didn't seem to be affected at all, or at least that's what the Government were telling us. There were next to no reports of adolescents having fallen victim to the virus and so life had continued relatively normally for the large proportion of society.

Herd immunity was the government's plan of action, whether the public liked it or not.

"I heard on the grapevine-" Kev leaned his head back briefly to look at me, clearly proud of his inside knowledge on the matter. I would rather he just kept his eyes on the road, more scared of him crashing into another vehicle on the busy road than catching the virus itself, but he didn't seem pick up on this. "In Russia, some adolescents have been showing weird side effects after contracting this insid virus. People turning against each other an' that, you know? Word is that it's turning some of you youngsters mad."

I hadn't heard about this particular side effect of the outbreak. Russia had quickly become the epicentre of the outbreak, their number of infected skyrocketing after a lab explosion near the border with Belarus.

"Oh, right." I muttered with a general air of disregard, not wanting to entertain his excited rumours over the virus. People like him were worse than the actual disease itself, spreading unnecessary fear and geographical gossip. "Just here is fine!" I called out as the taxi began to slow down, crawling to a gradual stop outside my apartment block.

As I exited the taxi, I passed Kev a €3 tip as it was the only scrap of money left in my purse and a last desperate attempt to stop him staring at my low cut dress.

"Anytime." He called out across the passenger side window, his elbow resting against the metal frame before driving off with an unsubtle wink in my direction. I pulled down the hem of my dress a little further toward my knees in response, heading toward the front door where I would have to face Adam.

I bet.


Luca's p.o.v

"So, who was that girl last night?" I glanced over my shoulder to see my best friend, Lewis, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, his attire still the same as last night despite having had several hours sleep. His long, brown hair was still messed from sleep and he was in dire need of a morning shave, but apart from that he looked the same as always.

Handsome bastard.

I instantly knew who he was talking about. The girl who'd been at the club last night and completely preoccupied my attention for the whole night. I'd accidentally bumped into her and then she'd turned to face me, head tilted up to get a good look at me due to our staggering height difference. Her coy smile completely disarmed me, red lips just tempting enough to distract me from the crowded dance floor around us.

"Sorry." Her lips moved to form words but I couldn't take my eyes away from her mouth as she pointed an apologetic smile in my direction. Dark eyes narrowing as she fidgeted with the strap of her black dress, cursing where it crossed over her shoulder and pressed against her neck. There was a bit of the devil in her angel eyes, but luckily for me, the devil and I got along just fine.

"Hey, don't worry about it." I leaned in closer so that I didn't have to shout over the music. "Technically, I bumped into you so it's me who should be apologising." I couldn't take my eyes off of her, enamoured by her girlish smile and crazy eyes. She took her bottom lip between her teeth, but just as quickly realised what she was doing and released it.

"Yes. So you did." She pushed a strand of dark hair behind her ear and I was captivated. "Although somehow, you don't strike me as the apologetic type." Suddenly, the whole club fell away and it was just this perfect stranger and I, but before I could ask for her name, she was gone. My chest ached as I watched the back of her dark head disappear into the sea of people on the dance floor, lost for good. There was a good chance I'd never see her again.

I glanced up at the darkness above, strobe lights illuminating the faces around me in a frenzy of colour and yet all I could see was hers. I breathed out a long, heavy breath and released a disbelieving laugh I'd been saving all night. It was a big fuck you to the universe for forcing me to endure this hellish lifestyle I hadn't asked for.

I just wanted to be ordinary and meet a normal, beautiful girl who made life exciting; a girl whose name I would unintentionally bring up in conversations without even meaning to, enamoured by even the little things. I needed something more than just another meaningless one night stand.

With a shake of my head, I turned and came face to face with a suspicious looking Lewis, his eyes assessing me and the strange vibe I was giving off. I'd headed straight to the bar in need of a hard drink, ignoring his interrogating eyes.

Even now, I regretted not asking for her name.

"No one of importance." I breezed in through the kitchen and swung open the fridge door, pulling out the orange juice and taking a long swig straight from the carton lid, feeling Lewis' eyes assessing my posture and not believing a single word I said. The man was a master of emotions and knew I was full of shit. "Just some party girl."

He stepped close and snatched the carton from my relaxed hand, taking a long swig before wiping the wet remnants away from his bottom lip with the back of his hand. "Didn't look like just some girl to me." He shrugged and then looked away as if suspicious of my answer, handing back the now empty carton. "You weren't yourself last night man, you didn't even bring a girl back."

"Maybe you should just mind your own fucking business and it wouldn't matter." I snapped, instantly pinching my eyes closed and bracing myself for his angry reply. Just as I'd expected, Lewis flipped out on me and the volume level increased to unseen levels as he cursed me and told me to get lost. I knew that deep down he was only trying to help; he hadn't asked for this lifestyle anymore than I had.

I was taking it out on the wrong person.

As I finally opened my eyes, surprised to find the kitchen still intact despite Lewis' tantrum, all I could see were her bright hazel eyes looking across the nightclub at me. Those damn eyes were the only thing I could see.

The only thing I wanted to see.


I recommend listening to the song in each chapter because *cough* I have elite music taste *cough* and they go with the mood of each chapter!

Also, a little heads up that this story will contain lots of drug misuse... It will also contain mentions of a virus which could possibly be triggering.

* or ** in the title indicates that there will be some frisky business in the chapter. To be completely honest, most of my chapters are not very PG friendly but the stars are a lil' warning if the update contains content that is even more explicit... Hope you enjoy the story my kinky freaks.


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