RusAme - 10 things I hate abo...

By Skaizark

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Art Cover by: Imaweirddo What do you get when you have a bitchy American, a selfish Canadian, a rebellious Ru... More

Chapter 1 - A New Kid
Chapter 2 - Expressing Opinions
Chapter 3 - Overprotective Much?
Chapter 4 - Idea
Chapter 5 - Deal
Chapter 6 - I dont think its going to work
Chapter 7 - Ooh! A party!
Chapter 8 - Omfg Brendon No.....
Chapter 10 - Is it me or does this party all of a sudden suck??
Chapter 11 - Cold War... Sorta...
Chapter 12 - 🎶 💙 I love you baby! 💙 🎵
Chapter 13 - Confessing
Chapter 14 - Discussing Prom
Chapter 15 - Prom
Chapter 16 - Crappy Prom 10/10
Chapter 17 - Resolution
Part 18

Chapter 9 - Oh no... The Party..

1.9K 41 196
By Skaizark

Canada was dressed in a red flannel, short mean shorts, a gray tank top, socks and ankle boots. Along with her signature raccoon hat of course! Her blue eyes stood out. Vietnam, in the other hand, wore a maroon flowy shirt, with a gray cover up jacket, jeans and converse. Her gray eyes, not very noticable. They were dressed to go to Turkey's party. They see re trying to sneak out the front door of the English speaking countries' home.

UK was sitting in a chair, facing the opposite end of the doorway, "I woulda used the window..."

Canada and Vietnam sighed, but Canada pretended that nothing was wrong, "Hi dad..."

"And, where are you going?"

Canada sighed, "It's just a small study group, with me and my friends..."

"Otherwise known as an orgy?" UK asked.

Vietnam butted in, "Mr. UK, it's just a party!" I

"And hell is just a sauna!" UK exclaimed. Just then, Ame, being oblivious of the current conversation, walked out of the kitchen with some stuff to make burgers, heading to her room, UK asked her, "Do you know about any party?"

Ame shook her head no, while Canada said, "People expect me to be there!"

" If she's not going, you're not going! " UK said.

Canada turned to Ame, "Why can't you be normal?"

"Define normal, " Ame said while still holding her burger making stuff.

"Going to Turkey's party is normal!" Canada exclaimed , while UK looked in confusion thinking, "Why does she want to go to a bird's party?"

"I was ready to eat, game, listen to music, and then go to sleep." Ame said.

Canada looked at the American sadly, "Please! Can you be my sister for once? I just want to have fun at least once in my high school years!"

Ame looks at the sincere Canadian, thinks for a moment before saying, "Fine, if it means that much to you... I'll make an appearance..." Canada and Vietnam huh her while squealing.

UK looked disappointed, "And so it begins..."

"Dad, it's just a party!" Canada exclaimed. There was a knock on the door, America being with her hands full still went and answered the door.

Meanwhile, while she was going to answer the door, UK said to Canada, "I want you to wear the belly, you don't have to wear it to the party, just around the living room for a couple minutes."

Canada made a port face while she held her arms out for the harness to go on her. UK put the belly on her, the belly being a harness, simulating the weight of a baby. Canada was embarrassed.

Ame got to the door, and opened it to see a certain tall Russian in the doorway, "What are you doing here?"

Russia, wearing a collared white shirt, black pants, white nike shoes, and his usual ushanka, looked down at her confused, "It's 9:30..."

Ame looked down at her outfit, a black shirt with MCR on the front, jean shorts, and Adidas shoes. Her hair being down, and wavy. She didn't think she was dressed much for a party, but wanted to get out of her house fast. She pushed past Russia, still holding burger making stuff, and said, "Come on let's go..."

Russia looked at Canada, who looked like a pregnant woman, in confusion, "Who knocked up your sister?"

Canada looked back at him offended.


Ame sat in the passenger's seat, eating a self-made burger, and looking at her phone. She received texts from her dad. They were saying:

No drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings, no ritual animal slaughters of any kind, no killing anybody. Oh God I'm giving you ideas...

America laughed out loud at UK's texts, while Russia drove in silence, listening to her laugh.


They got to the party, and Ame started to feel overwhelmed. She doesn't let it show, she goes ahead of Russia, whom just had a drink girl go up to him. She was flirting with him. She said, slurring, "Mwah! Kiss me! Birds and the bees me!"

Russia looked at her, "No thanks. Go with him. .." He turned her to a boy who was standing near them. The girl started kissing the boy's neck, she sat on his lap and rubbed her butt on his crotch. The boy looked up at Russia, blushing, "Hey thanks man..." The boy then looked at the girl, and kissed her.

Meanwhile, Ame had went into the other room, met by China, "What's up oil digger?"

Ame looked at China's hair, and with a shocked fave, said, "Wait a minute... Did your hairline just recede?"

China, being drunk, started to freak out, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I'M SHOOTING A HAIRSPRAY AD SOON!!" He ran out of the room to the bathroom.

As Ame turns around, she hears someone yell, "FIGHT!" She tried to walk away, but walks right into the kitchen, where the fight was taking place. Turkey was watching the fight in horror, "Excuse me! Please take it outside!" Just then the fighters crashed through the window. Turkey sighed, " Thanks... "

Ame walks out of the room, encountered by China, Canada in his arm, "Hey Ame, look who found me..."

They had tried to walk off when Ame, feeling sad that Canada really didn't care about Ames feelings said, "Nada, wait-"

Canada turned back to Ame, "Please don't address me in public..." She turned back to China and they walked off.

Just then a guy with a gray of shots, went near Ame and asked, "Shot?"

She takes three and downs two of them when Russia appears behind her, "What's that?"

She downs the last one with a grimace, and the shots guy said, "Alright sister!"

Russia looks at Ame, concerned, "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Ame looked at Russia, and in a mocking tone, she said, "I'm getting trashed man! Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a party?"

Russia shrugged, "I don't know, but I don't think you of all people should... But... Do what you want I guess..."

Ame said, "Funny you're the only one who says I can do what I want... Bye..." She turned and walked into the crowd. Russia looked after her sadly.


Ukraine found Germany try to pick up someone girl but fail. So then Ukraine went up to, who said, "I shoulda worn a tie..."

"Hey, Germ, have you seen her anywhere?" Ukraine asked the German. Just then Canada came downstairs with China. She spotted Ukraine, and shifted uncomfortably. China glanced at the hurt Ukrainian, so he put his arm around Canada. Ukraine saw China ask, "Do you know him?"

Then he heard a heartbreaking sentence come from Canada's mouth, "No, I've never seen him." Germany immediately looked at Ukraine with pity, who just walked out of the room.


Te da!!!

Chapter 9 done

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