Tattoos โžณ ๐“œ๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“พ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“พ๏ฟฝ...

By Miraculously_bored

284K 8.6K 6.7K

[DISCLAIMER: Hints of mental illness.] In which the tattoo that appears on your wrist on your 16th birthday i... More

Sweet Sixteen
The tattoo
It's not her
A dark silhouette
Lost kitty
Rooftops and reignition
Wounded stray
Keep it hidden
Cunning little fox
Oasis of books
A starry night
Expedition for bathers
21 hours of hell
Flyday Chinatown
Epiphany at the ball
Epiphany at the ball II
Race against time
Son petit minou
False calm before a storm
Another broken promise
Wash away the ink
Hallway of uncertainty
Sorrowful search
It's me, Marinette

It's you

10.1K 246 223
By Miraculously_bored

In agony, the boy nodded in understatement towards Marinette, who had told him to return to his civilian form. He was about to use the special words that dismissed his powers and costume but the girl placed her hand over his mouth with no hesitation.

"Not yet, I need to cover your face," she told him slowly, making sure he was able to comprehend what she was saying. Too exhausted to move, Chat let out a small, pained hum. Marinette looked around the room finding whatever was closest. A pillow. She lightly placed the cushy pillow on his face, checking that he could breath. A second after, a small inaudible murmur came from under the pillow that caused a green glow to engulf the boy.

For some reason Marinette couldn't face the boy who was slipping in and out of consciousness. It's fine, she reminded herself. I can't even see his face. Marinette looked down at the untransformed body of Chat Noir. He wore red and black flannel pyjama pants that looked like it matched a red shirt with black polka dots. Of course he had ladybug pyjamas, she snickered to herself- then remembering the dire situation she was in. It was so strange to see Chat without his dark suit on. She almost didn't believe it was him- just laying there, losing blood on her lounge. Oh, right! She sprinted to the bathroom grabbing bandages, a wet cloth and some anti-biotics. On her way out, she noticed a black kwami sitting on the pillow that laid on Chat's head, Tikki consoling him.

"Is he going to be okay?" The kwami asked teary-eyed, deeply concerned for his owner. Marinette noticed the small creature trembling slightly, eyes pleading for her to save the wounded boy. 

"I think so, here- push this wet cloth against the gash in his arm for me," Marinette said offering the cloth to Chat's kwami, Plagg. She began to unroll the bandages and took out the antiseptic. Plagg draped the boy's arm off the sofa whilst Marinette sat cross-legged on the floor treating it.

"You're doing good Chat, but this part may sting a bit, okay? Just stay calm," Marinette said, not taking her eyes off his exposed arm, just in case the pillow fell off his face. She applied the antiseptic to the wound and heard Chat let out a quiet, muffled scream. He tried moving away but she motioned for Tikki and Plagg to hold him down. Just a few more dabs and that should be enough, she regretted hearing him in pain, but she had to make sure to do it right. He let out an uncomfortable wine from under the pillow as she continue to apply the alcohol to his raw skin.

"I'm done, calm down, it's okay. The worst of it is over." Still not looking towards his face, she reached up and gave him a pat, feeling his soft blonde hair. That seemed to calm him down, she glanced up at his chest to see his breathing pattern changed from frantic to calm and steady. Marinette began to wrap the bandage around his arm, noticing it's not the arm with his tattoo. It's none of my business anyway, she admitted shaking her head at the thought of invading his privacy. I'll let him rest for now. Then I'll check his back when he wakes.

"Mari?" Came a soft croak from underneath the pillow.

"Chat, oh god- are you alright, what happened?" He didn't reply imminently, clearly still a little out of it.

"It's a funny-" He stopped for a moment, slurring a little before finishing,"-story."

"It doesn't look very funny to me," she admitted shaking her head looking at the drunk-like state her partner was in.

"A fence got in the way. Stupid fence," he muttered, a little delusional, like a child trying to stay awake.

"A fence?"

"A fence."

Marinette heard enough. She gave him another pet on the head which she could've sworn he reacted to by purring.

"How about a nap? Rest that head of yours." She said, still not looking at the boy. But he didn't respond. She glanced up at his chest again watching it rise and fall, a steady rhythm. Silly kitty, she pondered. Marinette decided that she wouldn't rest until she was certain the boy had a decent few hours of sleep and felt well. She stayed up majority of the night with Tikki and Plagg, waiting for her partner to wake.

The boy woke with a start, bolting up right. A pillow fell from his face as he noticed a blanket draping on him. Suddenly, he felt a searing pain overtake his entire back and his head. He recalled falling, colliding with a sharp fence, feeling pain and then looking for help, ending up at...where was he exactly? Adrien's eyes darted around the room. Pink, lots of pink, he questioned. Wait, this is- I'm in Marinette's room, he thought. His eye's widened as he glanced around, full of panic. In the other corner of the room, he saw Marinette sitting on her bed holding a book up to her face, somewhat facing his direction.

"I didn't see you, don't worry! I just heard some movement." Marinette responded, book still in her face. "... I'm assuming you're awake?" She continued. He couldn't believe the situation he had got himself into. His friend had bandaged his arm- helped him, despite the fact he appeared to her as Chat Noir, not the Adrien she knew. The boy saw Marinette slowly remove the book from her face, her eye's closed behind them. She then turned around, assuring him she wouldn't peek.

"Adr- Chat Noir, you're awake! Are you okay? Does your head feel alright?" His kwami came soaring towards him from where Marinette was, hugging the boy's cheek, tears pooling in his eye's.

The boy let out a soft laugh, straining his back. "I didn't think you cared that much, Plagg"

"Of course I care! You mean the world to me, kid." The kwami continued to hug the boy.

Marinette gave them a moment. She was relieved to hear Chat's voice. It had been a late night- he had been knocked out for the past 4 hours now. She was feeling sleep deprived and nervous for some reason. She felt the bags under her eyes with her shaky hands and observed the bandages and medical supplies that remained scattered across her bed. That's right! She still had to check his back, make sure he was okay! Marinette turned around so that her back was no longer facing Chat, not thinking straight.


The moment she looked, she whipped her head back the other direction so fast, it made her feel sick. Marinette didn't see all of the boy, but she saw enough to make her stomach drop. Her face became pale. She felt her heart in her mouth, finding it hard to swallow. Goose bumps began to erupt all over her skin as the feeling butterflies danced around in her stomach.

She had seen the boy's face- a face she knew, quite well. This can't be happening, she screamed in her own head. Chat- Adrien? Chat Noir is Adrien?" She was facing the wall once more, Adrien unaware she had accidentally turned around to face him only a second ago. This would... this would explain so much. Completely frozen, Marinette continued to stare into the wall, an empty feeling filling her soul. She just couldn't believe it. Something clicked in her head. Chat Noir liked Ladybug... I am Ladybug. Adrien is Chat Noir. Adrien liked me! She slapped herself, expecting to wake up from this strange dream. Marinette didn't have to check twice, she knew what she saw. Even if she only saw him from the side, back slightly facing her- she recognised that soft, shiny blonde hair,  and the one glimmering emerald coloured eye that faced her direction. It was him.

 It was Adrien Agreste.

A/N: Art by Miracu-less on tumblr

Thanks for reading, I'll update as soon as I can. Have a nice day <33 


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