ME & HIM ✔︎

By badgaaltina

5.1K 235 121

After the death of her parents, China moved in with her aunt in Florida. But After a couple of months, they m... More



585 26 12
By badgaaltina

thursday, april 23rd, 2020.

WARNING: the first chapter is my updated 2024 version.  I'm currently trying to update more. i will put in each chapter "UPDATED" if it's an updated.


"Do you believe in second chances?"

As I sat in English class, my thoughts drifted to a world where my parents were still alive. Their absence is a constant ache in my heart.

Indeed, I am the girl who lost her parents to a brutal murder four months ago. The pain is overwhelming—devastating, soul-crushing, and profoundly depressing. I never imagined such a day would come, yet it arrived with merciless certainty.

The events of that day are seared into my memory as if they occurred just yesterday. My brother had become entangled in the life of a gang—a decision that came with dire consequences. He was fully aware of the dangers, understanding the irreversible impact it would have. Once you're in, returning to a normal life becomes a distant dream.

Life in a gang irreversibly alters you. To the outside world, you become a perpetual threat, and even more distressingly, vulnerability to betrayal lurks around every corner.

Before the gang, my brother was a good man, genuinely admirable. But the deeper he got involved, the more he realized the magnitude of his mistake. Among his so-called brethren was Travis, whom he trusted as his "forever brother." Then there was Antonio, revered and feared across the city not for his character, but for the swift and ruthless actions he was known to execute.

Antonio was not the kindest individual, yet he possessed a certain allure, as conveyed by Travis. They naturally became friends, discovering numerous mutual interests. Over the course of six years, their bond solidified into a deep friendship.

For a moment, I entertained the thought that Antonio might not be as malevolent as popular opinion suggested. We shared similarities, and gradually, a relationship began to blossom between us. Despite knowing his ties to a gang's leadership, I found myself trusting him.

However, the stark reality remained: trust is a fragile commodity, especially concerning those with questionable allegiances.

Antonio ultimately betrayed Travis. His actions were not just betrayals of trust; they were calculated moves in a longstanding scheme aimed at our destruction. In hindsight, the signs were evident.

I recall the evening my father returned from military service. We hosted Antonio for dinner, an occasion attended by myself, Travis, my mother, my father, and my cousin.

The conversation flowed, yet an undercurrent of tension was palpable. Antonio was acquainting himself with my father, and I noticed Travis's anxiety spike, likely because our father was yet unaware of Antonio's criminal associations.

Suddenly, the evening was shattered by an intruder who forcefully entered our home. I looked to Antonio, hoping for some form of intervention, but he merely stood by the newcomer, complicit.

Bewildered, I fixed my gaze upon him, only to recoil in horror as Antonio brandished a firearm and ruthlessly executed my mother with a single gunshot to her head. The event unfolded in a mere instant.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I rose to my feet. My cousin had already disappeared. When I looked at Travis, he lunged at the assailant, engaging him in a struggle.

My parents lay motionless on the floor, their visages marred by streams of blood. I paused briefly to absorb the gruesome sight before shifting my attention back to Antonio, who was menacingly aiming his pistol at my chest.

"What have you done, Antonio? Why would you commit such an atrocity?" I sobbed. "You've betrayed us all. You were betraying me."

A solitary tear escaped Antonio's eyes. He deserved no sympathy, no chance for remorse. "I had to do it. But first, I need to ensure your end," he declared coldly.

At the sound of another gunshot, I flinched. Swiveling around, I saw another man collapse. My brother was now pointing the gun at Antonio, who responded with a mirthless laugh.

"Pull the trigger my nigga and her life ends with yours," Antonio declared coldly.

Travis's laughter was tinged with bitterness. "You wouldn't dare. Deep down, you love her."

Antonio fixed him with a steely glare. "Try me."

"Kill him, Travis!" I pleaded urgently.

"What about your safety, though?!" Travis yelled.

I shook my head resolutely. "Forget about me. Do it now, kill him!"

The distant wail of approaching police sirens pierced the tension within our home. Before any resolution could manifest, Travis shook his head defiantly. "I cannot."

Antonio gestured towards the door. "You, step your ass outside. I'll follow."

Complying, Travis exited, while Antonio forcibly escorted me out the front, before fleeing through the rear.


I jerk my gaze towards my English instructor, startled. "Yes?" My response is met with laughter from the class.

"I've been attempting to gain your attention for quite some time now. Is everything alright?" he inquires.

"Yes, ma'am," I stammer, realizing tears are streaming down my face. Amidst the mocking laughter of my peers, I hastily gather my belongings and flee the classroom.

Outside, I hasten to my car, seeking solace. Pausing, I inhale deeply, shutting my eyes momentarily before reopening them.

All I yearn for now is to go home and rest.

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