When Sophomores Collide (Boyx...

By euwangabrielll

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"Theo. If I'm not mistaken? Isn't this yours?" He extended a hand, holding my penguin printed handkerchief. M... More

Chapter 1: First Day Jitters
Chapter 2: Embarrassment
Chapter 3: Music
Chapter 4: Acquaintances
Chapter 5: Dreaming of You
Chapter 6: Invitation
Chapter 7: Bestfriend
Chapter 8: Lightheaded Boy
Chapter 9: Camping in the Wild
Chapter 10: Gummies
Chapter 11: Troublemaker
Chapter 13: Snapped
Chapter 14: The Committee
Chapter 15: The Preparation
Chapter 16: Birthday Boy
Chapter 17: A Morning at the Fierro's
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Homecoming Escapade
Chapter 20: Homecoming Royalty
Chapter 21: Luxurious Party
Chapter 22: Shopping Spree
Chapter 23: Revelation
Chapter 24: Confrontation
Chapter 25: Forgive and Forget?
Chapter 26: The Beginning
Chapter 27: Rubies and Hand Fans
Chapter 28: The Truth
Chapter 29: Sabotage
Chapter 30: Family Feud
Chapter 31: Name, Cleared
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's
Chapter 33: Frozen
Chapter 34: Friendship Over?
Chapter 35: The Presentation
Chapter 36: Eliminated
Chapter 37: The Council
Chapter 38: Disastrous Outrage
Chapter 39: Happy Birthday?
Chapter 40: Camping Mischief
Chapter 41: The Betrayal
Chapter 42: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 43: Three Words for You
Chapter 44: To Catch a Traitor
Chapter 45: The Traitorous Princess
Chapter 46: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 47: The Rage of the Storm
Chapter 48: Playing with Fire
Chapter 49: The Villainous Queen
Chapter 50: Happily Ever After
this book sucks lol

Chapter 12: The Offer

4.8K 201 36
By euwangabrielll

Chapter 12: The Offer


Reign found a small clearing, a few meters from where we were.

"So? Speak." I said as I crossed my arms.

She sighed. "So let's just get straight to it, run for president this year." She said VERY casually. Like it was the norm or whatever.

"What?" I asked, straightening up.

"I know it's all of a sudden. There's a better explanation for this, but you can't know... yet."

I flashed her a look. "Hell yeah it's all of a sudden. We don't even know each other that much, our first interaction was not that cute and now you're commanding me to do something extreme?" I said with enough sass.

She rolled her eyes and faced the forest. "You're really not gonna do it? At least, consider it?" She asked, not facing me.

"Hell to the no." I said with a click of my tongue. 

I was about to walk away when what she said next stopped me in my tracks.

"I know your secret." Reign's voice said behind me. 

I slowly faced her. "I don't have any secrets, so, gotcha." I grinned, doing my celebratory dance.

She finally faced me, her brow raised. "Really? Something about... my boyfriend? Does it ring a bell?" She said.

And my blood ran cold, freezing in place.

"N-No? What are you talking about?" I asked, playing dumb.

She laughed humorlessly, giving me a forcing look. "Theo, I know so much about you, I know every personal detail about you. And no, not because I'm a stalker of some sort, no way."

That made my brows furrow. "Then why?"

She sighed and was about to walk away, she stopped. "Consider what I said and I will not tell Hunter, I'll even tell you the answers if you're not smart enough to figure it out." She said before disappearing. 

I stared at where she stood in confusion.


Next day

I woke up, and with Athena's legs on top of mine. Why am I not surprised? I groaned and removed it, the weight on my legs descending. I sighed in relief and fumbled around the sheets for my phone. It's really surprising for it to be too comfortable sleeping in a tent, they really spoiled us with the soft beds and everything, I'm so privileged to have a rich school, ha. 

Apparently, it's 8 AM. I woke up very early considering the time I went to bed. Anyways. I shoved mint in my mouth since I didn't bring my toothbrush.

"Hey, do we have to write or take down notes while in here?" I asked Rex, a classmate who was styling her hair in the other side of the tent.

"Yeah, I think. They said we have to... kinda share in class on Monday." We groaned at the same time, her hand slapping down loudly on her leg. "I know, it's horrible." She added.

"Really. I can't just enjoy anything, can't I?"

I shook my head, scrolling through Instagram. The rest of my classmates finally woke up at 9 AM, including the two of my bestfriends. 

I wore a flannel shirt, with a half tuck on ripped jeans. I slicked my hair back with gel and borrowed Cielo's glasses. 

I brought out the surprisingly untouched gummies from my bag. I didn't expect that I could keep myself from eating them all in one sitting. It may have happened once... or everytime. I finished them while my friends got ready for a long day.

If I said I'm not stalking Hunter's Instagram, I'd be lying. And he has like, seven thousand followers, that's a lot for a normal student. His photos are very captivating, like it was luring me with the scenery, the style and most especially, his eyes. They were a beautiful brown, unlike any other brown eyes, even at far away, you could still see the exact shade, the beauty, and the spark in it. I had brown eyes too, just not as beautiful as his. Well, no one really told me otherwise so that says a lot.

I turned off my phone, it was making me dizzy. I'm a very light headed person as if it's still not obvious. I looked up to observe my surroundings. Athena in a polo shirt, but the bottom tied, kind of like a crop top and short denim shorts with brown boots. She looked so much like a cowgirl. And Cielo, I mean, I'll admit, he's really attractive in a floral polo shirt and white jeans. Yes, floral. As much as it sounds kinda gay. It's really not.

I exited the tent to see a bustling camp. People are literally having the time of their lives, they are spending their time here as much as they can. I mean, extra credits and having fun? That doesn't happen, like, ever. I sat down on a log, like always, munching cheetos, watching people have fun and realizing I'll never experience that, just kidding, I'm not depressed. My friends left me because they wanted to cherish the day before going home.

How dare they.

Maybe the love of my life will suddenly join me, and sweep me off my feet and run off into the sunset. Right? And that's on imagining too much!

I didn't even notice someone sit beside me. I continued munching until the person cleared their throat. I broke from my daydream to turn to the person beside me.

"Sean!" I greeted, giving him a big, warm hug. He was my ex crush for three months before I got friendzoned by him.

"How are you? It's been a while!" He asked, slightly leaning forwards.

"Well, I'm still hurting after you friendzoned me." I joked, he laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Theo, I already told you, as much as I find you extremely cute. I consider you a good friend, you'll find the right guy."  He reassured, patting my shoulder in a friendly way.

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah, you told me that so many times. Anyway, how are you and Belle?"

"We're good, thanks to you!" He pinched my cheeks which made me laugh again.

Well, he actually asked me for help a few months after he friendzoned me, he didn't know how to court. I hesitated but I ended up helping him, it's whatever. I knew they were perfect for each other. Sean was actually the reason how I knew Hunter's existence. They were in the same team for football. Sean unfortunately didn't help me with Hunter, well mostly because I didn't ask help even though I know he would've done everything to help me.

"Why are you alone anyway. Where's your squad?"

"Well, Wei and Mika couldn't make it, Athena and Cielo joined some activity." I explained and he nodded.

We talked about our lives and the events that's happened to us.

He patted my shoulder as he stood up. "I'll see you some time, I remember I had to do something. Good luck with Hunter" He winked which made me laugh. He waved me goodbye then left.

I sighed, feeling good that I have these kind of friends. People that doesn't forget you or who talks to you the same way even after a few months without communication.

I finished the bag of cheetos and pocketed the garbage, standing up and dusting my hands. I decided to find my friends. If I could, to be honest. I entered the crowd, excusing myself once in a while.

I found Athena by the snack tents, munching her life out.

"Hey! Where's Cielo? I thought you guys joined the activities?" I asked while she munched and munched.

"We did! I lost him because he said 'he had business to take care of.' Don't know where he is." She said and I nodded.

I contemplated on telling her Reign's offer. "Hey, really weird. Reign said I should run for president this year. I have been thinking about it. But she knows my secret."

She finished her food before turning to me. "Okay, but what secret?" She asked.

I sighed and propped my chin on my palm. "Hunter."

Her mouth formed an 'o'. "Well. What are you gonna do? Running for president in our school is really tough. It takes a lot of dedication and responsibility." She informed to which I nodded again.

"I know, actually, before everything, I've thought about running too. It seems like it's my forte. Handling problems and being the voice of students. You know me, I have a lot of demands." I laughed and she nodded with a smile as she sipped from her cup.

"Well. You should give it a shot." She said which made me think.

After a much needed snack. Athena and I looked for Cielo as the sun started to set. We eventually found him near the lake. Holding a... purse?

"Cielo!" I called out which made him swivel to face us.

His brows shot up in surprise. "Guys! What are you two doing here?" He asked and my brows furrowed.

"We were looking for you... whose purse is that? Don't tell me..." My eyes widened.

He realized what I meant and laughed. "No, no, this is not mine. It's... someone's." He said and I looked at him, confused. "Can you guys... leave for a moment? Or at least hide?" He added.

I was about to protest but decided against it. Instead, I just nodded, slightly hesitant.

Athena and I hid behind a tree a few meters away from him. We scouted him when suddenly, a really pretty girl approached him. She had blonde hair, wearing a sky blue summer dress. She sat beside him, I could see them talking and laughing. They looked really happy together.

"Am I seeing this right or is our baby boy finally growing up?" Athena said to which I laughed.

"Yes. We are seeing this right." I agreed. I giggled and sighed. "I hope he's happy with that." I added while Athena just nodded in agreement.


In the bus.

Chatter left and right. It's only Athena and I in a seat. Cielo nowhere to be seen. But he is with us. It's not like he stayed in the campsite.

"She might be in a different bus with that... girl." Athena reassured.

"I actually hope they work out. I haven't seen Cielo happy like that in a while. And hopefully that girl doesn't hurt him." I said, leaning back the seat and making myself comfortable. I adjusted the glasses I borrowed from Cielo.

When out of the blue, the bus came to a screeching stop. Shoving a good number of people forward.

"Damn." A voice said from the front.

"What happened?" Mrs. Lopez' voice asked from also the front.

"Don't know. Think the batteries dead." I heard a voice said, then the sound of keys. "Yeah, the car won't start. The headlight is dim."

Say what?

I stood up. Trying to see the commotion in the front.

"This'll take a long time to replace." The driver said.


I frowned as groans and disappointed grunts resonated in the bus.

"Okay, ya'll need to exit the bus for now. The battery's dead and we need to replace it ASAP." The driver announced and with that, one by one, students piled out.


We reached the school at 7 PM. Other buses parked, students filling the school's huge quad. Apparently, it's remainders and shit again.

Our bus was of course, the last one to arrive being an hour late. The whole school was waiting for us. 

Athena and I exited the bus, linked arms. Cielo was waiting for us with a grim face. The moment he saw us, he hugged us.

"Guys, I'm so sorry for abandoning you two. I..." He couldn't continue, I glanced behind him to see a girl, that girl with the blonde hair, her innocent face staring at us.

I raised a brow at Cielo. "Care to introduce her?" I said, folding my arms over my chest.

He turned around to look at the girl. "Guys, this is Diana. Diana, Theo and Athena." He gestured towards us. I simply waved at her, my expression neutral. Although Athena on the other hand, shook her hand with a welcoming smile which made Diana smile too.

"Nice to meet you girl." Athena greeted.

"Let's find our seats." I beckoned them to follow me. I sat the farthest from Diana. She's... too sweet and I don't like that. But if Cielo makes her happy, then so be it.


The thing finished after 45 minutes. It was actually helpful, informed me a thing or two, thankfully I listened. I was just walking across the quad towards the exit when I heard a familiar yet shaken voice behind me...

"Theo, Is that you?"

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