Promises - l.h

By daywefellinlove

46.1K 981 739

"Pinky promise." "Wow, that's legit, Hemmings." "I'm basing this relationship off of a pinky promise. You in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
important infoooooo
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
hey luke lovers!

Chapter 10

792 19 14
By daywefellinlove

"I don't wake up with the quiff, it takes work sweetheart."

Charlie's P.O.V

"Can I wear something of yours to sleep in?" I asked Luke after we made it back into his room after the little 5sos party.

"Of course. Pick anything you want." Luke opened up a drawer for me to look in.

"I want that." I pointed to a plaid button up of his. I could just tell it was warn in, that it was made of soft material & that it would be too big on me. Exactly what I wanted to cuddle up in.

"Then it's yours." He tossed it to me but I didn't quite catch it. My reflexes were still a little off. I picked it up & then I went into the bathroom to change & to get ready for bed. Most of my makeup had warn off but I left the rest on, I wasn't that comfortable yet around Luke & then I put his shirt on. It was too long on me but that meant I didn't need pants so I liked it & the sleeves were too long but it just made it all the more comfy. The material was a little thicker so it was warm & it smelled like Luke.

So basically I loved it.

I went back out into the room & Luke was sitting on the edge of the bed in a t-shirt & boxers. "Is it okay if I sleep in just this?" This kid worries too much.

"Totally okay."

"You look fucking adorable, Charlie."

"Cute, right?" I joked, spinning around in the middle of the room before walking towards him & sitting on his knee.

"Very...very...very...cute." He said as in between kissing my cheek four times before he wrapped his arms around me so tight & pulled me back on the bed so we were both laying down now, still intertwined with each other.

"You smell good." I whispered. "I like smelling like you."

"You smell like a mixture of vodka & beer."

"Thanks. It's my favorite perfume."

We scooted forward so we were laying up against the pillows now. Luke laid on his back & I laid on my side, using his chest as my pillow, with his arm around me.

"The boys won't be bothering us, right? Because I want to kiss you but I don't want them walking in. It would make me feel weird." I whispered, looking up at him, biting my lip.

"Now you're doing it! Remember you told me in the kitchen that I can't bite my lip? You can't bite you lip either Miss. Charlie."

"Sorry." I giggled before I rolled over onto my stomach & scooted forward so my nose was touching Luke's before he made the last move & kissed me.

The kisses were different this time, they were more aggressive & our hands explored each other's bodies too. I had mine clenching his t-shirt as his were rubbing my back. The hungrier the kiss got, the closer I moved towards Luke before I was laying completely on top of him. His hands continued to rub my back as I had mine knotted in his hair...for quite awhile.

At one point, the shirt I was wearing started to ride up & Luke was rubbing his hands up & down my back, getting lower on my back each time, but this time he went low enough that he touched my butt. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. This kid was adorable.

"No worries Luke, I don't mind." I giggled. "My butt is your butt." & then I realized I probably wasn't as sober as I thought. That was a drunk Charlie comment.

I wrapped my hands around his neck & then I rolled over, pulling him on top of me.

"I don't want to squish you, Charlie."

"You won't."

& then the kissing continued. My lips just couldn't get enough of his.

We were inevitably interrupted by the others who thought it was funny to barge in on us. Even though Luke told me they wouldn't, we never actually locked the door to ensure that.

When they snuck in, Luke was still hovering over me, my hands were knotted in his hair & my legs were wrapped around his waist, pulling him as close to me as I could.

Michael cleared his throat & then my eyes popped open & I looked up at Luke. "Sorry, just wanted a picture." Michael laughed as I saw a flash.

"Why?!" I yelled, finding a pillow to throw at him.

"Cause I like being a dick to Luke & I wanted to make sure he wasn't using his yet..."

"Oh my god!" Luke complained. "Just get out!" 

Luke jumped off the bed & he pushed Michael out, locking the door this time.

He jumped back in bed & we went back to our original position, him on his back as I was on my side, my head on his chest. Now we were under the blankets & this was even more comfy now.

"Sorry for them. We kind of have this band thing where we try to catch each other in hook ups. It started as a joke but now it's like a running thing & every time someone is with a girl, we try to get pictures."

"That's just weird. We have to lock the door next time."

"Oh we will. Are you tired?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"Now I am, yea."

"Okay, go to bed then. I gotcha." He squeezed me tight.

"Goodnight Luke."

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Luke whispering, "Sweet dreams, beautiful."

Luke's P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning with Charlie curled up next to me, I almost couldn't believe it.

It had been so long since I last spent the night with a girl.

I'm not perfect, I might have hooked up with a few fans along the first tour. It wasn't like it was every single show or anything but it has happened & usually she was gone by morning.

But now I had one girl, one that I liked a hell of a lot & that was all I needed & to wake up next to a girl, that hasn't happened in forever & I'm so thankful it was Charlie.

I woke up before her & I just admired her for a second. She looked so vulnerable, so innocent as she slept & she was just beautiful.

I was feeling things for this girl that I hadn't felt in so long, well maybe ever.

I closed my eyes & I relaxed again until I felt Charlie move around in my arms but then I felt her sit up to leave. 

"No." I whined, pulling her back into my arms. "Don't go anywhere."

"I have to pee." She giggled. "I'll go fast."

"Fine." I pouted.

"Oh put that lip away mister." But she did as she said, she peed fast & then she jumped back into bed with me. "Your hair looks cute." She laughed, as she messed my hair up even more.

"I don't wake up with the quiff, it takes work sweetheart."

"Well, I like it down like this too. It's cute when it's down."

"It's fetus Luke, according to the fans."

"Well, then I find it very attractive." Then she snuggled closer to me.

This was the best feeling. I completely forgot there there three other people in the room sleeping around us. It was just Charlie & I. I mean I honestly could stay in bed all day. I just wanted this feeling.

"Do you mind if I go take a shower?" She asked. "I feel gross from last night."

"No, I wanna cuddle. I'm not letting you go." & I wrapped my arms tighter keeping her there for awhile.

"Please? I can shower fast, I promise."

"Nope, you're staying right here with me." & I did hold her there for another twenty minutes or so.



"I want to take a shower."

"Fine." I whined. "But you have to wear my shirt today."

"Deal." Charlie kissed my cheek before she went into the bathroom. 

While she was in the shower, I went out into the living room, all three boys sprawled out on the couches, I could tell they crashed there, but they were awake now.

"So how good was last night?" Ashton asked me as I walked into the room since.

"It was fine."

"Fine my ass. C'mon Hemmings." Michael laughed."How good?"

"Stop. We spent the night just talking & stuff."

"Oh, so you talked a lot but we walk in on you completely on top of her, Charlie wearing only your shirt, no pants I might add, fingers in your hair, legs around y-" I cut Michael off.

"Stop. Please. I really like her. We're just getting to know each other, okay?"

"Fine, fine. I'll stop only because I like Charlie too. Now you're the one with the smallest hangover, get me water." Michael demanded as he pointed towards the kitchen.

Charlie's P.O.V

After my shower, Luke went to take one & I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"So did you have a good night?" Ashton asked. He was eating breakfast, well lunch maybe, too.

"Yea. I had fun. It was good." I smiled.

"Like really good?" He winked.

"Uhm yea, I guess so."

"You two were going at it according to Michael. He has a picture. It was his turn to catch Luke."

"Stop. It's embarrassing."

"That we saw you? Get used to it. That's what we do. We try to catch each other mid hook-up. Didn't Luke tell you that?" I nodded but did that mean Luke hooked up with a lot of girls? Like if I should get used to it, was Luke caught a lot? I just laughed at his comment even though I didn't find it funny, it just made me think. But I wasn't even with Luke at the time, he didn't even know me, so it shouldn't bother me if he did hook up with other people, right? But it only took me ten seconds to realize it did bother me.

"Wait, Ashton?"


"Maybe this isn't my spot to ask, or if you're the right person to ask, but uh, did you catch Luke a lot, like with girls?"

"Oh, sorry. My comment probably came out wrong. No, we didn't. It's Calum usually that we catch. This is the first time we've caught Luke since he was like barely 16."

"Oh, okay."

"You have no worries, Charlie. Luke adores you & he's been waiting for someone like you."


I finished my breakfast & then I went back into Luke's room to put on my makeup until the door opened & Luke walked out with just a towel around his waist.

"Oh, hi Charlie."

"Hey." I smirked, discretely looking at his body through the mirror but apparently not discrete enough.

"Do you like what you see?"


"I saw you check me out. It's okay. It can be your payback for me touching your butt last night." His comment nearly made me choke, oh my god Luke. "I just need to grab my clothes, I'll change back in the bathroom."

"Okay & just so you know, I do like what I see." I smiled before looking back down at my makeup bag. I heard Luke let out a chuckle before he left to go get his clothes from his suitcase.

"Oh, & Charlie? I like what I see too." He smirked as he walked out of the room. "I like it a lo actually."


A/N can i spend a night with luke when we're still kinda buzzed? it would be a dream come true so if anyone can make a wish come true, hit me up.

i'm really concerned because i'm eating lunch right now & this girl sitting at the table next to me just found out that she has a ten page paper due tomorrow & then she got super excited because she read it was a double-spaced & she was all like, omg a ten page double-spaced essay is nothing! & i'm over here trying to work on a four page paper for my class like struggle bussin' all the way. i mean i like writing but ten pages isn't enjoyable? is she okay? maybe finals stress has already gotten to her. i just had to share because i'm sitting alone & i am honestly concerned & i needed to share this confusion.

hope all is well.



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